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<h1>Carine Bournez</h1>

<h2>W3C Role</h2>

<p>I joined W3C in December 2001, in the <a href="/jigsaw/">Jigsaw activity</a></p>

<p>I have been team contact for the <a href="/2000/xp/Group">XML Protocol Working Group</a> and the <a href="/2002/ws/chor/">Web Services Choreography Working Group</a>, in the Web services activity.</p>

<p>I was coordinating technical activities in the <a href="/2004/WS2/">WS2 EU IST project</a> in 2006-2007.</p>

<p>Current activities: </p>
<p>Team contact for the <a href="">EXI Working Group</a> (and before that for the <a href="/XML/Binary/">XML Binary Characterization Working Group</a>) in the XML Activity.</p>
<p>Working on policy languages in the PrimeLife EU IST FP7 project.</p>

<p>Work in the semantic Web services area (which included <a href="/2002/ws/sawsdl/">Semantic Annotations for WSDL Working Group</a> and <a href="/2002/ws/swsig/">Semantic Web Services Interest Group</a>) is currently close to standby mode, contact me for more information.</p>

<h2>Contact info</h2>
  <li>Email: <a href=""></a></li>
  <li>Phone: +1 617 848 8884</li>
  <li>Snail Mail: <br />
    ERCIM/W3C<br />
    2004, route des Lucioles<br />
    BP 93<br />
    06902 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex<br />

<h2>My improbable todo list</h2>
Translations, E&amp;O <br />
Improve this page <br />

<p><a href="funny.html">Some fnu</a></p>
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<p><a href="Overview.eo.html"><img src="eo.jpg" alt="e-a versio" />Switch to Esperanto</a></p>
