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        <h2>In a Nutshell</h2>
        <p>The QA Interest Group was the main body of the Quality Assurance activity at W3C, with a rather broad focus ranging from helping create better W3C technologies to education and outreach about proper use of the Web, as well as tools development.</p>
	<p>The QA IG <strong>closed in 2007</strong>.</p>
        <h2 id="contact">Contact</h2>
	<p>The last co-chairs of the QAIG were <a href="">Karl Dubost</a> (W3C) and Patrick Curran of <a href="">Sun Microsystems</a>.  For any other communication with the group, please use the group's <a href="Lists">Mailing-Lists</a>.


<h2 id="basic">About the Quality Assurance Interest Group at W3C</h2>

<p>Note that the <strong>Quality Assurance Interest Group is now closed</strong>.</p>

<p>The <abbr title="Quality Assurance">QA</abbr> <abbr title="Interest Group">IG</abbr> 
was the main body of the <a href="/QA">Quality Assurance</a> activity at W3C.</p>

<p>The mission of this Group is stated in its <a href="charter#Mission">charter</a> :</p>
<blockquote>The main objective of the <strong>QA Interest Group</strong> (QAIG) is to
have W3C, its Membership and the Web community involved in QA at large share
their understanding of the work of the <a href="/QA/Activity.html">W3C QA
Activity</a>, in particular the Activity's relationship with external
organizations; issues with Web certification and branding; its educational
effort; its funding model; etc. The QAIG also represents the interests of
software developers attempting to implement conformant products, notably
those developers who did not participate in writing the applicable W3C
<p>More information is available on the
<a href="">scope</a> of this group's activities.</p>

<h2 id="deliverables">Deliverables</h2>

<h3>Unfinished work</h3>
<p>These following projects were  on-going work in need of people to work on. If you are interested to picking up some of this work,  welcome to participate. Pplease send an email to <a href=""></a>.</p>
	<dt>W3C Note: <a href="">Dummy Guide for Test Assertions</a></dt>
		<dd>A guide to help Specification developers to create Test Assertions.</dd>
	<dt>W3C Note: <a href="">CUAP</a></dt>
		<dd>A W3C note about user agent problems which needs to be cleaned up and updated.</dd>
	<dt>W3C Note: <a href="">CHIPs</a></dt>
		<dd>A W3C note about HTTP server implementation problems which needs to be cleaned up and updated.</dd>
	<dt>W3C Note: <a href="">Test Metadata</a></dt>
		<dd>The document needs to be republished and polished. And to add an RDF Schema and or XML schema.</dd>
	<dt><a href="">WASP Curriculum for Web Standards</a></dt>
		<dd>A survey is in preparation for polling teachers on their standard teaching practices.</dd>

<h3 id="doc">The QA Library</h3>

<p>The QA Activity  hosts a comprehensive set of technical documentation
aimed at Web developers, Web authors and corporate managers: the <a href="/QA/Library">QA Library</a>. These documents were usually 
authored by the W3C QA staff after discussion within the mailing-lists of the
QA Interest Group.</p>

<h3 id="dev">Development : the QA Development effort</h3>
<p>The <a href="/QA/Tools">QA Tools</a> <a href="/QA/Tools/qa-dev">development effort</a> (or, in short, "qa-dev") is one of the projects launched by the QA activity at W3C in order to reach its goal of better implementations of W3C technologies.</p>
<p>qa-dev is animated by volunteer developers working on Web quality tools such as validators and test tools, and QAIG participants with an interest in tools development are welcome to help or participate in this effort.</p>

<p><a href="/QA/Tools/qa-dev">Learn more</a> about this qa-dev effort
and ways to participate.</p>

<h2 id="charter">Charter</h2>

<p>The <a href="charter.html">charter</a> for the <abbr title="Quality Assurance">QA</abbr> 
Interest Group has detailed information about the scope and process of the group.</p>

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      Last updated: $Date: 2010/05/18 09:07:33 $ by $Author: dom $

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