rbinsert.txt 5.36 KB
Properties of a rbtree

1. A node is either red or black.
2. The root is black. (This rule is sometimes omitted. Since the root can
   always be changed from red to black, but not necessarily vice-versa,
   this rule has little effect on analysis.)
3. All leaves (NIL) are black. (All leaves are same color as the
4. Every red node must have two black child nodes.
5. Every simple path from a given node to any of its
   descendant leaves contains the same number of black nodes.

Assumptions in addition to wikipedia

lets assume that NULL pointer are black B nodes. But we mark them with a (N)


we start with an empty tree....


case 1 (root): add first element... elements are red R wenn added, add key 13.


            B(N)      B(N)

but now we violate rule 2 and correct this simply by changing the root to
black. => first rule, if we insert into a root node (the root was null) insert
as black.


            B(N)         B(N)

case 2 (black parent): add an element 8.


            R(8)        B(N)

         B(N)   B(N)
we violate none of the properties defined. Nothing to be done.

Now add 16 which is case 2 again


           R(8)             R(16)

       B(N)     B(N)       B(N)   B(N)

case 3 (red parent and uncle): add 11....


          R(8)                 R(16)

     B(N)      R(11)         B(N)     B(N)

             B(N)  B(N)

This violates propert 4 (each red node must have 2 black childs).
=> repaint both to black and the gandparent to red.


          B(8)                       B(16)

    B(N)         R(11)         B(N)           B(N)

              B(N)   B(N)

This violates now property 2 (The root is black) and it may have
violated property 4 for the gantparent...so we start all over again
with case 1 on the grantparent.
As we now might run into case 4 or 5 where also parent uncle and
grandparent might be needed we should always track

 - grandgrandparent
 - granduncle
 - grandparent
 - parent
 - uncle

For now case 1 occurs again wich gives us the following:

           B(8)                         B(16)

     B(N)         R(11)             B(N)        B(N)

               B(N)   B(N)

Perfect, thats ok again.

Now as preparation of case 4 we add a 3

           B(8)                         B(16)

     R(3)         R(11)             B(N)        B(N)

 B(N)   B(N)   B(N)    B(N)

and now a 9.

           B(8)                         B(16)

     R(3)         R(11)             B(N)        B(N)

 B(N)   B(N)   R(9)    B(N)

             B(N)  B(N)

which again leads to case 3.

           R(8)                         B(16)

     B(3)         B(11)             B(N)        B(N)

 B(N)   B(N)   R(9)       B(N)

             B(N) B(N)

and we are fine again.
now add 12...

           R(8)                         B(16)

     B(3)         B(11)             B(N)        B(N)

 B(N)   B(N)   R(9)      R(12)

             B(N) B(N)  B(N) B(N)

and now add a 10...

           R(8)                         B(16)

     B(3)         B(11)             B(N)        B(N)

 B(N)   B(N)   R(9)      R(12)

             B(N) R(10)  B(N) B(N)
                  N  N

case 3 again...

           R(8)                         B(16)

     B(3)         R(11)             B(N)        B(N)

 B(N)   B(N)   B(9)      B(12)

             B(N) R(10)  B(N) B(N)
                  N  N

as case 3 starts again with grandparent as node, which has to be prepared
before starting over again, we have the following:

     node        R(11)
     parent      R(8)
     uncle       B(16)
     grandparent B(13)

now property 4 of our new parent is violated which brings us to case 4 as
it is not the root. (the cases are taken from wikipedia.)

so lets do case 4 on our node (which is left rotate on our parent,
the parent of our grandparent).

                   R(11)                         B(16)

             R(8)           B(12)           B(N)        B(N)

         B(3)     B(9)     B(N) B(N)

     B(N) B(N)  B(N) R(10) 
                     N  N

but again we are left in violated state...again property 4 is violated.
This is always the case, so always do case 5 after case 4.

We can see beside of some subtree changes our node and parent have changed
role. we need to address this by swaping them in our code.

So, do case 5 (right rotate the grandparent and set grandparent color to red
and parent color to black.

                    R(8)                         R(13)

             B(3)         B(9)            B(12)           B(16)

           B(N) B(N)    B(N)  R(10)      B(N) B(N)       B(N)  B(N)

                            B(N) B(N)

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