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         <h2>About W3C QA Tools</h2>
         <p><strong>Indispensable tools for the professional Webmaster, Web Designer or Web Developer. All free and Open Source.</strong></p>

         <p>The W3C's main production are its <a href="/TR/">Specifications</a>, but in the core of its philosophy 
         is the belief that the natural complement to specifications is running code.</p>
         <p>This page lists some of the tools provided by the W3C in the domain of Quality Assurance: 
         validators and other test tools. Almost all of these tools are web-based, are available both as downloadable source, and as free services on the site.</p>

	<h3>More W3C Software</h3>
<p>W3C develops many more software tools, see the <a href="/Status">W3C Open Source Software</a> page for listings and news.</p>

<p>An interesting companion to this toolbox is the 
<a href="">Matrix of W3C specifications</a>
where test suites and validators for W3C specifications are listed.</p>

<h2>The Basics - what you should run on all your web pages</h2>

<ul id="validators">
  <li id="unicorn"><a
		       href=""><strong>Unicorn</strong></a> -
  W3C's Unified Validator</li>
  <li id="htmlvalidator">The 
  <a href=""><strong>MarkUp Validator</strong></a> -
  Also known as the <em>HTML validator</em>, it helps check Web documents in formats like HTML and XHTML, SVG or MathML.
  <li id="checklink">
  The <a href=""><strong>Link Checker</strong></a> -
  Checks anchors (hyperlinks) in a HTML/XHTML document. Useful to find broken links, etc.
  <li id="cssvalidator">The <a href=""><strong>CSS Validator</strong></a> - 
	validates CSS stylesheets or documents using CSS stylesheets.

<p id="logvalidator">The above three can be used all-in-one by running the <a href=""><strong>Log Validator</strong></a>. Unlike the others, this tool helps improve the quality of a whole site, step by step, by finding the most popular documents that need to be fixed in priority. Learn more about this method in the <a href="/QA/2003/03/web-kit">Web Standards Switch</a> document.</p>

<p>Developing mobile-friendly content? The <a href="" title="W3C mobileOK Checker"><strong>mobileOK checker</strong></a> is a one-stop service to check your Web site and improve its mobile-friendliness.</p>

<h2>Specific Tools - for Specific Needs</h2>
  <li id="semantic-extractor">
  <a href="">Semantic Extractor</a> - Sees a Web page from a semantic point of view. Extracts such information as outline, description, languages used, etc.</li>
  <li id="rdf-validator">
  <a href="">RDF Validator</a> - Checks and Visualize RDF documents
<li id="rssvalidator">
  <a href="">Feed Validator</a> - Checks newsfeeds in formats like ATOM and RSS.
  <li id="p3pvalidator"><a href="">P3P Validator</a> - 
  Checks whether a site is <a href="">P3P</a>
        enabled and controls protocol and syntax of Policy-Reference-File 
	and Policy</li>
<li id="xsv"><a href="">XML Schema Validator</a></li>
<li>We also have developer several human-centered test tools: the <a href="" title="Mobile Test Harness - Mobile Test Harness">Mobile Test Harness</a> (<a href="">code</a>) is <q cite="">Web-based harness for browsers test suites, that offers users the possibility to record results on whether the browser they're using passes or not a set of test suites</q>; and 
<span id="mutat"><a href="">MUTAT</a> -
	an (older) human-centered testing framework developed in perl (<a href="" title="W3C QA - MUTAT developer information">code</a>)</span>

<h2>Open Source</h2>
<p>All software developed at W3C is <em>Open Source / Free</em> software. Which means that you can download and use them for free, if you like. It also means that you are welcome to participate in making them better, cooler, more useful for you and everyone.</p>
<li>Check each project for instructions on how to download their source code, and install them on your system</li>
<li>All the QA tools are maintained by the volunteer developers of the <a href="qa-dev">QA-dev</a> group. Why don't you join?</li>


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<address class="author">
    <a href=""><img
        src="" height="31" width="88"
        alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" /></a> Created Date: 2002-07-24 by <a href="">Olivier Thereaux</a><br />
Last modified $Date: 2010/07/27 20:32:20 $ by $Author: vivien $</address>
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      <a href=""><acronym title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym></a>&reg;
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      <a href=""><acronym title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</acronym></a>,
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