Commit 1bed574314e3608380d195b838596ab57c0dbe24
Merge branch 'master' of /home/ghopp/projects/rails/weird-web-workers
97 changed files
3016 additions
0 deletions
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1 | +# See for more about ignoring files. | |
2 | +# | |
3 | +# If you find yourself ignoring temporary files generated by your text editor | |
4 | +# or operating system, you probably want to add a global ignore instead: | |
5 | +# git config --global core.excludesfile '~/.gitignore_global' | |
6 | + | |
7 | +# Ignore bundler config. | |
8 | +/.bundle | |
9 | + | |
10 | +# Ignore the default SQLite database. | |
11 | +/db/*.sqlite3 | |
12 | +/db/*.sqlite3-journal | |
13 | + | |
14 | +# Ignore all logfiles and tempfiles. | |
15 | +/log/* | |
16 | +!/log/.keep | |
17 | +/tmp | |
18 | + | |
19 | +# Ignore vim swp files | |
20 | +.*.sw? | |
21 | + | |
22 | +# Ignore changes on the application config. | |
23 | +/config/gitlab.yml | |
... | ... |
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1 | +source '' | |
2 | + | |
3 | + | |
4 | +# Bundle edge Rails instead: gem 'rails', github: 'rails/rails' | |
5 | +gem 'rails', '4.2.6' | |
6 | +# Use sqlite3 as the database for Active Record | |
7 | +gem 'sqlite3' | |
8 | +# Use SCSS for stylesheets | |
9 | +gem 'sass-rails', '~> 5.0' | |
10 | +gem 'sass', '~> 3.4' | |
11 | +gem 'tilt', '~> 2.0' | |
12 | +# Use Uglifier as compressor for JavaScript assets | |
13 | +gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.3.0' | |
14 | +# Use CoffeeScript for .coffee assets and views | |
15 | +gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 4.1.0' | |
16 | +gem 'coffee-script', '~> 2.4' | |
17 | +# See for more supported runtimes | |
18 | +# gem 'therubyracer', platforms: :ruby | |
19 | + | |
20 | +# Use jquery as the JavaScript library | |
21 | +gem 'jquery-rails' | |
22 | +# Turbolinks makes following links in your web application faster. Read more: | |
23 | +gem 'turbolinks' | |
24 | +# Build JSON APIs with ease. Read more: | |
25 | +gem 'jbuilder', '~> 2.0' | |
26 | +# bundle exec rake doc:rails generates the API under doc/api. | |
27 | +gem 'sdoc', '~> 0.4.0', group: :doc | |
28 | + | |
29 | +# Use ActiveModel has_secure_password | |
30 | +# gem 'bcrypt', '~> 3.1.7' | |
31 | + | |
32 | +# Use Unicorn as the app server | |
33 | +# gem 'unicorn' | |
34 | + | |
35 | +# Use Capistrano for deployment | |
36 | +# gem 'capistrano-rails', group: :development | |
37 | + | |
38 | +group :development, :test do | |
39 | + # Call 'byebug' anywhere in the code to stop execution and get a debugger console | |
40 | + gem 'byebug' | |
41 | +end | |
42 | + | |
43 | +group :development do | |
44 | + # Access an IRB console on exception pages or by using <%= console %> in views | |
45 | + gem 'web-console', '~> 2.0' | |
46 | + | |
47 | + # Spring speeds up development by keeping your application running in the background. Read more: | |
48 | + gem 'spring' | |
49 | +end | |
50 | + | |
... | ... |
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1 | +GEM | |
2 | + remote: | |
3 | + specs: | |
4 | + actionmailer (4.2.6) | |
5 | + actionpack (= 4.2.6) | |
6 | + actionview (= 4.2.6) | |
7 | + activejob (= 4.2.6) | |
8 | + mail (~> 2.5, >= 2.5.4) | |
9 | + rails-dom-testing (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.5) | |
10 | + actionpack (4.2.6) | |
11 | + actionview (= 4.2.6) | |
12 | + activesupport (= 4.2.6) | |
13 | + rack (~> 1.6) | |
14 | + rack-test (~> 0.6.2) | |
15 | + rails-dom-testing (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.5) | |
16 | + rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2) | |
17 | + actionview (4.2.6) | |
18 | + activesupport (= 4.2.6) | |
19 | + builder (~> 3.1) | |
20 | + erubis (~> 2.7.0) | |
21 | + rails-dom-testing (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.5) | |
22 | + rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2) | |
23 | + activejob (4.2.6) | |
24 | + activesupport (= 4.2.6) | |
25 | + globalid (>= 0.3.0) | |
26 | + activemodel (4.2.6) | |
27 | + activesupport (= 4.2.6) | |
28 | + builder (~> 3.1) | |
29 | + activerecord (4.2.6) | |
30 | + activemodel (= 4.2.6) | |
31 | + activesupport (= 4.2.6) | |
32 | + arel (~> 6.0) | |
33 | + activesupport (4.2.6) | |
34 | + i18n (~> 0.7) | |
35 | + json (~> 1.7, >= 1.7.7) | |
36 | + minitest (~> 5.1) | |
37 | + thread_safe (~> 0.3, >= 0.3.4) | |
38 | + tzinfo (~> 1.1) | |
39 | + arel (6.0.3) | |
40 | + binding_of_caller (0.7.2) | |
41 | + debug_inspector (>= 0.0.1) | |
42 | + builder (3.2.2) | |
43 | + byebug (8.2.2) | |
44 | + coffee-rails (4.1.1) | |
45 | + coffee-script (2.4.1) | |
46 | + coffee-script-source | |
47 | + execjs | |
48 | + coffee-script-source (1.10.0) | |
49 | + concurrent-ruby (1.0.1) | |
50 | + debug_inspector (0.0.2) | |
51 | + erubis (2.7.0) | |
52 | + execjs (2.6.0) | |
53 | + globalid (0.3.6) | |
54 | + i18n (0.7.0) | |
55 | + jbuilder (2.4.1) | |
56 | + activesupport (>= 3.0.0, < 5.1) | |
57 | + multi_json (~> 1.2) | |
58 | + jquery-rails (4.1.1) | |
59 | + rails-dom-testing (>= 1, < 3) | |
60 | + railties (>= 4.2.0) | |
61 | + thor (>= 0.14, < 2.0) | |
62 | + json (1.8.3) | |
63 | + loofah (2.0.3) | |
64 | + nokogiri (>= 1.5.9) | |
65 | + mail (2.6.4) | |
66 | + mime-types (>= 1.16, < 4) | |
67 | + mime-types (3.0) | |
68 | + mime-types-data (~> 3.2015) | |
69 | + mime-types-data (3.2016.0221) | |
70 | + minitest (5.8.4) | |
71 | + multi_json (1.11.2) | |
72 | + nokogiri ( | |
73 | + rack (1.6.4) | |
74 | + rack-test (0.6.3) | |
75 | + rack (>= 1.0) | |
76 | + rails (4.2.6) | |
77 | + actionmailer (= 4.2.6) | |
78 | + actionpack (= 4.2.6) | |
79 | + actionview (= 4.2.6) | |
80 | + activejob (= 4.2.6) | |
81 | + activemodel (= 4.2.6) | |
82 | + activerecord (= 4.2.6) | |
83 | + activesupport (= 4.2.6) | |
84 | + bundler (>= 1.3.0, < 2.0) | |
85 | + railties (= 4.2.6) | |
86 | + sprockets-rails | |
87 | + rails-deprecated_sanitizer (1.0.3) | |
88 | + activesupport (>= 4.2.0.alpha) | |
89 | + rails-dom-testing (1.0.7) | |
90 | + activesupport (>= 4.2.0.beta, < 5.0) | |
91 | + nokogiri (~> 1.6.0) | |
92 | + rails-deprecated_sanitizer (>= 1.0.1) | |
93 | + rails-html-sanitizer (1.0.3) | |
94 | + loofah (~> 2.0) | |
95 | + railties (4.2.6) | |
96 | + actionpack (= 4.2.6) | |
97 | + activesupport (= 4.2.6) | |
98 | + rake (>= 0.8.7) | |
99 | + thor (>= 0.18.1, < 2.0) | |
100 | + rake (11.1.2) | |
101 | + rdoc (4.2.2) | |
102 | + json (~> 1.4) | |
103 | + sass (3.4.21) | |
104 | + sass-rails (5.0.4) | |
105 | + sdoc (0.4.1) | |
106 | + json (~> 1.7, >= 1.7.7) | |
107 | + rdoc (~> 4.0) | |
108 | + spring (1.6.4) | |
109 | + sprockets (3.5.2) | |
110 | + concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0) | |
111 | + rack (> 1, < 3) | |
112 | + sprockets-rails (3.0.4) | |
113 | + actionpack (>= 4.0) | |
114 | + activesupport (>= 4.0) | |
115 | + sprockets (>= 3.0.0) | |
116 | + sqlite3 (1.3.11) | |
117 | + thor (0.19.1) | |
118 | + thread_safe (0.3.5) | |
119 | + tilt (2.0.2) | |
120 | + turbolinks (2.5.3) | |
121 | + coffee-rails | |
122 | + tzinfo (1.2.2) | |
123 | + thread_safe (~> 0.1) | |
124 | + uglifier (3.0.0) | |
125 | + execjs (>= 0.3.0, < 3) | |
126 | + web-console (2.3.0) | |
127 | + activemodel (>= 4.0) | |
128 | + binding_of_caller (>= 0.7.2) | |
129 | + railties (>= 4.0) | |
130 | + sprockets-rails (>= 2.0, < 4.0) | |
131 | + | |
132 | +PLATFORMS | |
133 | + ruby | |
134 | + | |
136 | + byebug | |
137 | + coffee-rails (~> 4.1.0) | |
138 | + coffee-script (~> 2.4) | |
139 | + jbuilder (~> 2.0) | |
140 | + jquery-rails | |
141 | + rails (= 4.2.6) | |
142 | + sass (~> 3.4) | |
143 | + sass-rails (~> 5.0) | |
144 | + sdoc (~> 0.4.0) | |
145 | + spring | |
146 | + sqlite3 | |
147 | + tilt (~> 2.0) | |
148 | + turbolinks | |
149 | + uglifier (>= 1.3.0) | |
150 | + web-console (~> 2.0) | |
151 | + | |
152 | +BUNDLED WITH | |
153 | + 1.11.2 | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +== README | |
2 | + | |
3 | +This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the | |
4 | +application up and running. | |
5 | + | |
6 | +Things you may want to cover: | |
7 | + | |
8 | +* Ruby version | |
9 | + | |
10 | +* System dependencies | |
11 | + | |
12 | +* Configuration | |
13 | + | |
14 | +* Database creation | |
15 | + | |
16 | +* Database initialization | |
17 | + | |
18 | +* How to run the test suite | |
19 | + | |
20 | +* Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.) | |
21 | + | |
22 | +* Deployment instructions | |
23 | + | |
24 | +* ... | |
25 | + | |
26 | + | |
27 | +Please feel free to use a different markup language if you do not plan to run | |
28 | +<tt>rake doc:app</tt>. | |
... | ... |
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1 | +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> | |
2 | +<!-- Created with Inkscape ( --> | |
3 | +<svg | |
4 | + xmlns:svg="" | |
5 | + xmlns="" | |
6 | + version="1.0" | |
7 | + width="598" | |
8 | + height="637" | |
9 | + id="svg1164"> | |
10 | + <defs | |
11 | + id="defs1466" /> | |
12 | + <path | |
13 | + d="M 339,78 L 337,80 L 333.25,78.75 L 342,69 C 343.885,69.1397 341.8603,67.115 342,69 L 339.25,69.25 C 333.369,76.088 324.94,79.146 317,82 L 312.25,81.25 L 301.25,91.25 L 299.25,93.25 L 293.75,98.75 L 282,101 L 280,100 L 278.25,101.25 C 275.68,105.845 277.173,111.37 279.25,115.75 L 281,116 L 282.75,115.75 C 280.115,112.802 278.17,109.086 280.25,105.25 L 283.25,111.75 L 298.75,102.75 L 301.75,99.75 L 308.25,90.25 L 313.25,86.25 L 330.25,79.25 L 331.75,79.25 C 330,85.231 323.546,87.044 318.25,88.25 L 318.75,90.75 C 316.581,90.866 314.046,90.9722 315,94 L 312,96 L 310.25,96.75 L 312,96 C 313.425,96.2121 315.671,96.1135 315,94 L 320,93 L 320.25,94.75 L 322.75,94.75 L 327.25,89.25 L 328.75,88.75 L 334.75,82.75 L 337,80 L 339,78 L 345.75,74.25 L 343.75,78.75 L 341.75,80.75 L 335.25,85.25 L 331.25,90.25 L 327.25,96.25 L 321.25,102.25 L 320.25,104.25 L 321.75,110.75 C 319.272,112.821 317.434,115.655 318,119 C 316.115,118.8603 318.1397,120.885 318,119 L 324.25,114.25 C 328.663,112.382 330.217,107.213 332.25,103.25 L 335.75,100.25 L 334.25,112.75 L 338.75,108.25 L 337.25,112.25 L 339,117 C 335.609,121.038 333.86,127.05 334.75,131.75 C 329.105,137.425 324.2,143.22 316.25,146.25 C 319.021,153.992 307.947,157.93 303,158 C 302.3641,161.1 306.275,159.702 308,160 L 323.75,150.25 L 323,155 C 329.421,155.754 323.3947,164.73 318.25,165.25 C 318.7485,168.544 312.539,174.212 311.25,169.75 L 307.25,165.25 L 314,165 C 317.955,165.8687 323.241,159.775 317,159 C 311.997,162.787 297.64,165.71 300.75,155.75 L 309.75,152.75 L 299.25,147.25 C 312.17,148.627 324.17,140.719 330.75,130.25 L 321.25,133.25 C 327.706,129.405 332.68,123.715 336,117 L 331.75,112.25 C 322.422,124.48 306,133.16 290.25,127.75 C 289.547,126.121 289.8605,122.904 292,125 C 299.036,130.99 324.92,121.067 308.75,115.25 L 307.75,111.25 L 284.25,119.25 L 286,124 L 288.25,128.75 C 289.809,134.279 295.539,136.888 300,138 C 297.981,140.516 293.613,138.4098 291.25,137.25 C 291.038,141.716 297.265,142.761 301,143 L 293.25,145.25 C 297.109,156 299.354,168.15 308.75,175.75 L 308.75,169.25 C 309.353,172.716 312.864,173.274 315.75,173.25 C 311.422,177.467 319.088,181.629 321.25,176.25 C 338.02,155.93 355.4,135.97 378.25,121.25 L 383,121 C 394.7,138.37 394.88,162.54 391.25,182.75 L 407.25,196.75 C 415.328,194.661 423.88,198.359 430,204 C 437.121,201.323 445.39,198.969 452.75,199.75 C 457.582,194.107 463.14,189.46 470,188 C 486.94,198.87 504.14,209.24 523,216 C 540.75,212.536 560.36,217.588 576.75,220.25 L 592,241 L 584.75,264.75 C 579.325,266.527 573.73,265.2034 568.25,264.25 C 562.881,271.523 550.56,273.631 543,268 C 535.638,266.945 526.87,266.393 522.75,259.25 L 500,260 C 484.56,259.8301 471.3,267.223 457,271 L 453.25,266.75 C 450.603,249.29 430.72,255.75 420,259 C 425.188,262.365 430.58,266.288 434,272 L 452.25,306.75 C 459.738,304.827 462.34,294.9 465.75,289.25 C 471.858,299.56 468.667,311.29 469.25,322.75 L 478.75,322.25 C 481.726,323.948 486.179,325.594 486.25,329.75 C 516.54,335.282 544.38,324.125 572,310 L 575.75,313.25 C 576.788,343.06 546.37,358.86 523.25,370.25 C 523.4921,374.85 519.878,378.153 516.25,380.25 L 517,395 L 520.25,403.75 C 528.384,404.6237 530.62,416.66 525,422 C 527.343,432.03 521.596,441.67 511.25,442.25 L 508.25,445.25 C 507.114,457.35 490.25,461.31 486.75,448.25 L 482.25,449.25 L 471.25,453.25 L 464.75,466.75 L 440,472 L 414.25,468.75 C 410.535,463.1 415.304,457.44 416.75,452.25 C 408.492,447.535 401.75,442.676 392.25,442.75 C 390.684,431.39 383.549,422.46 373,420 L 370.25,420.75 L 378,445 L 370,477 C 373.584,485.545 373.572,493.54 373,503 C 377.066,510.6 381.199,521.78 375.75,529.75 L 368,519 L 366.75,532.75 L 350,501 L 350,495 C 359.092,475.9 330.21,463.47 338.75,443.25 L 327.75,424.25 L 314.25,423.25 L 324,444 L 334.75,473.25 C 334.4778,483.41 334.895,493.18 343.75,499.25 L 348.75,530.75 C 345.801,531.6105 341.517,530.5976 340.75,527.25 L 337.75,537.75 C 325.2,525.87 314.94,508.94 319.75,492.25 C 318.9193,486.204 317.189,480.51 313.75,475.25 L 293.25,461.75 L 286.25,454.75 L 282.75,446.25 C 256.99,422.83 210.34,403.35 222,361 L 224.75,335.25 L 179,300 C 170.915,305.172 161.98,308.884 152.25,309.25 C 146.849,318.169 136,321.76 138,334 L 133.75,339.75 C 120.2,344.984 105.58,345.722 91.25,348.25 L 90,350 C 100.36,369.96 79.12,387.88 60.25,389.75 L 55,381 C 43.79,381.79 40.66,397.75 28.25,393.75 L 12,365 C 12.6185,361.833 12.9633,357.342 17.75,356.75 C 18.3968,337.88 37.94,332.23 52.75,327.75 L 89.25,274.25 C 98.485,272.892 106.62,275.1823 115,269 C 128.26,272.579 139.23,257.37 134,246 C 139.19,246.6168 139.806,240.179 142,237 L 144.75,233.25 L 133.25,227.25 L 143.75,228.25 L 134.75,224.25 C 132.334,224.32227 129.062,221.977 130.25,219.25 L 140.75,222.75 L 133.25,218.75 L 126.25,214.75 L 125.25,212.25 L 139,218 L 139.75,217.25 L 138.75,215.25 L 123.25,206.75 L 123.25,204.25 L 129,206 L 131,207 L 132,208 L 132.25,208.75 L 137.75,210.75 L 132,208 L 131,207 L 129,206 L 125.25,202.75 L 120,197 L 120.25,196.25 L 121.75,196.25 C 125.919,200.038 130.549,203.673 136,205 C 135.8602,206.885 137.885,204.8602 136,205 L 134.75,203.25 L 120.25,193.75 L 120.25,193.25 L 125,193 L 125.25,194.75 L 135,201 L 135.75,200.75 L 134.75,199.25 L 125,193 C 124.0824,190.962 121.271,188.583 119.25,189.75 L 117.25,188.25 L 116,190 L 117,195 L 117,200 L 120,212 L 123,221 L 128,234 L 128,236 C 119.213,221.5 116.17,202.29 114,186 L 115.25,184.25 C 142.28,183.333 167.83,196 193,205 L 210.75,190.75 C 208.065,175.6 208.586,158.96 212,144 L 205,131 L 201.25,132.25 C 186.54,144.96 165.47,150.8 147.25,141.75 L 147.75,137.25 C 140.673,134.379 130.24,130.927 129.25,122.25 C 132.433,124.785 140.39,129.734 137,122 L 136.25,115.25 C 142.042,119.105 148.53,124.734 156.75,122.75 L 158.25,119.25 L 161,118 L 168.75,116.75 C 162.245,104.59 160.809,89.29 165,76 L 168,29 L 170,27 L 175.75,28.25 L 181.75,92.25 C 182.0409,96.007 185.877,98.586 189,100 L 191.75,99.75 C 199.818,92.201 214.95,85.15 208.25,72.25 L 211.75,71.75 C 208.227,59.04 222.54,50.34 231.75,45.25 C 228.313,50.264 220.61,58.65 223.75,65.75 C 229.845,51.69 248.05,56.905 258,48 L 263.75,48.25 C 254.801,59.04 233.75,56.591 231.25,73.75 L 233.75,71.75 L 255.75,60.25 L 250.25,68.75 L 256,67 L 270.75,51.25 C 271.5412,57.099 266.782,65.03 262.75,69.75 L 261,72 L 262.25,73.75 C 269.32,72.607 273.43,62.06 275.25,55.25 C 280.666,53.09 278.685,59.951 279,63 L 278,71 L 278.25,72.75 C 281.855,72.8787 285.908,72.8908 288,76 L 285,80 L 290.75,76.75 C 298.299,50.02 264.74,33.5 265.25,7.25 L 270,4 L 273.75,8.25 C 280.172,34.05 308.88,49.54 310.25,77.75 L 319,74 L 316.25,78.75 C 326.87,77.694 337.54,70.151 342.25,60.25 L 343.75,60.25 L 344.25,64.75 L 347.75,63.25 L 339,78 z " | |
14 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
15 | + id="path1166" /> | |
16 | + <path | |
17 | + d="M 286,95 L 282.25,91.25 L 282.75,95.75 L 279.25,96.75 L 277.75,94.25 C 274.296,96.136 273.896,88.929 276.75,87.75 L 278,84 L 279,83 L 282,82 L 283.75,82.25 C 288.008,85.142 293.82,80.796 294.25,76.25 L 295.25,73.25 L 297,74 C 299.26,76.67 295.742,79.33 295,82 L 292,84 L 293.25,86.75 L 298.75,81.75 L 300.75,75.75 L 298.25,66.75 L 297.75,65.25 L 296,66 L 295.75,59.25 L 293.25,57.75 L 289.75,48.25 L 283.25,40.75 L 283.25,39.25 L 283.75,38.25 C 280.499,36.373 277.769,33.224 277.75,29.25 L 274.25,26.75 L 269.25,8.25 L 271.75,12.25 L 286.25,37.75 C 292.95,45.218 300.01,52.97 302.25,62.75 L 307,74 L 306.75,82.75 L 296,93 L 291,91 C 289.182,91.1523 290.2833,93.249 291.25,93.75 C 293.98,100.006 283.152,89.419 286,95 z " | |
18 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
19 | + id="path1167" /> | |
20 | + <path | |
21 | + d="M 175,90 L 170.25,87.25 L 174.75,92.25 C 176.072,97.82 180.812,100.708 185,104 C 192.249,105.532 199.01,101.605 202.25,95.25 L 205.75,93.25 L 205,102 L 209,109 C 205.025,115.011 196.89,121.33 190,116 L 182,116 L 174.25,115.75 L 170.25,111.75 C 164.426,97.62 164.858,80.94 169,66 L 170.75,45.25 L 170,44 C 171.607,40.22 171.607,34.78 170,31 L 172,29 L 176,40 L 174,42 L 175,51 C 171.466,52.595 174.7029,54.36 175,57 L 174,63 L 172.25,64.75 L 174.75,67.75 L 171.25,69.75 L 175,75 L 171.25,74.25 L 171.25,75.75 C 172.613,77.588 176.021,78.991 174.75,81.75 L 171.25,80.25 L 175,90 z " | |
22 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
23 | + id="path1168" /> | |
24 | + <path | |
25 | + d="M 249,72 L 254,71 L 258.75,74.25 L 260.25,76.75 C 266.95,78.387 271.55,71.195 274.25,66.25 L 275.75,65.25 L 272,75 L 274.25,77.75 L 282.75,76.25 L 279,83 L 278,84 L 276.25,84.25 L 275.75,85.75 L 270,96 L 272,98 L 271.75,99.75 L 259.75,132.75 L 256.25,133.25 L 255.25,135.75 L 258,136 L 263.75,132.75 L 268.75,125.75 L 274,102 L 274,99 L 275,100 L 275,104 C 273.561,106.008 273.561,108.992 275,111 L 277,118 L 275.25,118.25 L 273.25,124.25 C 273.26089,132.743 264.689,138 257.25,139.25 L 257.25,139.75 C 258.575,141.77 261.38,141.153 263,140 L 270,137 L 271.75,137.25 C 274.961,141.581 280.462,137.6019 281.75,133.75 L 278,126 L 278,119 L 282.75,123.25 L 286,131 L 295.25,169.75 L 296.75,169.75 C 297.2604,163.874 300.456,173.237 302,175 C 302.4464,181.084 301.3839,186.73 299,192 L 299,213 L 287.25,249.75 L 291.75,247.75 L 302,214 L 302.25,195.25 C 308.404,195.20236 315.03,196.357 320.75,200.25 L 327.25,225.75 C 337.6,244.87 346.41,265.88 363,281 L 358.75,294.75 L 354.75,298.75 L 351.25,300.25 L 350.25,302.25 L 346.75,310.75 C 338.945,314.603 330.96,317.34 322,317 C 314.068,321.354 305.03,317.6649 297.25,316.25 L 301.25,319.75 L 339,317 L 341,316 L 342.75,317.25 L 340.75,321.75 L 336,324 L 301,329 L 299.25,329.75 L 305,334 L 337.75,326.25 L 335.75,335.75 L 326.25,342.25 L 321.25,350.25 L 323,352 L 317.25,367.25 C 319.41,368.0726 319.827,371.813 317.25,373.25 C 320.475,375.839 316.5476,378.523 315,381 L 315.75,382.75 L 316,388 L 314.75,389.75 L 296.25,391.75 C 291.111,382.644 284.46,372.58 275.25,367.75 L 273.75,364.25 L 263.25,357.75 L 263,356 C 264.885,356.1397 262.8603,354.115 263,356 L 261,357 C 250.75,353.727 237.44,349.65 235.25,337.25 L 248.75,341.25 C 258.145,357.41 281.49,354.08 296,348 L 329.75,335.75 L 330.75,333.25 C 304.29,338.23 269.55,365.24 246.75,337.25 C 234.72,334.625 220.13,332.918 215,320 C 210.07,315.6 209.557,310.355 211.25,304.25 L 225.75,321.25 L 236.75,324.25 L 236.25,327.75 L 250.75,336.75 C 252.245,329.267 237.58,332.326 238.25,324.25 L 275.75,325.75 C 276.2039,324.382 277.761,322.488 275,323 L 252,321 C 244.627,321.1064 236.74,322.443 229.25,319.75 L 211.25,299.75 C 213.813,282.02 213.622,263.13 213.25,245.25 C 223.89,238.52 237.04,245.7112 248,250 L 249,249 C 241.366,238.96 225.18,239.036 213.25,240.75 C 209.957,231.801 218.798,223.64 223.25,216.25 C 228.305,223.641 232.839,233.88 242.75,237.25 C 250.561,245.428 260.17,251.9 268.75,257.25 L 271.75,262.25 L 267,267 L 275,293 L 277,295 C 284.759,293.301 281.88,287.987 281.25,282.25 C 289.568,280.155 286.852,271.34 284.25,265.75 L 278,255 L 279.25,253.25 L 283.75,251.75 C 285.831,244.743 289.854,234.84 283.25,227.75 L 283,225 C 286.791,222.185 291.104,219.114 287,214 C 290.699,207.767 291.905,197.05 285.25,192.75 L 284,187 L 285,137 L 284,134 C 274.276,147.57 286.204,166.24 280.75,181.75 L 277,178 L 280.75,190.75 C 274.681,190.72882 271.247,196.138 272.25,201.75 L 273.75,201.75 C 273.8854,196.085 282.077,189.63 285.75,196.25 L 286.75,211.75 C 274.79,218.505 261.03,223.96 247.25,218.75 L 243,211 L 245.25,209.25 L 247.25,213.75 C 247.0968,217.096 254.288,218.141 250.25,214.75 C 251.1878,209.815 247.934,201.33 242.25,205.75 L 242.75,203.75 C 240.967,201.818 244.908,199.748 246.25,201.75 L 253.75,208.75 L 251,200 C 253.054,199.5413 251.6245,197.065 251,196 L 251.75,193.25 L 249.25,192.25 L 251,200 L 245.75,198.25 L 243.25,198.25 L 241.25,199.75 L 236.75,186.25 L 234.25,185.25 L 233,187 L 221.25,164.75 L 215.25,154.25 L 215,158 L 235.75,194.25 L 237.75,197.25 L 240,203 C 237.507,210.24 241.607,219.25 248.75,222.25 C 249.1351,225.932 250.536,230.284 254.25,231.75 L 268.75,229.25 L 264.75,250.75 L 259.25,247.75 L 226.75,213.25 C 218.186,205.434 214.23,194.86 212.25,184.25 L 225,199 L 226.75,197.25 C 218.828,186.16 205.92,174 213,159 L 214.75,150.75 L 213.25,147.25 C 216.83,148.213 222.772,152.4 225,147 L 232,147 L 231,146 L 210.25,135.75 L 211.25,110.25 L 215,110 C 205.762,104.228 208.142,92.06 211.25,83.25 L 215.75,86.75 L 215,85 L 220.75,56.25 C 218.715,62.791 218.627,72.92 224.75,77.75 L 227.25,65.25 C 230.019,62.747 232.87,58.769 236.75,59.25 L 232.75,63.75 C 230.506,67.846 222.65,78.49 231.75,78.75 L 232.25,77.25 C 234.257,74.052 237.107,71.462 241,71 L 246.75,68.25 C 235.9,77.217 228.27,94.19 236.25,105.75 L 237,103 C 233.498,96.862 235.746,89.91 236.25,83.25 C 239.43,77.925 244.142,73.824 249,72 z " | |
26 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
27 | + id="path1169" /> | |
28 | + <path | |
29 | + d="M 297,74 L 297.75,73.75 C 298.1455,71.388 298.6805,68.235 296.25,66.75 L 296,66 L 297.75,65.25 L 298.25,66.75 L 300.75,75.75 L 298.75,81.75 L 293.25,86.75 L 292,84 L 295,82 C 295.742,79.33 299.26,76.67 297,74 z " | |
30 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
31 | + id="path1170" /> | |
32 | + <path | |
33 | + d="M 296,66 L 296.25,66.75 C 298.68,68.235 298.146,71.388 297.75,73.75 L 297,74 L 296.75,72.25 C 293.862,71.9983 295.133,68.154 295.25,66.25 L 296,66 z " | |
34 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
35 | + id="path1171" /> | |
36 | + <path | |
37 | + d="M 342,69 C 341.8603,67.115 343.885,69.1397 342,69 z " | |
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40 | + <path | |
41 | + d="M 256,70 C 255.8602,68.115 257.885,70.1398 256,70 z " | |
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43 | + id="path1173" /> | |
44 | + <path | |
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47 | + id="path1174" /> | |
48 | + <path | |
49 | + d="M 249,72 C 244.942,72.8163 249.8163,67.942 249,72 z " | |
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51 | + id="path1175" /> | |
52 | + <path | |
53 | + d="M 256,70 L 254,71 L 256,70 z " | |
54 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
55 | + id="path1176" /> | |
56 | + <path | |
57 | + d="M 339,78 L 337,80 L 339,78 z " | |
58 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
59 | + id="path1177" /> | |
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61 | + d="M 279,83 L 278,84 L 279,83 z " | |
62 | + style="fill:#080808;stroke:#080808" | |
63 | + id="path1178" /> | |
64 | + <path | |
65 | + d="M 261,84 L 261.75,84.25 L 257.75,91.75 L 256.25,92.75 L 258.25,85.25 L 261,84 z " | |
66 | + style="fill:#020202;stroke:#020202" | |
67 | + id="path1179" /> | |
68 | + <path | |
69 | + d="M 244,87 L 244.75,85.25 L 244,87 z " | |
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71 | + id="path1180" /> | |
72 | + <path | |
73 | + d="M 249,85 L 250.75,85.25 L 251,86 L 249.75,98.75 L 249,99 L 248.25,98.75 L 247.25,94.25 L 249,87 L 249,85 z " | |
74 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
75 | + id="path1181" /> | |
76 | + <path | |
77 | + d="M 224,86 L 225.75,86.25 L 225.75,89.75 C 222.892,92.489 225.73199,95.835 226.75,98.75 L 224.25,98.75 C 223.8206,94.941 221.569,90.664 224,87 L 224,86 z " | |
78 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
79 | + id="path1182" /> | |
80 | + <path | |
81 | + d="M 244,87 L 244,89 L 242.75,100.75 L 242,100 L 243.25,87.25 L 244,87 z " | |
82 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
83 | + id="path1183" /> | |
84 | + <path | |
85 | + d="M 218,88 L 219.75,88.25 L 220.25,95.75 L 221.25,99.75 L 223,102 L 222.75,103.75 L 218,97 L 218,88 z " | |
86 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
87 | + id="path1184" /> | |
88 | + <path | |
89 | + d="M 270,88 L 271,89 L 269.75,90.75 L 265.75,94.75 L 261.75,102.75 L 261,103 L 260,102 L 263.75,92.75 L 264.25,91.25 L 270,88 z " | |
90 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
91 | + id="path1185" /> | |
92 | + <path | |
93 | + d="M 175,90 C 176.885,89.8603 174.8602,91.885 175,90 z " | |
94 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
95 | + id="path1186" /> | |
96 | + <path | |
97 | + d="M 212,92 L 213,93 C 210.44,98.023 213.116,104.25 217.25,107.75 L 221,107 L 222,108 L 220,110 C 215.772,109.1038 210.315,104.91 211,100 C 209.053,97.46 209.953,94.092 212,92 z " | |
98 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
99 | + id="path1187" /> | |
100 | + <path | |
101 | + d="M 315,94 C 315.6705,96.113 313.425,96.212 312,96 L 315,94 z " | |
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103 | + id="path1188" /> | |
104 | + <path | |
105 | + d="M 256,95 C 257.885,94.8603 255.8602,96.885 256,95 z " | |
106 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
107 | + id="path1189" /> | |
108 | + <path | |
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111 | + id="path1190" /> | |
112 | + <path | |
113 | + d="M 274,99 L 272,98 C 271.2675,94.716 274.828,97.1181 274,99 z " | |
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115 | + id="path1191" /> | |
116 | + <path | |
117 | + d="M 312,96 L 310.25,96.75 L 312,96 z " | |
118 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
119 | + id="path1192" /> | |
120 | + <path | |
121 | + d="M 318,96 L 321.75,96.25 C 320.001,99.665 315.846,101.479 312.25,102.25 L 311.75,103.75 L 300,107 L 287.75,113.75 L 284.25,113.75 L 284.25,113.25 L 292.25,108.25 L 306.75,102.75 L 307,102 C 304.921,100.029 308.179,98.109 309.75,99.75 L 318,96 z " | |
122 | + style="fill:#fafafa;stroke:#fafafa" | |
123 | + id="path1193" /> | |
124 | + <path | |
125 | + d="M 255,97 L 256.25,97.75 L 257.75,97.25 L 256.75,103.75 C 253.172,104.5102 253.393,98.862 255,97 z " | |
126 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
127 | + id="path1194" /> | |
128 | + <path | |
129 | + d="M 274,99 L 274,102 L 268.75,125.75 L 263.75,132.75 L 258,136 L 255.25,135.75 L 256.25,133.25 L 259.75,132.75 L 271.75,99.75 L 272,98 L 274,99 z " | |
130 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
131 | + id="path1195" /> | |
132 | + <path | |
133 | + d="M 176,100 L 176.75,100.25 C 178.559,104.28 181.817,108.947 187,108 L 188.75,108.75 L 190.25,107.25 C 194.231,109.615 197.537,104.808 200.25,102.25 L 202.75,102.25 C 199.595,106.545 194.858,111.474 189,111 L 186,112 C 181.328,110.1 176.146,106.43 175.25,101.25 L 176,100 z " | |
134 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
135 | + id="path1196" /> | |
136 | + <path | |
137 | + d="M 229,104 C 227.115,104.1397 229.1398,102.115 229,104 z " | |
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139 | + id="path1197" /> | |
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143 | + id="path1198" /> | |
144 | + <path | |
145 | + d="M 230,107 C 231.885,106.8603 229.8602,108.885 230,107 z " | |
146 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
147 | + id="path1199" /> | |
148 | + <path | |
149 | + d="M 317,107 C 320.489,106.2989 318.277,111.286 316.25,111.25 C 316.0049,114.286 312.507,114.469 310.25,113.75 C 309.2526,110.269 313.651,107.448 316.75,107.75 L 317,107 z " | |
150 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
151 | + id="path1200" /> | |
152 | + <path | |
153 | + d="M 216,111 C 218.852,113.039 218.473,117.875 216.75,120.75 L 216.25,120.75 L 216,111 z " | |
154 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
155 | + id="path1201" /> | |
156 | + <path | |
157 | + d="M 298,115 L 301.75,116.25 C 299.369,119.066 304.884,122.258 307,120 L 308.75,120.25 L 307.75,122.75 L 307,123 L 305,122 C 301.783,122.8337 295.655,120.826 298,117 L 298,115 z " | |
158 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
159 | + id="path1202" /> | |
160 | + <path | |
161 | + d="M 339,117 C 338.8603,115.115 340.885,117.1398 339,117 z " | |
162 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
163 | + id="path1203" /> | |
164 | + <path | |
165 | + d="M 277,118 L 278,119 L 278,126 L 281.75,133.75 C 280.462,137.602 274.961,141.581 271.75,137.25 L 270,137 L 263,140 C 261.38,141.153 258.575,141.77 257.25,139.75 L 257.25,139.25 C 264.689,137.998 273.26,132.743 273.25,124.25 L 275.25,118.25 L 277,118 z " | |
166 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
167 | + id="path1204" /> | |
168 | + <path | |
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171 | + id="path1205" /> | |
172 | + <path | |
173 | + d="M 168,119 L 187,119 L 191.75,121.75 L 177,123 C 172.423,126.891 166.23,127.701 160.25,126.75 L 160.25,126.25 C 163.041,126.19135 166.618,124.206 164.25,121.25 L 168,119 z " | |
174 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
175 | + id="path1206" /> | |
176 | + <path | |
177 | + d="M 318,119 C 318.1397,120.885 316.115,118.8603 318,119 z " | |
178 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
179 | + id="path1207" /> | |
180 | + <path | |
181 | + d="M 142,131 L 144.75,127.25 C 141.985,127.551 139.961,124.605 140.25,122.25 L 141.75,122.25 L 156,130 L 165,130 C 166.467,130.7516 171.309,133.893 167.25,133.75 L 163.25,132.25 L 164.25,135.75 L 170,137 L 171.25,135.25 L 186.75,131.75 L 198.75,126.75 L 202.75,124.75 L 204.25,121.25 L 207.75,121.25 L 206.75,124.75 L 203.75,127.75 L 187.25,136.25 C 181.234,141.85 171.87,144.538 164,142 L 153.25,140.75 L 154.75,139.75 L 158,137 C 152.389,136.3 146.34,134.405 142,131 z " | |
182 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
183 | + id="path1208" /> | |
184 | + <path | |
185 | + d="M 195,122 C 196.885,121.8603 194.8602,123.885 195,122 z " | |
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187 | + id="path1209" /> | |
188 | + <path | |
189 | + d="M 326,122 L 328.75,122.25 C 327.233,126.228 323.355,129.845 319.25,131.25 C 315.649,134.665 311.233,136.963 306,136 L 304.25,136.75 L 302.25,135.75 L 303.25,134.25 C 308.786,134.0252 314.29,133.4294 318.25,129.25 C 321.795,128.234 324.786,125.472 326,122 z " | |
190 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
191 | + id="path1210" /> | |
192 | + <path | |
193 | + d="M 383,150 C 384.885,150.1398 382.8603,148.115 383,150 L 376.75,154.75 L 375.25,156.25 L 373.25,157.75 L 373.25,156.25 L 375.75,153.75 L 383,145 L 381.75,142.25 L 379,144 L 379.25,142.25 L 383.75,136.25 L 380,135 L 382,131 L 378.25,128.75 L 381,124 L 383.75,127.25 C 387.151,141.85 391.344,156.08 390,172 L 389,174 L 389,178 L 387.75,179.75 L 381.75,177.25 C 375.629,178.2176 376.785,171.913 379.75,169.25 L 375.75,170.75 L 375,170 L 378.25,165.25 L 382.75,160.25 L 375.25,163.75 C 374.7418,162.268 374.5412,159.721 376.75,159.75 L 383,150 z " | |
194 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
195 | + id="path1211" /> | |
196 | + <path | |
197 | + d="M 216,126 L 217.75,127.25 C 217.6265,129.886 218.873,132.704 221.75,133.25 L 223.25,135.75 L 232.75,141.25 L 232.75,141.75 L 231,142 L 220.75,136.25 C 216.385,135.009 215.495,129.964 216,126 z " | |
198 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
199 | + id="path1212" /> | |
200 | + <path | |
201 | + d="M 277,128 C 280.657,129.232 279.777,137.516 275,136 L 272.25,135.75 L 274.75,132.75 L 277,128 z " | |
202 | + style="fill:#fafafa;stroke:#fafafa" | |
203 | + id="path1213" /> | |
204 | + <path | |
205 | + d="M 168,129 C 169.672,128.5048 172.671,129.6132 171.75,131.75 L 168,129 z " | |
206 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
207 | + id="path1214" /> | |
208 | + <path | |
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212 | + <path | |
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214 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
215 | + id="path1216" /> | |
216 | + <path | |
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218 | + style="fill:#050505;stroke:#050505" | |
219 | + id="path1217" /> | |
220 | + <path | |
221 | + d="M 348,255 L 346.25,253.75 C 339.345,242.19 331.24,230.37 329,217 L 324,199 L 322,194 L 322,181 C 335.37,163.61 351.4,144.45 369.75,131.25 L 364.75,140.75 L 359.25,147.25 L 357.75,151.75 C 340.3,182.41 336.64,220.19 348,253.05 L 348,255.05 L 348,255 z " | |
222 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
223 | + id="path1218" /> | |
224 | + <path | |
225 | + d="M 376,131 L 371.75,138.75 L 370.25,138.75 L 372.75,134.75 L 376,131 z " | |
226 | + style="fill:#fafafa;stroke:#fafafa" | |
227 | + id="path1219" /> | |
228 | + <path | |
229 | + d="M 380,135 L 379,136 L 380,135 z " | |
230 | + style="fill:#ececec;stroke:#ececec" | |
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232 | + <path | |
233 | + d="M 379,136 L 378,137 L 379,136 z " | |
234 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
235 | + id="path1221" /> | |
236 | + <path | |
237 | + d="M 378,137 L 372,144 L 378,137 z " | |
238 | + style="fill:#fafafa;stroke:#fafafa" | |
239 | + id="path1222" /> | |
240 | + <path | |
241 | + d="M 213,139 C 215.461,138.7612 218.244,141.987 216,144 L 216.25,144.75 L 217,145 C 218.81,142.786 222.374,145.4533 221.75,147.75 C 216.183,149.413 213.527,143.316 213,139 z " | |
242 | + style="fill:#fafafa;stroke:#fafafa" | |
243 | + id="path1223" /> | |
244 | + <path | |
245 | + d="M 369,140 C 370.885,139.8602 368.8603,141.885 369,140 z " | |
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247 | + id="path1224" /> | |
248 | + <path | |
249 | + d="M 252,141 L 256.75,149.25 L 257.75,150.25 L 257.75,150.75 C 254.043,151.2525 257.513,154.911 259.75,154.25 L 258.25,156.75 L 262.25,160.75 L 263.25,161.75 L 265.75,162.25 C 268.251,165.86 270.609,170.198 269.75,174.75 L 268.25,174.75 L 263.25,163.75 L 260.25,161.75 L 259.75,160.25 C 254.537,155.423 251.611,149.27 249,143 L 252,141 z " | |
250 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
251 | + id="path1225" /> | |
252 | + <path | |
253 | + d="M 271,142 L 272.75,142.25 L 273.25,146.75 C 275.353,148.018 275.325,150.652 274.75,152.75 L 273.25,151.75 L 271,142 z " | |
254 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
255 | + id="path1226" /> | |
256 | + <path | |
257 | + d="M 372,144 C 372.1397,145.885 370.115,143.8602 372,144 z " | |
258 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
259 | + id="path1227" /> | |
260 | + <path | |
261 | + d="M 379,144 L 378,145 L 379,144 z " | |
262 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
263 | + id="path1228" /> | |
264 | + <path | |
265 | + d="M 238,145 L 240.75,145.25 L 242,167 C 240.679,171.594 238.635,177.27 241,182 L 239.25,183.75 L 236,172 L 236.25,171.25 C 239.514,172.871 236.6732,168.588 236.25,167.25 L 238.75,167.75 L 236.25,160.25 L 237.75,160.25 L 238.25,161.75 C 240.862,160.262 239.396,157.12 238,155 C 240.001,152.01 238.8488,148.069 238,145 z " | |
266 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
267 | + id="path1229" /> | |
268 | + <path | |
269 | + d="M 378,145 L 376,146 L 378,145 z " | |
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271 | + id="path1230" /> | |
272 | + <path | |
273 | + d="M 376,146 C 375.8294,147.597 375.1859,150.491 373,150 L 376,146 z " | |
274 | + style="fill:#fafafa;stroke:#fafafa" | |
275 | + id="path1231" /> | |
276 | + <path | |
277 | + d="M 309,149 L 310.75,149.75 L 309,149 z " | |
278 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
279 | + id="path1232" /> | |
280 | + <path | |
281 | + d="M 383,150 C 382.8603,148.115 384.885,150.1398 383,150 z " | |
282 | + style="fill:#090909;stroke:#090909" | |
283 | + id="path1233" /> | |
284 | + <path | |
285 | + d="M 373,150 C 373.1397,151.885 371.115,149.8602 373,150 z " | |
286 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
287 | + id="path1234" /> | |
288 | + <path | |
289 | + d="M 223,153 L 223.75,153.25 C 225.477,157.308 229.691,160.987 228.75,165.75 L 228.25,165.75 L 222.25,154.75 L 223,153 z " | |
290 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
291 | + id="path1235" /> | |
292 | + <path | |
293 | + d="M 319,157 C 320.885,156.8602 318.8603,158.885 319,157 z " | |
294 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
295 | + id="path1236" /> | |
296 | + <path | |
297 | + d="M 292,166 L 293.75,169.25 L 293,171 L 293,211 L 291.25,214.75 L 290,213 L 291,196 L 290,194 C 290.5378,185.297 288.509,175.85 292,168 L 292,166 z " | |
298 | + style="fill:#020202;stroke:#020202" | |
299 | + id="path1237" /> | |
300 | + <path | |
301 | + d="M 305,178 L 309.25,180.75 L 318.75,182.25 L 319,187 L 319.75,193.75 L 303.25,190.75 L 304.25,183.25 L 305,178 z " | |
302 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
303 | + id="path1238" /> | |
304 | + <path | |
305 | + d="M 421,242 C 422.834,242.6653 423.559,240.569 422.75,239.25 L 421,242 L 416.75,244.75 L 415,247 L 414,248 L 416.25,242.25 C 417.697,242.5043 418.919,240.226 417,240 L 415.25,241.25 L 412.75,243.75 L 410.25,246.25 L 409,247 C 407.081,246.7735 408.3034,244.496 409.75,244.75 L 412.75,239.25 L 411.75,239.75 L 409.75,241.75 L 404.75,246.75 C 401.483,246.1283 404.9302,242.882 406.75,242.75 L 406.75,240.25 L 404,242 C 400.776,238.87 401.548,232.037 403,228 L 400.75,224.25 L 396,223 C 391.967,225.134 388.509,228.475 386.75,232.75 L 380.75,243.75 L 380,244 L 379.75,243.25 L 369,239 L 368.25,239.25 C 366.96,241.66 369.751,243.743 372,243 C 374.541,243.8849 377.459,246.088 380,244 C 379.0245,247.771 378.812,252.979 374,254 L 361.25,249.75 C 361.8231,244.927 363.134,239.72 367.25,236.25 L 379,227 L 385.75,223.25 L 379.75,223.75 C 365.36,230.029 353.93,245.3 355.75,261.75 L 349.25,246.75 C 348.7171,240.725 345.694,233.35 348,228 L 372.25,220.25 L 392.75,210.75 L 394.75,207.25 L 390.25,206.75 L 384.25,208.75 C 380.633,206.901 382.813,210.759 384.75,210.75 L 378,211 L 377.25,212.75 C 383.595,214.331 373.78,216.215 372,213 L 371.25,214.75 C 377.568,216.852 367.684,219.937 366,216 L 364,216 L 367.75,219.75 L 357.25,218.25 L 360.75,221.75 C 358.414,223.726 356.633,221.4794 354.25,220.75 C 353.088,219.8148 350.521,218.233 350.25,220.75 L 355.75,223.75 L 346.25,220.75 C 344.783,208.34 345.9982,195.46 350.25,183.25 C 362.16,175.849 376.8,179.651 388.75,183.25 L 404,197 L 400.25,202.75 C 408.078,200.958 418.86,197.537 425,205 L 418,215 C 428.39,209.85 438.42,201.65 450.75,203.25 C 444.951,215.5 437.57,229.73 444,243 L 445.75,250.75 C 431.75,251.1841 417.66,258.704 404.25,251.75 L 404,250 L 416.25,249.25 L 433.75,247.75 L 433.75,245.25 L 429,246 L 430.75,240.25 L 425.75,246.75 C 419.859,248.386 423.951,244.059 426.25,242.25 L 428,239 L 419.75,247.75 L 416.25,247.75 L 421,242 z " | |
306 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
307 | + id="path1239" /> | |
308 | + <path | |
309 | + d="M 241,184 C 242.885,183.8602 240.8602,185.885 241,184 z " | |
310 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
311 | + id="path1240" /> | |
312 | + <path | |
313 | + d="M 272,185 C 271.8603,183.115 273.885,185.1398 272,185 z " | |
314 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
315 | + id="path1241" /> | |
316 | + <path | |
317 | + d="M 383,190 C 383.1397,188.115 381.115,190.1398 383,190 L 384,193 L 378.25,189.75 L 373.25,187.25 L 376,191 L 365.25,187.25 L 369,191 L 359.25,187.25 L 363,192 L 355.25,188.75 L 355,188 L 360,185 L 367.75,184.25 L 377,185 L 386.75,188.25 L 393.75,192.25 L 393.75,195.75 L 383,190 z " | |
318 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
319 | + id="path1242" /> | |
320 | + <path | |
321 | + d="M 272,185 L 271,192 C 273.277,194.24 270.6576,195.981 268.25,194.75 L 268,194 L 272,185 z " | |
322 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
323 | + id="path1243" /> | |
324 | + <path | |
325 | + d="M 125,187 L 127,188 L 134,188 L 138,190 L 142,190 L 150,193 C 167.1,195.845 182.53,204.16 198.75,210.25 L 200.75,212.25 C 210.414,236.55 211.16,264.23 209,291 L 208,293 L 208.75,296.75 L 207.25,295.75 L 206,289 L 203.25,283.75 C 192.56,253.83 175,224.4 148.25,204.75 L 136.75,195.25 L 125.25,189.75 L 125,187 z " | |
326 | + style="fill:#fdfdfd;stroke:#fdfdfd" | |
327 | + id="path1244" /> | |
328 | + <path | |
329 | + d="M 233,187 C 234.885,186.8602 232.8602,188.885 233,187 z " | |
330 | + style="fill:#f8f8f8;stroke:#f8f8f8" | |
331 | + id="path1245" /> | |
332 | + <path | |
333 | + d="M 125,193 L 120.25,193.25 L 120.25,193.75 L 134.75,203.25 L 136,205 C 130.549,203.673 125.92,200.038 121.75,196.25 L 120.25,196.25 L 120,197 L 125.25,202.75 L 129,206 L 123.25,204.25 L 123.25,206.75 L 138.75,215.25 L 139.75,217.25 L 139,218 L 125.25,212.25 L 126.25,214.75 L 133.25,218.75 L 140.75,222.75 L 130.25,219.25 C 129.062,221.977 132.334,224.322 134.75,224.25 L 143.75,228.25 L 133.25,227.25 L 144.75,233.25 L 142,237 L 135.25,231.25 C 134.5794,233.163 137.129,234.819 138.75,235.25 L 142,237 C 139.806,240.179 139.19,246.617 134,246 L 132,244 L 130,240 L 129,238 L 128,236 L 128,234 L 123,221 L 120,212 L 117,200 L 117,195 L 116,190 L 117.25,188.25 L 119.25,189.75 C 121.271,188.583 124.082,190.962 125,193 z " | |
334 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
335 | + id="path1246" /> | |
336 | + <path | |
337 | + d="M 383,190 C 381.115,190.1398 383.1397,188.115 383,190 z " | |
338 | + style="fill:#f8f8f8;stroke:#f8f8f8" | |
339 | + id="path1247" /> | |
340 | + <path | |
341 | + d="M 369,191 C 370.885,190.8602 368.8603,192.885 369,191 z " | |
342 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
343 | + id="path1248" /> | |
344 | + <path | |
345 | + d="M 450,254 C 451.885,254.1398 449.8603,252.115 450,254 C 447.306,250.984 445.702,246.365 446,242 C 439.207,223.04 451.435,204.17 465.25,191.25 L 469.75,191.25 C 486.14,202.99 504.05,212.42 522.75,219.25 L 519.25,229.75 L 522.75,226.75 L 527.25,219.25 C 533.164,216.502 540.2,218.5321 546,220 L 567.75,221.25 L 569,227 C 565.296,235.938 561.422,244.83 562,255 L 560.75,257.75 C 555.939,258.1548 550.35,259.093 547,255 L 542,249 C 544.089,243.03 549.279,249.02173 551.75,249.75 L 550.75,237.25 L 547,244 L 544.75,230.25 L 544,231 L 543.75,243.75 C 536.049,245.488 537.485,253.594 543.75,256.25 C 548.096,263.115 556.75,262.609 562.75,259.25 L 564.75,261.25 L 564.75,264.75 L 553,265 L 551.75,263.25 L 550.75,266.75 L 528.25,260.75 C 526.317,257.331 524.871,252.966 526.75,249.25 L 521.75,234.25 L 522.25,254.75 L 520.75,251.25 L 517.25,247.25 L 518.75,254.75 L 517,256 C 497.92,256.5777 479.7,259.828 462.25,266.25 L 461.75,267.75 L 459,268 L 450,254 z " | |
346 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
347 | + id="path1249" /> | |
348 | + <path | |
349 | + d="M 251,200 L 249.25,192.25 L 251.75,193.25 L 251,196 C 251.6245,197.065 253.054,199.541 251,200 z " | |
350 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
351 | + id="path1250" /> | |
352 | + <path | |
353 | + d="M 363,192 C 364.375,192.1402 367.63,192.8102 366.75,194.75 L 363,192 z " | |
354 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
355 | + id="path1251" /> | |
356 | + <path | |
357 | + d="M 125,193 L 134.75,199.25 L 135.75,200.75 L 135,201 L 125.25,194.75 L 125,193 z " | |
358 | + style="fill:#fdfdfd;stroke:#fdfdfd" | |
359 | + id="path1252" /> | |
360 | + <path | |
361 | + d="M 211,193 L 212.75,193.25 C 214.667,200.597 216.357,208.34 222,214 L 221.75,214.75 L 220.25,214.25 L 210.75,228.75 L 210,229 L 209.25,228.75 L 209,226 L 201.75,208.25 L 198.25,207.75 L 196,206 L 211.75,194.75 L 211,193 z " | |
362 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
363 | + id="path1253" /> | |
364 | + <path | |
365 | + d="M 278,197 L 283.75,197.25 C 285.302,199.889 281.891,200.623 281,202 L 282.75,203.25 C 283.4288,205.276 286.804,207.89 283,209 L 281.25,207.75 L 281.75,206.25 C 278.551,204.039 277.236,200.854 278,197 z " | |
366 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
367 | + id="path1254" /> | |
368 | + <path | |
369 | + d="M 469,202 L 468.25,200.25 L 469,202 z " | |
370 | + style="fill:#010101;stroke:#010101" | |
371 | + id="path1255" /> | |
372 | + <path | |
373 | + d="M 469,202 L 472.75,202.25 L 478.25,208.75 L 483.25,211.75 L 488.25,214.75 L 490.75,215.25 L 511.75,226.25 L 512.75,227.75 L 510,230 L 507.75,227.25 L 500.25,224.75 L 473.25,207.75 L 472.75,206.25 L 469,202 z " | |
374 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
375 | + id="path1256" /> | |
376 | + <path | |
377 | + d="M 249,234 L 227.25,206.75 L 226.25,203.25 L 228.75,203.25 L 236.75,213.25 C 238.946,220.428 243.679,226.61 248.75,232.25 L 249,234 z " | |
378 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
379 | + id="path1257" /> | |
380 | + <path | |
381 | + d="M 136,205 C 137.885,204.8602 135.8602,206.885 136,205 z " | |
382 | + style="fill:#fdfdfd;stroke:#fdfdfd" | |
383 | + id="path1258" /> | |
384 | + <path | |
385 | + d="M 479,205 C 480.885,204.8602 478.8603,206.885 479,205 z " | |
386 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
387 | + id="path1259" /> | |
388 | + <path | |
389 | + d="M 131,207 L 129,206 L 131,207 z " | |
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391 | + id="path1260" /> | |
392 | + <path | |
393 | + d="M 132,208 L 131,207 L 132,208 z " | |
394 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
395 | + id="path1261" /> | |
396 | + <path | |
397 | + d="M 132,208 L 137.75,210.75 L 132.25,208.75 L 132,208 z " | |
398 | + style="fill:#fefefe;stroke:#fefefe" | |
399 | + id="path1262" /> | |
400 | + <path | |
401 | + d="M 242,208 C 243.885,207.8602 241.8602,209.885 242,208 z " | |
402 | + style="fill:#f8f8f8;stroke:#f8f8f8" | |
403 | + id="path1263" /> | |
404 | + <path | |
405 | + d="M 439,211 L 440.75,214.75 L 431.25,216.75 L 435.75,217.75 L 430,219 L 429,219 C 427.828,217.875 425.441,217.675 425.25,219.75 L 429,220 L 427,221 L 420.25,223.75 L 420.25,222.25 L 426.25,216.25 L 438.75,211.75 L 439,211 z " | |
406 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
407 | + id="path1264" /> | |
408 | + <path | |
409 | + d="M 283,217 L 284.75,218.75 L 282.75,220.75 L 280.25,221.25 L 278.75,222.75 L 259,228 L 256,228 L 253.25,226.75 L 252,224 L 253,223 L 254.25,223.75 L 255.25,223.25 L 257,224 L 260,223 L 280.75,218.75 L 283,217 z " | |
410 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
411 | + id="path1265" /> | |
412 | + <path | |
413 | + d="M 321,220 L 323.75,220.25 L 322.75,224.75 L 312.25,232.25 L 302,242 L 299.25,240.75 L 299.25,239.25 C 303.675,238.101 306.409,234.083 308.25,230.25 L 310.25,228.25 L 320.75,220.75 L 321,220 z " | |
414 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
415 | + id="path1266" /> | |
416 | + <path | |
417 | + d="M 573,222 C 571.115,222.1398 573.1397,220.115 573,222 z " | |
418 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
419 | + id="path1267" /> | |
420 | + <path | |
421 | + d="M 194,284 C 195.959,281.668 198.305,279.234 195.75,276.25 L 192.25,281.25 C 182.977,292.06 168.8,297.03 156,298 L 152,300 L 145.25,299.75 L 138.25,292.25 C 135.843,296.456 140.028,301.725 143.75,302.75 C 139.844,303.3309 137.913,307.208 136.25,309.75 C 133.6,301.074 128.17,293.04 122.75,286.25 L 119.25,284.75 L 119.25,283.25 C 121.648,283.8374 129.54,287.198 128.25,282.25 L 129,282 C 132.005,282.206 136.683,282.6119 136.25,278.25 L 137.75,276.25 L 129,276 L 128,277 C 130.182,281.184 123.003,277.7238 121,278 L 115,281 L 108,276 L 109.25,274.25 L 135,273 C 141.175,276.479 151.17,278.063 157.25,273.25 L 159.75,272.75 L 154,271 L 139.75,269.75 L 128.25,269.25 L 129.75,268.75 C 135.264,264.117 142.29,262.374 149,261 L 151.75,262.75 L 151.75,259.25 L 147,258 L 156.75,253.75 L 150.25,253.75 L 157.75,249.25 L 150,251 L 155,246 L 158,245 L 159.75,244.25 L 158,245 L 155,246 L 151.25,246.75 L 160.75,240.75 L 160,239 L 155.25,240.75 L 158.75,236.75 L 164.75,229.25 L 163.25,228.25 L 161.75,230.75 L 149.75,239.75 L 143,255 L 144.75,258.75 L 138,261 L 137,257 C 141.673,243.97 148.68,230.85 160.25,222.25 L 162,222 L 182.75,249.25 L 182.75,250.75 C 181.192,249.997 175.568,248.68 176.25,251.75 L 185.75,253.25 L 199.75,282.75 L 194,284 z " | |
422 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
423 | + id="path1268" /> | |
424 | + <path | |
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426 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
427 | + id="path1269" /> | |
428 | + <path | |
429 | + d="M 347,223 L 349.75,224.75 C 348.346,227.19 346.104,225.2869 347,223 z " | |
430 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
431 | + id="path1270" /> | |
432 | + <path | |
433 | + d="M 566,226 L 559.25,224.75 L 559.25,224.25 C 561.442,223.9596 565.226,223.087 566,226 z " | |
434 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
435 | + id="path1271" /> | |
436 | + <path | |
437 | + d="M 278,225 L 278.75,225.25 L 282.75,232.75 L 280,232 L 279,233 L 279,237 L 279.75,238.25 L 276.25,247.25 L 276,258 L 275.75,260.75 L 274.25,260.75 C 269.377,256.064 270.965,248.85 274.75,244.25 L 272.75,242.25 L 269.75,246.75 L 268.25,249.75 L 268,247 C 270.416,242.187 273.896,236.41 271,231 L 270.25,227.25 L 278,225 z " | |
438 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
439 | + id="path1272" /> | |
440 | + <path | |
441 | + d="M 389,293 L 388.25,294.75 L 389,293 L 390.75,291.75 L 395,285 L 396,284 C 397.885,284.1397 395.8603,282.115 396,284 L 395,285 L 391.25,285.75 L 395.75,281.75 L 396,280 C 397.885,280.1397 395.8603,278.115 396,280 L 392.75,281.75 L 391.25,282.75 L 393.25,278.25 C 395.191,277.5469 398.164,275.492 397.75,273.25 L 393,276 C 392.237,272.578 396,271.059 397.75,268.75 L 395.25,268.75 L 402.25,257.25 C 412.66,256.6003 421.25,263.072 428.75,269.25 L 447.25,306.75 L 454,313 L 452.75,333.75 L 449,334 C 438.27,328.852 432.77,317.61 428.75,307.25 C 424.993,297.04 415.32,282.57 402.75,288.75 L 388.75,297.75 L 374.25,300.25 L 368.25,304.25 L 367.25,308.75 L 368,314 C 374.423,323.916 374.119,335.77 376,347 L 374.75,348.75 L 373,345 L 371,330 C 366.188,317.52 360.92,305.18 362,291 C 364.454,284.177 368.485,277.46 374.75,273.25 L 379.25,297.75 L 380.75,297.75 C 376.652,281.27 377.742,263.17 382,247 L 391.25,228.25 L 394.75,227.25 L 385,249 C 380.72,263.27 380.625,279.52 384.25,293.75 L 385.75,294.75 C 387.55,293.387 387.744,289.099 386,288 L 385,280 L 384,278 C 382.815,259.95 387.115,242.76 397.75,228.75 L 398.25,226.25 L 399.75,226.25 L 401,249 L 401,253 L 395.25,260.25 C 396.2387,261.462 394.9847,264.822 393.25,263.25 L 393.75,265.75 L 392.25,266.25 L 389,288 L 388,291 L 389,293 z " | |
442 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
443 | + id="path1273" /> | |
444 | + <path | |
445 | + d="M 516,226 L 517,227 L 517,233 C 518.292,234.346 518.148,236.594 516,237 C 512.088,234.932 514.134,228.935 516,226 z " | |
446 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
447 | + id="path1274" /> | |
448 | + <path | |
449 | + d="M 566,226 C 567.885,225.8602 565.8603,227.885 566,226 z " | |
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453 | + d="M 580,228 L 580.75,229.75 L 580,228 z " | |
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455 | + id="path1276" /> | |
456 | + <path | |
457 | + d="M 142,237 L 138.75,235.25 C 137.129,234.8187 134.579,233.163 135.25,231.25 L 142,237 z " | |
458 | + style="fill:#020202;stroke:#020202" | |
459 | + id="path1277" /> | |
460 | + <path | |
461 | + d="M 580,231 L 583,234 L 579,252 L 578,257 L 576.75,259.75 L 573.25,260.75 L 576.75,253.75 L 577,245 L 580,231 z " | |
462 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
463 | + id="path1278" /> | |
464 | + <path | |
465 | + d="M 509,232 C 511.142,231.5148 512.41,234.642 511,236 L 511.75,241.75 L 510.25,241.75 L 509,232 z " | |
466 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
467 | + id="path1279" /> | |
468 | + <path | |
469 | + d="M 249,234 C 250.885,233.8602 248.8602,235.885 249,234 z " | |
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471 | + id="path1280" /> | |
472 | + <path | |
473 | + d="M 282,234 L 283.75,234.25 L 283,244 L 280.25,247.75 L 280.25,246.25 L 282,234 z " | |
474 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
475 | + id="path1281" /> | |
476 | + <path | |
477 | + d="M 129,238 L 128,236 L 129,238 z " | |
478 | + style="fill:#0a0a0a;stroke:#0a0a0a" | |
479 | + id="path1282" /> | |
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481 | + d="M 130,240 L 129,238 L 130,240 z " | |
482 | + style="fill:#060606;stroke:#060606" | |
483 | + id="path1283" /> | |
484 | + <path | |
485 | + d="M 502,238 C 503.885,237.8602 501.8603,239.885 502,238 z " | |
486 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
487 | + id="path1284" /> | |
488 | + <path | |
489 | + d="M 586,238 L 588,240 L 585,248 L 582.75,260.75 L 580.25,262.75 L 580,261 L 585.75,239.75 L 586,238 z " | |
490 | + style="fill:#fafafa;stroke:#fafafa" | |
491 | + id="path1285" /> | |
492 | + <path | |
493 | + d="M 380,244 C 377.459,246.088 374.541,243.8849 372,243 C 369.751,243.7433 366.96,241.66 368.25,239.25 L 369,239 L 379.75,243.25 L 380,244 z " | |
494 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
495 | + id="path1286" /> | |
496 | + <path | |
497 | + d="M 421,242 L 422.75,239.25 C 423.5589,240.569 422.83368,242.665 421,242 z " | |
498 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
499 | + id="path1287" /> | |
500 | + <path | |
501 | + d="M 132,244 L 130,240 L 132,244 z " | |
502 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
503 | + id="path1288" /> | |
504 | + <path | |
505 | + d="M 162,241 C 163.885,240.8602 161.8602,242.885 162,241 z " | |
506 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
507 | + id="path1289" /> | |
508 | + <path | |
509 | + d="M 165,241 C 166.885,240.8602 164.8602,242.885 165,241 z " | |
510 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
511 | + id="path1290" /> | |
512 | + <path | |
513 | + d="M 134,246 L 132,244 L 134,246 z " | |
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516 | + <path | |
517 | + d="M 158,245 L 159.75,244.25 L 158,245 z " | |
518 | + style="fill:#060606;stroke:#060606" | |
519 | + id="path1292" /> | |
520 | + <path | |
521 | + d="M 158,245 L 155,246 L 158,245 z " | |
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523 | + id="path1293" /> | |
524 | + <path | |
525 | + d="M 494,247 L 499.75,247.25 L 506.75,248.25 C 507.1978,250.553 500.914,255.38 503,251 L 501.75,249.25 L 495.25,254.25 C 491.616,254.6867 496.483,250.645 497.75,250.25 C 493.508,249.135 490.676,253.545 487.25,255.25 C 484.938,258.103 482.418,255.3748 486,254 L 490.75,250.25 L 477.25,257.75 L 481.75,251.25 L 478.25,251.25 L 477.75,253.75 L 467.25,260.75 C 466.121,258.418 468.722,256.251 470.75,255.75 L 474.75,252.25 C 471.896,250.71 470.303,253.462 469,255 L 460.25,259.75 L 465.75,254.25 L 458.25,254.75 L 459.25,252.25 L 471,249 L 493,248 L 494,247 z " | |
526 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
527 | + id="path1294" /> | |
528 | + <path | |
529 | + d="M 150,251 L 148.25,251.75 L 150,251 z " | |
530 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
531 | + id="path1295" /> | |
532 | + <path | |
533 | + d="M 450,254 C 449.8603,252.115 451.885,254.1398 450,254 z " | |
534 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
535 | + id="path1296" /> | |
536 | + <path | |
537 | + d="M 557,253 L 560.75,253.75 L 558.25,254.25 L 557,253 z " | |
538 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
539 | + id="path1297" /> | |
540 | + <path | |
541 | + d="M 168,254 L 176,255 L 186.75,258.25 L 186.75,258.75 L 184,259 L 175,257 L 168.25,255.75 L 168,254 z " | |
542 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
543 | + id="path1298" /> | |
544 | + <path | |
545 | + d="M 568,254 L 569.75,254.75 L 568,254 z " | |
546 | + style="fill:#010101;stroke:#010101" | |
547 | + id="path1299" /> | |
548 | + <path | |
549 | + d="M 348,255 L 349.75,256.75 L 348,255 z " | |
550 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
551 | + id="path1300" /> | |
552 | + <path | |
553 | + d="M 367,255 L 375.75,257.25 L 369.75,270.75 L 366.75,273.75 L 363.25,277.75 L 367.75,267.75 L 369.75,262.25 L 360.25,270.75 L 360,268 L 367,255 z " | |
554 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
555 | + id="path1301" /> | |
556 | + <path | |
557 | + d="M 162,257 L 165,258 L 185.75,262.25 L 187.75,263.75 L 186,264 L 184,263 L 169,261 L 161.25,259.75 L 162,257 z " | |
558 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
559 | + id="path1302" /> | |
560 | + <path | |
561 | + d="M 252,258 C 257.521,256.475 260.311,261.925 262,266 L 258.25,268.25 C 257.187,269.98 255.486,270.35 254,269 L 253,271 L 254.75,272.75 L 262.75,270.25 L 265.75,282.75 L 261.25,285.25 C 259.238,287.922 256.146,288.885 253,289 C 247.705,283.007 245.801,274.39 243,267 L 243.25,263.25 L 252,258 z " | |
562 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
563 | + id="path1303" /> | |
564 | + <path | |
565 | + d="M 252,260 C 255.316,259.6027 258.153,261.927 259,265 C 257.489,268.196 253.581,265.5573 252.75,263.25 L 250.25,264.25 C 249.214,270.231 252.641,275.29 254.25,280.75 C 256.083,282.038 258.746,281.619 260,280 L 258,275 L 261.25,273.75 L 263.75,280.75 L 262.75,281.75 L 253.25,285.75 L 246.75,269.25 L 245,267 L 245,265 L 252,260 z " | |
566 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
567 | + id="path1304" /> | |
568 | + <path | |
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570 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
571 | + id="path1305" /> | |
572 | + <path | |
573 | + d="M 273,266 L 273.25,266.75 L 274.75,267.25 L 277.25,276.75 L 279,277 C 284.377,276.8979 280.461,271.618 280,269 C 278.444,267.12 277.192,264.851 278.25,262.25 L 280.75,262.25 L 284.75,277.75 L 278.25,280.25 C 277.9853,283.864 282.9,289.666 277.25,291.75 L 276,286 L 272.75,274.25 L 269,268 C 269.6692,266.46 271.385,264.253 273,266 z " | |
574 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
575 | + id="path1306" /> | |
576 | + <path | |
577 | + d="M 273,266 C 272.8603,264.115 274.885,266.1397 273,266 z " | |
578 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
579 | + id="path1307" /> | |
580 | + <path | |
581 | + d="M 295,265 L 304,282 L 304.25,284.75 L 306,285 C 307.927,283.771 310.879,282.084 311.25,285.75 C 313.431,285.7652 312.977,287.575 312.25,288.75 L 313.75,291.75 L 298.25,296.75 C 295.96,287.2 294.203,277.47 289,269 L 295,265 z " | |
582 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
583 | + id="path1308" /> | |
584 | + <path | |
585 | + d="M 149,267 L 156,268 L 164.75,269.75 L 160.75,270.75 L 150.25,269.75 L 149,267 z " | |
586 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
587 | + id="path1309" /> | |
588 | + <path | |
589 | + d="M 292,268 L 295.75,268.25 L 303.25,288.75 L 308.75,287.25 L 310,290 L 301.25,293.75 L 299.25,290.75 L 292.25,269.75 L 292,268 z " | |
590 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
591 | + id="path1310" /> | |
592 | + <path | |
593 | + d="M 375,268 C 376.978,268.1194 375.5378,270.952 374.25,270.75 L 375,268 z " | |
594 | + style="fill:#fdfdfd;stroke:#fdfdfd" | |
595 | + id="path1311" /> | |
596 | + <path | |
597 | + d="M 139,271 L 141,272 L 138.75,271.75 L 139,271 z " | |
598 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
599 | + id="path1312" /> | |
600 | + <path | |
601 | + d="M 277,271 C 278.834,270.3347 279.559,272.431 278.75,273.75 L 277,271 z " | |
602 | + style="fill:#fefefe;stroke:#fefefe" | |
603 | + id="path1313" /> | |
604 | + <path | |
605 | + d="M 315,303 L 317.25,299.25 L 321.25,296.25 L 328.75,291.75 L 336.25,278.25 L 339.25,275.25 L 344.25,271.25 L 345.75,271.25 L 339.25,279.25 L 335.25,286.25 L 334.75,288.75 L 317.75,302.75 L 315,303 z " | |
606 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
607 | + id="path1314" /> | |
608 | + <path | |
609 | + d="M 152,273 L 153.75,273.75 L 152,273 z " | |
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611 | + id="path1315" /> | |
612 | + <path | |
613 | + d="M 352,276 L 352.75,274.25 L 352,276 z " | |
614 | + style="fill:#020202;stroke:#020202" | |
615 | + id="path1316" /> | |
616 | + <path | |
617 | + d="M 413,274 C 414.885,273.8603 412.8603,275.885 413,274 z " | |
618 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
619 | + id="path1317" /> | |
620 | + <path | |
621 | + d="M 120,325 C 121.885,325.1397 119.8602,323.115 120,325 L 114,329 L 116.75,325.25 L 109,330 L 109.75,327.25 L 107,331 L 103,332 L 104,330 L 103.75,329.25 L 96.25,335.75 L 96,334 L 96.75,332.25 L 96,334 L 90.25,337.75 L 90,337 L 92.75,332.25 L 90,337 L 89.25,337.25 L 88,334 C 89.885,334.1397 87.8602,332.115 88,334 L 85.25,335.25 L 85,341 C 81.629,350.36 95.86,361.04 86.25,369.25 L 82,377 L 76.25,372.25 L 76.25,374.75 L 79.75,378.75 L 63,387 L 60.25,384.75 C 58.889,378.701 65.527,374.71 70.75,374.75 C 74.065,369.711 76.935,364.13 77,358 L 77.75,356.25 L 72,357 C 69.602,355.063 67.058,353.51 64.25,354.75 L 64,353 C 65.823,349.696 69.441,344.654 67.25,341.25 L 66.25,344.25 C 62.35,349.706 63.101,336.045 59,341 L 60.75,344.25 L 61.75,345.25 L 56.25,344.25 L 56.25,345.75 L 62,361 C 61.8469,363.156 62.9855,367.374 65.75,366.75 L 64.25,358.25 C 68.186,356.909 71.488,362.369 71,366 C 70.1433,369.77 66.389,370.876 63.25,372.25 C 60.874,375.383 56.692,377.314 53.25,374.75 L 41,349 L 43,357 L 45.75,363.25 L 49.75,376.75 L 45,380 L 34,357 L 34,355 L 35.75,355.75 L 33.25,352.75 L 28,343 C 29.977,339.182 34.51,336.936 38.75,338.25 C 38.4833,341.965 41.238,345.577 44.75,345.75 L 43.75,342.25 C 37.617,335.194 49.446,327.49 56,332 L 70.75,329.75 C 70.69239,322.459 62.215,328.354 58.25,327.75 L 60.25,322.25 C 71.23,307.39 86.35,294.41 91.25,276.25 L 96,278 L 101,278 C 123.06,284.262 139.02,308.44 135,331 L 133.25,333.25 L 133.75,334.75 L 94,345 L 89.25,343.75 L 90.25,341.25 L 124.75,328.75 L 126.75,325.25 L 120,325 z " | |
622 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
623 | + id="path1318" /> | |
624 | + <path | |
625 | + d="M 256,277 C 254.115,277.1397 256.1397,275.115 256,277 z " | |
626 | + style="fill:#f4f4f4;stroke:#f4f4f4" | |
627 | + id="path1319" /> | |
628 | + <path | |
629 | + d="M 352,276 L 352.75,283.75 C 348.09,291.064 340.06,295.41 333.25,300.25 C 330.255,303.646 326.713,306.6 322.25,307.25 C 316.348,311.066 309.46,312.94 302.25,311.75 L 304,310 L 305.75,310.75 L 317.75,306.75 L 326.75,300.75 L 343.25,288.25 L 344.75,287.75 L 348.25,280.25 L 350.75,280.75 L 352,276 z " | |
630 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
631 | + id="path1320" /> | |
632 | + <path | |
633 | + d="M 393,276 C 393.1397,277.885 391.115,275.8603 393,276 z " | |
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635 | + id="path1321" /> | |
636 | + <path | |
637 | + d="M 256,277 L 256.75,278.75 L 256,277 z " | |
638 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
639 | + id="path1322" /> | |
640 | + <path | |
641 | + d="M 396,280 C 395.8603,278.115 397.885,280.1397 396,280 z " | |
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643 | + id="path1323" /> | |
644 | + <path | |
645 | + d="M 122,281 C 123.488,281.3196 127.763,279.932 126.75,282.75 L 126.25,282.75 L 122,281 z " | |
646 | + style="fill:#fdfdfd;stroke:#fdfdfd" | |
647 | + id="path1324" /> | |
648 | + <path | |
649 | + d="M 356,287 L 355,288 C 352.236,286.948 355.6369,282.336 357.75,283.25 L 356.25,285.25 L 356,287 z " | |
650 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
651 | + id="path1325" /> | |
652 | + <path | |
653 | + d="M 396,284 C 395.8603,282.115 397.885,284.1397 396,284 z " | |
654 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
655 | + id="path1326" /> | |
656 | + <path | |
657 | + d="M 194,284 C 194.1398,285.885 192.115,283.8603 194,284 z " | |
658 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
659 | + id="path1327" /> | |
660 | + <path | |
661 | + d="M 396,284 L 395,285 L 396,284 z " | |
662 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
663 | + id="path1328" /> | |
664 | + <path | |
665 | + d="M 94,288 L 94.75,286.25 L 94,288 z " | |
666 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
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668 | + <path | |
669 | + d="M 176,287 C 177.885,286.8603 175.8602,288.885 176,287 z " | |
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671 | + id="path1330" /> | |
672 | + <path | |
673 | + d="M 356,287 L 355,288 L 356,287 z " | |
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675 | + id="path1331" /> | |
676 | + <path | |
677 | + d="M 355,288 L 356,287 L 357.75,287.25 C 357.3555,288.74 353.343,291.824 356.75,292.25 L 357,293 L 353.25,296.75 L 354.75,293.75 L 355,288 z " | |
678 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
679 | + id="path1332" /> | |
680 | + <path | |
681 | + d="M 94,288 L 90.25,297.25 L 80.75,311.75 L 76.25,317.25 L 76,320 L 81.25,324.75 C 83.894,326.46 80.029,329.923 79,327 L 79,326 L 78,325 L 70,319 L 73.25,314.25 L 76.75,311.75 L 85.25,299.25 L 93.25,288.25 L 94,288 z " | |
682 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
683 | + id="path1333" /> | |
684 | + <path | |
685 | + d="M 386,288 L 385.25,289.75 L 386,288 z " | |
686 | + style="fill:#fafafa;stroke:#fafafa" | |
687 | + id="path1334" /> | |
688 | + <path | |
689 | + d="M 426,290 C 427.885,289.8603 425.8603,291.885 426,290 z " | |
690 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
691 | + id="path1335" /> | |
692 | + <path | |
693 | + d="M 188,293 C 186.115,293.1397 188.1398,291.115 188,293 z " | |
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695 | + id="path1336" /> | |
696 | + <path | |
697 | + d="M 188,293 L 198.75,296.25 L 203.75,302.25 L 203.75,303.75 L 203,304 L 191.75,297.25 L 188,293 z " | |
698 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
699 | + id="path1337" /> | |
700 | + <path | |
701 | + d="M 216,292 L 217.75,292.25 L 228.25,305.75 C 233.847,310.967 240.37,315.312 248,316 L 252,318 L 245,317 C 242.211,316.6425 238.553,318.135 236.75,315.25 L 216.25,294.75 L 216,292 z " | |
702 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
703 | + id="path1338" /> | |
704 | + <path | |
705 | + d="M 389,293 L 388.25,294.75 L 389,293 z " | |
706 | + style="fill:#010101;stroke:#010101" | |
707 | + id="path1339" /> | |
708 | + <path | |
709 | + d="M 182,294 L 183.75,294.25 C 189.027,299.753 194.85,304.37 201.75,307.25 L 202.75,308.75 L 202,309 C 194.639,305.736 185.95,303.012 181,296 L 182,294 z " | |
710 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
711 | + id="path1340" /> | |
712 | + <path | |
713 | + d="M 408,294 L 415.75,294.25 C 420.273,297.894 422.982,303.105 422,309 L 421.75,314.75 L 418.25,313.75 L 419,309 L 416.75,299.25 L 411.25,297.25 L 407.75,300.75 L 406.25,301.25 L 406.25,306.75 L 408.75,312.75 L 405.25,312.75 L 403,302 L 408,294 z " | |
714 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
715 | + id="path1341" /> | |
716 | + <path | |
717 | + d="M 172,297 L 173,298 C 168.974,302.913 162.13,304.482 156,305 L 154,306 L 150.25,305.75 L 154.25,302.25 L 171.75,297.75 L 172,297 z " | |
718 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
719 | + id="path1342" /> | |
720 | + <path | |
721 | + d="M 358,299 L 359,300 L 359,305 L 370,338 L 369.75,344.75 L 368,343 L 367,340 L 367,337 C 364.265,331.519 362.495,325.76 357.25,321.75 L 350,311 L 356.25,301.25 L 357.75,300.75 L 358,299 z " | |
722 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
723 | + id="path1343" /> | |
724 | + <path | |
725 | + d="M 207,300 C 208.885,299.8603 206.8602,301.885 207,300 z " | |
726 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
727 | + id="path1344" /> | |
728 | + <path | |
729 | + d="M 463,301 L 465,302 C 465.4073,307.428 467.422,313.7 465,319 L 463,346 L 454.75,373.75 L 452.25,374.75 L 454.25,367.25 C 460.82,353.9 461.579,337.94 464,324 C 463.5261,321.393 465.389,317.074 462,316 L 461.25,316.25 C 462.355,319.687 462.686,324.62 461,328 L 459,340 L 459,346 C 455.359,357.48 453.452,369.56 447.25,380.25 L 442.75,392.75 L 434.25,396.75 L 434.25,394.25 L 435.75,393.75 L 442.25,377.25 L 448.25,364.25 L 449.75,363.75 L 449,362 L 450.75,360.75 L 450,359 L 455,346 L 454.25,343.25 L 456,340 L 458,330 L 457,328 C 459.336,322.078 457.5855,315.03 457,309 L 463,301 z " | |
730 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
731 | + id="path1345" /> | |
732 | + <path | |
733 | + d="M 413,302 C 415.986,300.798 418.707,304.958 415.75,306.75 C 413.363,308.196 411.351,304.59 413,303 L 413,302 z " | |
734 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
735 | + id="path1346" /> | |
736 | + <path | |
737 | + d="M 315,303 C 315.1397,304.885 313.115,302.8603 315,303 z " | |
738 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
739 | + id="path1347" /> | |
740 | + <path | |
741 | + d="M 391,319 L 388.25,317.75 L 389,316 C 387.182,312.751 384.068,309.509 380.25,309.25 C 376.018,310.62 374.71,316.438 377,320 L 382,328 L 380.75,331.75 L 377.25,328.75 C 375.084,322.457 371.383,316.47 373.25,309.25 C 376.608,304.15 383.157,303.968 387.75,307.25 L 392,316 L 391,319 z " | |
742 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
743 | + id="path1348" /> | |
744 | + <path | |
745 | + d="M 146,307 L 147.75,307.25 C 148.3322,312.255 142.501,315.812 139.25,318.75 C 139.21347,317.133 136.313,312.13 139.75,313.75 L 141.25,309.25 L 145.75,307.75 L 146,307 z " | |
746 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
747 | + id="path1349" /> | |
748 | + <path | |
749 | + d="M 206,308 C 207.597,308.4472 207.597,312.553 206,313 L 205.25,312.75 L 205.75,308.75 L 206,308 z " | |
750 | + style="fill:#fafafa;stroke:#fafafa" | |
751 | + id="path1350" /> | |
752 | + <path | |
753 | + d="M 286,312 C 287.885,311.8603 285.8603,313.885 286,312 z " | |
754 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
755 | + id="path1351" /> | |
756 | + <path | |
757 | + d="M 381,313 C 383.464,312.1028 385.131,314.746 384.75,316.75 L 379.25,316.75 L 381,313 z " | |
758 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
759 | + id="path1352" /> | |
760 | + <path | |
761 | + d="M 568,313 L 570.75,314.75 L 569.25,315.25 L 567.75,317.75 C 556.32,325.401 543.78,330.73 531,335 L 527,335 C 517.645,337.899 507.13,336.793 497,337 L 495,336 L 482.25,334.75 L 480.25,332.25 L 482,331 C 493.7,334.283 505.26,333.976 518,334 L 523,332 C 531.553,331.0828 539.67,328.346 547.25,324.25 C 554.742,322.044 562.02,317.762 568,313 z " | |
762 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
763 | + id="path1353" /> | |
764 | + <path | |
765 | + d="M 206,314 L 207.25,314.75 L 213.75,322.25 L 213.75,323.75 C 210.203,322.152 205.157,318.646 206,314 z " | |
766 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
767 | + id="path1354" /> | |
768 | + <path | |
769 | + d="M 391,319 L 392.75,318.75 C 395.716,314.568 401.401,312.304 406,315 L 407.75,314.25 L 419.25,316.75 L 421.75,317.25 L 421.75,319.75 C 417.951,325.109 413.789,330.56 407.25,332.25 C 404.024,335.43 399.479,336.272 395,336 L 386,337 L 383.25,337.75 L 382,336 L 391,319 z " | |
770 | + style="fill:#fdfdfd;stroke:#fdfdfd" | |
771 | + id="path1355" /> | |
772 | + <path | |
773 | + d="M 346,321 L 345,326 L 344.25,330.75 L 345.75,331.75 L 346.75,329.25 C 347.2197,331.181 346.2412,335.392 349.75,333.75 L 351,328 L 350.75,325.75 L 350.75,323.25 L 348.25,322.75 L 346,321 L 349,315 L 351.75,317.25 L 364,340 L 361,344 L 361.75,344.75 C 364.021,341.549 364.802,344.9044 364.75,346.75 L 350,346 L 347.25,348.25 L 362.75,369.75 L 360.25,370.25 C 352.864,378.464 342.62,381.89 333,386 L 330.25,385.75 L 335,369 L 335.75,363.25 C 331.664,363.4998 333.52,367.99 332.75,370.75 L 328.25,383.25 C 330.291,385.71 327.015,387.241 325,388 L 324,387 C 324.1358,379.514 323.2223,371.72 326,365 C 326.4532,355.135 329.609,345.27 337.75,338.75 L 346,321 z " | |
774 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
775 | + id="path1356" /> | |
776 | + <path | |
777 | + d="M 259,318 L 271,318 L 278.75,318.25 L 278.75,318.75 L 271.75,320.25 L 259.25,320.75 L 257.25,319.75 L 259,318 z " | |
778 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
779 | + id="path1357" /> | |
780 | + <path | |
781 | + d="M 577,318 C 578.885,317.8603 576.8603,319.885 577,318 z " | |
782 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
783 | + id="path1358" /> | |
784 | + <path | |
785 | + d="M 293,320 L 295,321 L 293.25,323.25 C 290.893,336.72 274.29,330.696 265.75,335.75 L 262,337 L 257,337 L 253,334 L 259,335 L 268,331 L 276,330 C 283.185,330.9536 290.19,326.57 293,320 z " | |
786 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
787 | + id="path1359" /> | |
788 | + <path | |
789 | + d="M 425,320 L 426,322 C 420.842,333.81 409.95,344.67 396,343 L 385.25,342.75 L 383,341 L 384,340 L 385.25,340.75 L 401,338 L 405.25,336.25 C 413.905,334.985 418.92,327.807 424.75,321.75 L 425,320 z " | |
790 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
791 | + id="path1360" /> | |
792 | + <path | |
793 | + d="M 78,325 L 79,326 L 79,327 L 77,328 L 68,323 L 67.25,322.25 C 68.317,320.252 70.309,321.247 71.25,322.75 L 78,325 z " | |
794 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
795 | + id="path1361" /> | |
796 | + <path | |
797 | + d="M 346,321 L 348.25,322.75 L 350.75,323.25 L 350.75,325.75 L 351,328 L 349.75,333.75 C 346.241,335.392 347.22,331.181 346.75,329.25 L 345.75,331.75 L 344.25,330.75 L 345,326 L 346,321 z " | |
798 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
799 | + id="path1362" /> | |
800 | + <path | |
801 | + d="M 120,325 C 119.8602,323.115 121.885,325.1397 120,325 z " | |
802 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
803 | + id="path1363" /> | |
804 | + <path | |
805 | + d="M 469,324 C 470.885,323.8603 468.8603,325.885 469,324 z " | |
806 | + style="fill:#f5f5f5;stroke:#f5f5f5" | |
807 | + id="path1364" /> | |
808 | + <path | |
809 | + d="M 498,393 L 499,393 L 506.75,392.75 C 507.876,390.052 506.6434,385.917 503,387 L 502.25,386.75 L 501,380 L 500,373 L 511.75,380.25 L 512.75,381.25 L 516,400 L 515.75,402.75 L 510,404 L 503,407 L 499,407 C 483.94,411.582 466.88,409.792 450.25,409.75 C 452.476,405.154 450.4156,399.68 446.25,396.75 L 448,392 L 449.75,390.75 C 456.401,375.03 463.07,359.45 467,343 L 467,336 L 468,329 L 470,326 L 471,327 C 469.379,329.84 468.96,335.487 472.75,336.75 C 471.8629,331.653 473.0617,321.56 480.75,325.25 L 483.75,328.75 L 476.25,330.25 C 478.11,339.652 484.807,347.83 490.25,355.75 L 491.75,356.25 C 494.255,360.963 497.665,364.918 502.75,367.25 L 503.25,368.75 L 518,375 L 518.75,375.75 L 513,378 L 498.25,367.75 L 491.25,363.25 C 491.4236,366.154 495.158,368.942 497.75,370.25 C 498.6821,372.409 495.796,373.194 494.25,373.25 L 495,381 L 498,393 z " | |
810 | + style="fill:#fdfdfd;stroke:#fdfdfd" | |
811 | + id="path1365" /> | |
812 | + <path | |
813 | + d="M 79,326 L 78,325 L 79,326 z " | |
814 | + style="fill:#f9f9f9;stroke:#f9f9f9" | |
815 | + id="path1366" /> | |
816 | + <path | |
817 | + d="M 347,325 L 347.75,326.75 L 347,325 z " | |
818 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
819 | + id="path1367" /> | |
820 | + <path | |
821 | + d="M 79,327 L 79,326 L 79,327 z " | |
822 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
823 | + id="path1368" /> | |
824 | + <path | |
825 | + d="M 109,330 L 108,331 L 107,331 L 109.75,327.25 L 109,330 z " | |
826 | + style="fill:#060606;stroke:#060606" | |
827 | + id="path1369" /> | |
828 | + <path | |
829 | + d="M 354,335 L 350.25,336.75 L 350,336 L 352,331 L 353.75,327.25 L 354,331 L 354,335 z " | |
830 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
831 | + id="path1370" /> | |
832 | + <path | |
833 | + d="M 423,332 C 422.8603,333.885 424.885,331.8603 423,332 L 423.25,331.25 L 426,328 L 427.75,328.25 L 449.75,349.25 L 450,350 C 446.864,359.492 445.47,369.91 439.25,378.25 C 437.794,383.733 435.645,389.38 431.75,393.75 L 398.25,378.75 L 396.25,376.75 L 395,374 C 395.6023,364.592 393.315,355.7 391.25,347.25 L 393,346 L 406,345 L 416.75,339.75 L 423,332 z " | |
834 | + style="fill:#fdfdfd;stroke:#fdfdfd" | |
835 | + id="path1371" /> | |
836 | + <path | |
837 | + d="M 114,329 C 114.1397,330.885 112.115,328.8603 114,329 z " | |
838 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
839 | + id="path1372" /> | |
840 | + <path | |
841 | + d="M 109,330 L 108,331 L 109,330 z " | |
842 | + style="fill:#ebebeb;stroke:#ebebeb" | |
843 | + id="path1373" /> | |
844 | + <path | |
845 | + d="M 446,330 C 447.885,329.8603 445.8603,331.885 446,330 z " | |
846 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
847 | + id="path1374" /> | |
848 | + <path | |
849 | + d="M 108,331 L 107,331 L 108,331 z " | |
850 | + style="fill:#fafafa;stroke:#fafafa" | |
851 | + id="path1375" /> | |
852 | + <path | |
853 | + d="M 59,333 C 58.8603,331.115 60.885,333.1397 59,333 z " | |
854 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
855 | + id="path1376" /> | |
856 | + <path | |
857 | + d="M 56,335 C 54.115,334.8603 56.1398,336.885 56,335 L 59,333 C 57.927,335.727 63.073,335.727 62,333 L 62.25,332.25 L 63.25,334.75 L 67.75,335.75 L 61,336 L 53,337 L 47.25,337.75 L 48.25,335.25 L 51,335 L 56,335 z " | |
858 | + style="fill:#020202;stroke:#020202" | |
859 | + id="path1377" /> | |
860 | + <path | |
861 | + d="M 90,337 L 92.75,332.25 L 90,337 z " | |
862 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
863 | + id="path1378" /> | |
864 | + <path | |
865 | + d="M 96,334 L 96.75,332.25 L 96,334 z " | |
866 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
867 | + id="path1379" /> | |
868 | + <path | |
869 | + d="M 103,332 C 103.1397,333.885 101.115,331.8603 103,332 z " | |
870 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
871 | + id="path1380" /> | |
872 | + <path | |
873 | + d="M 296,332 L 297,334 L 292.25,339.25 L 271.75,347.75 L 268,349 L 260,344 L 260.25,343.25 L 268,345 L 295.75,333.75 L 296,332 z " | |
874 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
875 | + id="path1381" /> | |
876 | + <path | |
877 | + d="M 423,332 C 424.885,331.8603 422.8603,333.885 423,332 z " | |
878 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
879 | + id="path1382" /> | |
880 | + <path | |
881 | + d="M 88,334 C 87.8602,332.115 89.885,334.1397 88,334 z " | |
882 | + style="fill:#060606;stroke:#060606" | |
883 | + id="path1383" /> | |
884 | + <path | |
885 | + d="M 354,335 L 357.75,333.25 L 355.75,339.75 L 354,335 z " | |
886 | + style="fill:#050505;stroke:#050505" | |
887 | + id="path1384" /> | |
888 | + <path | |
889 | + d="M 425,335 C 424.8603,333.115 426.885,335.1397 425,335 z " | |
890 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
891 | + id="path1385" /> | |
892 | + <path | |
893 | + d="M 56,335 C 56.1398,336.885 54.115,334.8603 56,335 z " | |
894 | + style="fill:#f5f5f5;stroke:#f5f5f5" | |
895 | + id="path1386" /> | |
896 | + <path | |
897 | + d="M 425,335 C 425.1397,336.885 423.115,334.8603 425,335 z " | |
898 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
899 | + id="path1387" /> | |
900 | + <path | |
901 | + d="M 283,388 L 282,389 C 283.035,394.915 271.1,388.8397 275.75,394.25 L 276.25,396.75 C 284.987,405.399 291.68,414.62 302.75,419.25 L 303.25,428.75 L 305.25,424.25 C 308.973,430.56 305.8518,439.02 303.75,445.75 L 292.25,447.75 L 320.25,473.75 L 321.75,472.75 L 321.75,471.25 L 318.25,468.75 L 302,451 L 306,448 L 309.25,433.25 L 311,437 C 312.715,433.403 314.785,437.1955 314,440 L 315.75,439.25 L 317.25,443.75 C 319.37,445.171 319.905,445.351 319.25,447.75 L 320.75,448.25 L 324,465 L 332,475 L 333,479 C 328.241,488.744 337.513,494.81 342,502 L 339.75,508.75 C 338.614,506.674 335.481,497.46 332.25,502.75 L 337.75,510.75 L 336.75,512.75 L 327.25,516.75 L 322,511 C 322.3851,498.55 322.2,486.36 317.75,475.25 L 292.25,456.75 L 286.25,449.75 L 284.75,444.25 L 239,407 C 240.885,407.1397 238.8602,405.115 239,407 C 233.07,402.323 227.91,395.73 226.75,388.25 L 224,376 C 222.469,373.437 222.469,369.563 224,367 L 226,350 L 227,348 L 228,338 L 229.75,338.25 L 230.25,340.75 L 231.75,341.25 L 237.75,347.25 L 249.25,356.75 C 259.008,357.7037 267.64,362.305 274.75,369.25 L 274.25,371.75 C 278.609,369.18 276.549,376.534 277,379 C 279.476,381.822 278.461,375.294 279.25,373.25 L 280,385 L 279,388 L 279.25,389.75 L 283,377 L 284,378 L 283,383 L 283,388 z " | |
902 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
903 | + id="path1388" /> | |
904 | + <path | |
905 | + d="M 358,338 C 362.096,337.8712 358.844,342.681 358.75,344.75 L 358,338 z " | |
906 | + style="fill:#060606;stroke:#060606" | |
907 | + id="path1389" /> | |
908 | + <path | |
909 | + d="M 24,346 L 25.75,346.25 C 28.767,353.515 33.94,359.64 34.25,367.75 L 39.25,380.75 L 40.75,382.25 L 39.75,383.75 C 35.622,385.417 33.08,380.542 32.75,377.25 L 27,367 L 27.25,366.25 L 28.75,366.75 C 30.059,362.637 27.095,358.162 23.25,356.75 L 22,354 L 24,346 z " | |
910 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
911 | + id="path1390" /> | |
912 | + <path | |
913 | + d="M 401,391 C 387.43,386.627 376.51,377.08 366.25,366.75 L 357.75,357.25 C 354.814,356.5507 353.547,352.675 353.25,350.25 L 367.75,349.25 C 370.686,357.832 375.751,366.69 383.75,371.25 L 385.25,373.75 L 422.25,392.75 L 429.75,395.25 L 433,400 L 426.25,399.75 C 406.42,390.831 385.39,381.01 371.75,363.25 L 364.25,355.25 L 364.25,357.75 C 374.146,370.11 385.6,381.97 399.75,389.25 L 401,391 z " | |
914 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
915 | + id="path1391" /> | |
916 | + <path | |
917 | + d="M 374,350 L 374.75,351.75 L 374,350 z " | |
918 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
919 | + id="path1392" /> | |
920 | + <path | |
921 | + d="M 34,355 C 32.115,355.1397 34.1398,353.115 34,355 z " | |
922 | + style="fill:white;stroke:white" | |
923 | + id="path1393" /> | |
924 | + <path | |
925 | + d="M 263,356 C 262.8603,354.115 264.885,356.1397 263,356 z " | |
926 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
927 | + id="path1394" /> | |
928 | + <path | |
929 | + d="M 17,359 L 19.75,359.25 L 21.25,362.75 L 23.75,365.25 L 24.25,367.75 C 28.553,374.837 29.858,384.85 37.75,389.25 L 37.75,390.75 L 30.25,390.75 L 19.25,372.75 L 20,372 L 21.25,373.75 L 22.75,373.75 L 15,366 L 17,359 z " | |
930 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
931 | + id="path1395" /> | |
932 | + <path | |
933 | + d="M 229,360 C 230.885,359.8603 228.8602,361.885 229,360 z " | |
934 | + style="fill:#020202;stroke:#020202" | |
935 | + id="path1396" /> | |
936 | + <path | |
937 | + d="M 229,363 C 228.8602,361.115 230.885,363.1397 229,363 z " | |
938 | + style="fill:black;stroke:black" | |
939 | + id="path1397" /> | |
940 | + <path | |
941 | + d="M 229,363 L 230.75,366.25 C 235.546,383.6 241.49,401.6 255.25,414.75 L 261.75,418.25 L 268.75,423.25 L 269.75,427.75 L 268.25,427.75 L 259.75,420.25 L 252.25,415.75 L 251.75,414.25 C 246.091,408.77 241.05,402.57 238.75,395.25 L 229,370 L 228,364 L 229,363 z " | |
942 | + style="fill:#040404;stroke:#040404" | |
943 | + id="path1398" /> | |
944 | + <path | |
945 | + d="M 465,363 L 466.75,363.75 C 470.517,360.762 475.94,365.416 473.75,369.75 L 468.75,368.25 L 467.25,369.75 L 468.25,373.75 L 474.75,372.25 L 475,375 C 477.374,377.942 475.3915,383.166 471.25,382.25 L 467,383 C 465.074,382.226 463.417,380.224 464,378 L 462,369 L 462.25,365.25 L 465,363 z " | |
946 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
947 | + id="path1399" /> | |
948 | + <path | |
949 | + d="M 468,380 L 463,368 L 467,365 C 468.876,363.009 471.232,364.96603 472,367 L 470.25,367.75 L 469.75,366.25 L 466.25,366.25 L 468,380 z " | |
950 | + style="fill:#fcfcfc;stroke:#fcfcfc" | |
951 | + id="path1400" /> | |
952 | + <path | |
953 | + d="M 490,380 L 489,376 L 488.75,370.25 L 484,371 L 480.25,372.25 L 480,373 L 482,381 L 483.75,386.75 L 484.25,381.25 L 490,380 L 486.25,382.25 L 486.25,383.75 C 489.188,386.991 484.346,390.166 481.25,388.75 L 478.25,371.25 L 484,369 L 488.75,368.25 C 492.512,370.782 490.737,375.976 490.75,379.75 L 490,380 z " | |
954 | + style="fill:#030303;stroke:#030303" | |
955 | + id="path1401" /> | |
956 | + <path | |
957 | + d="M 489,376 L 488.25,375.75 C 488.5801,372.94 485.847,370.991 483.25,372.25 C 481.752,374.877 484.0659,380.06 487.25,377.25 L 489,376 L 490,380 L 484.25,381.25 L 483.75,386.75 L 482,381 L 480,373 L 480.25,372.25 L 484,371 L 488.75,370.25 L 489,376 z " | |
958 | + style="fill:#fbfbfb;stroke:#fbfbfb" | |
959 | + id="path1402" /> | |
960 | + <path | |
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87 | + d="M 112.993,304.372 C 109.359,304.619 104.628,306.247 101.454,311.936 C 98.863,316.582 92.793,317.323 89.959,316.387 C 85.238,314.827 79.204,313.745 73.359,317.91 C 67.514,322.074 61.202,318.925 62.309,311.334 C 63.416,303.744 66.158,296.983 73.436,292.796 C 89.331,283.652 78.284,277.288 87.008,268.111 C 95.749,258.916 93.818,256.102 93.528,243.614 C 63.985,239.176 47.241,230.661 28.544,207.301 C 9.847,183.94 2.599,164.711 0.661,135.423 C -1.277,106.135 0.403,87.154 13.057,62.843 C 25.711,38.532 39.034,26.829 62.122,14.69 C 85.21,2.553 107.832,-0.354 128.742,0 C 149.652,0.353 163.585,1.885 175.4,8.626 C 187.214,15.367 198.022,23.85 204.912,23.911 C 211.803,23.972 216.494,22.167 219.843,19.601 C 220.737,42.304 200.304,44.276 182.024,44.756 C 163.743,45.235 152.51,37.673 135.673,40.486 C 118.836,43.299 91.269,50.961 77.84,74.336 C 64.411,97.711 63.953,105.974 65.069,125.576 C 66.185,145.179 83.057,159.804 92.581,159.963 C 102.104,160.122 104.23,157.364 112.566,151.927 C 120.903,146.489 163.462,93.805 177.984,81.971 C 192.507,70.137 206.838,66.483 222.312,66.293 C 237.786,66.103 241.74,66.628 254.22,71.743 C 266.7,76.857 274.369,86.276 284.431,92.034 C 289.574,89.007 292.769,84.487 297.488,81.038 C 314.365,68.703 323.134,65.379 343.193,67.331 C 354.722,68.453 369.259,75.039 377.933,82.581 C 393.378,96.01 406.138,114.706 416.449,128.909 C 424.478,139.97 433.926,153.204 447.414,157.341 C 462.141,161.856 473.223,142.782 474.85,132.202 C 475.772,126.207 476.975,120.953 476.985,114.355 C 476.995,107.756 476.321,99.748 474.419,92.871 C 472.517,85.994 469.259,79.151 465.731,73.477 C 459.989,64.242 450.594,54.578 440.819,49.606 C 435.333,46.816 422.426,41.743 414.29,41.565 C 404.321,41.349 396.726,44.698 387.509,45.326 C 376.353,46.087 356.425,48.595 347.679,39.976 C 342.113,34.491 341.413,30.832 340.462,23.68 C 342.921,25.706 346.36,27.038 349.421,27.297 C 356.407,27.887 362.948,22.183 368.587,18.878 C 373.232,16.155 379.81,11.289 385.911,8.83 C 401.587,2.51 420.843,2.692 437.391,4.385 C 450.655,5.741 467.852,11.642 479.485,18.225 C 491.173,24.837 502.436,35.986 510.686,46.496 C 521.065,59.72 526.739,71.066 530.498,87.559 C 535.303,108.621 536.635,140.261 530.826,161.028 C 526.248,177.393 511.047,202.532 498.107,214.855 C 485.345,227.01 470.609,232.877 453.851,236.086 C 454.507,239.468 454.615,242.622 455.482,245.395 C 456.714,249.331 459.07,253.719 463.91,252.331 C 465.84,251.778 466.873,251.299 469.418,253.525 C 471.961,255.751 470.637,264.35 463.48,268.209 C 459.851,270.166 456.021,270.591 450.209,270.707 C 444.397,270.823 435.326,270.848 429.016,269.743 C 422.707,268.639 418.938,263.632 411.95,262.848 C 401.151,261.64 392.882,253.838 384.223,248.258 C 380.61,245.929 379.391,245.905 377.309,244.728 C 378.434,248.172 379.934,251.749 380.682,255.06 C 381.432,258.371 381.112,261.438 381.51,264.088 C 381.906,266.736 382.641,268.795 383.069,270.943 C 384.799,272.49 385.352,274.843 388.258,275.583 C 391.166,276.322 395.719,275.171 398.694,274.771 C 401.669,274.371 403.663,272.75 405.997,273.194 C 408.333,273.637 410.546,275.309 412.503,276.876 C 414.46,278.443 416.142,278.672 417.726,282.582 C 419.31,286.492 420.763,294.499 420.98,299.851 C 421.197,305.203 420.597,310.034 419.011,314.281 C 417.425,318.528 416.031,320.411 411.736,324.617 C 407.441,328.824 400.447,334.997 393.468,339.297 C 394.753,341.2 395.323,342.942 397.327,345.007 C 399.331,347.073 403.509,349.388 405.368,351.567 C 407.225,353.746 408.167,355.309 408.194,357.753 C 408.223,360.196 408.104,363.372 406.12,366.036 C 401.179,372.669 395.335,373.857 388.229,376.977 C 389.424,384.439 390.399,389.77 388.672,397.221 C 387.967,400.257 386.401,407.141 382.656,408.907 C 378.91,410.673 371.687,409.818 367.115,410.544 C 362.543,411.271 359.984,411.961 356.42,412.669 C 354.254,415.8 351.029,419.255 349.924,422.061 C 348.817,424.868 349.151,425.874 350.08,428.74 C 351.009,431.606 354.172,435.779 355.068,439.135 C 355.964,442.491 356.138,446.104 355.302,449.469 C 354.464,452.834 353.031,455.276 350.163,458.264 C 347.296,461.253 341.655,463.6 338.845,466.022 C 336.033,468.445 333.234,468.736 334.001,472.745 C 335.056,478.251 343.101,487.181 348.921,489.307 C 352.409,490.582 357.091,490.18 361.327,488.392 C 361.04,493.095 356.97,496.265 354.311,499.388 C 361.512,497.329 368.495,493.387 373.325,488.162 C 371.827,492.7 366.673,499.985 358.964,506.382 C 351.255,512.779 351.302,511.47 347.47,514.015 C 354.462,515.42 360.964,515.04 366.38,514.067 C 363.411,515.704 358.544,518.006 352.097,518.683 C 345.65,519.359 341.675,518.881 335.865,517.47 C 330.054,516.058 324.75,510.776 317.709,507.135 C 318.395,509.747 318.883,512.888 321.844,515.574 C 324.805,518.26 329.285,519.626 334.047,521.949 C 327.985,521.261 321.615,521.053 315.658,519.74 C 311.248,518.767 308.285,517.735 305.058,516.137 C 301.833,514.539 299.343,512.208 296.486,510.244 C 297.855,512.859 298.261,515.935 300.591,518.091 C 302.921,520.247 306.708,521.05 309.771,522.531 C 306.576,522.461 303.503,523.154 300.191,522.321 C 296.877,521.488 293.769,520.179 290.324,517.641 C 286.879,515.103 283.326,511.978 280.386,508.783 C 277.448,505.588 273.82,501.446 272.722,498.5 C 271.622,495.553 273.382,493.492 273.712,490.991 C 271.683,492.324 269.187,493.058 267.628,494.993 C 266.069,496.928 264.687,498.695 265.377,502.068 C 266.068,505.441 269.181,509.564 271.382,513.316 C 264.814,507.945 261.146,505.877 259.583,499.398 C 258.12,493.332 261.905,487.826 264.782,483.239 C 266.211,480.961 268.349,478.841 269.685,476.642 C 266.718,473.739 263.327,471.244 260.784,467.933 C 258.242,464.623 257.174,460.143 254.579,456.976 C 251.983,453.808 248.491,451.803 245.45,449.22 C 248.123,454.962 252.516,462.005 253.47,466.449 C 254.423,470.893 252.401,473.613 250.824,476.012 C 249.246,478.411 246.7,478.946 244.285,480.42 C 241.87,481.895 238.114,480.732 236.675,482.921 C 235.237,485.109 234.851,488.401 236.226,490.569 L 241.866,499.471 C 239.788,498.422 236.208,495.371 234.594,493.207 C 232.98,491.043 230.504,489.044 230.165,486.118 C 229.826,483.193 229.661,480.654 231.556,478.048 C 233.452,475.443 238.642,474.571 240.965,472.568 C 243.288,470.565 244.591,469.261 244.458,466.672 C 244.326,464.083 241.797,462.231 239.623,460.599 C 232.986,455.621 224.472,451.034 218.836,445.034 C 215.652,441.644 214.124,438.907 213.484,436.568 C 212.845,434.23 213.521,432.406 215.103,429.53 C 216.685,426.653 222.11,422.812 222.77,419.687 C 223.429,416.563 220.689,415.892 218.216,414.79 C 215.743,413.688 211.046,415.355 208.752,413.438 C 206.459,411.521 209.426,407.493 206.841,405.284 C 204.257,403.075 198.342,404.308 195.289,401.932 C 192.236,399.555 190.974,396.605 189.922,393.157 C 188.87,389.709 188.751,385.932 189.464,383.435 C 190.177,380.938 192.319,380.501 193.611,379.207 C 194.903,377.913 196.024,376.84 194.302,374.91 C 192.58,372.981 186.937,375.018 183.693,372.541 C 180.449,370.064 182.435,364.131 180.141,361.63 C 177.848,359.129 173.732,360.108 171.56,359.309 C 169.389,358.51 168.537,361.329 167.205,356.871 C 165.873,352.412 165.837,339.121 164.045,334.161 C 162.253,329.201 158.734,333.826 157.1,328.896 C 155.466,323.967 157.015,316.084 156.279,308.639 L 152.944,288.382 C 141.31,296.197 133.63,298.651 121.131,300.859 C 120.088,331.441 117.215,349.45 127.595,383.379 C 137.975,417.307 158.982,437.303 187.321,466.028 C 149.926,438.012 132.073,415.236 120.899,386.058 C 109.723,356.876 111.869,332.472 112.993,304.372 z M 311.701,292.08 C 314.578,292.209 318.074,292.939 320.094,294.251 C 322.115,295.563 324.26,296.635 326.094,298.502 C 330.67,303.162 334.102,308.782 335.619,315.24 C 336.586,319.357 336.73,324.637 337.082,329.471 C 335.697,325.003 334.766,320.344 332.793,316.341 C 329.682,310.029 324.397,303.868 317.834,301.031 C 315.668,300.093 314.223,300.267 313.031,300.433 C 313.564,301.328 314.457,302.078 314.496,303.389 C 314.535,304.7 314.242,307.265 312.019,308.343 C 308.435,310.082 304.451,308.859 301.683,306.412 C 298.892,303.946 297.941,299.774 299.402,296.189 C 301.143,291.917 307.777,291.906 311.701,292.08 z M 275.629,286 C 275.99,278.655 278.641,272.461 285.223,268.859 C 288.627,266.997 293.871,264.589 298.69,264.023 C 303.319,263.48 314.579,263.877 321.352,266.968 C 326.553,269.342 330.096,273.038 334.663,275.739 C 339.229,278.441 342.477,280.252 346.825,283.282 C 353.499,287.933 357.411,293.054 362.038,296.124 C 364.263,297.599 367.393,297.38 370.347,298.282 C 368.05,298.964 365.048,299.716 362.57,298.924 C 359.48,297.936 355.16,295.111 352.763,293.086 C 348.527,289.508 346.331,287.762 341.708,285.063 C 338.948,283.455 334.403,281.56 331.37,279.582 C 328.335,277.604 323.067,273.264 320.151,271.795 C 316.444,269.929 309.77,268.891 305.643,269.012 C 299.957,269.178 291.727,270.116 287.327,274.108 C 282.956,278.076 281.296,281.567 282.282,286.72 C 283.928,284.824 285.024,282.442 286.673,281.032 C 290.089,278.114 294.009,277.973 298.261,278.526 C 303.038,279.148 305.443,281.907 307.021,286.442 C 305.959,285.662 304.007,283.949 302.466,283.418 C 298.849,282.17 296.114,282.554 292.726,284.371 C 288.726,286.517 289.814,289.693 289.238,293.225 C 288.974,294.854 288.359,296.166 287.92,297.637 C 286.416,297.239 285.025,296.613 283.887,295.485 C 283.934,297.135 283.694,298.578 284.032,300.434 C 284.368,302.289 285.272,304.493 285.891,306.522 C 283.106,303.736 280.256,301.142 278.457,297.545 C 276.656,293.946 275.436,289.952 275.629,286 z M 280.449,232.54 C 282.502,229.493 283.103,224.819 284.369,221.019 C 283.863,225.832 284.836,231.125 282.486,234.611 C 280.136,238.097 276.009,237.486 272.59,238.5 C 275.25,236.472 278.395,235.587 280.449,232.54 z M 231.298,303.908 C 233.934,301.774 241.048,303.48 246.369,303.861 C 242.545,304.84 238.721,305.82 234.897,306.799 C 234.541,308.1 234.702,309.591 233.829,310.7 C 232.955,311.81 231.295,312.221 230.029,312.98 C 230.154,309.562 228.662,306.041 231.298,303.908 z M 268.789,155.688 C 271.965,157.398 275.996,159.659 278.801,159.729 C 281.606,159.799 282.34,157.895 283.99,156.796 C 286.586,165.261 289.566,174.562 293.986,182.243 C 295.838,185.461 297.019,183.965 298.427,187.199 C 299.833,190.432 300.458,197.011 301.792,201.142 C 303.128,205.273 304.87,208.313 306.409,211.898 C 302.501,206.361 297.452,199.301 295.274,194.693 C 293.098,190.086 294.491,189.685 292.729,185.297 C 290.967,180.909 287.405,174.069 284.743,168.455 C 282.837,168.708 280.477,169.055 279.028,168.608 C 277.579,168.161 277.868,166.62 276.559,165.624 C 275.248,164.628 273.045,165.014 271.209,163.424 C 269.373,161.835 268.955,158.574 268.789,155.688 z M 251.688,197.457 C 254.677,197.195 258.389,197.996 261.188,197.837 C 263.987,197.678 265.985,196.952 268.384,196.509 C 267.939,192.293 268.361,184.547 264.469,181.732 C 261.955,179.914 251.63,181.283 248.872,181.878 C 242.666,183.216 235.439,186.92 229.437,189.236 C 235.189,185.218 240.158,181.494 247.057,179.42 C 251.204,178.173 260.882,176.552 265.162,177.708 C 267.116,178.235 267.511,179.044 268.696,180.7 C 272.77,186.388 272.758,191.304 273.815,197.93 C 274.854,199.549 275.961,200.629 276.803,202.299 C 277.643,203.969 278.119,206.597 278.354,208.745 C 277.288,207.199 277.94,205.26 274.987,204.109 C 272.032,202.958 267.508,204.033 263.527,204.449 C 266.429,206.543 267.871,208.56 267.982,212.987 C 268.112,218.185 263.711,221.926 259.116,222.282 C 252.737,222.777 249.448,221.376 246.868,215.924 C 245.738,213.536 246.557,210.663 246.463,208.335 C 238.798,208.868 238.923,208.618 233.321,213.289 C 236.366,217.75 238.284,220.315 243.316,222.984 C 246.138,224.482 249.333,225.938 252.83,226.533 C 256.328,227.128 262.065,227.703 265.739,227.139 C 269.414,226.575 271.496,225.526 274.22,223.007 C 276.945,220.487 277.195,216.879 278.259,214.027 C 278.017,216.772 277.702,220.268 276.683,222.259 C 273.583,228.312 268.222,230.106 261.821,230.126 C 255.677,230.146 248.077,228.729 242.361,226.359 C 237.791,224.465 230.215,219.101 228.417,214.441 C 227.188,211.257 228.161,207.35 228.032,203.804 C 234.36,199.596 235.926,200.631 243.413,199.399 C 246.545,198.883 248.699,197.72 251.688,197.457 z M 214.827,168.956 C 215.005,166.435 215.284,166.489 215.513,165.255 C 209.748,163.713 207.436,167.453 204.056,174.399 C 202.791,176.998 204.043,178.545 202.686,180.256 C 201.331,181.967 199.147,181.727 196.946,183.37 C 194.745,185.012 192.564,188.157 190.506,189.858 C 186.283,193.349 180.575,195.48 175.677,197.829 C 179.022,195.361 185.513,191.618 187.613,188.032 C 188.727,186.131 188.562,182.546 190.296,180.837 C 192.029,179.127 192.636,177.944 194.874,177.508 C 197.112,177.072 196.212,174.478 196.934,172.416 C 197.656,170.354 199.094,168.89 200.624,166.83 C 202.154,164.77 204.084,161.677 207.105,160.554 C 210.126,159.43 214.837,160.645 217.124,159.998 C 219.41,159.351 218.097,157.689 219.758,156.691 C 221.421,155.693 224.654,156.133 226.875,155.066 C 230.812,153.173 232.695,150.013 235.063,146.63 C 235.407,153.912 235.323,159.155 232.706,166.006 C 229.759,173.717 226.772,178.259 218.408,183.001 C 215.526,184.634 212.658,185.201 210.269,186.058 C 211.662,184.158 213.656,183.333 214.449,180.358 C 215.24,177.381 214.649,171.478 214.827,168.956 z M 349.865,204.463 C 345.888,204.722 344.945,204.199 341.763,206.443 C 343.488,209.127 345.212,211.811 346.935,214.495 C 346.783,209.197 347.299,208.135 349.865,204.463 z M 339.445,200.613 C 344.953,198.267 349.752,196.369 355.744,195.994 C 358.146,195.843 361.875,196.215 364.301,196.325 C 366.367,193.283 369,190.884 369.965,187.412 C 370.604,185.109 370.289,174.42 369.158,171.645 C 365.863,163.569 362.66,163.228 358.125,158.602 C 354.834,155.247 354.703,150.138 353.719,144.413 C 353.358,142.31 352.326,139.649 351.842,137.479 C 345.914,136.48 339.539,136.151 332.719,136.492 C 336.026,133.32 339.223,130.422 340.172,125.66 C 341.119,120.898 340.348,115.043 337.641,110.773 C 334.934,106.503 330.61,102.783 326.641,99.304 C 322.67,95.825 316.979,92.953 313.217,90.107 C 318.11,88.355 323.106,85.781 327.899,84.852 C 340.385,82.43 351.143,86.134 363.186,93.415 C 370.188,97.65 375.979,101.673 383.299,109.336 C 390.617,116.998 399.694,131.053 406.779,139.388 C 413.864,147.723 419.584,154.315 425.765,159.286 C 431.947,164.258 437.542,165.674 443.429,168.867 L 452.605,178.611 L 460.031,169.422 L 471.98,170.773 L 474.449,157.361 L 485.416,154.356 L 483.627,136.276 L 491.512,130.68 L 485.586,119.431 L 491.607,107.139 L 483.757,93.088 L 486.784,79.559 L 477.696,71.814 L 476.51,57.437 L 463.832,52.601 L 458.746,40.093 L 444.492,39.933 L 437.5,30.648 L 427.904,31.32 L 417.207,30.155 L 411.158,25.689 L 402.379,31.517 L 391.756,25.978 L 370.639,33.995 L 384.405,22.023 L 398.667,19.745 L 409.593,16.96 L 424.349,21.806 L 437.337,18.516 L 449.86,25.919 L 463.112,25.186 L 469.622,36.867 L 482.817,38.39 L 489.956,51.377 L 498.255,55.908 L 500.458,72.545 L 507.849,79.555 L 504.599,94.112 L 513.306,105.136 L 505.142,116.948 L 513.872,124.331 L 502.712,134.222 L 514.015,145.993 L 500.365,150.395 L 509.256,163.02 L 498.106,164.944 L 505.418,178.826 L 492.852,178.659 L 499.182,189.057 L 485.399,187.398 L 488.696,202.357 L 478.28,193.194 L 474.712,211.324 L 467.524,198.306 L 463.631,214.543 L 454.758,202.57 L 455,219.596 L 445.193,204.287 C 447.261,212.973 446.847,222.484 452.552,230.673 C 470.228,228.281 481.781,223.827 495.323,210.796 C 507.657,198.928 522.399,174.183 526.391,158.488 C 530.946,140.578 531.086,107.638 526.6,89.404 C 522.282,71.848 516.67,63.462 506.643,49.136 C 497.059,38.957 487.633,28.204 475.469,20.945 C 457.613,10.29 434.717,7.417 414.367,7.694 C 403.099,7.848 395.551,10.012 388.814,12.462 C 377.033,16.746 367.611,26.091 355.634,30.709 C 351.728,32.214 348.597,32.261 345.521,30.618 C 348.533,36.644 351.81,39.347 359.322,41.54 C 364.756,43.126 377.722,42.123 386.648,41.299 C 396.23,40.414 401.228,37.565 414.269,37.744 C 427.005,37.919 437.097,42.757 442.615,45.912 C 454,52.422 462.164,59.644 469.258,71.084 C 473.154,77.366 475.883,84.454 477.805,91.687 C 479.727,98.92 480.569,107.021 480.692,114.102 C 480.815,121.183 480.274,127.504 478.542,133.876 C 474.491,148.794 465.554,163.974 447.196,161.629 C 435.962,160.193 419.026,139.107 413.354,131.371 C 401.909,115.758 390.133,98.481 375.752,85.479 C 366.984,77.554 354.979,72.1 343.19,71.021 C 321.073,68.997 314.514,73.198 297.866,86.92 C 301.253,88 304.559,88.596 308.03,90.16 C 315.733,93.631 322.778,98.117 328.923,103.871 C 335.362,109.902 338.251,113.719 338.48,122.355 C 338.632,128.09 333.914,132.688 329.589,136.824 C 326.943,139.357 323.441,141.676 321.298,143.642 C 318.458,146.251 314.941,149.105 318.509,153.261 C 319.851,154.823 322.181,156.001 324.146,157.46 C 327.265,159.775 325.837,168.379 321.728,170.661 C 316.47,173.578 310.187,173.252 305.851,169.347 C 311.324,168.528 314.8,167.802 314.658,163.325 C 314.576,160.73 311.277,158.574 308.039,157.098 C 300.23,153.538 294.332,154.063 286.56,148.471 C 278.71,142.82 278.537,139.726 276.415,130.854 C 272.63,131.25 269.145,131.337 264.084,133.013 C 259.023,134.688 253.43,138.676 248.835,139.663 C 237.263,142.153 234.957,141.415 228.624,139.776 C 217.474,136.89 202.956,141.831 188.534,146.444 C 186.136,147.211 176.437,146.47 169.908,148.761 C 159.824,152.299 145.675,160.867 137.503,167.749 C 125.121,178.178 108.849,209.389 99.655,245.213 C 98.689,256.103 101.786,263.44 94.926,268.759 C 88.066,274.078 88.256,287.705 85.93,291.527 C 83.604,295.348 80.911,293.659 75.904,299.026 C 70.897,304.393 68.348,303.496 68.474,313.644 C 72.789,310.807 79.08,307.509 84.604,307.31 C 89.496,307.133 89.548,313.574 102.104,301.161 C 108.819,294.52 121.72,294.317 130.671,291.388 C 139.623,288.459 155.754,282.423 171.91,264.361 C 188.066,246.299 195.797,227.284 198.93,199.794 C 199.429,204.668 200.295,210.165 198.208,223.61 C 196.121,237.055 191.623,252.156 201.099,270.244 L 207.003,281.513 C 203.488,276.716 196.622,268.891 194.555,263.315 L 189.787,250.452 C 179.12,267.2 176.668,270.196 161.85,282.195 C 161.26,289.639 161.115,297.403 163.548,304.526 C 165.981,311.648 162.103,319.858 163.954,324.549 C 165.805,329.24 170.086,326.57 171.484,331.319 C 172.882,336.068 170.754,345.457 172.922,350.086 C 175.09,354.715 180.409,351.906 182.987,353.401 C 185.565,354.897 186.408,356.947 187.787,358.914 C 189.165,360.88 187.248,365.528 190.052,367.037 C 192.855,368.547 197.228,367.268 200.145,368.717 C 203.062,370.166 203.505,373.649 202.806,376.77 C 202.106,379.891 198.989,381.323 197.62,384.496 C 196.252,387.67 196.405,389.879 198.049,392.793 C 199.693,395.708 203.333,397.313 206.961,398.784 C 210.589,400.255 215.687,399.429 219.431,401.463 C 223.175,403.497 226.54,407.55 228.517,410.496 C 230.494,413.441 231.043,415.519 230.942,418.616 C 230.84,421.712 229.584,425.279 227.931,428.27 C 226.278,431.261 222.631,434.901 228.325,440.613 C 234.019,446.324 233.809,443.862 237.071,447.567 C 236.716,441.158 234.068,435.937 236.004,431.112 C 237.941,426.287 243.756,425.448 246.821,423.278 C 249.886,421.107 251.651,418.125 254.067,415.549 C 254.032,418.864 254.387,422.428 254.01,424.924 C 253.242,429.999 251.744,434.504 259.307,435.318 C 262.714,435.684 265.949,433.475 269.534,432.149 C 267.656,435.512 264.39,438.216 263.899,442.241 C 263.408,446.264 263.998,450.684 266.784,454.677 C 269.571,458.668 274.383,461.632 277.909,463.978 C 281.434,466.325 283.323,466.513 286.032,467.782 C 286.165,471.738 285.386,475.925 285.837,479.651 C 286.288,483.377 287.462,486.675 289.616,489.755 C 291.772,492.836 295.229,494.603 298.485,496.881 C 296.7,492.724 293.079,488.78 293.128,484.41 C 293.177,480.041 294.487,476.944 298.749,473.067 C 303.011,469.189 312.989,465.826 317.694,462.056 C 322.399,458.285 323.917,455.975 325.606,452.314 C 327.295,448.653 326.825,442.755 327.137,439.464 C 328.686,444.074 328.907,445.507 329.41,450.33 C 329.916,455.154 326.599,461.92 325.195,465.491 C 331.015,462.68 334.709,458.187 336.574,453.796 C 337.822,454.536 337.193,456.565 337.652,460.475 C 339.726,458.411 342.084,456.823 344.172,454.875 C 346.262,452.929 348.551,451.217 349.588,448.5 C 350.623,445.783 350.199,442.894 349.428,439.737 C 348.657,436.58 345.129,432.919 343.229,429.466 C 341.331,426.014 343.565,422.625 343.436,418.465 C 339.635,417.812 336.407,415.876 332.038,416.505 C 327.667,417.133 322.661,422.038 318.194,422.095 C 313.727,422.152 311.219,417.967 307.557,416.817 C 303.895,415.667 300.19,415.793 296.508,415.281 C 301.172,410.813 319.274,408.685 331.656,406.666 C 342.551,404.889 353.363,403.862 364.402,403.707 C 369.332,403.637 375.668,405.265 379.091,404.281 C 382.517,403.299 381.786,400.966 382.802,398.423 C 385.644,391.315 384.243,384.985 382.697,377.827 C 372.787,376.665 362.461,375.243 352.476,376.01 C 342.714,376.76 331.154,381.401 321.085,381.715 C 312.331,381.987 299.368,380.038 291.851,375.456 C 282.665,369.857 275.558,357.832 273.035,353.971 C 268.926,347.682 263.743,335.344 260.589,329.703 C 257.437,324.062 256.742,322.484 254.119,320.129 C 251.496,317.775 247.903,317.593 244.796,316.324 C 248.378,316.69 252.289,315.556 255.543,317.422 C 260.432,320.227 265.904,331.853 268.946,336.912 C 272.169,326.108 271.417,321.86 280.743,315.768 C 273.227,324.192 273.04,330.573 271.208,340.491 C 277.458,350.749 286.147,367.089 297.517,371.623 C 301.624,373.262 308.677,374.29 313.117,374.839 C 326.935,376.55 340.263,372.171 353.834,368.82 C 363.754,366.37 373.82,367.357 385.885,368.066 C 389.981,368.306 399.639,365.842 401.639,361.699 C 402.719,359.464 402.639,356.778 401.088,354.396 C 399.535,352.014 395.399,350.862 393.182,348.718 C 390.965,346.574 389.69,344.029 387.944,341.684 C 378.729,343.452 371.149,344.131 364.309,344.317 C 369.215,342.296 373.922,341.143 379.028,339.146 C 384.134,337.149 389.932,333.871 394.053,331.151 C 398.174,328.43 400.805,326.852 403.787,323.686 C 406.767,320.518 410.59,317.255 412.787,313.383 C 414.986,309.511 415.326,305.18 415.449,300.388 C 415.572,295.597 415.365,288.874 413.517,285.014 C 411.671,281.155 408.111,279.984 405.251,279.071 C 402.39,278.158 400.431,280.467 397.456,280.779 C 394.479,281.091 391.698,282.967 387.394,280.943 C 383.09,278.919 377.988,274.799 373.636,268.684 C 369.286,262.568 366.175,252.572 361.74,244.882 C 354.095,231.626 344.568,219.243 335.457,206.96 C 334.707,203.931 333.58,199.745 333.205,195.636 C 332.551,188.476 332.428,181.038 334.65,174.058 C 336.353,168.711 338.83,163.063 344.429,160.87 C 346.669,159.992 349.503,159.644 351.505,160.386 C 353.509,161.127 355.474,163.388 354.687,166 C 353.822,168.872 351.832,168.95 350.48,170.4 C 348.185,172.86 347.267,174.665 346.4,177.732 C 348.88,177.692 352.232,177.503 354.269,178.039 C 356.927,178.739 359.402,180.501 360.751,184.267 C 357.579,181.454 356.003,180.163 352.044,180.063 C 350.23,180.018 348.026,180.667 346.019,180.969 C 345.269,183.409 344.828,186.401 343.769,188.289 C 342.71,190.177 340.648,189.724 339.874,191.93 C 339.1,194.132 339.055,197.718 339.445,200.613 z M 367.16,197.306 C 368.375,197.785 368.838,197.89 370.377,199.061 C 371.916,200.232 374.039,201.401 375.258,204.199 C 376.479,206.998 376.422,211.326 376.162,213.089 C 375.092,212.775 373.633,212.987 372.523,212.038 C 371.416,211.089 370.755,208.94 369.335,208.02 C 367.913,207.101 366.728,207.302 365.157,207.103 C 365.964,209.399 366.356,211.696 365.981,213.778 C 365.167,218.323 362.495,220.625 358.169,221.169 C 356.28,221.406 353.28,220.784 351.636,220.485 C 352.398,222.187 353.689,223.678 354.452,225.38 C 358.11,224.851 360.821,224.926 362.788,224.006 C 364.755,223.086 366.864,221.025 369.388,220.152 C 371.913,219.279 374.165,219.293 376.927,218.862 C 374.751,220.737 373.323,222.613 371.15,224.488 C 372.744,229.121 374.338,233.753 375.931,238.385 C 379.31,240.499 382.48,241.613 386.738,244.223 C 390.998,246.834 396.105,251.504 401.652,254.051 C 407.199,256.598 410.502,257.984 416.298,259.077 C 422.093,260.17 426.704,264.864 432.407,265.627 C 438.11,266.39 448.762,266.544 453.157,266.115 C 458.147,265.628 464.63,263.053 465.212,257.582 C 461.028,258.614 454.638,257.688 451.411,249.815 C 449.979,246.319 450.681,239.89 448.489,235.756 C 446.298,231.621 443.243,230.294 439.593,225.2 C 435.943,220.106 429.972,212.071 426.62,205.246 C 423.27,198.422 422.481,190.692 419.647,184.577 C 416.813,178.463 412.538,173.524 409.225,168.811 C 401.991,158.511 396.157,151.472 384.239,146.276 C 378.507,143.777 371.981,143.111 365.852,141.528 C 363.358,142.645 359.938,143.879 359.331,146.796 C 358.724,149.713 359.89,154.021 362.007,156.211 C 365.55,159.872 370.8,163.829 372.864,169.648 C 374.19,173.382 374.575,185.9 373.426,189.297 C 372.234,192.824 369.463,194.957 367.16,197.306 z M 368.314,226.935 C 367.207,227.89 366.363,228.871 364.582,229.664 C 362.803,230.457 360.373,230.662 358.012,231.252 C 361.323,236.406 364.801,241.614 367.973,247.033 C 371.147,252.451 373.897,258.384 376.926,264.058 C 376.783,260.806 376.975,257.339 376.502,254.3 C 376.029,251.262 374.652,248.603 373.287,244.042 C 371.924,239.481 370.246,233.276 368.314,226.935 z M 279.229,113.611 C 278.762,118.681 279.62,126.607 280.67,131.571 C 281.928,137.513 283.139,140.594 287.961,144.174 C 296.791,150.729 302.428,149.624 309.221,153.425 C 312.453,155.234 316.549,158.266 317.744,161.471 C 318.939,164.676 316.955,168.156 314.504,169.524 C 318.791,170.162 323.598,165.329 321.592,160.367 C 320.604,157.925 315.901,156.837 314.459,154.373 C 313.02,151.91 313.023,149.374 313.701,146.872 C 314.926,142.362 323.849,138.264 327.002,134.699 C 331.854,129.213 333.717,124.624 330.969,117.559 C 327.11,107.634 312.201,99.67 303.278,95.775 C 299.192,93.992 296.901,93.865 293.714,92.91 C 300.239,96.734 307.118,99.78 310.419,108.328 C 313.175,115.467 310.788,118.157 310.88,124.373 C 310.923,127.255 314.718,128.696 316.403,130.517 C 317.87,132.1 317.751,133.275 316.579,135.46 C 316.45,133.489 315.608,132.018 314.095,130.947 C 311.597,129.176 308.906,129.557 307.575,125.926 C 305.555,120.406 309.561,115.178 305.057,108.98 C 301.688,104.343 297.207,99.153 291.162,99.017 C 288.301,98.952 286.15,99.384 283.094,100.288 L 279.02,95.385 L 278.926,95.321 C 270.639,87.758 264.969,81.525 253.344,76.327 C 241.719,71.13 235.99,70.343 222.661,70.639 C 209.332,70.934 196.104,72.049 180.666,85.362 C 165.229,98.675 125.442,149.654 115.793,156.106 C 106.145,162.558 104.008,164.744 91.952,164.747 C 79.896,164.75 61.08,147.697 60.343,126.385 C 59.605,105.072 59.309,97.497 74.124,71.822 C 88.94,46.146 115.78,38.262 135.694,35.6 C 155.609,32.938 167.576,39.952 182.307,39.985 C 197.037,40.019 211.595,37.476 215.888,25.761 C 213.787,27.012 210.972,28.422 203.056,28.007 C 195.14,27.592 184.164,18.427 171.817,12.286 C 159.47,6.146 145.73,5.427 128.107,5.094 C 110.484,4.761 88.494,6.108 66.708,17.869 C 44.922,29.63 30.051,42.109 17.415,65.127 C 4.779,88.146 2.891,106.94 4.928,134.811 C 6.965,162.682 15.561,183.41 32.112,203.809 C 48.663,224.208 65.204,234.189 95.03,237.9 L 101.309,210.204 L 90.1,226.29 L 90.377,208.399 L 80.238,220.98 L 75.791,203.918 L 67.577,217.597 L 63.497,198.547 L 51.594,208.174 L 55.362,192.455 L 39.612,194.198 L 46.847,183.272 L 32.486,183.447 L 40.842,168.86 L 28.1,166.837 L 38.26,153.57 L 22.66,148.945 L 35.576,136.577 L 22.823,126.184 L 32.798,118.426 L 23.47,106.014 L 33.42,94.431 L 29.706,79.135 L 38.155,71.77 L 40.67,54.289 L 50.152,49.527 L 58.31,35.881 L 73.389,34.28 L 80.829,22.006 L 95.974,22.777 L 110.286,14.998 L 125.129,18.455 L 141.989,13.363 L 154.476,16.289 L 170.772,18.684 L 186.505,31.264 L 162.372,22.84 L 150.232,28.661 L 140.197,22.536 L 133.288,27.229 L 121.063,28.453 L 110.1,27.745 L 102.108,37.501 L 85.817,37.669 L 80.006,50.812 L 65.52,55.894 L 64.165,71.001 L 53.777,79.139 L 57.238,93.355 L 48.267,108.12 L 55.149,121.035 L 48.376,132.855 L 57.387,138.735 L 55.343,157.733 L 67.875,160.891 L 70.698,174.984 L 84.354,173.565 L 92.838,183.221 L 103.324,172.982 C 122.44,163.45 130.312,158.118 145.21,142.005 C 162.169,123.662 171.889,106.703 194.479,94.144 C 210.681,85.136 223.896,81.894 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15.91211,39.52734 4.319,9.504 9.35935,16.84933 12.52735,27.36133 3.456,11.232 5.18554,26.49369 5.18554,41.47071 0,5.759 0.50402,12.0234 -1.58398,15.1914 -0.79398,1.29544 -1.27709,2.21886 -1.60156,3.06836 -1.10401,-0.12166 -2.44182,-0.16211 -4.1211,-0.16211 -4.608,0 -5.47232,0.1438 -9.36132,2.5918 -2.16,1.295 -2.30274,9.86336 -2.30274,19.94336 0,6.61912 0.0427,13.91491 -0.34961,20.36133 -1.25542,1.77254 -2.962,3.75757 -5.30469,6.0371 -10.368,10.00901 -24.69521,20.37704 -43.19921,23.83204 -32.832,6.121 -40.89754,-2.87896 -42.76954,-4.75196 -1.945,-1.943 -11.87959,-15.62304 -11.80859,-15.62304 -0.072,0 11.23134,-1.36841 12.52734,-3.81641 1.296,-2.52 1.36899,-10.29595 -0.79101,-13.75195 -2.015,-3.384 -16.99142,-14.3278 -24.19142,-20.5918 -6.84,-6.049 -11.305,-9.4322 -15.62499,-13.0332 -4.392,-3.601 -4.53648,0.57747 -4.89648,-13.89453 -0.36,-14.473 2.52075,-21.38555 4.96875,-32.18555 2.448,-10.872 12.9601,-24.26472 15.9121,-35.13672 0.36,-1.584 1.00714,-3.24022 1.36719,-4.82422 0.86399,-3.168 1.94565,-6.40791 3.09765,-9.5039 1.872,-5.18406 4.2475,-10.29488 7.2715,-15.04688 5.904,-9 8.63867,-9.4322 8.63867,-15.4082 0,-8.928 -0.50285,-8.784 -0.21485,-18 0.0292,-0.88143 0.15387,-1.51664 0.36328,-1.94336 1.94777,2.56179 4.61256,4.88629 7.38086,7.13086 5.328,4.392 9.86352,9.86362 13.10352,11.01562 3.384,1.224 9.21658,1.00781 13.39258,1.00781 9.361,0 21.45465,-11.73621 28.22265,-13.82421 4.78637,-1.51307 7.80248,-3.63431 9.63672,-7.04297 z m -127.41797,144.6582 c 7.00017,0.20118 19.2334,17.42162 25.41796,26.90039 6.1846,9.61229 7.67935,12.28242 16.99024,26.76758 9.31092,14.48518 17.53439,18.22304 17.73829,30.77148 0.0253,1.56403 0.0146,2.90372 -0.0352,4.06641 -0.003,0.0633 -0.007,0.11749 -0.01,0.17969 -0.0235,0.49728 -0.0529,0.96682 -0.0918,1.40039 -0.0107,0.11807 -0.0252,0.2223 -0.0371,0.33593 -0.0357,0.34488 -0.0744,0.67743 -0.12109,0.98438 -0.026,0.16955 -0.0585,0.32354 -0.0879,0.48242 -0.041,0.22263 -0.0829,0.44322 -0.13086,0.64649 -0.0418,0.1767 -0.0895,0.34057 -0.13672,0.5039 -0.0473,0.16442 -0.0936,0.32839 -0.14649,0.48047 -0.0562,0.16117 -0.11711,0.31222 -0.17968,0.46094 -0.054,0.12872 -0.10916,0.25656 -0.16797,0.37695 -0.0734,0.14965 -0.1514,0.29324 -0.23242,0.43164 -0.0599,0.10268 -0.12134,0.20345 -0.18555,0.30078 -0.0934,0.1413 -0.19223,0.27821 -0.29492,0.41016 -0.0576,0.0742 -0.11715,0.14696 -0.17774,0.21875 -0.12013,0.14207 -0.24299,0.28104 -0.375,0.41602 -0.054,0.0554 -0.10993,0.11146 -0.16601,0.16601 -0.15422,0.14973 -0.31264,0.29884 -0.48242,0.44531 -0.007,0.006 -0.0127,0.0117 -0.0195,0.0176 -0.0149,0.0129 -0.0318,0.0243 -0.0469,0.0371 -0.74212,0.63218 -1.65953,1.29587 -2.71485,2.0957 -0.35964,0.27265 -0.7204,0.55134 -1.11914,0.8711 -0.12904,0.10339 -0.23395,0.17587 -0.36718,0.28515 0.002,10e-4 0.004,0.003 0.006,0.004 -0.35434,0.29049 -0.72086,0.59909 -1.10547,0.9375 -6.59239,5.74159 -8.90487,9.28048 -19.71095,8.47852 -10.80502,-0.86765 -26.91192,-9.87861 -43.97056,-13.34971 -31.87547,-6.54075 -37.44796,-7.94235 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0.23869,-0.0273 0.4839,-0.046 0.73242,-0.0605 0.18743,-0.0112 0.3809,-0.0139 0.57422,-0.0176 0.20376,-0.004 0.40465,-0.0102 0.61524,-0.006 z m 163.6543,5.56836 c 0.84038,0 1.44255,0.0677 1.89258,0.18359 -0.006,0.0218 -0.0117,0.0446 -0.0176,0.0664 1.37232,0.5168 0.82144,1.66358 1.83594,2.69922 1.29483,1.32273 1.12042,4.36428 0.66601,8.66406 -0.3887,4.29978 4.61558,5.68894 6.62305,7.47461 2.00837,1.71955 3.82194,3.90059 10.17188,4.42969 0.049,0.004 0.09,0.002 0.13867,0.006 0.0714,0.006 0.12658,0.0193 0.19922,0.0254 6.34905,0.46296 9.67518,-0.59572 12.65625,-2.51367 2.98016,-1.91796 7.85439,-3.69754 9.41015,-5.68165 1.49009,-1.91795 7.55274,-11.18359 7.55274,-11.18359 1.54766,-1.19411 2.68976,-1.82279 3.6914,-1.8457 0.0636,0.008 0.12868,0.008 0.19141,0.0215 0.002,-0.004 0.004,-0.008 0.006,-0.0117 1.17142,0.0695 2.16925,0.99715 3.43359,2.88086 2.68996,8.27323 -0.46315,14.6943 2.45313,19.45703 4.79418,7.80409 11.79351,13.6847 15.48633,15.86719 2.65623,1.65342 10.08359,6.2248 9.95312,11.05274 -0.19436,5.49024 -6.85066,6.9437 -8.33984,8.46484 -2.98106,3.04319 -18.0121,10.64943 -27.98828,17.59375 -12.56851,8.79612 -16.90872,12.69762 -20.99024,16.86328 -6.34904,6.48229 -12.3742,8.66406 -22.02734,8.66406 -9.65314,0 -13.9934,-2.04917 -16.97266,-4.76172 -2.98107,-2.64544 -6.28487,-9.39351 -5.96094,-19.44531 0.25915,-9.98659 3.36824,-19.11421 4.85743,-34.65625 0.64877,-6.67885 0.58398,-14.94505 0.58398,-22.28711 0,-9.25908 0.12869,-18.45695 2.07227,-19.64648 3.49935,-2.24864 4.27556,-2.38086 8.42187,-2.38086 z" | |
63 | + id="path24-4" | |
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65 | + </g> | |
66 | +</svg> | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
0 → 100644
1 | +# | |
2 | +# OK, this is not really a parallax... I just want to see my content move | |
3 | +# somewhat faster than the background... hey, ho, let's go | |
4 | +# | |
5 | +window.App ||= {} | |
6 | + | |
7 | +content_top = content_left = width_delta = height_delta = 0 | |
8 | + | |
9 | +App.init = -> | |
10 | + $('a[href*=\\#]').each -> | |
11 | + if location.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') == this.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') and location.hostname == this.hostname and this.hash.replace(/#/,'') | |
12 | + $targetId = $(this.hash) | |
13 | + $targetAnchor = $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) + ']') | |
14 | + $target = if $targetId.length | |
15 | + $targetId | |
16 | + else | |
17 | + if $targetAnchor.length | |
18 | + $targetAnchor | |
19 | + else | |
20 | + false | |
21 | + | |
22 | + if $target | |
23 | + targetOffset = $target.offset().top | |
24 | + | |
25 | + $(this).click -> | |
26 | + $("#nav li a").removeClass("active") | |
27 | + $(this).addClass('active') | |
28 | + $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: targetOffset}, 1000) | |
29 | + return false | |
30 | + | |
31 | +App.scroll = -> | |
32 | + v_scroll = $(document).scrollTop() | |
33 | + section = Math.floor(v_scroll / $(window).innerHeight()) | |
34 | + [section, section+1].forEach (section) -> | |
35 | + bg_pos = -((v_scroll-(section*$(window).innerHeight()))/2) | |
36 | + section_element = $($(".section")[section]) | |
37 | + if section_element and section_element.css("background-image") != "none" | |
38 | + section_element.css( | |
39 | + "background-position", | |
40 | + "center " + bg_pos + "px") | |
41 | + | |
42 | +$(document).on "page:change", -> | |
43 | + App.init() | |
44 | + | |
45 | +$(window).on "scroll", -> | |
46 | + App.scroll() | |
47 | + | |
48 | +# vim: set ts=2 sw=2: | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
0 → 100644
1 | +/* | |
2 | + * This is a manifest file that'll be compiled into application.css, which will include all the files | |
3 | + * listed below. | |
4 | + * | |
5 | + * Any CSS and SCSS file within this directory, lib/assets/stylesheets, vendor/assets/stylesheets, | |
6 | + * or any plugin's vendor/assets/stylesheets directory can be referenced here using a relative path. | |
7 | + * | |
8 | + * You're free to add application-wide styles to this file and they'll appear at the bottom of the | |
9 | + * compiled file so the styles you add here take precedence over styles defined in any styles | |
10 | + * defined in the other CSS/SCSS files in this directory. It is generally better to create a new | |
11 | + * file per style scope. | |
12 | + * | |
13 | + *= require_tree . | |
14 | + *= require_self | |
15 | + */ | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
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21 | +} | |
22 | +a { | |
23 | + text-decoration: none; | |
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26 | +a:visited { | |
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29 | +hr { | |
30 | + margin: 5px 0 5px 0; | |
31 | +} | |
32 | + | |
33 | +#header { | |
34 | + background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); | |
35 | + | |
36 | + position: fixed; | |
37 | + width: 100%; | |
38 | + height: 80px; | |
39 | + margin-top: 30px; | |
40 | + | |
41 | + z-index: 10; | |
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44 | + position: absolute; | |
45 | + top: 50%; | |
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48 | + | |
49 | + width: 410px; | |
50 | +} | |
51 | +#logo a { | |
52 | + color: rgb(255,255,255); | |
53 | + | |
54 | + position: absolute; | |
55 | + left: 6%; | |
56 | + top: 50%; | |
57 | + transform: translate(0, -50%); | |
58 | + | |
59 | + text-decoration: none; | |
60 | + font-size: 30px; | |
61 | + font-weight: bold; | |
62 | +} | |
63 | +#nav ul{ | |
64 | + display: block; | |
65 | + list-style: none; | |
66 | +} | |
67 | +#nav li{ | |
68 | + float: left; | |
69 | + padding-left: 21px; | |
70 | +} | |
71 | +#nav li a { | |
72 | + color: rgba(255,255,255,0.6); | |
73 | + font-size: 16px; | |
74 | + text-decoration: none; | |
75 | + font-weight: bold; | |
76 | +} | |
77 | +#nav li a:hover { | |
78 | + color: rgba(255,255,255,1); | |
79 | +} | |
80 | +#nav li { | |
81 | + color: rgba(255,255,255,1); | |
82 | + border-bottom: 2px solid #fff; | |
83 | +} | |
84 | + | |
85 | +#content { | |
86 | + position: absolute; | |
87 | + top: 0px; | |
88 | + left: 0px; | |
89 | + width: 100%; | |
90 | + height: 100%; | |
91 | +} | |
92 | +#section1 { | |
93 | + background: image_url("resized/blown.jpg") fixed; | |
94 | + background-position: center top; | |
95 | +} | |
96 | +#section1,#section3 .content { | |
97 | + color: rgb(214,206,204); | |
98 | +} | |
99 | +#section2,#section4 { | |
100 | + background-color: rgb(255,255,255); | |
101 | +} | |
102 | +#section3 { | |
103 | + background: image_url("resized/beach3.jpg") fixed; | |
104 | + background-position: center top; | |
105 | +} | |
106 | + | |
107 | +#footer { | |
108 | + background: rgb(22, 27, 28); | |
109 | + | |
110 | + position: relative; | |
111 | + width: 100%; | |
112 | + height: 40px; | |
113 | + | |
114 | + color: rgb(255,255,255); | |
115 | +} | |
116 | + | |
117 | +#about { | |
118 | + display: block; | |
119 | + list-style: none; | |
120 | + text-align: justify; | |
121 | + width: 100%; | |
122 | + height: 30%; | |
123 | + top: 50%; | |
124 | + transform: translate(0, -50%); | |
125 | + position: absolute; | |
126 | +} | |
127 | +#about:after { | |
128 | + display: inline-block; | |
129 | + width: 100%; | |
130 | + height: 0; | |
131 | + content: ''; | |
132 | +} | |
133 | +#about .textbox { | |
134 | + display: inline-block; | |
135 | + padding: 10px; | |
136 | + width: 30%; | |
137 | + height: 100%; | |
138 | + overflow: hidden; | |
139 | + border-color: rgba(100,190,12,0.7); | |
140 | + background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7); | |
141 | + box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.7); | |
142 | +} | |
143 | + | |
144 | +#projects { | |
145 | + position: relative; | |
146 | + width: 100%; | |
147 | + display: block; | |
148 | + list-style: none; | |
149 | + text-align: justify; | |
150 | +} | |
151 | +#projects .textbox { | |
152 | + display: inline-block; | |
153 | + padding: 3px; | |
154 | + margin-top: 10px; | |
155 | + border-color: rgb(100,190,12); | |
156 | + background-color: rgb(255,255,255); | |
157 | +} | |
158 | + | |
159 | +.section { | |
160 | + position: relative; | |
161 | + height: 100%; | |
162 | + overflow: hidden; | |
163 | +} | |
164 | + | |
165 | +.content { | |
166 | + position: absolute; | |
167 | + width: 90%; | |
168 | + height: 90%; | |
169 | + top: 50%; | |
170 | + left: 50%; | |
171 | + transform: translate(-50%, -50%); | |
172 | + z-index: 1; | |
173 | +} | |
174 | +.textbox { | |
175 | + text-align: center; | |
176 | + border-style: solid; | |
177 | + border-radius: 10px; | |
178 | + border-width: 3px; | |
179 | +} | |
180 | + | |
181 | +/* | |
182 | +#title { | |
183 | + position: fixed; | |
184 | + top: 0px; | |
185 | + left: 50%; | |
186 | + transform: translate(-50%, 0); | |
187 | + z-index: 10; | |
188 | +} | |
189 | +#title h1 { | |
190 | + font-family: Meath; | |
191 | + font-weight: bolder; | |
192 | + font-size: 60px; | |
193 | +} | |
194 | +.text { | |
195 | + background: white; | |
196 | + border-style: solid; | |
197 | + border-color: rgb(100, 190, 12); | |
198 | + border-radius: 30px; | |
199 | + border-width: 3px; | |
200 | + padding: 10px; | |
201 | +} | |
202 | +#content { | |
203 | + top: 0px; | |
204 | + left: 0px; | |
205 | + width: 100%; | |
206 | +} | |
207 | +.section { | |
208 | + position: relative; | |
209 | + height: 1200px; | |
210 | +} | |
211 | +.background { | |
212 | + position: absolute; | |
213 | + z-index: -1; | |
214 | + overflow: hidden; | |
215 | +} | |
216 | +.background img { | |
217 | + position: absolute; | |
218 | + top: 0px; | |
219 | + left: 50%; | |
220 | + transform: translate(-50%, 0); | |
221 | +} | |
222 | +#back { | |
223 | + position: fixed; | |
224 | + border-radius: 15px; | |
225 | + border-width: 2px; | |
226 | + z-index: 1; | |
227 | +} | |
228 | +p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { | |
229 | + opacity: 1; | |
230 | +} | |
231 | +h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { | |
232 | + font-weight: normal; | |
233 | +} | |
234 | +h1,h4 { | |
235 | + text-decoration: underline; | |
236 | +} | |
237 | +h1 { | |
238 | + font-size: x-large; | |
239 | +} | |
240 | +a { | |
241 | + text-decoration: none; | |
242 | + color: rgb(110, 210, 12); | |
243 | +} | |
244 | +a:visited { | |
245 | + color: rgb(60, 130, 12); | |
246 | +} | |
247 | +*/ | |
248 | +/* vim: set ts=2 sw=2: */ | |
... | ... |
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0 → 100644
1 | +class Gitlab::Project | |
2 | + include ActiveModel::Model | |
3 | + | |
4 | + attr_accessor :id, :description, :default_branch, :tag_list, :public, | |
5 | + :archived, :visibility_level, :ssh_url_to_repo, :http_url_to_repo, | |
6 | + :web_url, :name, :name_with_namespace, :path, :path_with_namespace, | |
7 | + :issues_enabled, :merge_requests_enabled, :wiki_enabled, :builds_enabled, | |
8 | + :snippets_enabled, :created_at, :last_activity_at, | |
9 | + :shared_runners_enabled, :creator_id, :namespace, :owner, :avatar_url, | |
10 | + :star_count, :forks_count, :open_issues_count, :public_builds, | |
11 | + :permissions | |
12 | + | |
13 | + def self.all | |
14 | + all =; | |
15 | + | |
16 | + api_base_uri = Rails.configuration.x.gitlab['api_base_uri'] | |
17 | + auth_token = Rails.configuration.x.gitlab['auth_token'] | |
18 | + | |
19 | + links = { | |
20 | + 'next' => api_base_uri + 'projects?visibility=public', | |
21 | + 'first' => nil, | |
22 | + 'last' => nil | |
23 | + } | |
24 | + | |
25 | + uri = URI.parse(links['next']) | |
26 | + http =, uri.port) | |
27 | + http.use_ssl = true # TODO make this aware of http/https | |
28 | + http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE | |
29 | + | |
30 | + while true | |
31 | + request = | |
32 | + request['PRIVATE-TOKEN'] = auth_token | |
33 | + | |
34 | + response = http.request(request) | |
35 | + | |
36 | + JSON.parse(response.body).each do |project| | |
37 | + all.push( | |
38 | + end | |
39 | + | |
40 | + links = response['link'].split(',').map! { |a| | |
41 | + _tmp = a.strip.split(';').map! { |a| | |
42 | + a.strip | |
43 | + } | |
44 | + {_tmp[1][5...-1] => _tmp[0][1...-1]} | |
45 | + }.reduce({}, :merge) | |
46 | + | |
47 | + break unless links['next'] | |
48 | + uri = URI.parse(links['next']) | |
49 | + end | |
50 | + | |
51 | + return all | |
52 | + end | |
53 | + | |
54 | + def self.find | |
55 | + end | |
56 | + | |
57 | + def deliver | |
58 | + if valid? | |
59 | + # deliver email | |
60 | + end | |
61 | + end | |
62 | +end | |
63 | +# vim: set ts=2 sw=2: | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<!DOCTYPE html> | |
2 | +<html> | |
3 | + <head> | |
4 | + <title>Weird Web Workers</title> | |
5 | + <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'application', media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track' => true %> | |
6 | + <%= javascript_include_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track' => true %> | |
7 | + <%= csrf_meta_tags %> | |
8 | + </head> | |
9 | + <body> | |
10 | + <header id="header"> | |
11 | + <div class="header-content"> | |
12 | + <div id="logo"><a href=""> WEIRD WEB WORKERS </a></div> | |
13 | + <nav id="nav"> | |
14 | + <ul> | |
15 | + <li><a href="#section1" class="active" title="Next Section" >About</a></li> | |
16 | + <li><a href="#section2" title="Next Section">Projects</a></li> | |
17 | + <li><a href="#section3" title="Next Section">Slide 3</a></li> | |
18 | + <li><a href="#section4" title="Next Section">Slide 4</a></li> | |
19 | + </ul> | |
20 | + </nav> | |
21 | + </div> | |
22 | + </header> | |
23 | + | |
24 | + <div id="content"> | |
25 | + <%= yield %> | |
26 | + | |
27 | + <footer id="footer"> | |
28 | + Copyright © 2016 Weird Web Workers and Georg Hopp | All rights reserved | |
29 | + </footer> | |
30 | + </div> | |
31 | + </body> | |
32 | +</html> | |
33 | +<!-- vim: set ts=2 sw=2: --> | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<div id="section1" class="section"> | |
2 | + <div class="content"> | |
3 | + <div id="about"> | |
4 | + <div class="textbox"> | |
5 | + <%= image_tag("copyleft-icon.svg", size: "60") %> | |
6 | + <h1>Free as in <q>FREE SPEACH</q></h1> | |
7 | + Freedom | |
8 | + </div> | |
9 | + <div class="textbox"> | |
10 | + <%= image_tag("gears.svg", size: "60") %> | |
11 | + <h1>Custom Code</h1> | |
12 | + Programs | |
13 | + </div> | |
14 | + <div class="textbox"> | |
15 | + <%= image_tag("heckert_gnu.svg", size: "60") %> | |
16 | + <%= image_tag("tux-mono.svg", size: "60") %> | |
17 | + <h1>Linux Consulting</h1> | |
18 | + Support | |
19 | + </div> | |
20 | + </div> | |
21 | + </div> | |
22 | +</div> | |
23 | +<div id="section2" class="section"> | |
24 | + <div class="content"> | |
25 | + <h2>This is mostly about programming.</h2> | |
26 | + <p> | |
27 | + Here you find links to the projects hosted on <i>Weird Web Workers</i>. | |
28 | + </p> | |
29 | + <% @namespaces.each do |namespace| -%> | |
30 | + <hr /> | |
31 | + <h3><%= namespace['name'] %></h3> | |
32 | + <p><%= namespace['description'] %></p> | |
33 | + <div id="projects"> | |
34 | + <% @projects.find_all { |project| | |
35 | + project.namespace == namespace | |
36 | + }.each do |project| -%> | |
37 | + <div class="textbox"> | |
38 | + <%= link_to, project.web_url, :target => "_blank" %> | |
39 | + </div> | |
40 | + <% end -%> | |
41 | + </div> | |
42 | + <% end -%> | |
43 | + </div> | |
44 | +</div> | |
45 | +<div id="section3" class="section"> | |
46 | + <div class="content"> | |
47 | + <h1>Other</h1> | |
48 | + <p> | |
49 | + Some other stuff here... | |
50 | + </p> | |
51 | + </div> | |
52 | +</div> | |
53 | +<div id="section4" class="section"> | |
54 | + <div class="content"> | |
55 | + <h1>Other</h1> | |
56 | + <p> | |
57 | + Some other stuff here... | |
58 | + </p> | |
59 | + </div> | |
60 | +</div> | |
61 | +<!-- vim: set ts=2 sw=2: --> | |
... | ... |
0 → 100755
0 → 100755
1 | +#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
2 | +begin | |
3 | + load File.expand_path('../spring', __FILE__) | |
4 | +rescue LoadError => e | |
5 | + raise unless e.message.include?('spring') | |
6 | +end | |
7 | +APP_PATH = File.expand_path('../../config/application', __FILE__) | |
8 | +require_relative '../config/boot' | |
9 | +require 'rails/commands' | |
... | ... |
0 → 100755
0 → 100755
1 | +#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
2 | +require 'pathname' | |
3 | + | |
4 | +# path to your application root. | |
5 | +APP_ROOT = File.expand_path('../../', __FILE__) | |
6 | + | |
7 | +Dir.chdir APP_ROOT do | |
8 | + # This script is a starting point to setup your application. | |
9 | + # Add necessary setup steps to this file: | |
10 | + | |
11 | + puts "== Installing dependencies ==" | |
12 | + system "gem install bundler --conservative" | |
13 | + system "bundle check || bundle install" | |
14 | + | |
15 | + # puts "\n== Copying sample files ==" | |
16 | + # unless File.exist?("config/database.yml") | |
17 | + # system "cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml" | |
18 | + # end | |
19 | + | |
20 | + puts "\n== Preparing database ==" | |
21 | + system "bin/rake db:setup" | |
22 | + | |
23 | + puts "\n== Removing old logs and tempfiles ==" | |
24 | + system "rm -f log/*" | |
25 | + system "rm -rf tmp/cache" | |
26 | + | |
27 | + puts "\n== Restarting application server ==" | |
28 | + system "touch tmp/restart.txt" | |
29 | +end | |
... | ... |
0 → 100755
1 | +#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
2 | + | |
3 | +# This file loads spring without using Bundler, in order to be fast. | |
4 | +# It gets overwritten when you run the `spring binstub` command. | |
5 | + | |
6 | +unless defined?(Spring) | |
7 | + require 'rubygems' | |
8 | + require 'bundler' | |
9 | + | |
10 | + if (match =^GEM$.*?^ (?: )*spring \((.*?)\)$.*?^$/m)) | |
11 | + Gem.paths = { 'GEM_PATH' => [Bundler.bundle_path.to_s, *Gem.path].uniq.join(Gem.path_separator) } | |
12 | + gem 'spring', match[1] | |
13 | + require 'spring/binstub' | |
14 | + end | |
15 | +end | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
0 → 100644
1 | +require File.expand_path('../boot', __FILE__) | |
2 | + | |
3 | +require 'rails/all' | |
4 | + | |
5 | +# Require the gems listed in Gemfile, including any gems | |
6 | +# you've limited to :test, :development, or :production. | |
7 | +Bundler.require(*Rails.groups) | |
8 | + | |
9 | +module WeirdWebWorkers | |
10 | + class Application < Rails::Application | |
11 | + # Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified here. | |
12 | + # Application configuration should go into files in config/initializers | |
13 | + # -- all .rb files in that directory are automatically loaded. | |
14 | + | |
15 | + # Set default to the specified zone and make Active Record auto-convert to this zone. | |
16 | + # Run "rake -D time" for a list of tasks for finding time zone names. Default is UTC. | |
17 | + # config.time_zone = 'Central Time (US & Canada)' | |
18 | + | |
19 | + # The default locale is :en and all translations from config/locales/*.rb,yml are auto loaded. | |
20 | + # config.i18n.load_path += Dir[Rails.root.join('my', 'locales', '*.{rb,yml}').to_s] | |
21 | + # config.i18n.default_locale = :de | |
22 | + | |
23 | + # Do not swallow errors in after_commit/after_rollback callbacks. | |
24 | + config.active_record.raise_in_transactional_callbacks = true | |
25 | + end | |
26 | +end | |
... | ... |
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0 → 100644
1 | +# SQLite version 3.x | |
2 | +# gem install sqlite3 | |
3 | +# | |
4 | +# Ensure the SQLite 3 gem is defined in your Gemfile | |
5 | +# gem 'sqlite3' | |
6 | +# | |
7 | +default: &default | |
8 | + adapter: sqlite3 | |
9 | + pool: 5 | |
10 | + timeout: 5000 | |
11 | + | |
12 | +development: | |
13 | + <<: *default | |
14 | + database: db/development.sqlite3 | |
15 | + | |
16 | +# Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and | |
17 | +# re-generated from your development database when you run "rake". | |
18 | +# Do not set this db to the same as development or production. | |
19 | +test: | |
20 | + <<: *default | |
21 | + database: db/test.sqlite3 | |
22 | + | |
23 | +production: | |
24 | + <<: *default | |
25 | + database: db/production.sqlite3 | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
0 → 100644
1 | +Rails.application.configure do | |
2 | + # Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb. | |
3 | + | |
4 | + # In the development environment your application's code is reloaded on | |
5 | + # every request. This slows down response time but is perfect for development | |
6 | + # since you don't have to restart the web server when you make code changes. | |
7 | + config.cache_classes = false | |
8 | + | |
9 | + # Do not eager load code on boot. | |
10 | + config.eager_load = false | |
11 | + | |
12 | + # Show full error reports and disable caching. | |
13 | + config.consider_all_requests_local = true | |
14 | + config.action_controller.perform_caching = false | |
15 | + | |
16 | + # Don't care if the mailer can't send. | |
17 | + config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false | |
18 | + | |
19 | + # Print deprecation notices to the Rails logger. | |
20 | + config.active_support.deprecation = :log | |
21 | + | |
22 | + # Raise an error on page load if there are pending migrations. | |
23 | + config.active_record.migration_error = :page_load | |
24 | + | |
25 | + # Debug mode disables concatenation and preprocessing of assets. | |
26 | + # This option may cause significant delays in view rendering with a large | |
27 | + # number of complex assets. | |
28 | + config.assets.debug = true | |
29 | + | |
30 | + # Asset digests allow you to set far-future HTTP expiration dates on all assets, | |
31 | + # yet still be able to expire them through the digest params. | |
32 | + config.assets.digest = true | |
33 | + | |
34 | + # Adds additional error checking when serving assets at runtime. | |
35 | + # Checks for improperly declared sprockets dependencies. | |
36 | + # Raises helpful error messages. | |
37 | + config.assets.raise_runtime_errors = true | |
38 | + | |
39 | + # Raises error for missing translations | |
40 | + # config.action_view.raise_on_missing_translations = true | |
41 | + | |
42 | + # Load Gitlab configuration | |
43 | + config.x.gitlab = config_for(:gitlab) | |
44 | +end | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +Rails.application.configure do | |
2 | + # Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb. | |
3 | + | |
4 | + # Code is not reloaded between requests. | |
5 | + config.cache_classes = true | |
6 | + | |
7 | + # Eager load code on boot. This eager loads most of Rails and | |
8 | + # your application in memory, allowing both threaded web servers | |
9 | + # and those relying on copy on write to perform better. | |
10 | + # Rake tasks automatically ignore this option for performance. | |
11 | + config.eager_load = true | |
12 | + | |
13 | + # Full error reports are disabled and caching is turned on. | |
14 | + config.consider_all_requests_local = false | |
15 | + config.action_controller.perform_caching = true | |
16 | + | |
17 | + # Enable Rack::Cache to put a simple HTTP cache in front of your application | |
18 | + # Add `rack-cache` to your Gemfile before enabling this. | |
19 | + # For large-scale production use, consider using a caching reverse proxy like | |
20 | + # NGINX, varnish or squid. | |
21 | + # config.action_dispatch.rack_cache = true | |
22 | + | |
23 | + # Disable serving static files from the `/public` folder by default since | |
24 | + # Apache or NGINX already handles this. | |
25 | + config.serve_static_files = ENV['RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES'].present? | |
26 | + | |
27 | + # Compress JavaScripts and CSS. | |
28 | + config.assets.js_compressor = :uglifier | |
29 | + # config.assets.css_compressor = :sass | |
30 | + | |
31 | + # Do not fallback to assets pipeline if a precompiled asset is missed. | |
32 | + config.assets.compile = false | |
33 | + | |
34 | + # Asset digests allow you to set far-future HTTP expiration dates on all assets, | |
35 | + # yet still be able to expire them through the digest params. | |
36 | + config.assets.digest = true | |
37 | + | |
38 | + # `config.assets.precompile` and `config.assets.version` have moved to config/initializers/assets.rb | |
39 | + | |
40 | + # Specifies the header that your server uses for sending files. | |
41 | + # config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Sendfile' # for Apache | |
42 | + # config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Accel-Redirect' # for NGINX | |
43 | + | |
44 | + # Force all access to the app over SSL, use Strict-Transport-Security, and use secure cookies. | |
45 | + # config.force_ssl = true | |
46 | + | |
47 | + # Use the lowest log level to ensure availability of diagnostic information | |
48 | + # when problems arise. | |
49 | + config.log_level = :debug | |
50 | + | |
51 | + # Prepend all log lines with the following tags. | |
52 | + # config.log_tags = [ :subdomain, :uuid ] | |
53 | + | |
54 | + # Use a different logger for distributed setups. | |
55 | + # config.logger = | |
56 | + | |
57 | + # Use a different cache store in production. | |
58 | + # config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store | |
59 | + | |
60 | + # Enable serving of images, stylesheets, and JavaScripts from an asset server. | |
61 | + # config.action_controller.asset_host = '' | |
62 | + | |
63 | + # Ignore bad email addresses and do not raise email delivery errors. | |
64 | + # Set this to true and configure the email server for immediate delivery to raise delivery errors. | |
65 | + # config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false | |
66 | + | |
67 | + # Enable locale fallbacks for I18n (makes lookups for any locale fall back to | |
68 | + # the I18n.default_locale when a translation cannot be found). | |
69 | + config.i18n.fallbacks = true | |
70 | + | |
71 | + # Send deprecation notices to registered listeners. | |
72 | + config.active_support.deprecation = :notify | |
73 | + | |
74 | + # Use default logging formatter so that PID and timestamp are not suppressed. | |
75 | + config.log_formatter = | |
76 | + | |
77 | + # Do not dump schema after migrations. | |
78 | + config.active_record.dump_schema_after_migration = false | |
79 | + | |
80 | + # Load Gitlab configuration | |
81 | + config.x.gitlab = config_for(:gitlab) | |
82 | +end | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +Rails.application.configure do | |
2 | + # Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb. | |
3 | + | |
4 | + # The test environment is used exclusively to run your application's | |
5 | + # test suite. You never need to work with it otherwise. Remember that | |
6 | + # your test database is "scratch space" for the test suite and is wiped | |
7 | + # and recreated between test runs. Don't rely on the data there! | |
8 | + config.cache_classes = true | |
9 | + | |
10 | + # Do not eager load code on boot. This avoids loading your whole application | |
11 | + # just for the purpose of running a single test. If you are using a tool that | |
12 | + # preloads Rails for running tests, you may have to set it to true. | |
13 | + config.eager_load = false | |
14 | + | |
15 | + # Configure static file server for tests with Cache-Control for performance. | |
16 | + config.serve_static_files = true | |
17 | + config.static_cache_control = 'public, max-age=3600' | |
18 | + | |
19 | + # Show full error reports and disable caching. | |
20 | + config.consider_all_requests_local = true | |
21 | + config.action_controller.perform_caching = false | |
22 | + | |
23 | + # Raise exceptions instead of rendering exception templates. | |
24 | + config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = false | |
25 | + | |
26 | + # Disable request forgery protection in test environment. | |
27 | + config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = false | |
28 | + | |
29 | + # Tell Action Mailer not to deliver emails to the real world. | |
30 | + # The :test delivery method accumulates sent emails in the | |
31 | + # ActionMailer::Base.deliveries array. | |
32 | + config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :test | |
33 | + | |
34 | + # Randomize the order test cases are executed. | |
35 | + config.active_support.test_order = :random | |
36 | + | |
37 | + # Print deprecation notices to the stderr. | |
38 | + config.active_support.deprecation = :stderr | |
39 | + | |
40 | + # Raises error for missing translations | |
41 | + # config.action_view.raise_on_missing_translations = true | |
42 | + | |
43 | + # Load Gitlab configuration | |
44 | + config.x.gitlab = config_for(:gitlab) | |
45 | +end | |
... | ... |
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1 | +--- | |
2 | +default: &default | |
3 | + api_base_uri: | |
4 | + # get the auth_token from your gitlab preferences | |
5 | + auth_token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | |
6 | + | |
7 | +development: | |
8 | + <<: *default | |
9 | + | |
10 | +test: | |
11 | + <<: *default | |
12 | + | |
13 | +production: | |
14 | + <<: *default | |
15 | +# vim: set ts=2 sw=2: | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. | |
2 | + | |
3 | +# Version of your assets, change this if you want to expire all your assets. | |
4 | +Rails.application.config.assets.version = '1.0' | |
5 | + | |
6 | +# Add additional assets to the asset load path | |
7 | +# Rails.application.config.assets.paths << Emoji.images_path | |
8 | + | |
9 | +# Precompile additional assets. | |
10 | +# application.js, application.css, and all non-JS/CSS in app/assets folder are already added. | |
11 | +# Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( search.js ) | |
... | ... |
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1 | +# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. | |
2 | + | |
3 | +# You can add backtrace silencers for libraries that you're using but don't wish to see in your backtraces. | |
4 | +# Rails.backtrace_cleaner.add_silencer { |line| line =~ /my_noisy_library/ } | |
5 | + | |
6 | +# You can also remove all the silencers if you're trying to debug a problem that might stem from framework code. | |
7 | +# Rails.backtrace_cleaner.remove_silencers! | |
... | ... |
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1 | +# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. | |
2 | + | |
3 | +# Add new inflection rules using the following format. Inflections | |
4 | +# are locale specific, and you may define rules for as many different | |
5 | +# locales as you wish. All of these examples are active by default: | |
6 | +# ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections(:en) do |inflect| | |
7 | +# inflect.plural /^(ox)$/i, '\1en' | |
8 | +# inflect.singular /^(ox)en/i, '\1' | |
9 | +# inflect.irregular 'person', 'people' | |
10 | +# inflect.uncountable %w( fish sheep ) | |
11 | +# end | |
12 | + | |
13 | +# These inflection rules are supported but not enabled by default: | |
14 | +# ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections(:en) do |inflect| | |
15 | +# inflect.acronym 'RESTful' | |
16 | +# end | |
... | ... |
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1 | +# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. | |
2 | + | |
3 | +# This file contains settings for ActionController::ParamsWrapper which | |
4 | +# is enabled by default. | |
5 | + | |
6 | +# Enable parameter wrapping for JSON. You can disable this by setting :format to an empty array. | |
7 | +ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do | |
8 | + wrap_parameters format: [:json] if respond_to?(:wrap_parameters) | |
9 | +end | |
10 | + | |
11 | +# To enable root element in JSON for ActiveRecord objects. | |
12 | +# ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do | |
13 | +# self.include_root_in_json = true | |
14 | +# end | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +# Files in the config/locales directory are used for internationalization | |
2 | +# and are automatically loaded by Rails. If you want to use locales other | |
3 | +# than English, add the necessary files in this directory. | |
4 | +# | |
5 | +# To use the locales, use `I18n.t`: | |
6 | +# | |
7 | +# I18n.t 'hello' | |
8 | +# | |
9 | +# In views, this is aliased to just `t`: | |
10 | +# | |
11 | +# <%= t('hello') %> | |
12 | +# | |
13 | +# To use a different locale, set it with `I18n.locale`: | |
14 | +# | |
15 | +# I18n.locale = :es | |
16 | +# | |
17 | +# This would use the information in config/locales/es.yml. | |
18 | +# | |
19 | +# To learn more, please read the Rails Internationalization guide | |
20 | +# available at | |
21 | + | |
22 | +en: | |
23 | + hello: "Hello world" | |
... | ... |
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1 | +Rails.application.routes.draw do | |
2 | + get 'welcome/index' | |
3 | + | |
4 | + # The priority is based upon order of creation: first created -> highest priority. | |
5 | + # See how all your routes lay out with "rake routes". | |
6 | + | |
7 | + # You can have the root of your site routed with "root" | |
8 | + root 'welcome#index' | |
9 | + | |
10 | + # Example of regular route: | |
11 | + # get 'products/:id' => 'catalog#view' | |
12 | + | |
13 | + # Example of named route that can be invoked with purchase_url(id: | |
14 | + # get 'products/:id/purchase' => 'catalog#purchase', as: :purchase | |
15 | + | |
16 | + # Example resource route (maps HTTP verbs to controller actions automatically): | |
17 | + # resources :products | |
18 | + | |
19 | + # Example resource route with options: | |
20 | + # resources :products do | |
21 | + # member do | |
22 | + # get 'short' | |
23 | + # post 'toggle' | |
24 | + # end | |
25 | + # | |
26 | + # collection do | |
27 | + # get 'sold' | |
28 | + # end | |
29 | + # end | |
30 | + | |
31 | + # Example resource route with sub-resources: | |
32 | + # resources :products do | |
33 | + # resources :comments, :sales | |
34 | + # resource :seller | |
35 | + # end | |
36 | + | |
37 | + # Example resource route with more complex sub-resources: | |
38 | + # resources :products do | |
39 | + # resources :comments | |
40 | + # resources :sales do | |
41 | + # get 'recent', on: :collection | |
42 | + # end | |
43 | + # end | |
44 | + | |
45 | + # Example resource route with concerns: | |
46 | + # concern :toggleable do | |
47 | + # post 'toggle' | |
48 | + # end | |
49 | + # resources :posts, concerns: :toggleable | |
50 | + # resources :photos, concerns: :toggleable | |
51 | + | |
52 | + # Example resource route within a namespace: | |
53 | + # namespace :admin do | |
54 | + # # Directs /admin/products/* to Admin::ProductsController | |
55 | + # # (app/controllers/admin/products_controller.rb) | |
56 | + # resources :products | |
57 | + # end | |
58 | +end | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. | |
2 | + | |
3 | +# Your secret key is used for verifying the integrity of signed cookies. | |
4 | +# If you change this key, all old signed cookies will become invalid! | |
5 | + | |
6 | +# Make sure the secret is at least 30 characters and all random, | |
7 | +# no regular words or you'll be exposed to dictionary attacks. | |
8 | +# You can use `rake secret` to generate a secure secret key. | |
9 | + | |
10 | +# Make sure the secrets in this file are kept private | |
11 | +# if you're sharing your code publicly. | |
12 | + | |
13 | +development: | |
14 | + secret_key_base: 3433ba6d70d29bbec714d1db3f8709ee98a20c9facbaec4670b11be018d93b27a8aa1a317e37f79d93ba1840c5dc9f91698c37cae6ad01794576fa6af680343a | |
15 | + | |
16 | +test: | |
17 | + secret_key_base: a2992d85a92bc5b00848e0a1e5cb02f3c594641c172f273aec0416cf77dd19b6b74e734f70bc818335075ba77667290784d6c693ba567059e197884f3ad2a81e | |
18 | + | |
19 | +# Do not keep production secrets in the repository, | |
20 | +# instead read values from the environment. | |
21 | +production: | |
22 | + secret_key_base: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %> | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +# This file should contain all the record creation needed to seed the database with its default values. | |
2 | +# The data can then be loaded with the rake db:seed (or created alongside the db with db:setup). | |
3 | +# | |
4 | +# Examples: | |
5 | +# | |
6 | +# cities = City.create([{ name: 'Chicago' }, { name: 'Copenhagen' }]) | |
7 | +# Mayor.create(name: 'Emanuel', city: cities.first) | |
... | ... |
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1 | +<!DOCTYPE html> | |
2 | +<html> | |
3 | +<head> | |
4 | + <title>The page you were looking for doesn't exist (404)</title> | |
5 | + <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"> | |
6 | + <style> | |
7 | + body { | |
8 | + background-color: #EFEFEF; | |
9 | + color: #2E2F30; | |
10 | + text-align: center; | |
11 | + font-family: arial, sans-serif; | |
12 | + margin: 0; | |
13 | + } | |
14 | + | |
15 | + div.dialog { | |
16 | + width: 95%; | |
17 | + max-width: 33em; | |
18 | + margin: 4em auto 0; | |
19 | + } | |
20 | + | |
21 | + div.dialog > div { | |
22 | + border: 1px solid #CCC; | |
23 | + border-right-color: #999; | |
24 | + border-left-color: #999; | |
25 | + border-bottom-color: #BBB; | |
26 | + border-top: #B00100 solid 4px; | |
27 | + border-top-left-radius: 9px; | |
28 | + border-top-right-radius: 9px; | |
29 | + background-color: white; | |
30 | + padding: 7px 12% 0; | |
31 | + box-shadow: 0 3px 8px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.17); | |
32 | + } | |
33 | + | |
34 | + h1 { | |
35 | + font-size: 100%; | |
36 | + color: #730E15; | |
37 | + line-height: 1.5em; | |
38 | + } | |
39 | + | |
40 | + div.dialog > p { | |
41 | + margin: 0 0 1em; | |
42 | + padding: 1em; | |
43 | + background-color: #F7F7F7; | |
44 | + border: 1px solid #CCC; | |
45 | + border-right-color: #999; | |
46 | + border-left-color: #999; | |
47 | + border-bottom-color: #999; | |
48 | + border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; | |
49 | + border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; | |
50 | + border-top-color: #DADADA; | |
51 | + color: #666; | |
52 | + box-shadow: 0 3px 8px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.17); | |
53 | + } | |
54 | + </style> | |
55 | +</head> | |
56 | + | |
57 | +<body> | |
58 | + <!-- This file lives in public/404.html --> | |
59 | + <div class="dialog"> | |
60 | + <div> | |
61 | + <h1>The page you were looking for doesn't exist.</h1> | |
62 | + <p>You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved.</p> | |
63 | + </div> | |
64 | + <p>If you are the application owner check the logs for more information.</p> | |
65 | + </div> | |
66 | +</body> | |
67 | +</html> | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<!DOCTYPE html> | |
2 | +<html> | |
3 | +<head> | |
4 | + <title>The change you wanted was rejected (422)</title> | |
5 | + <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"> | |
6 | + <style> | |
7 | + body { | |
8 | + background-color: #EFEFEF; | |
9 | + color: #2E2F30; | |
10 | + text-align: center; | |
11 | + font-family: arial, sans-serif; | |
12 | + margin: 0; | |
13 | + } | |
14 | + | |
15 | + div.dialog { | |
16 | + width: 95%; | |
17 | + max-width: 33em; | |
18 | + margin: 4em auto 0; | |
19 | + } | |
20 | + | |
21 | + div.dialog > div { | |
22 | + border: 1px solid #CCC; | |
23 | + border-right-color: #999; | |
24 | + border-left-color: #999; | |
25 | + border-bottom-color: #BBB; | |
26 | + border-top: #B00100 solid 4px; | |
27 | + border-top-left-radius: 9px; | |
28 | + border-top-right-radius: 9px; | |
29 | + background-color: white; | |
30 | + padding: 7px 12% 0; | |
31 | + box-shadow: 0 3px 8px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.17); | |
32 | + } | |
33 | + | |
34 | + h1 { | |
35 | + font-size: 100%; | |
36 | + color: #730E15; | |
37 | + line-height: 1.5em; | |
38 | + } | |
39 | + | |
40 | + div.dialog > p { | |
41 | + margin: 0 0 1em; | |
42 | + padding: 1em; | |
43 | + background-color: #F7F7F7; | |
44 | + border: 1px solid #CCC; | |
45 | + border-right-color: #999; | |
46 | + border-left-color: #999; | |
47 | + border-bottom-color: #999; | |
48 | + border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; | |
49 | + border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; | |
50 | + border-top-color: #DADADA; | |
51 | + color: #666; | |
52 | + box-shadow: 0 3px 8px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.17); | |
53 | + } | |
54 | + </style> | |
55 | +</head> | |
56 | + | |
57 | +<body> | |
58 | + <!-- This file lives in public/422.html --> | |
59 | + <div class="dialog"> | |
60 | + <div> | |
61 | + <h1>The change you wanted was rejected.</h1> | |
62 | + <p>Maybe you tried to change something you didn't have access to.</p> | |
63 | + </div> | |
64 | + <p>If you are the application owner check the logs for more information.</p> | |
65 | + </div> | |
66 | +</body> | |
67 | +</html> | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +<!DOCTYPE html> | |
2 | +<html> | |
3 | +<head> | |
4 | + <title>We're sorry, but something went wrong (500)</title> | |
5 | + <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"> | |
6 | + <style> | |
7 | + body { | |
8 | + background-color: #EFEFEF; | |
9 | + color: #2E2F30; | |
10 | + text-align: center; | |
11 | + font-family: arial, sans-serif; | |
12 | + margin: 0; | |
13 | + } | |
14 | + | |
15 | + div.dialog { | |
16 | + width: 95%; | |
17 | + max-width: 33em; | |
18 | + margin: 4em auto 0; | |
19 | + } | |
20 | + | |
21 | + div.dialog > div { | |
22 | + border: 1px solid #CCC; | |
23 | + border-right-color: #999; | |
24 | + border-left-color: #999; | |
25 | + border-bottom-color: #BBB; | |
26 | + border-top: #B00100 solid 4px; | |
27 | + border-top-left-radius: 9px; | |
28 | + border-top-right-radius: 9px; | |
29 | + background-color: white; | |
30 | + padding: 7px 12% 0; | |
31 | + box-shadow: 0 3px 8px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.17); | |
32 | + } | |
33 | + | |
34 | + h1 { | |
35 | + font-size: 100%; | |
36 | + color: #730E15; | |
37 | + line-height: 1.5em; | |
38 | + } | |
39 | + | |
40 | + div.dialog > p { | |
41 | + margin: 0 0 1em; | |
42 | + padding: 1em; | |
43 | + background-color: #F7F7F7; | |
44 | + border: 1px solid #CCC; | |
45 | + border-right-color: #999; | |
46 | + border-left-color: #999; | |
47 | + border-bottom-color: #999; | |
48 | + border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; | |
49 | + border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; | |
50 | + border-top-color: #DADADA; | |
51 | + color: #666; | |
52 | + box-shadow: 0 3px 8px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.17); | |
53 | + } | |
54 | + </style> | |
55 | +</head> | |
56 | + | |
57 | +<body> | |
58 | + <!-- This file lives in public/500.html --> | |
59 | + <div class="dialog"> | |
60 | + <div> | |
61 | + <h1>We're sorry, but something went wrong.</h1> | |
62 | + </div> | |
63 | + <p>If you are the application owner check the logs for more information.</p> | |
64 | + </div> | |
65 | +</body> | |
66 | +</html> | |
... | ... |
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1 | +# Read about fixtures at | |
2 | + | |
3 | +# This model initially had no columns defined. If you add columns to the | |
4 | +# model remove the '{}' from the fixture names and add the columns immediately | |
5 | +# below each fixture, per the syntax in the comments below | |
6 | +# | |
7 | +one: {} | |
8 | +# column: value | |
9 | +# | |
10 | +two: {} | |
11 | +# column: value | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
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0 → 100644
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0 → 100644
1 | +ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'test' | |
2 | +require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__) | |
3 | +require 'rails/test_help' | |
4 | + | |
5 | +class ActiveSupport::TestCase | |
6 | + # Setup all fixtures in test/fixtures/*.yml for all tests in alphabetical order. | |
7 | + fixtures :all | |
8 | + | |
9 | + # Add more helper methods to be used by all tests here... | |
10 | +end | |
... | ... |
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