source.tpl.php 1.01 KB
  - Diese Seite sieht nicht aus wie ein schönes html templates. Das liegt
  - primär daran, das Sie zum größten Teil aus Text besteht, der seinerseits
  - übersetzt werden soll. Daher die vielen <?=_()?> im Quelltext.
	<?=_('This page is related to my software projects.')?>
	<?=_('I am sad i have to say that there is no project really finished right now. Most haven\'t even started really. And some were only educational for myself.')?>
	<?=_('Anyway, i think there are some nice code examples within my sourcecodes, so i decided to put this online. Here you will also find the sourcecodes to this Webpage.')?>
	<?=_('A Webinterface to my sourcecodes can be found ')?>
	<A HREF="/viewcvs/" ALT=""><?=_('here')?></A>.<BR>
	<?=_('To download some sources use anonymous cvs. When being asked for a password simply hit enter:')?>
cvs -d login
cvs -z3 -d co -P <module>