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  <meta content="Home Page, Bert Bos, stylesheets, stylesheet, style
  sheet, W3C, CSS, CSS1, CSS2, XSL, Web, Cascading Style Sheets, level
  1, level 2, Extensible Style Language, Provence, photo, DJ1000, HTML,
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  <h1>Home Page of Bert Bos</h1>

  <ul class=menu>
   <li><a href="#book">Books</a>
   <li><a href="#photos">Photos</a>
   <li><a href="#software">Software</a>
   <li><a href="#essays">Essays</a>
   <li><a href="#temperature">Temperature</a>
   <li><a href="#contact">Contact</a>
   <li><a href="#clock">Java&nbsp;clock</a>
   <li><a href="#htmlutils">HTML/XML&nbsp;utilities</a>
   <li><a href="#shuffle">shuffle</a>
   <li><a href="#mp3tag">mp3tag</a>
   <li><a href="#dj1000">dj1000</a>
   <li><a href="#thumbnails">thumbnails/RDF</a>
   <li><a href="#plan2vcs">plan/vCalendar</a>

  <p>I studied Mathematics in Groningen (1982-1987), wrote a <a
   thesis</a> about Graphic User Interfaces (1987-1993), worked on an
   Internet browser and the surrounding infrastructure for the Faculty
   of Arts in Groningen (among other things), and am now working for <a
   href="/Consortium/">The World Wide Web Consortium</a> on <a
   href="/Style/">style sheets</a> and <a href="/Math/">math.</a>

  <h2 id=book>Book</h2>

  <p><a href="../../Style/LieBos3e/"><em>Cascading Style Sheets &ndash;
   designing for the Web</em></a> (3rd ed.)<br>
   Hakon Wium Lie &amp; Bert Bos<br>
   ISBN 0321193121<br>
   (See <a href=""></a>)

  <p style="text-align: center"> <a href="../../Style/LieBos3e/"><img
   alt="Book cover" src="../../Style/LieBos3e/LieBos3e-small2.png"
   style="width: 12em"></a>

  <h2 id=photos>Photos of Provence</h2>

  <p><a href="">Provence</a> (which includes the
   <a href="">C&ocirc;te-d'Azur</a>) is the
   region in Southern France that lies roughly between the Rhone river
   in the west, the Italian border in the east, the Mediterranean Sea
   in the south, and halfway into the Alps in the north.

  <p>I have a a few thousand photos of Provence:
   <a href="Photos/Provence/" title="Photos of Provence">page
   1</a>, <a href="" title="Photos
   of Provence">page 2</a> and <a
   href="">page 3 (slow link)</a>. (The
   thumbnail page is generated with a small <a

  <p>A short list of <a href="Provence/suggestions.html">things to
   do</a> if you visit the <a

  <h2 id=software>Some HTML and other utilities</h2>

  <p id=htmlutils>I've thrown together a few simple <a
   href="/Tools/HTML-XML-utils/">C programs that can number headings in
   HTML, make a table of contents, etc</a>. They work for me, comments
   are welcome, but I don't promise any maintenance. They don't have
   enough <a href="HTMLutils/README"> documentation</a>&nbsp;&#9785;

  <p id=hcalproxy><a href="Hcalproxy/">hcalproxy</a> runs as a proxy
   and converts <a
   microformat into <a
   href="">icalendar:</a> if
   <code></code> is an HTML document, then
   <code>http://localhost:8000/</code> is an
   icalendar document with all events from that HTML document.

  <p id=shuffle>Nothing to do with HTML, but useful anyway: a little
   <a href="Shuffle/shuffle.c">program that shuffles the lines of a
   file</a>. Sort of the opposite of <em>sort</em>&hellip; To compile, just
   type <kbd>make shuffle</kbd>. The <a
   href="Shuffle/shuffle.1">manual</a> is in the form of a Unix man

  <p id=progress>A litle tool for users of the Unix
   shell: <a href="/Tools/Progress/" >progress</a> copies its input to
   its output while displaying a progress meter. Different styles are
   provided. Useful in pipelines that take a long time.

  <p id=mp3tag>A tiny C program that prints the artist, title, etc.
   tags from MP3 files, <a href="MP3tag/mp3tag.c">mp3tag.c</a>
   (Version&nbsp;1 tags only.)

  <p id=dj1000>Another C program, that decodes the images taken with a
   Mitsubishi DJ1000 digital camera to PPM format: <a

  <p id=thumbnails>I used to use <a href=thumbnails>this shell
   script</a> to generate thumbnail pages for my photos, but since I've
   started using <a href=""> rdfpic</a>,
   I've been using <a href=thumbnails-rdf>another shell script</a> that
   gets the description from the <a href="../../TR/photo-rdf">RDF

  <p id=plan2vcs>I used to use <a
   href="">plan</a> to keep my
   appointments, but now I'm trying <a
   href="">korganizer</a>. I wrote a Perl
   program <a href="Plan2vcs/plan2vcs">plan2vcs</a> to convert from
   plan format to vCalendar (used by korganizer). (This is version
   2.1. <a href="Plan2vcs/plan2vcs-v20030819">Version 1.0</a> had some
   bugs, which were fixed by Marcus Gottwald.)

  <p id=mbnftosch><a href="../../XML/Schema">XML Schemas</a> are rather
   hard to write and read, so I started writing a little utility <a
   href="Schema/">""</a> that allows you to
   define an XML-based format using a traditional context-free (EBNF)
   grammar. It is a Perl script that takes a grammar and generates the
   equivalent XML Schema. It is by no means ready yet, but it does
   occasionally write correct Schemas. Two related essays (<a
   href="Schema/schemas">"Context-free schemas"</a> &amp; <a
   give some more background. (Example <a
   href="Schema/test.mbnf">input</a> &amp; <a

  <p id=jpeg-xmp><a href="JPEG-XMP/">rdjpgxmp, wrjpgxmp and
   xmptool:</a> the former two are little C programs to extract and
   insert XMP data in JPEG (JFIF) files. The latter can query an XMP
   file for the value of a particular property (string-valued or
   URI-valued properties only for now) or can insert a property/value
   pair into an XMP file.

  <p id=jpegxmp><a href="JPEG-XMP/jpegxmp">jpegxmp:</a> a Bash script
   that combines the above to do a few common operations. E.g.,
   <code>jpegxmp --language=en --title="Foo" myphoto.jpg</code> adds
   the Dublin Core title property to myphoto.jpg and sets its language
   to English; and <code>jpegxmp --from-exif myphoto.jpg</code> sets
   the Dublin Core date property from the EXIF date. Try <code>jpegxmp

  <p><a href="/2003/01/BB_htmldiff-0.4.tar.gz">htmldiff</a> is an HTML
   diff program: it compares two files and marks up the differences.
   (It is a quick hack, based on wdiff. Don't expect perfect results.)

  <p>I've also made two <a href="Gladiator/">font families, Gladiator
   and Gladiator Sans</a> (<a
   href="">alternative link</a>).

  <h2 id=essays>Essays</h2>

  <p>Symbolic constants in CSS are a bad idea, see my essay <a
   href="CSS-variables">&ldquo;Why &lsquo;variables&rsquo; in CSS are

  <p>An (unfinished) essay on possible future technology for <a
   href=webapps.html>&ldquo;Web applications,&rdquo;</a> simple
   programs that are downloaded on demand and execute inside a client
   program, for problems where Java applets would be overkill. Another
   essay focuses on <a href=webapps-proposal.html>requirements.</a>

  <p>An essay on the principles of good specification design, as I'm
   trying to apply them in my own work: <a
   href="DesignGuide/introduction">&ldquo;What is a good

  <p>I've created some software for a <a href=XML>simpler variant of
   XML</a>, to see how it works.

  <h2 id=temperature>Example of data re-use</h2>

  <p>One of the promises of the Web, and of the "semantic Web" in
   particular, is that data can be machine-readable and can thus be
   re-used. As an experiment, I've written a robot that collects the <a
   href="Nice/tempgraph">daytime temperatures in Nice, France</a>, once
   per day, and creates a graph.

  <h2 id=links>Some old and/or private links</h2>

    <p><a href="../../Style/">Defining a style sheet language for the

    <p>A list of <a href=publications.html> a few of my

    <p>My <a href="">
     dissertation</a> (497 Kb of gzipped Postscript, also as <a
     PDF</a>), titled: <em>Rapid user interface development with the
     script language Gist</em>

    <p><a href="">The manual for
     Wbuild</a> a widget builder for the X toolkit.

    <p>An explanation and overview of <a
     href="../../TR/WD-wwwicn.html"> HTML symbol entities</a>

    <p>A <a href="Argo/doc/W3A.html">proposal
     (`W3A')</a> for an API for WWW browser applets.
     <!-- -->

    <p><a href="Stylesheets/SGML-Lite.html">SGML-Lite</a> (predecessor
     of XML) and <a href="Stylesheets/">old ideas on style sheets</a>
     (all from 1995).

  <p>Wbuild and other software used to be available from the (Groningen
   University) Faculty of Arts's <a href="">FTP

  <h2 id=fwf>The Free Widget Foundation</h2>

  <p>I contributed a number of X widgets to the <a
   href="">FWF</a> (Alert,
   Animator, Arrow, Board, Button, Canvas, Common, Frame, Group,
   HScrollb, Icon, IconBox, Label, MenuBar, OptButton, Pager, PieMenu,
   Prompt, PullDown, RadioGroup, RowCol, ScrollWin, ScrollWin3,
   Scrollbar, Slider2, Slider4, Tabs, TextMenu, ThumbWheel, Toggle,
   VScrollb). Together with Joe English, I wrote the Scrolling Widgets
   Interface Policy (SWIP) See the <a
   ASCII</a> or the <a
   href="gopher://"> DVI</a>

  <p>The FWF is no longer active. I've put the most recent sources that
   I have in a <a href=fwf-4.0.tar.gz>tar-file (fwf-4.0.tar.gz,
   1.5Mb)</a>. This is basically version 4.0 with some very minor

  <h2 id=time>A Java applet</h2>

  <p id=clock><applet align=left code=tz.class
   codebase="../../Protocols/Time/" height=140 width=90>
   <param name=tz value=ECT>
   <param name=language value=en>
   <param name=country value=GB>
   <param name=bgcolor value=69242d>
   <param name=color value=0000ff>
   <param name=textcolor value=ffffff>
   <param name=daycolor value=fff030>
   <param name=nightcolor value=6040a0>
   <param name=seconds value=on>
   Your browser is not configured to show Java 1.1 applets. This would
   show a clock with the time in France. </applet> This is the current
   time in France (unless you have no Java implementation in your
   browser, or a Java that has a bug, such as Netscape 4.03 or HotJava
   1.0 on Sun Solaris). See <a href="WorldClock/">more examples and
   some documentation</a> or get <a>the

  <p>The color of the dial varies from yellowish (noon) to dark purple

  <h2 id=contact>Address</h2>

  <address class=vcard><a href=0837_05><img align=left alt="Sign to the
   &quot;Bert Bos walking path&quot;" class=illustration
   src=0837_05-small></a> <strong class=fn>Bert
   <span class=org>W3C/ERCIM</span><br>
   <span class=adr> <span class=street-address>2004, Route des
   Lucioles</span>, <span class=post-office-box>B.P. 93</span><br>
   <span class=postal-code>06902</span> <span class=locality>Sophia
   Antipolis</span> Cedex, <span
   E-mail: <a class=email
   Tel. <span class=tel>+33 (0) 4 92 38 76
   <a href=bert-pubkey.txt>GPG key</a> (fingerprint 7744 0204 52A5 14D9
   147D 2A13 2D7A E420 184B 5BA4), <a href=businesscard.html>business
   card (HTML)</a>, <a href=businesscard.svg>business card (SVG)</a></address>

  <p>PS. My favorite radio channel
   is <a href=""> FIP</a>
   (<a href="">MP3
   stream</a>). A shame it is no longer in the ether at the C&ocirc;te
   d'Azur&nbsp;&#9785; (And they are better at making radio than Web
   pages. These links change every few years&hellip;)
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