chris 3.06 KB
<title>Chris Lilley</title>
<link rev="made" href="">
<META http-equiv="PICS-Label" content='(PICS-1.0 "" l gen t for 
"" r (SS~~000 3 SS~~100 1))'>
<!-- that is a PICS rating for my page: no nudity, violence or swearing, suitable for children from early teens onwards [assuming younger children would find the techie content a bit boring ;-) ]. -->

<h1>Chris Lilley</h1>
<div align="center">
<table border cellpadding="4">
<tr><td rowspan="4"><a href="chris2"><IMG alt=""  WIDTH=105 HEIGHT=139 SRC="smallchris2"></a><!-- look mum, no hard-coded .gif or .png! This link uses content negotiation to serve the appropriate format --><td><b>Email:</b><td><a href=""></a><td rowspan="3"><b>Postal address:</b><br><br>World Wide Web Consortium<br>
INRIA, Projet W3C<br>
2004, Route des Lucioles - B.P. 93<br>
06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex<br>
France<tr><td><b>Phone:</b><td>+33 (0)4 93 65 79 87<tr><td><b>Fax: </b><td>+33 (0)4 93 65 77 65<tr><td><td><td></table></div>

<h2>What I do</h2>

<p>I work for the <a href="">World Wide Web
Consortium</a> (W3C), which is based at MIT in the USA, INRIA in
France, and Keio University in Japan; I work mostly at the French 
site. I look after two W3C <a

  including PNG, CGM, graphical quality, and so on

  <li><a href="">Fonts</a>,
  including font formats, delivery, and availability of font software

<p>I also have some involvement with <a
href="../../Style/Activity">Stylesheets</a>, and
was a member of the <a
href="">IETF HTML
Working Group</a> which standardised <a
2.0</a>. I am one of the authors of the <a
href="../../TR/REC-png-multi">PNG Specification</a>.</p>

<h2>More information</h2>

<p>Further details about my education and professional activities, and
general Web credentials, are in this <a href="shortbio.html">short

<p>You could look at a tutorial <a
href=""> Active Web
Pages</a> I gave at Eurographics UK in March 1995. This has recently
been <a
into French</a>. Although over a year old, it is still fairly useful (I am

<p>I had a paper at WWW4, discussing
<a href="/pub/Conferences/WWW4/Papers/53/gq-boston.html">Quality 
Graphics for the Web</a>.</p>

<p>I have <a href="kids.jpg"> two children</a>, Annis aged five and
Taran who is two.  Taran's old <a href="taran/taran.html"> birth
announcement</a> of <em>21 Jan 1994</em> is believed to have been the first one
on the Web. [ His claim to fame, when he grows older ;-) ]</p>

<address>Chris Lilley</address>