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<p><img style="float: right;" SRC="i/ego/9706" alt=""></p>

<h1 style="font-size: 30px; margin-top: 210px; margin-bottom: 30px">
  H&aring;kon Wium Lie</h1>

<h1>H&aring;kon Wium Lie</h1>

<!-- Hakon Haakon Wium Lie -->

<P STYLE="display: none; color: white; background: white;">
  (This page uses CSS style sheets)

<P>[In April 1999 I joined <A HREF="">Opera Software</A> to make sure there's more than one browser on the Web. You can find more informatition about me from my <A HREF="">home page</A> at Opera and you can email me at <A HREF=""></A>]

<P STYLE="clear: right">I work for the guy who invented the Web. His
name is <A HREF="">Tim</A>. He's
now the director of the <A HREF="">World Wide Web
Consortium</A> which is hosted by <A
HREF="">MIT</A> and <A
HREF="">INRIA</A>. I'm based at the INRIA site in
southern France, but often telecommute to work. I spend most of
my time developing and promoting <A HREF="/Style/">style
sheets</A>. Style sheets describe how documents are presented on
screens, in print, or perhaps how they are pronounced. In 1994 I <A
HREF="p/cascade.html">proposed</A> the concept of <A
HREF="">Cascading Style Sheets</A> which
are now, some years later, implemented by major browsers. You can
read about it in a <A HREF="">book</A> I
co-authored. I'm interested in the functional, esthetic and political
aspects of the Web -- in particular how Web documents are authored and
presented. I'm a graduate of the <A
HREF="">MIT Media Lab</A> which <A
not invent the Web</A>. My claim to fame is that I'm mentioned in <A
HREF="">David Siegel's

<P>Off work, I spend time with my kids. We all like to <A
HREF="paint">paint</A>. Other interests include pipe organs. I plan to
build one myself, and I'm looking for a <A HREF="o/">pipe organ

<!--Until then I listen to music through a pair of <A
HREF=""> Philips DSS 940 digital loudspeakers</A>.--> 

Among the composers I enjoy the most is 
<A HREF="">Anton
Bruckner</A> (try his 9th symphony, 2nd movement!) and Carl Nielsen
(try his 5th symphony -- or visit his <A

Also, I like Bach - that's why the link colors on this page is
#CAB. (Using CSS, of course.)


<P>If you see me with a visual recording instrument, a Web documentary is next:


<LI>If you're into hypertext history, you'll appreciate this <A HREF="d/9706-tokyo/trt">scene</A>.

<LI>The <A HREF="d/9707-vestland">97 holiday pictures</A>.

<LI>In July 96, I had <A HREF="d/9607-grsp/">great fun</A> at a student reunion.

<LI>Some <A HREF="d/9607-vika/">holiday pictures!</A>. The ultimate Web content.

<LI>My friends, Paddy and Christine <A HREF="d/9602-McChang/">got married</A> on Feb 29, 1996.



<P>See <A HREF="publications.html">separate list</A>.

<H2>P&aring; norsk (If you read Norwegian)</H2>


<LI>Kronikk i Aftenposten: <A
HREF="">Internett uten tellerskritt"</A>

<LI>Et lite parkeringsessay: <A HREF="d/9709-nydalen/">Skrilting i Nydalen</A>

<LI>Et teknologisk, kritisk, norsk blikk p&aring; VR anno 1992: <A HREF="p/ideer-er-billige">Id&eacute;er er billige - syntetiske virkeligheter p&aring; norsk</A>

<LI>Denne debatten kommer hvert &aring;r: <A HREF="p/pirater/">Hvem er programvarepirater?</A>

<LI>Trist sak fra 1990: <A HREF="p/apple/">"Den f&oslash;rste spr&oslash;yta var gratis..."</A>

<LI>En gedigen nettdugnad: <A HREF="NorgesLoWWWer.html">Norske loWWWer</A>

<LI>Om konflikten mellom tekst og bilder p&aring; webben: <A HREF="p/webben/">Bildemedia p&aring; Webben</A>

<H2>Places & times</H2>


<LI>84-86: <A HREF="">&Oslash;stfold College</A>

<LI>86-87: <A HREF="">West Georgia College</A>, B.Sc Computer Science. Newt Gingrich has <A HREF="">written a quite interestingly</A> about West Georgia College.

<LI>87-88: <A HREF="">OECD Halden Reactor Project</A>. Their <A HREF="">real webserver</A> is still afraid of the net. But you can <A HREF="">Meet Tord Aker&aelig;k</A>.

<LI>88-89: <A HREF="">Norwegian Telecom Research</A>

<LI>89-91: <A HREF="">MIT Media Lab</A>, Electronic Publishing group. M.S. Visual Studies. Thesis title: <A HREF="TEB/www/hwl_th_1.html">"The Electronic Broadsheet -- all the news that fits the display"</A>

<LI>91-94: Research scientist at <A HREF="">Norwegian Telecom Research</A>, multimedia group. Check out <A HREF="">Telektronikk 4.93</A>

<LI>94-95: Scientific Associate at <A HREF="">CERN</A>, the birthplace of the web. 

<LI>95->: <A HREF="">W3C</A>/<A HREF="">INRIA</A>, Sophia Antipolis


<H2>Contact information</H2>


    office, Oslo:                  +47 22582803
    office, Sophia-Antipolis:      +33 492387771
    home, Oslo:                    +47 22546836
    mobile phone (intermittently)  +47 90192217

    office, Oslo:                  +47 22184456

  Postal address:
    H&aring;kon Lie
    P.O. box 465 Sk&oslash;yen
    0212 Oslo

<P>These were my <A
at CERN. Now, I have <A


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SRC="" alt=""></A></P>