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    dc:description=" The WWW2010 conference that just took place in Raleigh is now over and it&apos;s a good time to report on some of the outcomes from the event, and most specifically about the W3C track that I had the pleasure..."
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                        <h2 class="entry-header">Truly W3C Community building at WWW2010 (Part 1)</h2>
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                              <p style='float:right; margin-left: 1em;'><img src="" alt="Breakout sessions at the LOD camp" /></p>

<p>The <a href="">WWW2010 conference</a> that just took place in Raleigh is now over and it's a good time to report on some of the outcomes from the event, and most specifically about the <a href="">W3C track</a> that I had the pleasure to chair again this year.</p>

<p style='float:right; margin-left: 1em;'><img src="" alt="Breakout sessions at the LOD camp" /></p>

<p>We held 2 days of unconference style meetings, called "W3C camps". Both the Linked Open Data (LOD) and HTML5 camps were well attended. The LOD camp exceeded my expectations in several ways. First, we had the pleasure to listen live to the TED talk by Tim Berners-Lee (see the <a href="">TED video</a>) and second, we had David Recordon as a surprise guest who presented the Open Graph Protocol (OGP). In hist talk, David notably said Facebook launched OGP 10 days ago and already over 50000 sites had adopted these metadata.</p>

<p style='float:right; margin-left: 1em;'><img src="" alt="Breakout sessions at the LOD camp" /></p>

<p>As a consequence, one of the chosen breakout sessions was dedicated to engineering the schema for the OGP metadata. People from all over the world gathered their experience to propose a first vocabulary which was then implemented overnight and <a href="">deployed </a>by Facebook the next day!</p>

<p style='float:right; margin-left: 1em;'><img src="" alt="Breakout sessions at the LOD camp" /></p>

<p>Now, people are mapping this successful vocabulary to many other ones available on line, such as the <a href="">Dublin Core</a> or <a href="">FOAF </a>. And this morning, an XSLT transformation and a GRDDL profile were subsequently developed and released as <a href="">open source freeware</a> to demonstrate how the Open Graph Protocol metadata can be extracted in RDF using only Web standards. I am pleased that the LOD camp has contributed in some way to the Web of linked data.</p>

<p>Those who wish to follow this story as it transpired on twitter can search for <a href="">#w3ctrack</a>. It was also captured on the <a href="">Social Web XG public mailing list</a>. </p>

<p>For an overview of the other topics discussed at the camp (note the numerous lightning talks), the <a href="">LOD camp wiki</a> is a great resource. Thanks to all who made this great event possible (and special thx to Fabien@INRIA and Luc@WWW2012).</p>

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                       <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Marie-Claire Forgue</a> on May  3, 2010 11:49 AM in <a href="">Meetings</a>, <a href="">Semantic Web</a>, <a href="">Social Networking</a>, <a href="">eGov</a><br />
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