Jose 3.29 KB
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  <title>José's home at W3C</title>

<p>Hi! I work as, hmm, it's hard to define it, let's say as a web-engineer at
W3C/Grenoble (hosted by INRIA), since January 1996.</p>

<p>My current activities at W3C are:</p>
  <li>W3C Staff contact fo the <a href="/2001/XKMS/">XKM Key Management
    Service (XKMS) WG</a>. I took over from Joseph Reagle just as the group
    was about to move to transition from Last Call and I'm helping the WG to
    bring out the XKMS specification. I was editor of the CR issues list and
    wrote the XKMS implementation summary report, one of the requirements for
    moving on to PR.</li>
  <li>Build new/improve existing tools to simplify the every day life of WG
    and the team. </li>

<p>Some of my previous activities at W3C were:</p>
  <li><a href="/2001/Annotea/">Annotea</a>. A framework for collaborative
    shared annotations (and bookmarks).</li>
  <li><a href="/Amaya">Amaya</a>, W3C's own testbed editor/browser. I was the
    main responsible for its network layer and the Annotea client development
    (shared annotations and bookmarks).. I've also contributed to other parts
    of it, such as the <a href="/Amaya/User/Configure.html"> Preferences
  <li><a href="">Mailing list hypertext archives</a>. I
    developed the system we're using today. I won't describe it here, as I'm
    evolving it to something better, that I can be proud of, give to the
    community, and talk about with ease :-).</li>
  <li><a href="">Apache.</a>. I developed a number of
    Apache modules for the W3 servers to provide better logging and specific
    access control features. I've only put one of these modules in the
    public-domain, <a
    as the other ones are too specific to our needs. I have never thought
    that this is a great module. Hence, I was surprised when it got included
    in the official "apache contributed modules" distribution!</li>
  <li>W3C-LA mirroring project. This was an EU project for setting up mirrors
    of the W3C web server in different countries. I'm responsible for the
    configuration of the HTTP servers. Some of the Apache modules that I
    developed for this project eventually made it to the main W3C

<p>My principal activives outside of W3C are:</p>
  <li><a href="wdai/">WDAI</a>. This is a personal proposal for a simple and
    general W3 distributed authorization infrastructure.</li>

  <p>I suppressed the rest of the personal infomration from this section. As
  <a href="">B.
  Traven</a> said, "<em>The work is important, the author is not. The works
  belong to the public, but the author's life belongs only to him. A writer
  should be known for his works, they are his true biography."</em></p>
  <a href="mailto:j1o2s3e@w435.o6r7g">José</a> (you'll have to remove the 1-7
  digits before)