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  <body><p><a href="http://www.w3.org/"><img src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/w3c_home" alt="W3C"
          border="0" height="48" width="72"/></a></p><h1>MAWG - TPAC 2008
      f2f</h1><h2>24 Oct 2008</h2><p><a
      Agenda</a></p><p>See also: <a href="http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-irc">IRC
        log</a></p><h2><a name="attendees" id="attendees">Attendees</a></h2><div class="intro">
        <dd>AndreaP, Azur, Nobuo, Thierry, larry, doug, and, chaals</dd>
        <dd>Daniel, Felix</dd>
        <a href="#agenda">Topics</a>
          <li><a href="#item01">blinx presentation</a></li>
          <li><a href="#item02">presentation from raphael</a></li>
          <li><a href="#item03">Adobe discussion</a></li>
          <li><a href="#item04">web aps discussion</a></li>
          <li><a href="#item05">PLING joint meeting</a></li>
          <li><a href="#item06">requirements doc</a></li>
          <li><a href="#item07">liaisons</a></li>
          <li><a href="#item08">check issues</a></li>
          <li><a href="#item09">check action items</a></li>
      <li><a href="#ActionSummary">Summary of Action Items</a></li>
    </ul><hr/><div class="meeting"><p class="phone">&nbsp;</p><p class="phone">&nbsp;</p><p
        class="irc">&lt;<cite>scribe</cite>&gt; scribe: various</p><p class="irc"
        >&lt;<cite>Daniel</cite>&gt; our discussion focuses on what properties are requrired and
        mapping these with ontology</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>Daniel</cite>&gt; wonsuk: if you
        made an initial draft, please upload it to the wiki page</p><h3 id="item01">blinx
        presentation</h3><p class="phone"><cite>colm:</cite> we have developed an API since many
        customers asked for it<br/> ... will demonstrate general and complex interaction and an
        demonstration purpose application<br/> ... we have 5 entities: reference to page, title like
        "obama vs. ..."<br/> ... .summary, content, ...<br/> ... document specific info like domain,
        channel (e.g. "you tube")<br/> ... tags from the youtube object itself<br/> ... language,
        media duration / width / heigth<br/> ... embedd tag, but not for all medias<br/> ... a
        publish date and a user friendly date (e.g. "9 days ago")</p><p class="phone"
        ><cite>raphael:</cite> you have your own XML Schema for that?</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>colm:</cite> yes<br/> ... example with obama video, search query was "joe meets
        obama"</p><p class="phone"><cite>raphael:</cite> do you keep track of folksomonies in the
        metadata?</p><p class="phone"><cite>colm:</cite> no, we use only what is in the feed what we
        get.</p><p class="phone"><cite>raphael:</cite> most of values for this element are specific
        to your format, e.g. date is not an ISO date</p><p class="phone"><cite>colm:</cite> yes, we
        just developed our own format</p><p class="phone"><cite>raphael:</cite> if you need to
        exchange the metadata your need to tell people that you use not the ISO date</p><p
        class="phone"><cite>colm:</cite> we can make transformations in the API that solves that
          problem<br/> ... a more complex example: for each object we have a macro layer with
        information about the transaction, e..g languages that appear in the results<br/> ... they
        have their own categories, application specific ones, e.g. their own title / link / publish
        date / ...<br/> ... s/more complex example/more complex, application specific example/<br/>
        ... in the application they have a web page that makes use of these categories for
        searching</p><p class="phone"><cite>raphael:</cite> in the metadata you had English and
        "en"</p><p class="phone"><cite>colm:</cite> they did the merging, we put both in and it is
        up to them to do the merging<br/> ... a more complex application: a video with
        transcription, and the user can click on the transcription and the audio of the video jumps
        to that passage<br/> ... the application can also do major scence detection</p><p
        class="phone"><cite>daniel:</cite> that is automatic speech recognition?</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>colm:</cite> yes</p><p class="phone"><cite>plh:</cite> how long does processing of
        a video take?</p><p class="phone"><cite>colm:</cite> 1:1, it is roughly a lot of plugins
        which run in paralell<br/> ... and this is not a function of the resolution size<br/> ...
        video and transcript interaction is flash+javascript<br/> ... for text video alignment we
        use ctm</p><p class="phone"><cite>raphael:</cite> the metadata comes from the schema you
        showed?</p><p class="phone"><cite>colm:</cite> yes<br/> ... we also can export the schema.
        CTM has (also) an XML serialization</p><p class="phone"><cite>silvia:</cite> the 5 top
        elements?</p><p class="phone"><cite>colm:</cite> datestring / date / summary / title /
        reference, plus content which can have whatever you want<br/> ... e.g. media duration, media
        width, meida height, media format, media type string, embed tag</p><h3 id="item02"
        >presentation from raphael</h3><p class="phone">looking at <a
        class="phone"><cite>raphael:</cite> ontology is not exactly like an object model<br/> ...
        since you have inferences<br/> ... e.g. if you have a new class in an ontology, you might
        get changes in the model, because of the OWL semantics<br/> ... that is why you don't have
        "getter" and "setter" models for everything in the ontology, but different design
          patterns<br/> ... there are examples of removing a property in the ontology<br/> ... you
        cannot remove the relation because after reclassification a class might appear again<br/>
        ... an ontology has basic rules to be consistent<br/> ... you apply these basic rules when
        you change the ontology to make sure that the ontology is consistent again<br/> ... main
        design decisions of this API is to use the Command design pattern with a visitor pattern<br
        /> ... so you do not have a get / set method, but a visitor pattern. If you make a change
        then that might influence the whole ontology<br/> ... I will give some examples.</p><p
        <a href="http://owlapi.sourceforge.net/documentation.html"
          >http://owlapi.sourceforge.net/documentation.html</a></p><p class="phone"
        ><cite>raphael:</cite> imagine we have an ontology as the output of our group. Somebody
        wants to add metadata.</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>Daniel</cite>&gt;
        class="phone"><cite>raphael:</cite> dataFactory will give you individuals , from that you
        built the triples<br/> ... AddAxioms might trigger more changes in the ontology model</p><p
        class="phone"><cite>veronique:</cite> so it is an API for changing ontologies, but it can
        also be used for querying instances</p><p class="phone"><cite>raphael:</cite> so in summary,
        you have inferences behind, and these make sure that the overall model is always
        consistent</p><p class="phone"><cite>colm:</cite> we have only one method, no set values<br
        /> ... we have a giant search application, that's it<br/> ... so what we have is a
        subportion of what people want to achieve here</p><p class="phone"><cite>plh:</cite> set
        capabilities are the second step<br/> ... one of the target is an API for browsers, they are
        not interested in "set"</p><p class="phone"><cite>raphael:</cite> for authoring, you might
        need the set capability</p><p class="phone"><cite>plh:</cite> will show the demo of the use
        case I have in mind<br/> ... in my service I have an URI as an input, from that RDF is
          generated<br/> ... this uses an exif library, which generates the RDF.<br/> ... it
        extracts all kinds of metadata (EXIF, XMP, ...)</p><p class="phone"><cite>rapahel:</cite> it
        is easy to embedd metadata in an image, but not easy with a video<br/> ... what will our API
        do about that?</p><p class="phone"><cite>plh:</cite> that is where the ontology comes into
          play<br/> ... I mean basically a set of terms<br/> ... if we have have a set of terms like
        "getAuthor", the browser can see what format is available and can get the information<br/>
        ... in this use case I assume that metadata is in the image itself</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>rapahel:</cite> for video that is much harder</p><p class="phone"
        ><cite>felix:</cite> we had an proposal to link to external media information from the
        &lt;video&gt; tag</p><p class="phone"><cite>plh:</cite> HTML people currently prefer to look
        only to media internal information</p><p class="phone"><cite>silvia:</cite> I heard that the
        external information will be discussed in a later step<br/> ... we should not restrict us
        with these options</p><p class="phone">plh shows API example, very simple, getTitle,
        getAuthor, getRights,</p><p class="phone"><cite>silvia:</cite> we had in mind to have only
        one method with a query string, so that it is extensible</p><p class="phone"
        ><cite>plh:</cite> at the end we need both</p><p class="phone"><cite>silvia:</cite> at the
        end we need to identify the property name</p><p class="phone"><cite>larry:</cite> or
        constants to identify the property name</p><p class="phone"><cite>silvia:</cite> yes</p><h3
        id="item03">Adobe discussion</h3><p class="phone"><cite>larry:</cite> adobe is very
        interested in metadata<br/> ... XMP is very important for us<br/> ... XMP properties and
        media specific formats are being aligned, in a consortium called metadata working group<br/>
        ... they have published a deliverable on photo so far, video is to come<br/> ... they are
        concerned not so much on the web, but how to deal with metadata through production /
        assembly steps<br/> ... e.g. when a product is assembled form various parts: how do you take
        care of the meta data<br/> ... many people look only at the metadata of the final product<br
        /> ... we are taking steps before into account, including transcoding<br/> ... such
        capabilities are now being released as part of products which started shipping recently<br/>
        ... there is a transition between metadata and data, e.g. chapter marks which become part of
        the data on the DVD<br/> ... that is part of the processing changes, how to make the
          transition<br/> ... some of the specs of the metadata working group, e.g. metadata for
        video spec, are not public<br/> ... one level of the toolkit is public, additional utilities
        are not yet released, including some documentation</p><p class="phone"><cite>plh:</cite> did
        you work on XMP embedding in existing video formats?</p><p class="phone"><cite>larry:</cite>
        difference in video formats about whether you can add metadata or not<br/> ... there are
        issues like one product is aware of XMP, another one only of EXIF<br/> ... the metadata WG
        has worked on how to deal with such "creative workflow" issue</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>silvia:</cite> we need to deal with both situations, final and "in process"
        metadata</p><p class="phone"><cite>larry:</cite> most metadata is a question of opinion<br/>
        ... most opinions change<br/> ... if you built semantic web way of metadata, keep in mind
        that provenance is here and might change<br/> ... history of changing and provenance of
        metadata are matters of fact</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>nessy</cite>&gt;
        <a href="http://www.adobe.com/devnet/xmp/">http://www.adobe.com/devnet/xmp/</a></p><p
        class="phone">looking at XMP</p><p class="phone"><cite>larry:</cite> if you do external
        metadata you need to care about syncronization<br/> ... the XMP version is new, tracks,
        frame rates, different kinds of annotation and markers were added<br/> ... they also analyze
        other formats</p><p class="phone"><cite>felix:</cite> if XMP is available is , is it always
        the first choice in provenance?</p><p class="phone"><cite>larry:</cite> look at the metadata
        consortium deliverable, the conflict resolution mechanism</p><p class="phone"
        ><cite>raphael:</cite> if there are two sources of metadata which contradict each other,
        should not the application decide?</p><p class="phone"><cite>larry:</cite> consumers do not
        want to decide, software should do that for them<br/> ... results are heuristics, results
        might be different for authors vs. time stamps<br/> ... a generic solution would still be
          complicated<br/> ... issue of merging metadata from different sources is very difficult<br
        /> ... seems to be more like a research project like a standards activity<br/> ... XMP has
        three parts: XMP model, some schemas which can be extended, and how metadata is embedded<br
        /> ... if you want a standard ontology look at part two<br/> ... most of the document is
        generic for any type of media</p><p class="phone"><cite>daniel:</cite> what is your opinion
        on our WG?</p><p class="phone"><cite>larrry:</cite> we support this activity, we encourage
        you to go ahead<br/> ... we were not able to submit XMP so far<br/> ... technically there
        should be no reason for you not to use XMP</p><p class="phone"><cite>felix:</cite> so we
        could just use part 2 of XMP here?</p><p class="phone"><cite>larry:</cite> yes, but I need
        to make sure</p><p class="phone"><cite>plh:</cite> need to be aware that XMP refers to
        various other formats like dublin core</p><p class="phone"><cite>larry:</cite> XMP takes
        various parts of dublin core</p><p class="phone"><cite>plh:</cite> one way would be to take
        the core of XMP part 2, use if for the ontology and the API, and we are done</p><p
        class="phone"><cite>larry:</cite> there is a c++ library for reading and manipulating XMP<br
        /> ... there is also javascript API for working with XMP<br/> ... and there is action script
        based separate model<br/> ... so that you can built standalone applications</p><p
        class="phone"><cite>plh:</cite> you did not try to align XMP to other metadata?</p><p
        class="phone"><cite>larry:</cite> that is part of the metadata consortium work<br/> ... and
        it is part of part 3 of XMP</p><p class="phone"><cite>silvia:</cite> still confused about
        legal side . Is XMP copyright by adobe or also metadata WG?</p><p class="phone"
        ><cite>larry:</cite> not sure if that is a problem<br/> ... for a W3C member
        submission</p><p class="phone"><cite>plh:</cite> with a member submission you give your
        copyright to W3C<br/> ... we might ask Adobe to give up parts of part 2<br/> ... W3C is not
        interested in all parts of XMP, e.g. "how to use XMP in flash"<br/> ... so adobe has the
        problem that in that case XMP would need to be splitted across organizations</p><p
        class="phone"><cite>larry:</cite> you could make a normative reference to (parts of) XMP<br
        /> ... I would not spend a lot of time on the license issue</p><h3 id="item04">web aps
        discussion</h3><p class="phone"><cite>doug:</cite> currently no standard for getting width
        and height in normal javascript APIs<br/> ... I wanted an API for just that information<br/>
        ... and have developed a spec for that<br/> ... we want to be able to get at information,
        two kinds of metadata: intrinsic and extrinsic meta data<br/> ... e.g. width and height is
        intrinsic, but the creator is extrinsic</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>chaals</cite>&gt;
        <a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/MediaObject/publish/"
          >http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/MediaObject/publish/</a> -&gt; draft from end of last
        year</p><p class="phone"><cite>doug:</cite> we need authors need this for inserting
        information in web pages or more complex information<br/> ... having the browser vendors
        early on will allow very early feedback<br/> ... otherwise browser vendors will not
        implement your work<br/> ... the draft above is a very generic way of getting any meta
          data<br/> ... so just a method "getMetadata"<br/> ... there should be some mapping between
          keywords<br/> ... working on API first and later ontology is important</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>larry:</cite> I think there is a real potential of mismatch in cross discussion<br
        /> ... if you think intrinsic properties like width / height, vs. descriptitve information
        like transcription<br/> ... I am not sure if the same API is useful for both<br/> ... there
        is the problem of having different vocabularies, e.g. resolution in terms of width / heigth,
        versus ratio<br/> ... media is updated independently of people who access it</p><p
        class="phone"><cite>doug:</cite> in terms of conflating intrinsic and extrinsic:<br/> ... it
        is very different to say "who is the author?"<br/> ... but if you make a generic API it does
        not matter what kind of information you have<br/> ... the line between intrinsic and
        extrinsic is blurry, see e.g. EXIF information</p><p class="phone"><cite>felix:</cite> is
        the browser perspective brought in by MS in the metadata WG?</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>larry:</cite> not sure</p><p class="phone">discussion on how much the API should
        differentiate between various kinds of metadata</p><p class="phone"><cite>larry:</cite>
        usage of namespaces in XMP might be a problem for querying XMP metadata</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>doug:</cite> I was mainly concerned with a web browser API</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>larry:</cite> what are you use cases?<br/> ... examples of web applications that
        want to use your API</p><p class="phone"><cite>doug:</cite> see flickr, it would be nice to
        put tags into a picture<br/> ... if I have embedded captioning</p><p class="phone"
        >break</p><h3 id="item05">PLING joint meeting</h3><p class="phone">renato presents
        PLING</p><p class="phone"><cite>Felix:</cite> currently we are considering having just a
        slot for expressing rights</p><p class="phone"><cite>renato:</cite> understand, when you
        need some more information about policies in your framework, please come back to us. We are
        looking at general frameworks for policy languages</p><p class="phone"><cite>rigo:</cite> if
        you want to describe "who has already seen this?" you might run into policy issues which are
        addressed by PLING<br/> ... you (media annotations WG) provides answers on "how is meta data
        attached to video?", PLING is concerned with the question "how to attach policy
          information?"<br/> ... we created PLING because many companies do not know how to use
        various languages together<br/> ... in the outcome of the media annotation WG we need a way
        to use an URI to reference to a policy description</p><p class="phone">looking at rights
        management schema from XMP</p><p class="phone">XMP spec, page 31</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>raphael:</cite> why two field for machine readable and human readable fields?<br/>
        ... the user agent can choose to follow the link and choose what he wants</p><p
        class="phone"><cite>rigo:</cite> two options: have a type argument with the content type, or
        two fields</p><p class="phone"><cite>jan:</cite> you need to give the author the freedom
        which choose<br/> ... you want to be able to attach rights to e.g. media you are
        distributing</p><p class="phone">discussion on wheter a mechanism specifically for attaching
        a policy to medias needs to introduced or not</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>plh</cite>&gt;
        <a href="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=34315"
          >http://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=34315</a></p><h3 id="item06">requirements
        doc</h3><p class="phone"><a
        class="phone"><cite>raphael:</cite> what is the main interest of Samsung?</p><p
        class="phone"><cite>daniel:</cite> technically several interests<br/> ... resolution for
        watching web videos on TV is no good<br/> ... comparing PC and laptop, TV has no good
        interaction between user and TV<br/> ... no scrolling or mouse<br/> ... so the question is
        how to make the video on the web useful for TV<br/> ... we think about a video
        recommendation system<br/> ... that can help users to find videos<br/> ... having a common
        ontology will help search and recommendation<br/> ... we are used to have a bookmark tool on
        the TV. But having an URI based mechanism (from the fragment WG) will be helpful for
        us</p><p class="phone"><cite>wonsuk:</cite> requirements doc is not finished yet<br/> ...
        mainly basic sceleton of the document<br/> ... as result of yesterdays discussion</p><p
        class="phone">wonsuk describes the document</p><p class="phone"><cite>wonsuk:</cite> how to
        link between sec. 2 and sec. 3?</p><p class="phone"><cite>veronique:</cite> subsections of
        sec. 3 can contain tables with links to sec. 2</p><p class="phone">schedule plan: veronique
        will edit the document, will send it around within the WG for another internal review</p><p
        class="phone"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2008/video/mediaann/mediaont-req/mediaont-req.xml">
          http://dev.w3.org/2008/video/mediaann/mediaont-req/mediaont-req.xml</a></p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>Daniel</cite>&gt; before official publication, working group will have
        recurculation process for reviewing and modifying the existing document. 2 weeks or a bit
        longer</p><p class="phone">felix will send XML later to veronique</p><a name="action01"
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>scribe</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> Felix to get CVS accounts for veronique and wonsuk [recorded in <a
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action01</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-24 - Get CVS accounts for veronique and
        wonsuk [on Felix Sasaki - due 2008-10-31].</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>Daniel</cite>&gt;
        requirements section willl be subsection of each use case section. e.g., Video Use Case
        (Req1, Req2, Req3, etc...)</p><p class="phone"><a
          http://www.adobe.com/devnet/xmp/pdfs/XMPSpecificationPart2.pdf</a></p><a name="action02"
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>plh</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> Felix to review XMP basic schema [recorded in <a
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action02</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-25 - Review XMP basic schema [on Felix
        Sasaki - due 2008-10-31].</p><a name="action03" id="action03"/>
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>plh</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> Thierry to review XMP Dublin Core schema [recorded in <a
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action03</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-26 - Review XMP Dublin Core schema [on
        Thierry Michel - due 2008-10-31].</p><a name="action04" id="action04"/>
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>plh</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> Felix to review XMP Rights Management schema [recorded in <a
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action04</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-27 - Review XMP Rights Management schema [on
        Felix Sasaki - due 2008-10-31].</p><a name="action05" id="action05"/>
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>plh</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> Veronique to review XMP Media Management schema [recorded in <a
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action05</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Sorry, couldn't find user - Veronique</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>plh</cite>&gt; trackbot-ng, status</p><a name="action06" id="action06"/>
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>plh</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> Véronique to review XMP Media Management schema [recorded in <a
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action06</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-28 - Review XMP Media Management schema [on
        Véronique Malaisé - due 2008-10-31].</p><a name="action07" id="action07"/>
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>plh</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> Felix to tell Wonsuk to review XMP Basic Job Ticket schema and
        Paged-Text schema [recorded in <a
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action07</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-29 - Tell Wonsuk to review XMP Basic Job
        Ticket schema and Paged-Text schema [on Felix Sasaki - due 2008-10-31].</p><a
        name="action08" id="action08"/>
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>scribe</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> wonsuk to review XMP Basic Job Ticket schema and Paged-Text schema
        [recorded in <a href="http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action08"
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action08</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Sorry, couldn't find user - wonsuk</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>plh</cite>&gt; trackbot-ng, reload</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>plh</cite>&gt;
        trackbot-ng, status</p><a name="action09" id="action09"/>
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>plh</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> Joakim to review XMP Dynamic Media schema [recorded in <a
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action09</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-30 - Review XMP Dynamic Media schema [on
        Joakim Söderberg - due 2008-10-31].</p><h3 id="item07">liaisons</h3><p class="phone"
          ><cite>raphael:</cite> tom baker should be the person to contact</p><a name="action10"
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>scribe</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> Felix to contact tom baker about dc liaison [recorded in <a
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action10</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-31 - Contact tom baker about dc liaison [on
        Felix Sasaki - due 2008-10-31].</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; Dublin Core
        draft: <a
        name="action11" id="action11"/>
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>scribe</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> Daniel to make a liaison with MPEG using information from the XP
        homepage [recorded in <a href="http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action11"
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action11</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Sorry, couldn't find user - Daniel</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>Daniel</cite>&gt; spark3</p><a name="action12" id="action12"/>
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>scribe</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> Soohong to make a liaison with MPEG using information from the XP
        homepage [recorded in <a href="http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action12"
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action12</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-32 - Make a liaison with MPEG using
        information from the XP homepage [on Soohong Daniel Park - due 2008-10-31].</p><p
        class="irc">&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; XG MPEG Liaison document: <a
          >http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/mmsem/liaison/29n79301.doc</a></p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; More generally, go to <a
          >http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/mmsem/wiki/Liaison</a></p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>raphael:</cite> for IPTC, they are following our work, we will get informal
        comments</p><p class="phone">EBU covered by Jean-Pierre</p><a name="action13" id="action13"
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>scribe</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> Felix to evaluate if contact to IPTV Japan is valuable [recorded in
          <a href="http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action13"
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action13</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-33 - Evaluate if contact to IPTV Japan is
        valuable [on Felix Sasaki - due 2008-10-31].</p><a name="action14" id="action14"/>
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>scribe</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> Soohong to contact Open IPTV forum [recorded in <a
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action14</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-34 - Contact Open IPTV forum [on Soohong
        Daniel Park - due 2008-10-31].</p><a name="action15" id="action15"/>
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>scribe</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> Joakim to check contacts to OMA [recorded in <a
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action15</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-35 - Check contacts to OMA [on Joakim
        Söderberg - due 2008-10-31].</p><h3 id="item08">check issues</h3><p class="phone"><a
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/issues/open/</a></p><h3 id="item09">check
        action items</h3><p class="phone"><a
          http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/track/actions/open</a></p><p class="phone"
        >close ACTION-16</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; ACTION-16 Confirm that
        there should be a presentation about IMM closed</p><p class="phone">close ACTION-18</p><p
        class="irc">&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; ACTION-18 And others to elaborate on the top-down
        approach about use case closed</p><p class="phone">close ACTION-19</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; ACTION-19 And others to look on the draft agenda for the
        TPAC meeting closed</p><p class="phone"><a
        name="ActionSummary" id="ActionSummary">Summary of Action
    Items</a></h2><!-- Action Items -->
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> Daniel to make a liaison with MPEG using information from the XP
    homepage [recorded in <a href="http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action11"
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> Felix to contact tom baker about dc liaison [recorded in <a
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> Felix to evaluate if contact to IPTV Japan is valuable [recorded in <a
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> Felix to get CVS accounts for veronique and wonsuk [recorded in <a
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> Felix to review XMP basic schema [recorded in <a
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> Felix to review XMP Rights Management schema [recorded in <a
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> Felix to tell Wonsuk to review XMP Basic Job Ticket schema and
    Paged-Text schema [recorded in <a
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> Joakim to check contacts to OMA [recorded in <a
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> Joakim to review XMP Dynamic Media schema [recorded in <a
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> Soohong to contact Open IPTV forum [recorded in <a
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> Soohong to make a liaison with MPEG using information from the XP
    homepage [recorded in <a href="http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action12"
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> Thierry to review XMP Dublin Core schema [recorded in <a
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> Veronique to review XMP Media Management schema [recorded in <a
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> Véronique to review XMP Media Management schema [recorded in <a
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> wonsuk to review XMP Basic Job Ticket schema and Paged-Text schema
    [recorded in <a href="http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action08"
      >http://www.w3.org/2008/10/24-mediaann-minutes.html#action08</a>]<br/> &nbsp;<br/> [End of
      minutes]<br/><hr/><address> Minutes formatted by David Booth's <a
        href="http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm"> scribe.perl</a>
      version 1.133 (<a href="http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/">CVS log</a>)<br/> $Date:
      2008/10/24 12:57:32 $ </address></body>