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<h1>SOAP Version 1.2 Message Normalization</h1>
<h2>W3C Working Group Note 8 October 2003</h2><dl><dt>This version:</dt><dd><a href=""></a></dd><dt>Latest version:</dt><dd><a href=""></a></dd><dd><dt>Previous version:</dt><dd><a href=""></a></dd><dt>Editors:</dt>
      <dd>Martin Gudgin, Microsoft</dd>
      <dd>Marc Hadley, Sun Microsystems</dd>
    </dl><p class="copyright"><a href="">Copyright</a> &copy;2003 <a href=""><acronym title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym></a><sup>&reg;</sup>(<a href=""><acronym title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</acronym></a>, <a href=""><acronym title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</acronym></a>, <a href="">Keio</a>), All Rights Reserved. W3C <a href="">liability</a>, <a href="">trademark</a>, <a href="">document use</a> and <a href="">software licensing</a> rules apply.</p></div><hr><div>
<h2><a name="abstract">Abstract</a></h2>
      <p>SOAP 1.2 intermediaries have some license when reserializing
      messages that pass through them. This document defines a
      transformation algorithm that renders all semantically equivalent SOAP
      messages identically. The transformation may be used in
      conjunction with an XML canonicalization algorithm prior to the
      generation of a message digest in producing XML digital signatures
      that are sufficiently robust to survive passage through one or
      more SOAP intermediaries.</p>
<h2><a name="status">Status of this Document</a></h2>
<p><em>This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the <a href="">W3C technical reports index</a> at</em></p>

	Publication as a Working Group Note does not imply endorsement by
	the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, 
	replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is
	inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.

      <p>This document is the work of the W3C XML Protocol Working Group, 
	and no more work from this Working Group is currently expected on
	this document.</p>

      <p>The XML Protocol Working Group is part of the <a href="">Web Services Activity</a>.</p>

    <p>Comments on this document should be sent to the 
	<a href="">
	publicly archived</a> mailing list 
	<a href=""></a>
    <p>Patent disclosures relevant to this specification may be
	found on the Working Group's <a href="">patent
	disclosure page</a>.</p>

  <hr><div class="toc">
<h2><a name="contents">Table of Contents</a></h2><p class="toc">1. <a href="#intro">Introduction</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.1 <a href="#notation">Notational Conventions</a><br>2. <a href="#N100D6">The Need for SOAP Message Normalization</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.1 <a href="#N100DB">A Simple Example</a><br>3. <a href="#N10103">Specification of SOAP Message Normalization</a><br>4. <a href="#N101B1">Use in XML Security</a><br>5. <a href="#refs">References</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.1 <a href="#normrefs">Normative References</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.2 <a href="#nonnormrefs">Informative References</a><br></p>
<h3><a id="appendix" name="appendix">Appendices</a></h3><p class="toc">A. <a href="#xsltimpl">XSLT Implementation</a> (Non-Normative)<br>B. <a href="#acks">Acknowledgements</a> (Non-Normative)<br></p></div><hr><div class="body">

    <div class="div1">
<h2><a name="intro"></a>1. Introduction</h2>

      <p>SOAP 1.2 <a href="#SOAP-PART1">[SOAP Part1]</a> intermediaries have some
      license when reserializing messages that pass through them.
      Current XML canonicalizations (see <a href="#XMLC14N">[XML C14N]</a> and
      <a href="#EXCLC14N">[EXCL C14N]</a>) do not take into account the transforms
      that a SOAP intermediary can legally apply to messages passing
      through it. This document defines a transformation that renders all
      semantically equivalent SOAP messages identically. This
      transformation may be used in conjunction with an XML
      canonicalization algorithm prior to the generation of a message
      digest in producing XML digital signatures that are sufficiently
      robust to survive passage through one or more SOAP
      <div class="div2">
<h3><a name="notation"></a>1.1 Notational Conventions</h3>

        <p>The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL
        "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described
        in <a href="#RFC2119">[RFC 2119]</a>.</p>

        <p>This note uses a number of namespace prefixes
        throughout; they are listed in <a href="#tabnsprefixes"><b>Table 1</b></a>.
        Note that the choice of any namespace prefix is arbitrary and
        not semantically significant (see <a href="#XMLInfoSet">[XML InfoSet]</a>).</p>
        <a name="tabnsprefixes"></a><table border="1">
          <caption>Table 1: Prefixes and Namespaces used in this specification.</caption>
            <th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Prefix</th>
            <th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Namespace</th>
            <th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Notes</th>
            <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">env</td>
            <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">""</td>
            <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">A normative XML Schema <a href="#XMLSchemaP1">[XML Schema Part1]</a>,
            <a href="#XMLSchemaP2">[XML Schema Part2]</a> document for the
            namespace can be found at <a href=""></a>.</td>

        <p>Namespace names of the general form
        "" and
        "" represent application or
        context-dependent URIs (see <a href="#RFC2396">[RFC 2396]</a>).</p>

        <p>All parts of this note are normative, with the exception of
        examples and sections explicitly marked as "Non-Normative".</p>

    <div class="div1">
<h2><a name="N100D6"></a>2. The Need for SOAP Message Normalization</h2>
      <div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N100DB"></a>2.1 A Simple Example</h3>
        <p>As a simple example of the kind of problem a SOAP
        intermediary can cause for an XML signature, consider the
        following SOAP message:</p>
        <div class="exampleOuter">
<div class="exampleHead">Example 1: SOAP message containing a SOAP header block and a SOAP body</div>
              <div class="exampleInner"><pre>&lt;env:Envelope xmlns:env=""&gt;
  &lt;n:alertcontrol env:mustUnderstand="false"
  &lt;m:alert xmlns:m=""&gt;
   &lt;m:msg&gt;Pick up Mary at school at 2pm&lt;/m:msg&gt;

        <p>A SOAP intermediary is at liberty to remove the
        <code>env:mustUnderstand</code>  attribute from SOAP header blocks
        when its value is "false" or "0".
        If the message included a signature of the header block
        generated using XML Canonicalization <a href="#XMLC14N">[XML C14N]</a> or
        Exclusive XML Canonicalization <a href="#EXCLC14N">[EXCL C14N]</a> then
        that signature would be invalidated if the intermediary removed
        the <code>mustUnderstand</code>  attribute. There is therefore a
        requirement for a transformation that takes into account the
        variations that a SOAP intermediary can introduce. SOAP Message
        Normalization fulfils this requirement.</p>
    <div class="div1">
<h2><a name="N10103"></a>3. Specification of SOAP Message Normalization</h2>
      <p>SOAP Message Normalization is specified as an XML infoset
      transformation and consists of the following steps:</p>
        <li><p>A SOAP <code>Header</code>  element information
        item that has no child element information items is
          <p>If a SOAP <code>Header</code>  element information
          item is present then for each child element information item
          of the SOAP <code>Header</code>  element information item:</p>
            <li><p>If the SOAP <code>mustUnderstand</code>  attribute
            information item is present with a value of
            "0" or "false" then remove the
            <code>mustUnderstand</code>  attribute information
            <li><p>If the SOAP <code>mustUnderstand</code>  attribute
            information item is present with a value of
            "1" then change its value to

            <li><p>If the SOAP <code>role</code>  attribute information
            item is present with a value of
            ultimateReceiver" or "" then  remove
            the <code>role</code>  attribute information item.</p></li>

            <li><p>If the SOAP <code>relay</code>  attribute
            information item is present with a value of
            "0" or "false" then remove the
            <code>relay</code>  attribute information
            <li><p>If the SOAP <code>relay</code>  attribute
            information item is present with a value of
            "1" then change its value to

        <li><p>Processing instruction information items that are
        children of the SOAP <code>Envelope</code> , <code>Header</code> ,
        <code>Fault</code> , <code>Code</code> , <code>Subcode</code> , <code>Value</code> ,
        <code>Reason</code> , <code>Text</code> , <code>Node</code>  and <code>Role</code> 
        element information items are removed.</p></li>
        <li><p>Whitespace character information items that are
        children of the SOAP <code>Envelope</code> , <code>Header</code> ,
        <code>Fault</code> , <code>Code</code> , <code>Subcode</code> , <code>Value</code> ,
        <code>Reason</code> , <code>Node</code>  and <code>Role</code>  element
        information items are removed.</p></li>

    <div class="div1">
<h2><a name="N101B1"></a>4. Use in XML Security</h2>
      <p>SOAP Message Normalization may be used as a <code>Transform</code> 
      algorithm in XML Digital Signature <a href="#XMLDSIG">[XML DSig]</a>. Use of
      a separate <code>CanonicalizationMethod</code>  such as XML
      Canonicalization <a href="#XMLC14N">[XML C14N]</a> or Exclusive XML
      Canonicalization <a href="#EXCLC14N">[EXCL C14N]</a> is required. SOAP
      Message Normalization is identified with the following URI:</p>
    <div class="div1">
<h2><a name="refs"></a>5. References</h2>

      <div class="div2">
<h3><a name="normrefs"></a>5.1 Normative References</h3>


    	<dt class="label"><a name="SOAP-PART1"></a>[SOAP Part1] </dt><dd>W3C Recommendation "SOAP
    	Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework", Martin Gudgin, Marc
    	Hadley, Noah Mendelsohn, Jean-Jacques Moreau, Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, 24 June 2003.  (See <a href=""></a>.)</dd>

	    <dt class="label"><a name="RFC2119"></a>[RFC 2119] </dt><dd>IETF "RFC 2119: Key
	    words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", S.
	    Bradner, March 1997.  (See <a href=""></a>.)</dd>

	    <dt class="label"><a name="RFC2396"></a>[RFC 2396] </dt><dd>IETF "RFC 2396:
	    Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax", T.
	    Berners-Lee, R. Fielding, L. Masinter, August 1998.  (See <a href=""></a>.)</dd>

	    <dt class="label"><a name="XMLSchemaP1"></a>[XML Schema Part1] </dt><dd>W3C
	    Recommendation "XML Schema Part 1: Structures", Henry S.
	    Thompson, David Beech, Murray Maloney, Noah Mendelsohn, 2 May
	    2001.  (See <a href=""></a>.)</dd>

	    <dt class="label"><a name="XMLSchemaP2"></a>[XML Schema Part2] </dt><dd>W3C
	    Recommendation "XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes", Paul V. Biron,
	    Ashok Malhotra, 2 May 2001.  (See <a href=""></a>.)</dd>

	    <dt class="label"><a name="XMLNS"></a>[Namespaces in XML] </dt><dd>W3C Recommendation "Namespaces in XML", Tim Bray,
	    Dave Hollander, Andrew Layman, 14 January 1999.  (See <a href=""></a>.)</dd>

	    <dt class="label"><a name="XML"></a>[XML 1.0] </dt><dd>W3C
	    Recommendation "Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second
	    Edition)", Tim Bray, Jean Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, Eve
	    Maler, 6 October 2000.  (See <a href=""></a>.)</dd>

	    <dt class="label"><a name="XMLInfoSet"></a>[XML InfoSet] </dt><dd>W3C
	    Recommendation "XML Information Set", John Cowan, Richard Tobin,
	    24 October 2001.  (See <a href=""></a>.)</dd>
	    <dt class="label"><a name="XMLC14N"></a>[XML C14N] </dt><dd>W3C
	    Recommendation "Canonical XML", John Boyer,
	    15 March 2001.  (See <a href=""></a>.)</dd>

	    <dt class="label"><a name="EXCLC14N"></a>[EXCL C14N] </dt><dd>W3C
	    Recommendation "Exclusive Canonical XML", John Boyer, Donald Eastlake, Joseph Reagle,
	    18 July 2001.  (See <a href=""></a>.)</dd>

	    <dt class="label"><a name="XMLDSIG"></a>[XML DSig] </dt><dd>IETF Draft Standard/W3C Recommendation "XML-Signature
	    Syntax and Processing", D. Eastlake, J. Reagle, and D. Solo, August 2001.  (See <a href=""></a>.)</dd>

	    <dt class="label"><a name="XMLENC"></a>[XML Enc] </dt><dd>W3C
	    Recommendation "XML Encryption Syntax and Processing", Takeshi Imamura, Blair Dillaway, Ed Simon, December 2002.  (See <a href=""></a>.)</dd>



      <div class="div2">
<h3><a name="nonnormrefs"></a>5.2 Informative References</h3>


          <dt class="label"><a name="soap11"></a>[SOAP 1.1] </dt><dd>W3C Note "Simple Object
          Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1", Don Box, David Ehnebuske, Gopal
          Kakivaya, Andrew Layman, Noah Mendelsohn, Henrik Nielsen,
          Satish Thatte, Dave Winer, 8 May 2000.  (See <a href=""></a>.)</dd>





  <div class="back">
    <div class="div1">
<h2><a name="xsltimpl"></a>A. XSLT Implementation (Non-Normative)</h2>
      <p>A future version of this document might usefully contain an
      implementation of SOAP Message Normalization in the form of an
      XSLT stylesheet.</p>

    <div class="div1">
<h2><a name="acks"></a>B. Acknowledgements (Non-Normative)</h2>
      <p>This document is the work of the W3C XML Protocol Working Group.</p>

      <p>The authors would like to thank Rich Salz for initiating this
      work. The authors would like to thank Rich Salz and Joseph Reagle
      for reviewing this document during production</p>
