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    dc:description="The very recent announcements from Microsoft (“The Future of the Web is HTML5”), Apple (“We are betting big on HTML5”) and Google (“New open standards created in the mobile era, such as HTML5, will win on mobile devices (and PCs..."
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                        <h2 class="entry-header">Truly W3C Community building at WWW2010 (Part 2)</h2>
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                              <p>The very recent announcements from Microsoft (“<em>The Future of the Web is HTML5</em>”), Apple (“<em>We are betting big on HTML5</em>”) and Google (“<em>New open standards created in the mobile era, such as HTML5, will win on mobile devices (and PCs too)</em>”) prove that, while HTML5 is still a work in progress, W3C is increasing implementation experience and building community support.</p>

<p style='float:right; margin-left: 1em;'><a href=""><img src="" alt="HTML5 and a rough future view of the future" /></a></p>

<p>W3C organized an HTML5 camp in the <a href="">W3C track @ WWW2010</a>. We started with a contextual presentation about HTML5 and a whole range of other W3C technologies which contribute to the ever-expanding Web platform (including CSS3, SVG, and Canvas). Cool slides demonstrated what can already be achieved in most browsers these days. In particular, do not miss the "<a href="">Rough View of the Future</a>", the funny "<a href="">Memory Game</a>", the "<a href="">XHTML5/SVG Video Player</a>", and "<a href="">Beyond HTML5</a>".</p>

<p>To reinforce how simple and easy it is to use Web standards, Philippe Le Hégaret did a <a href="">live coding session of a SVG/HTML5 video player</a>. Philippe pointed out that, while a lot of work remains on the HTML5 specification inside the HTML Working Group, things are moving forward.</p>

<p style='float:left; margin-left: 1em;'><a href=""><img src="" alt="SVG vs Canvas" /></a></p>

<p>Doug Schepers also drew "wow!" and "ahhh!" with his presentation on <a href="">The Graphical Web</a>, where he demonstrated the features and differences of SVG and Canvas.  These graphics technologies complement each other well, and both technologies are enjoying broad support across browsers.</p>

<p>HTML5 is getting a lot of coverage nowadays and it's certainly an exciting time to work in Web standards. We look forward to providing even cooler demos in the months and years ahead!</p>
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                       <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Marie-Claire Forgue</a> on May  6, 2010  2:42 AM in <a href="">HTML</a>, <a href="">Meetings</a>, <a href="">SVG</a>, <a href="">Video</a><br />
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