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                  <li id="current">Technology and Society Domain<ul class="level2">
                           <a href="">Activities</a>
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                                 <a href="">eGovernment Activity</a>
                                 <a href="">Patent Policy Activity</a>
                                 <a href="">Privacy Activity</a>
                                 <a href="">Security Activity</a>
                                 <a href="">Semantic Web Activity</a>
                                 <a href="">Web Services Activity</a>
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      <h1>Technology &amp; Society Domain</h1>
         <a href="#mission" shape="rect">Mission</a> | <a href="#structure" shape="rect">Activities</a> | <a href="#historical" shape="rect">Historical</a>
      <p>Nearby: <a href=""
            shape="rect">People of the T &amp; S Domain</a>.</p>
      <h2 id="mission">Mission</h2>
      <p>Working at the intersection of Web technology and public
  policy, the Technology and Society Domain's goal is to augment
  existing Web infrastructure with building blocks that assist in
  addressing critical public policy issues affecting the Web. Our
  expectation is not to solve policy problems entirely with
  technology, but we do believe that well-designed technical tools
  can lead to policy approaches that are more consistent with the
  way the Web should operate. The Semantic Web is an important
  component in this endeavor, as it provides the means for various
  entities to instrument their interactions through formal
  specifications of vocabularies describing relevant policies,
  rules and resources. Semantic Web technologies will enable our
  machines to assist users in exercising more control over their
  online environment and interactions.</p>
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               <a href="#d7e0">eGovernment Activity</a>
               <a href="#d7e24">Patent Policy Activity</a>
               <a href="#d7e46">Privacy Activity</a>
               <a href="#d7e70">Security Activity</a>
               <a href="#d7e96">Semantic Web Activity</a>
               <a href="#d7e137">Web Services Activity</a>
         <h3 id="d7e0">eGovernment Activity</h3>
         <p>From the introduction of the 
	<a href="">eGovernment Activity 
            <p class="firstelement">eGovernment refers to the use of the Web or other
information technologies by governing bodies to interact with their citizenry,
between departments and divisions, and between governments themselves.</p>
            <p>The <a href="" shape="rect">eGov Interest Group</a> is chartered to build and strengthen the community of people who use or promote the use of W3C technologies to improve Government. The group is to identify and discuss essential areas of technology and related policy issues. Such discussions will occur, amongst other places, on its mailing list, in teleconference seminars, and at face-to-face gatherings. On topics with sufficient interest and motivated participants, the group will form task forces to produce documents and otherwise reach out to relevant communities.</p>
            <p>The <a href="" shape="rect">Gov Linked Data (GLD) Working Group</a> is chartered to provide standards and other information which help governments around the world publish their data as effective and usable Linked Data using Semantic Web technologies. The group is to collect and make available information about government Linked Data activities around the world. It will use that information and the experience of its participants to develop W3C Recommendations for Best Practices and for RDF Vocabularies necessary for publication of government data in RDF, as Linked Data. Concurrently with this Working Group, W3C has chartered the eGovernment Interest Group for broad community discussion of government use of the Web.</p>
         <p>Read more on the <a href="">eGovernment Activity home page</a>.</p>
         <p>Sandro Hawke is the Activity Lead.</p>
         <p>The Activity includes
	   these groups: </p>
               <a href="">eGovernment Interest Group</a>
               <a href="">Government Linked Data Working Group</a>
         <h3 id="d7e24">Patent Policy Activity</h3>
         <p>From the introduction of the 
	<a href="">Patent Policy Activity 
            <p class="firstelement">The Patent Policy Activity's goal is to enable W3C to
implement and successfully operate the <a href="/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/" shape="rect">
W3C Patent Policy</a>. The policy was put into place in February 2004, 
and the work of developing and implementing it is complete. It is important 
that the W3C community have an organized way to monitor application of 
the policy as well as remain informed about relevant developments in 
the legal and standards environment.</p>
         <p>Read more on the <a href="">Patent Policy Activity home page</a>.</p>
         <p>Rigo Wenning is the Activity Lead.</p>
         <p>The Activity includes
	   this group: </p>
               <a href="">Patents and Standards Interest Group</a>
         <h3 id="d7e46">Privacy Activity</h3>
         <p>From the introduction of the 
	<a href="">Privacy Activity 
            <p>Privacy remains one of the main activities of the Consortium in the area of
social responsibility. Privacy has many different aspects in W3C:</p>
               <li>It is a horizontal area as most of W3C's technologies also deal with
    personal data and thus need to take Privacy into account</li>
               <li>It is a technology area by itself. The <a href="" shape="rect">Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P)</a>
    was a foundational step and remains relevant as a basis for many of the
    current cutting edge privacy enhancing technologies. Currently, the
    Tracking Protection Working Group is <a href=""
                     title="Tracking Protection Working Group    Charter"
                     shape="rect">chartered</a> to
    improve user privacy and user control by defining mechanisms for expressing
    user preferences around Web tracking and for blocking or allowing Web
    tracking elements. The group seeks to standardize the technology and
    meaning of Do Not Track, and of Tracking Selection Lists.</li>
               <li>Privacy is an area of intense research: For the past 7 years, W3C has
    participated in EU FP7 research on Privacy. The last project, PrimeLife,
    had a budget of €11Mio. In this project, the W3C Team tried to advance in
    the area of policy languages and social networking. W3C Team continues to
    be an actor in the area of privacy research, actively looking for further
    research funding opportunities.</li>
               <li>Out of the combination of standardization and research, W3C has developed
    a profile for technology transfer. Members actively engage with privacy
    advocates and researchers in the <a href="" shape="rect">public-privacy</a>
    mailing-list that will soon be steered by a Privacy Interest Group. </li>
            <p>At least since Alan Westin wrote his famous books <q>Privacy and Freedom
(1967)</q> and <q>Databanks in a Free Society (1972)</q>, Privacy has been a
sustained challenge for computer science. Computing provides powerful tools
that can be used for the good and for the bad of humankind. W3C has started
work on Privacy with <a href="" shape="rect">P3P</a> and has continued
to explore the Privacy challenges since then. There is no obvious end to the
Privacy challenge on the Web. Nearly 10 Years after the completion of the work
on P3P, much of the research in the area of privacy, accountability and data
handling is still heavily influenced by the <a href="" shape="rect">P3P 1.0 Recommendation</a> and the <a href="" shape="rect">P3P 1.1 Working Group Note</a>. </p>
            <p>Thevery successful <a href="" shape="rect">PrimeLife project</a>
allowed to explore new technologies like anonymous credentials, new policy
languages and how to integrate the value of privacy into Specifications. With
the Project's support, we were able to organize many interesting workshops:</p>
                  <a href="" shape="rect">W3C Workshop on Access
    Control Application Scenarios</a>
                  <a href="" shape="rect">W3C Workshop on Privacy
    for Advanced Web APIs</a>
                  <a href="" shape="rect">W3C Workshop on Privacy and
    data usage control</a>
                  <a href="" shape="rect">Internet Privacy
    Workshop How can Technology help to improve Privacy on the
                  <a href="" shape="rect">Workshop on Web Tracking
    and User Privacy</a>
            <p>It can be concluded that people need a venue for general privacy discussions
related to the Web. All attempts to limit the discussion to a specific policy
language or a very narrowly focused interest were rather detrimental to the
overall quality of discussion and the success of the venue. This will be
addressed in the near future by a Privacy Interest Group and is supported by
the <a href="" shape="rect">public-privacy</a>
         <p>Read more on the <a href="">Privacy Activity home page</a>.</p>
         <p>Rigo Wenning is the Activity Lead.</p>
         <p>The Activity includes
	   these groups: </p>
               <a href="">Policy Languages Interest Group</a>
               <a href="">Tracking Protection Working Group</a>
         <h3 id="d7e70">Security Activity</h3>
         <p>From the introduction of the 
	<a href="">Security Activity 
         <p>Read more on the <a href="">Security Activity home page</a>.</p>
         <p>Thomas Roessler is the Activity Lead.</p>
         <p>The Activity includes
	   these groups: </p>
               <a href="">XML Security Working Group</a>
               <a href="">Web Application Security Working Group</a>
               <a href="">Web Security Interest Group</a>
         <h3 id="d7e96">Semantic Web Activity</h3>
         <p>From the introduction of the 
	<a href="">Semantic Web Activity 
            <p>The goal of the Semantic Web initiative is as broad as that of
        the Web: to create a universal medium for the exchange of data.
        It is envisaged to smoothly interconnect personal information
        management, enterprise application integration, and the global
        sharing of commercial, scientific and cultural data. Facilities
        to put machine-understandable data on the Web are quickly
        becoming a high priority for many organizations, individuals and
            <p>The Web can reach its full potential only if it becomes a place
        where data can be shared and processed by automated tools as
        well as by people. For the Web to scale, tomorrow's programs
        must be able to share and process data even when these programs
        have been designed totally independently. The Semantic Web
        Activity is an initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
        designed to provide a leadership role in defining this Web. The
        Activity develops open specifications for those technologies
        that are ready for large scale deployment, and identifies,
        through open source advanced development, the infrastructure
        components that will be necessary to scale in the Web in the
            <p>The principal technologies of the Semantic Web fit into a set
        of layered specifications. The current components are the
        Resource Description Framework (RDF) Core Model, the RDF Schema
        language, the Web Ontology language (OWL), and the Simple
        Knowledge Organization System (SKOS). Building on these core
        components is a standardized query language, SPARQL (pronounced
        "sparkle"), enabling querying decentralized collections of RDF
        data. The POWDER recommendations provide technologies to find
        resource descriptions for specific resources on the Web;
        descriptions which can be ‘joined’ to other RDF data. The GRDDL
        and RDFa Recommendations aim at creating bridges between the RDF
        model and various XML formats, like XHTML. RDFa also plays an
        important role as a format to add Structured Data to HTML, i.e.,
        as a means to help using Linked Data in Web Applications.
        Finally, the goal of the R2RML language (under development) is
        to provide standard language to map relational data and
        relational database schemas to RDF and OWL. </p>
         <p>Read more on the <a href="">Semantic Web Activity home page</a>.</p>
         <p>Ivan Herman is the Activity Lead.</p>
         <p>The Activity includes
	   these groups: </p>
               <a href="">OWL Working Group</a>
               <a href="">SPARQL Working Group</a>
               <a href="">Rule Interchange Format Working Group</a>
               <a href="">RDF Web Applications Working Group</a>
               <a href="">Semantic Web Coordination Group</a>
               <a href="">Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group</a>
               <a href="">Semantic Web Interest Group</a>
               <a href="">RDB2RDF Working Group</a>
               <a href="">RDF Working Group</a>
               <a href="">Provenance Working Group</a>
         <h3 id="d7e137">Web Services Activity</h3>
         <p>From the introduction of the 
	<a href="">Web Services Activity 
            <p>Web services provide a standard means of interoperating between different
software applications, running on a variety of platforms and/or frameworks.
Web services are characterized by their great interoperability and
extensibility, as well as their machine-processable descriptions thanks to
the use of XML. They can be combined in a loosely coupled way in order to
achieve complex operations. Programs providing simple services can interact
with each other in order to deliver sophisticated added-value services.</p>
            <p>The W3C Web Services Activity is designing the infrastructure, defining
the architecture and creating the core technologies for Web services. The <a href="" shape="rect">SOAP 1.2</a> XML-based
messaging framework became a W3C Recommendation in June 2003 and the <a href="" shape="rect">SOAP
Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM)</a> in January 2005.</p>
            <p>Here is a comprehensive list of Recommendations pertaining to the W3C Web Services Activity:</p>
               <dt>XML Protocol Working Group:</dt>
                  <a href="" shape="rect">SOAP Version 1.2 Part 0: Primer (Second Edition)</a>
                  <a href="" shape="rect">SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework (Second Edition)</a>
                  <a href="" shape="rect">SOAP Version 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts (Second Edition)</a>
                  <a href=""
                     shape="rect">SOAP Version 1.2 Specification Assertions and Test Collection (Second Edition)</a>
                  <a href="" shape="rect">XML-binary Optimized Packaging</a>
                  <a href="" shape="rect">SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism</a>
                  <a href="" shape="rect">Resource Representation SOAP Header Block</a>
               <dt>Web Services Description Working Group:</dt>
                  <a href="" shape="rect">Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 0: Primer</a>
                  <a href="" shape="rect">Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language</a>
                  <a href="" shape="rect">Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 2: Adjuncts</a>
               <dt>Web Services Addressing Working Group:</dt>
                  <a href="" shape="rect">Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Core</a>
                  <a href="" shape="rect">Web Services Addressing 1.0 - SOAP Binding</a>
                  <a href="" shape="rect">Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Metadata</a>
               <dt>Semantic Annotations for WSDL Working Group:</dt>
                  <a href="" shape="rect">Semantic Annotations for WSDL and XML Schema</a>
               <dt>Web Services Policy Working Group:</dt>
                  <a href="" shape="rect">Web Services Policy 1.5 - Framework</a>
                  <a href="" shape="rect">Web Services Policy 1.5 - Attachment</a>
         <p>Read more on the <a href="">Web Services Activity home page</a>.</p>
         <p>Yves Lafon is the Activity Lead.</p>
         <p>The Activity includes
	   these groups: </p>
               <a href="">Web Services Coordination Group</a>
               <a href="">SOAP-JMS Binding Working Group</a>
               <a href="">Web Services Policy Working Group</a>
               <a href="">Web Services Resource Access Working Group</a>
      <h2 id="historical">Historical News Items</h2>
            <span class="date">29 October 2003</span>: Acting on the
    advice of the W3C <a href="/2003/09/pag" shape="rect">HTML
    Patent Advisory Group</a>, W3C has presented the United States
    Patent and Trademark Office with prior art establishing that US
    Patent No. 5,838,906 (the '906 patent) is invalid. W3C Director
    Tim Berners-Lee has written an unprecedented request to US
    Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property James E.
    Rogan to take action to remove the patent to allow operation of
    the Web. Please refer to the <a href="/2003/10/28-906-briefing" shape="rect">briefing</a>
            <span class="date">10 October 2003</span>: The RDF Core
      Working Group has released the second Last Call of six
      Working Drafts. The <a href="/RDF/" shape="rect">Resource
      Description Framework</a> (RDF) supports the exchange of
      knowledge on the Web. Comments are welcome through 7
      November. Also updated is the Working Group Note <a href="/TR/2003/NOTE-lbase-20031010/" shape="rect">LBase</a>, a
      framework for specifying the meaning of Semantic Web

                  <a href="/TR/2003/WD-rdf-primer-20031010/" shape="rect">RDF Primer</a>
                  <a href="/TR/2003/WD-rdf-concepts-20031010/" shape="rect">RDF Concepts and Abstract Syntax</a>
                  <a href="/TR/2003/WD-rdf-mt-20031010/" shape="rect">RDF
                  <a href="/TR/2003/WD-rdf-syntax-grammar-20031010/" shape="rect">RDF/XML Syntax Specification
                  <a href="/TR/2003/WD-rdf-schema-20031010/" shape="rect">RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF
                  <a href="/TR/2003/WD-rdf-testcases-20031010/" shape="rect">RDF Test Cases</a>
            <span class="date">5 September 2003</span>: The RDF Core
      Working Group has released six Working Drafts in response to
      Last Call comments. The <a href="/RDF/" shape="rect">Resource
      Description Framework</a> (RDF) supports the exchange of
      knowledge on the Web. Also published as a Working Group Note
      is <a href="/TR/2003/NOTE-lbase-20030905/" shape="rect">LBase</a>, a framework for specifying the meaning of
      Semantic Web languages. Read about the <a href="/2001/sw/" shape="rect">Semantic Web Activity</a>.

                  <a href="/TR/2003/WD-rdf-primer-20030905/" shape="rect">RDF Primer</a>
                  <a href="/TR/2003/WD-rdf-concepts-20030905/" shape="rect">RDF Concepts and Abstract Syntax</a>
                  <a href="/TR/2003/WD-rdf-mt-20030905/" shape="rect">RDF
                  <a href="/TR/2003/WD-rdf-syntax-grammar-20030905/" shape="rect">RDF/XML Syntax Specification
                  <a href="/TR/2003/WD-rdf-schema-20030905/" shape="rect">RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF
                  <a href="/TR/2003/WD-rdf-testcases-20030905/" shape="rect">RDF Test Cases</a>
            <span class="date">28 August 2003</span>: W3C invited its
    Members as well as other key commercial and open source
    software interests to attend an ad hoc meeting hosted by
    Macromedia on Tuesday 19 August in San Francisco, CA, USA.
    Participants discussed Eolas v. Microsoft and US Patent
    5,838,906. W3C has created the <a href="" shape="rect"></a> archived public
    mailing list for discussion. Please refer to the <a href="/2003/08/patent" shape="rect">report</a> from Steven R Bratt,
    W3C Chief Operating Officer.</li>
            <span class="date">19 August 2003</span>: OWL Web Ontology
      Language is Candidate Recommendation. OWL is used to publish
      and share sets of terms called ontologies, providing advanced
      Web search, software agents and knowledge management.
      Comments are welcome. Read the <a href="/2003/08/owl-pressrelease" shape="rect">press release</a>
      and <a href="/2003/08/owlfaq" shape="rect">FAQ</a> and more
      about the <a href="/2001/sw/" shape="rect">Semantic Web
      Activity</a>. The OWL Web Ontology Language in six parts:

                  <a href="/TR/2003/CR-owl-features-20030818/" shape="rect">Overview</a>
                  <a href="/TR/2003/CR-owl-guide-20030818/" shape="rect">Guide</a>
                  <a href="/TR/2003/CR-owl-ref-20030818/" shape="rect">Reference</a>
                  <a href="/TR/2003/CR-owl-semantics-20030818/" shape="rect">Semantics and Abstract Syntax</a>
                  <a href="/TR/2003/CR-owl-test-20030818/" shape="rect">Test Cases</a>
                  <a href="/TR/2003/CR-webont-req-20030818/" shape="rect">Use Cases and Requirements</a>
            <span class="date">11 August 2003</span>: W3C's <a href="/2000/01/sw/" shape="rect">Semantic Web Advanced
    Development</a> initiative announces a new release of <a href="/2001/11/IsaViz/" shape="rect">IsaViz</a>, a visual
    environment for browsing and authoring RDF models represented
    as graphs. Version 2.0 supports <a href="/2001/11/IsaViz/gss/gssmanual.html" shape="rect">GSS</a>, an
    RDF-based stylesheet language. Other new features include
    datatype support, enhanced navigation, better handling of
    namespace prefix bindings, and an import/export plug-in
    interface. Learn more about <a href="/2001/11/IsaViz/" shape="rect">IsaViz</a>.</li>
            <span>18-20 June 2003: <a href="/2003/p3p-ws/" shape="rect">W3C Workshop on the long-term Future of P3P and
    Enterprise Privacy Languages</a> held at the ICPP in Kiel,
    Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.</span>
            <span class="date">13 June 2003</span>: The Web Ontology
    Working Group has released <a href="/TR/2003/NOTE-owl-xmlsyntax-20030611/" shape="rect">XML
    Presentation Syntax</a> for the OWL Web Ontology Language (OWL)
    as a W3C Note. The Note suggests one possible XML presentation
    syntax and includes XML schemas for OWL Lite, OWL DL, and OWL
    Full. OWL is used to publish and share sets of terms called
    ontologies, providing advanced Web search, software agents and
    knowledge management. Read about the <a href="/2001/sw/" shape="rect">Semantic Web Activity</a>.</li>
            <span>10 June 2003: W3C launches its <a href="/2003/03/semantic-tour.html" shape="rect">Semantic Tour</a>
    today in Rome. Funded by the European Commission, the tour
    includes events in London, Munich, Athens and Brussels
    promoting W3C technologies that bring to the Web more effective
    discovery, automation, integration, and reuse of
            <span class="date">29 May 2003</span>: The Web Ontology
    Working Group has released a Last Call Working Draft of the
    <a href="/TR/2003/WD-owl-test-20030528/" shape="rect">OWL Web
    Ontology Language Test Cases</a>. Designed for OWL developers,
    the draft is a companion to the OWL <a href="/TR/owl-semantics/" shape="rect">language definition</a>.</li>
            <span class="date">21 May 2003</span>: The World Wide Web
    Consortium has approved the <a href="/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20030520.html" shape="rect">W3C
    Patent Policy</a> based on review by the W3C Advisory Committee
    and the public. Written by the Patent Policy Working Group, the
    policy received more support from the Membership than any
    Recommendation in recent history.</li>
            <span class="date">18 April 2003</span>: The XKMS Working
    Group has published Last Call Working Drafts of the <a href="/TR/2003/WD-xkms2-20030418/" shape="rect">XML Key Management
    Specification (XKMS)</a> and its <a href="/TR/2003/WD-xkms2-bindings-20030418/" shape="rect">bindings</a>. The documents specify protocols for
    distributing and registering public keys for use with <a href="/Signature/Activity" shape="rect">XML Signature</a> and
    <a href="/Encryption/2001/Activity" shape="rect">XML
            <div class="item" id="x20030402a">
                  <span class="date">02 April 2003</span> : <span class="title">OWL Last Call Working Drafts Published</span>,
        <span class="description">The Web Ontology Working Group
        has released six Working Drafts, five in Last Call, for the
        OWL Web Ontology Language 1.0, including the OWL <a href="/TR/2003/WD-owl-guide-20030331/" shape="rect">Guide</a>,
        <a href="/TR/2003/WD-owl-features-20030331/" shape="rect">Overview</a>, <a href="/TR/2003/WD-webont-req-20030331/" shape="rect">Use Cases
        and Requirements</a>, <a href="/TR/2003/WD-owl-semantics-20030331/" shape="rect">Semantics and Abstract Syntax</a>, <a href="/TR/2003/WD-owl-ref-20030331/" shape="rect">Reference</a>,
        and <a href="/TR/2003/WD-owl-test-20030331/" shape="rect">Test Cases</a>. OWL is used to publish and share
        sets of terms called ontologies, providing advanced Web
        search, software agents and knowledge
            <div class="item" id="x20030124b">
               <p>19 March 2003: Patent Policy Working Group publishes
        <a rel="details" class="title" href="/TR/2003/WD-patent-policy-20030319/"
        Policy: W3C Royalty-Free Patent Policy</a> supported by
        <a href="/2003/03/19-patentsummary.html" shape="rect">summary</a> and <a href="/2003/03/patentpolicy-pressrelease" shape="rect">press
            <div class="item" id="x20030124b1">
                  <span class="date">24 January 2003</span>: <span class="title">RDF Core publishes last call documents</span>,
        <span class="description">The <a href="/2001/sw/RDFCore/" shape="rect">RDF Core Working Group</a> has released six
        Last Call Working Drafts : <a href="/TR/2003/WD-rdf-primer-20030123/" shape="rect">RDF
        Primer</a>, <a href="/TR/2003/WD-rdf-testcases-20030123/" shape="rect">RDF Test Cases</a>, <a href="/TR/2003/WD-rdf-syntax-grammar-20030123/" shape="rect">RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised)</a>, <a href="/TR/2003/WD-rdf-schema-20030123/" shape="rect">RDF
        Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema</a>,
        <a href="/TR/2003/WD-rdf-mt-20030123/" shape="rect">RDF
        Semantics</a>, and <a href="/TR/2003/WD-rdf-concepts-20030123/" shape="rect">Resource
        Description Framework (RDF): Concepts and Abstract
        Syntax</a>. Also published is a W3C Note, <a href="/TR/2003/NOTE-lbase-20030123/" shape="rect">LBase</a>, a
        framework for specifying <a href="/2001/sw/" shape="rect">Semantic Web</a> languages in a uniform and coherent
            <div class="item" id="x20030124b11">
               <p>6 January 2003: <a href="/2002/12/18-p3p-workshop-report.html" shape="rect">Summary
        Report - W3C Workshop on the Future of P3P</a>
         <li>10 December 2002: <a href="/TR/xmlenc-core/" shape="rect">XML Encryption Syntax and Processing</a> -
         <li>10 December 2002: <a href="/TR/xmlenc-decrypt" shape="rect">Decryption Transform for XML Signature</a> -
         <li>14 November 2002: <a href="/TR/2002/WD-patent-policy-20021114/" shape="rect">Royalty-Free
    Patent Policy</a> - Last Call</li>
         <li>12 November 2002: <a href="/2002/p3p-ws/" shape="rect">Workshop on the Future of P3P</a>
         <li>08 November 2002: <a href="/TR/xmldsig-filter2/" shape="rect">XML-Signature XPath Filter 2.0</a> - Recommendation</li>
         <li>03 October 2002: <a href="/TR/xmlenc-core/" shape="rect">XML Encryption Syntax and Processing</a> - Proposed
         <li>03 October 2002: <a href="/TR/xmlenc-decrypt" shape="rect">Decryption Transform for XML Signature</a> - Proposed
         <li>27 August 2002: <a href="/TR/xmldsig-filter2/" shape="rect">XML-Signature XPath Filter 2.0</a> - Proposed
         <li>18 July 2002: <a href="/TR/xml-exc-c14n/" shape="rect">Exclusive XML Canonicalization Version 1.0</a> -
            <a href="/2000/12/drm-ws/" shape="rect">Workshop on Digital
    Rights Management for the Web</a> (January 2001)</li>
         <li>P3P <a href="/TR/2000/CR-P3P-20001215/Overview.html" shape="rect">Candidate Recommendation Draft</a> (December 2000)</li>
            <a href="" shape="rect">Canonical XML</a> and <a href="" shape="rect">XML
    Signature</a> Candidate Recommendation (November 2000)</li>
            <a href="" shape="rect">XML Encryption workshop</a> (November 2000)</li>
         <li>P3P patent infringement issue clarified: W3C issued a legal
    <a href="" shape="rect">analysis</a> finding that P3P does not infringe the
    Intermind patent [ <a href=""
               shape="rect">Press Release</a>, <a href="" shape="rect">Patent
    Analysis</a>] (October 28 1999)</li>
         <li>Common Markup for Micropayment Last Call <a href="" shape="rect">Draft</a> (August 25 1999)</li>
         <li>"<a href="" shape="rect">Cambridge Communiqué</a>": Members of the
    RDF &amp; XML Schema working groups clarify the relationship
    between XML and RDF Schema specs and outline a work program for
    harmonizing approaches to Web data architecture. (October 7
         <li>RDF <a href="" shape="rect">Interest Group</a> Launched (August 20 1999)</li>
            <a href="" shape="rect">XML
    Signature Working Group</a> launched jointly with
    IETF.  (June 1999) </li>
         <li>18 April 2002: Daniel Weitzner (Chair, W3C Patent Policy
    WG) provides <a href=""
               shape="rect">testimony</a> at a <a href="" shape="rect">United
    States Justice Department/Federal Trade Commission hearing</a>
    on Antitrust, Intellectual Property and Standard-setting.</li>
         <li>16 April 2002: <a href="" shape="rect">P3P Recommendation released</a> - see also the <a href="" shape="rect">press
         <li>18 March 2002: <a href="" shape="rect">XML Key Management Specification - Bulk Operation</a> -
    First Draft</li>
         <li>18 March 2002: <a href="" shape="rect">XML
    Key Management Specification</a> - First Working Draft</li>
         <li>18 March 2002: <a href="" shape="rect">XML Key Management (2.0) Requirements</a> - Last
         <li>04 March 2002: <a href="" shape="rect">XML Encryption Syntax and Processing</a> - Candidate
         <li>04 March 2002: <a href="" shape="rect">Decryption Transform for XML Signature</a> - Candidate
         <li>26 February 2002: <a href="" shape="rect">Royalty-Free Patent Policy</a> - Public Working Draft
         <li>14 February 2002: <a href="" shape="rect">Exclusive XML Canonicalization</a> - Candidate
         <li>14 February 2002: <a href="" shape="rect">XML-Signature</a> - Recommendation</li>
         <li>11 February 2002: <a href="" shape="rect">The Platform
    for Privacy Preferences 1.0 Deployment Guide</a> - revisions
         <li>28 January 2002: <a href="" shape="rect">The Platform for Privacy Preferences 1.0 (P3P1.0)
    Specification</a> - Proposed Recommendation</li>
         <li>24 January 2002: <a href="" shape="rect">Current
    Patent Practices</a> - Note published</li>
         <li>18 December 2001: <a href="" shape="rect">RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised)</a> -
    Public Working Draft</li>
         <li>18 October 2001: <a href="" shape="rect">XML
    Encryption Requirements</a> - Last Call</li>
         <li>18 October 2001: <a href="" shape="rect">XML Encryption
    Syntax and Processing</a> - Last Call</li>
         <li>18 October 2001: <a href="" shape="rect">Decryption
    Transform for XML Signature</a> - Last Call</li>
            <a href="" shape="rect">Workshop on XML Key Management</a>
            <a href="" shape="rect">Canonical XML Version 1.0</a> - W3C Recommendation</li>
      <p>1999 <a href="" shape="rect">Overview</a> of T&amp;S Activities, an earlier
  version of this page.</p>
    Thomas Roessler, Acting Technology and Society Domain Lead
      <p>Last modified by $Author: ijacobs $ on $Date: 2012/01/12 06:00:34 $</p>
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