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<h1 id="subtitle">Learn Directly from the W3C Experts</h1>
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<p>The Mobile Web Initiative is a major undertaking by the W3C to make the Web truly available on
devices of all types and sizes. As part of this effort, we have begun to develop training courses that 
make the various standards and tools more easily understood and used.</p>

<h2 id="MWBP">New Course: Introduction to Mobile Web and Application Best Practices</h2>
<p>This is an updated version of the <em>Introduction to W3C Mobile Web Best Practices</em> course that
ran several times between 2008 and 2010. But it's such a big update, and there's so much new content
that we're calling it a new course!</p>
<p>The <i>Introduction to W3C Mobile Web and Application Best Practices</i> online course will
  help Web designers and content producers who are already familiar with the
  desktop world to become familiar with the Web as delivered on mobile devices.
  It is based entirely on W3C standards, particularly the <a href="">Mobile Web Best Practices</a>
  and <a href="">Mobile Web Application Best Practices</a>.</p>

  <p>During this course you will:</p>
    <li>learn about and use the <strong>recommended versions of HTML and CSS</strong> to use for mobile today;</li>
    <li>understand the constraints of working on mobile and how to overcome them to deliver the <b>best</b> possible <b>experience</b> to the <b>widest range</b> of <b>users</b>;</li>
    <li>practice client side and server side <b>content adaptation</b> techniques;</li>
    <li>learn about and use the <b>exciting new APIs</b> available on modern mobile platforms.</li>

<p>The course beginning on Monday June 6th is now full but we're <strong>planning another run in September</strong>. Be sure not to
miss early bird registration and <strong style="color:#f00"><a href="">subscribe</a></strong>
to our mailing list.</p>

<h2>Introduction to SVG</h2>
<p>The team that worked on the Mobile Web course worked with Professor <a href="">David Dailey</a> 
of Slippery Rock University, Pennsylvania, to present a course on Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) &mdash; a technology that is becoming 
increasingly important for both mobile and desktop. The course ran in October 2010 and January 2011 and is likely to run again.
Full details are provided in the <a href="">course description</a>.</p>

<h2 id="reginfo">Make Sure You Don't Miss Out!</h2>

<p>Details of all our courses, the opening of registration periods etc. will be announced on this page and elsewhere. 
If you would like to be kept informed about future courses then 
please <strong style="color:#f00"><a href="">subscribe</a></strong>
to our mailing list. This is <strong>only</strong> used to give information about W3C Mobile Web Initiative training. 
(Messages are <a href="">archived</a>.)</p>

<div id="footer" style="margin-bottom:4em">
<p class="copyright">&copy;2011 W3C (ERCIM, Keio University, MIT CSAIL)</p>
<p class="revision">Last updated: $Date: 2011/05/19 08:58:25 $</p>
<p class="topper"><a href="">Phil Archer</a>, <a href=""></a>, <a href="">Mobile Web Initiative</a></p>

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<p id="header">
	<span id="titleW3CMWI">
		<a href="" class="titleW3C" accesskey="0"><img src="" width="85" height="43" alt="World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)" /></a>
		<a href="" class="titleMWI" accesskey="1"><img src="" width="151" height="63" alt="Mobile Web Initiative Logo" /></a>
<h1 id="tagline">W3C Mobile Web Initiative Training</h1>

<div id="sidebar">

	<li><strong class="uberTitle"><span class="uts"><span>MWI Training</span></span></strong>
		<li class="sectionTitle"><strong><a href="">Intro to Mobile: Course Description</a></strong>
<!--		<ul>
		  <li class="register"><a href="">Regsiter Now!</a></li>
		<li class="sectionTitle"><strong><a href="">Dates, Costs &amp; Terms</a></strong></li>
		<li class="sectionTitle"><strong><a href="">Tutors</a></strong></li>
		<li class="sectionTitle"><strong><a href="" class="moodle">Course Web site</a></strong></li>
		<li class="sectionTitle"><strong><a href="">Intro to SVG: Course Description</a></strong>
<!--		<ul>
		  <li class="register"><a href="" style="background-image: url('');">October 2010 SVG Course<br />Registration Open</a></li>
		<li class="sectionTitle"><strong><a href="">MWI Home</a></strong></li>
	<li class="backToTop"><span><a href="#header" class="mobileOnly">(Back to the top)</a>&nbsp;</span></li>


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