XcRichText.html 3.02 KB
<title>XcRichText -- A Motif Widget for RTF</title>

<h1>The XcRichText Widget</h1>

<a href="http://www.hal.com/~connolly">Daniel W. Connolly</a><br>
$Id: XcRichText.html,v 1.1 1995/01/26 05:14:16 connolly Exp $

<address> from the XcRichText README, 92/09/09  17:13:35</address>

<p> The XcRichText fills the need for a formatted text display widget
in the Motif toolkit. It interprets RTF data and formats and displays
it using X fonts, colors, lines, and pixmaps.

<h2>Status as of Sep 1995</h2>

<p>Apparently, Philippe-Andre Prindeville <tt>philipp@res.enst.fr</tt>
has released some enhancements. See: <a
href="ftp://ftp.res.enst.fr/incoming/philipp">Philippe's XcRichText
release directory</a>.

<h2>Status as of Jan 1995</h2>

<p> <strong>NOTE:</strong> It has been some time since I worked with
this code. I had several reports of folks who successfully used this
software, and there are no known defects, but I won't make any
guarantees either!</p>

<p> My most active beta tester was Philippe-Andre Prindeville
    <tt>&lt;philipp@res.enst.fr&gt;</tt>. He was using it to display
    some sort of international dictionary. When I last contacted him,
    he was doing some optimizations on fonts and scrolling.  I think
    he released a patch.


<p>In order to build applications using the XcRichText widget, you will

<li> an ANSI C compiler
<li> a C++ compiler that implements version 2.1 of the language
<li> the OSF/Motif toolkit


<p> This material is derived from the <a
    href="http://night.primate.wisc.edu:70/1/RTF">RTF Tools by Paul
    DuBois</a> <tt>dubois@primate.wisc.edu</tt>

<h2>The XcRichText Distribution</h2>

<p> Release 1.5 has been built and tested on:

<dt>arch	<dd>os
<dt>sun4	<dd>SunOS Release 4.1.1
<dt>c2mp	<dd>ConvexOS Release 10.0
<dt>HPsnake	<dd>HP OSF/1 TR

<p> with Motif 1.1

<p> The source distribtion is available from a number of FTP
archives, for example, on <A
HREF="ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com">gatekeeper.dec.com</A> in <A
HREF="ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/.b/X11-contrib">/.b/X11-contrib</A>: <A
Sep 27 1992.

<p> You can get <a
    list of copies of the distribution</a> from the Archie database
    via the <a href="http://web.nexor.co.uk/archie.html">ArchiePlex

<p> To verify the distribution: it is 127957 bytes; the checksum (as
    per the SunOS sum command) is <code>33571 125</code>, and
    I have signed it with a pgp 2.6 digital signature:

Version: 2.6.2


<p> You'll need <a href="../connolly-pgp-key.html">my key</a> to check
    the signature of course.