session_store.rb 810 Bytes
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.

# Your secret key for verifying cookie session data integrity.
# If you change this key, all old sessions will become invalid!
# Make sure the secret is at least 30 characters and all random, 
# no regular words or you'll be exposed to dictionary attacks.
ActionController::Base.session = {
  :key         => '_weird-web-workers_session',
  :secret      => '473daf0543d67e15b642475bc0c8ac4266c9051c482651f23fd808f8d07f296329a92237bde0e82726b9e6827929a951deaa4900db6196042ef0a41de476471d'

# Use the database for sessions instead of the cookie-based default,
# which shouldn't be used to store highly confidential information
# (create the session table with "rake db:sessions:create")
# ActionController::Base.session_store = :active_record_store