Commit 12adecf6b445f9fe1beb23874d5bac8401e64812

Authored by Georg Hopp
1 parent c3357832

add some thought

Showing 1 changed file with 22 additions and 0 deletions
  1 +This should become a server that has a dynamic time-sliced part
  2 +that updates an internal state all the time.
  3 +Clients might connect as they want and get some information
  4 +from the server.
  5 +The server should scale in two manners.
  6 +New instances should be able to handle connection and get
  7 +updates about the computed state.
  8 +Additionally new instances might hold their own state which
  9 +all other instances might update.
  10 +
  11 +In a first run the state might be something simple as a
  12 +matrix where every field hold a unique value. e.g.
  13 +
  14 + -------------
  15 + |1|4|a|j|k|9|
  16 + -------------
  17 + |1|4|a|j|k|9|
  18 + -------------
  19 + |1|4|a|j|k|9|
  20 + -------------
  21 + |1|4|a|j|k|9|
  22 + -------------
... ...
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