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      <p id="w3c_toggle_include" class="default_open intro tPadding">This page summarizes the relationships among specifications, whether they are finished standards or drafts. Below, each title
links to the most recent version of a document.
     For related introductory information, see: <a href="">Accessibility</a>, <a href="">Protocol and Meta Format Considerations</a>, <a href="">Scripting and Ajax</a>.</p>
      <h2 id="drafts">Drafts</h2>
      <p>Below are draft documents:
      <a href="/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#RecsCR">Candidate Recommendations</a>, <a href="/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#last-call">Last Call Drafts</a>, <a href="/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#RecsWD">other Working Drafts</a>.
      Some of these may become Web Standards through the <a href="/Consortium/Process/tr#rec-advance">W3C Recommendation Track
      process</a>. Others may be published as Group Notes or
      become obsolete specifications.</p>
      <h3 id="cr">Candidate Recommendations</h3>
      <div class="data lMargin rMargin">
         <table class="w3c_spec_summary_table">
               <tr class="lastRow">
                  <td class="table_datecol">
                     <a href="../history/wai-aria" title="Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.0 publication history">2011-01-18</a>
                     <h4 class="w3c_status_title">
                        <a title="status is CR" href="">Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.0</a>
                     <div class="expand_description">
                        <p>Accessibility of Web content to people with disabilities requires semantic information about widgets, structures, and behaviors, in order to allow Assistive Technologies to make appropriate transformations. This specification
		provides an ontology of roles, states, and properties that set out an abstract model  for accessible interfaces and can be used to improve the accessibility
		and interoperability of Web Content and Applications. This information can be mapped to accessibility frameworks
		that use this information to provide alternative access solutions. Similarly,
		this information can be used to change the rendering of content
		dynamically using different style sheet properties. The result is an
		interoperable method for associating behaviors with document-level markup. This document is part of the WAI-ARIA suite described in the ARIA Overview.</p>
      <h3 id="lcwd">Last Call Drafts</h3>
      <div class="data lMargin rMargin">
         <table class="w3c_spec_summary_table">
                  <td class="table_datecol">
                     <a href="../history/wai-aria-implementation" title="WAI-ARIA 1.0 User Agent Implementation Guide publication history">2012-01-10</a>
                     <h4 class="w3c_status_title">
                        <a title="status is LCWD" href="">WAI-ARIA 1.0 User Agent Implementation Guide</a>
                     <div class="expand_description">
                        <p>Describes how user agents should support keyboard
   navigation, respond to roles, states, and properties provided in Web
   content via WAI-ARIA, and expose this to accessibility APIs.</p>
               <tr class="lastRow">
                     <a href="../history/role-attribute" title="Role Attribute 1.0 publication history">2011-01-13</a>
                     <h4 class="w3c_status_title">
                        <a title="status is LCWD" href="">Role Attribute 1.0</a>
                     <div class="expand_description">
                        <p>This is a sample short description for this specification;
	      over time we will replace this description with a real one.</p>
      <h3 id="wd">Other Working Drafts</h3>
      <div class="data lMargin rMargin">
         <table class="w3c_spec_summary_table">
                  <td class="table_datecol">
                     <a href="../history/wai-aria-practices" title="WAI-ARIA 1.0 Authoring Practices publication history">2010-09-16</a>
                     <h4 class="w3c_status_title">
                        <a title="status is WD" href="">WAI-ARIA 1.0 Authoring Practices</a>
                     <div class="expand_description">
                        <p>This document specifies Best Practices for delivering accessible rich internet applications using <cite>WAI-ARIA</cite> [<cite>ARIA</cite>]. The principle objective is to produce a usable, accessible experience over the Web. It provides recommended approaches to create accessible Web content using WAI-ARIA roles, states, and properties to make widgets, navigation, and behaviors accessible. The document also describes considerations that might not be evident to most implementers from the WAI-ARIA specification alone. This document is directed primarily to Web application developers, but the guidance is also useful to user agent and assistive technology developers. This document is part of the WAI-ARIA suite described in the WAI-ARIA Overview.</p>
                     <a href="../history/wai-aria-primer" title="WAI-ARIA 1.0 Primer publication history">2010-09-16</a>
                     <h4 class="w3c_status_title">
                        <a title="status is WD" href="">WAI-ARIA 1.0 Primer</a>
                     <div class="expand_description">
                        <p>The <acronym>WAI</acronym>-<acronym>ARIA</acronym> Primer introduces developers  to the use of WAI-ARIA [ARIA] for addressing the
		accessibility of dynamic Web content for people with disabilities.
		This primer explains the accessibility problems posed by  hybrid technologies
		such as DHTML and Ajax. It introduces the technologies to map controls, Ajax live regions, and
		events to accessibility APIs, including custom controls used for Rich Internet Applications. The
		primer also describes new navigation techniques to mark common Web
		elements such as menus, primary content, secondary content, banner
		information and other types of Web structures. These new
		technologies can be used to improve the accessibility and usability
		of Web resources by people with disabilities, without extensive
		modification to existing libraries of Web resources.  This document is part of the WAI-ARIA suite described in the WAI-ARIA Overview.</p>
               <tr class="lastRow">
                     <a href="../history/wai-aria-roadmap" title="Roadmap for Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA Roadmap) publication history">2008-02-04</a>
                     <h4 class="w3c_status_title">
                        <a title="status is WD" href="">Roadmap for Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA Roadmap)</a>
                     <div class="expand_description">
                        <p>The Roadmap for Accessible Rich Internet Applications  addresses the
accessibility of dynamic Web content for people with disabilities.
The roadmap introduces the technologies to map controls, Ajax live regions, and
events to accessibility APIs, including custom controls used for Rich Internet Applications. The
roadmap also describes new navigation techniques to mark common Web
structures as menus, primary content, secondary content, banner
information and other types of Web structures. These new
technologies can be used to improve the accessibility and usability
of Web resources by people with disabilities, without extensive
modification to existing libraries of Web resources.  This document is part of the WAI-ARIA suite described in the WAI-ARIA Overview.</p>
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