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  <title>Yves Lafon</title>
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<p><img src="Yves.gif" alt="Picture of me"></p>

<p>Me, a growing number of years ago...</p>

<p class="D">My main work interest is in OO-design. Some history about my work
here: I worked for one year on <a href="/pub/WWW/Arena/beta-3">Arena</a>, a
testbed browser, to show what can be done using <a
href="/pub/WWW/Style/">Style Sheets</a>. This page is <a
href="/pub/WWW/TR/WD-css1.html">"Css Powered"</a> and have justification,
margins, backgrounds, colors and font styles without hurting any text or non
css-capable browsers. When CSS became a <a
href="/pub/WWW/Press/CSS1-REC-PR.html">recommendation</a>, I moved to <a
href="../../Jigsaw/">Jigsaw</a> a HTTP server written in Java, working on HTTP/1.1 testing, then I became
the <a href="../../Jigsaw/">Jigsaw</a> activity leader.</p>
<p class="C">I created the <a href="/2000/xp/">XML Protocol Activity</a> where the <a href="/2000/xp/Group/">XML Protocol Working Group</a> published SOAP Version 1.2 and various other specifications. I am now the <a href="/2002/ws/">Web Services Activity Lead</a>, and the <a href="/2001/tag">Technical Architecture Group (TAG)</a> Team Contact.</p>

<p class="C">Creating a strategy game is really a strange thing. You try to be
smart enough to create a program powerful enough to beat you at your own game!
I have no time to think of a better strategy, so i can still beat it! The java
version was written in less than three hours, so forgive me for the missing
'restart' button.</p>

<p class="E">The following links are pointing to a strategy game i made during
my spare time.</p>


<p class="E"><a href="fortress/fortress.html">JavaFortress</a> is Here (based
on the 1.2 engine).<br>
WebFortress was Here. (based on the 1.2 engine) (I hate when links are broken, and things moved...)<br>
is Here (with the brand new 2.0 engine and with an evolution package

<p class="E">I did also the engine (all the AlphaBeta and extensions) of the
new version of <a
(will be 2.0) for <a

<p class="E">I also spend part of my spare time helping a sailing silumation site: <a href="">Virtual Loup-de-mer</a>, mostly in the performance and wind interpolation areas.</p>

    <p class="D">Note that this page is quite ugly, it is mainly because 
      I don't have time to work on it, and also that I wanted to demonstrate 
      bad CSS implementations (and PNG implementations also).

<p class="E">For friends, I have some pictures available on my <a
href="">personal site</a> (mostly travel), here is a
little list:</p>
<ul class="E">
  <li><a href="">New Zealand</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Japan - 1998</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Japan - 2000</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Canada</a> (where I live for
    one year)</li>
  <li><a href="">Mountains</a> (around
  <li>Weird <a href="">B&amp;W</a> stuff</li>
  <li>And of course <a

<p class="E">Note: if you see a white background in the next icon, your
browser doesn't support well PNG alpha channel transparency!</p>

<p class="E"><a href=""><img border="0"
alt="Valid CSS"></a></p>