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  <TITLE>HTML 2.0 Materials</TITLE>
<A HREF="../../"> <IMG ALT="WWW" SRC="../../Icons/WWW/WWWlogo48.gif"></A>
<A HREF="../"> <IMG ALT="HTML" SRC="../../Icons/WWW/html_48x48.gif"></A>
  <A HREF=""><IMG
      SRC="../valid_html.gif" ALT="HTML 2.0 Check" ></A>HTML 2.0 Materials
The HTML 2.0 specification <A href="">RFC
1866</A>, is a product of the <A HREF="../HTML-WG/Overview.html"> HTML Working
Group</A> of the
<A href="">IETF</A>, edited by
<A href="../../People/Connolly/">Dan Connolly</A>.
    <STRONG><A NAME="z9511html2">RFC 1866</A>. Proposed Standard</STRONG>
    <STRONG><A hREF="">"HyperText
    Markup Language Specification -- 2.0"</A></STRONG>,<BR>
    T. Berners-Lee and D. Connolly, November 1995.
    The Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a simple markup language used to
    create hypertext documents that are platform independent. HTML documents
    are SGML documents with generic semantics that are appropriate for representing
    information from a wide range of domains. HTML markup can represent hypertext
    news, mail, documentation, and hypermedia; menus of options; database query
    results; simple structured documents with in-lined graphics; and hypertext
    views of existing bodies of information.
    HTML has been in use by the World Wide Web (WWW) global information initiative
    since 1990. This specification roughly corresponds to the capabilities of
    HTML in common use prior to June 1994. HTML is an application of ISO Standard
    8879:1986 Information Processing Text and Office Systems; Standard Generalized
    Markup Language (SGML).
    The `text/html' Internet Media Type (RFC 1590) and MIME Content Type (RFC
    1521) is defined by this specification.
<PRE>Network Working Group                                    T. Berners-Lee
Request for Comments: 1866                                      MIT/W3C
Category: Standards Track                                   D. Connolly
                                                          November 1995
The published RFC is the same in content as the September 22 draft, which
is available here in several formats:
    <A href="html-spec_toc.html"><CITE>Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0</CITE></A>
    (HTML hypertext)
    <A href="">postscript</A>, (not A4 paper any more.)
    <A href="">gzip'd postscript</A>
    <A href="html-spec.texi">TeXinfo</A>,
    <A href="html-spec-19950922.tar.gz">distribution: gzip'd tar file</A> (243756
    bytes. md5: efcb501e64953971e3569721f1311391.
    <A HREF="html-spec-19950922.tar.gz.asc">PGP signature</A>.
    <A HREF="../../People/Connolly/connolly-pgp-key">PGP key</A>)
For folks that want to play around with the SGML source: It uses a document
type by Gary Houston called Snafu. His
<A HREF="" >GF: General SGML
Formatter</A> package includes this DTD and a few others, and some nifty
tools to build TeXinfo, RTF, etc. from SGML documents.
  Background, <A NAME="history">history</A>
    <A href="html-pubtext.html">HTML 2.0 Public Text</A>
    Current DTD, SGML Declaration, and other "SGML code"
    <A HREF="../SGML/Overview.html">SGML</A>
    <A href="../../People/Connolly/drafts/html-design.html">Connolly's HTML Design
    Getting kinda old by now.
    <CITE><A href="charset-harmful.html">"Character Set" Considered
    A discussion of terminology related to coded character sets and character
    encoding schemes.
    Aug 8 draft
	<A href="html-spec-19950808.tar.gz">distribution: gzip'd tar file</A>
    Aug 4 draft
	<A href="html-spec-19950804.tar.gz">distribution: gzip'd tar file</A>
    June 15 draft
	<A href="html-spec-19950615.tar.gz">gzip'd tar of the whole release</A>
    May 6 internet draft:
    <A HREF="">
    Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0</A> (130423 bytes)
    For example, try this <A href="">search
    for HTML</A> in <A href="">The
    Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies</A>.
See also:
    Archives of the <A HREF="../Forums">www-talk and www-html mailing lists</A>
    for details of the early development of HTML.
    <A HREF="../../WWW/">About the Web</A>
    which contains background and history of the web project.
This is a timeline of publication events for HTML:
    <A NAME="9511html2">Nov 1995</A>
    <A NAME="HTML29511" HREF="../../MarkUp/html-spec/">HTML 2.0 becomes IETF
    Proposed Standard</A><BR>
    This is an effort to create a specification for interoperablility among
    implementations of HTML. See also: <A HREF="../HTML-WG/Overview.html">IETF
    HTML Working group</A> (closed in 96).
    <A HREF="../html3/">March 1995: HTML 3.0 internet draft</A>
    "provides additional capabilities over previous versions such as tables,
    text flow around figures and math."
    <CITE><A HREF="../HTMLPlus/htmlplus_paper/htmlplus.html">A review of the
    HTML+ document format</A></CITE>
    David Raggett<BR>
    <A HREF="">Computer
    Networks and ISDN Systems</A>,
    <A HREF=";volume=27&amp;issue=2">27(2)</A>,
    pp. 135-145, November 1994.<BR>
    (<A HREF=";r=bibtex&amp;mode=intra">BibTeX</A>)<BR>
    <A HREF="">PostScript</A>, Size: 847238,
    Printed: 10 pages from
    <A HREF="">Preliminary Proceedings
    at CERN</A>
    <A NAME="z20" HREF="../HTML-WG/940726-minutes.html">26 July 94 WWW IETF BOF
    <A NAME="z18" HREF="../HTML-WG/940725-minutes.html"> 25 July 94 HTML-IG
    HTML 2.0 July 1994 draft: Berners-Lee, Connolly, Muldrow
    The HTML specification was rewritten for consistency and usability by
    <A href="">Karen Muldrow</A> at HaL over the summer
    of 1994. Dan Connolly presented the draft at the Toronto IETF meeting, where
    the HTML working group was formed.
    <A HREF="../html-test/README.html">1994 April: HTML test suite; Dan
    The internet draft spec for HTML expired, and there has been a lot of noise
    about a new spec. I've collected a test suite of HTML documents and created
    a DTD to parse them (with a few minor tweaks.)
    Included are <A HREF="../html-test/html.dtd">DTD for HTML</A> that reflects
    current practice, along with a <A HREF="../html-test">whole mess of HTML
    files I got from various places to test it out</A>. This stuff has not been
    prepared for distribution, but you can check out the
    <A HREF="../html-test/Makefile">Makefile</A> for clues.
    <A HREF="html-direction.html"> <CITE>Toward Closure on HTML</CITE> </A>
    (see also
    <A href="">
    the www-talk mailing list archive</A> for responses)
    <A HREF="html-essay.html" NAME="9402formal"> <CITE>An Essay on HTML</CITE>
    <A NAME="feb94" HREF="../../People/Connolly/drafts/html-essay"><CITE>Toward
    a Formalism for Communication On the Web</CITE></A>
    <A HREF="../HTMLPlus/htmlplus_1.html">1993 November: HTML+ Discussion Document;
    Dave Raggett</A>
    Dave Ragget is working on a successor to HTML called HTML+. It is now supported
    by Bill Perry's w3 mode for emacs and by tkWWW.
    <A HREF="../../../drafts/htmlplus-comments.html">My comments</A> on the HTML+
    spec are under development.
    1993 June:
    <TT><A NAME="i-d" HREF="../draft-ietf-iiir-html-01.txt">draft-ietf-iiir-html-01.txt</A></TT>
    Berners-Lee and Connolly
 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)          Tim Berners-Lee, CERN
 Internet Draft                          Daniel Connolly, Atrium
 IIIR Working Group                                    June 1993
    This internet draft (now expired) was "sponsored" by the <EM>Integration
    of Internet Information Resources</EM> (IIIR) working group of the <EM>Internet
    Engineering Task Force</EM> (IETF).
	<A HREF="../1995-archive/HTML.html">HTML chunked version</A>
	<A HREF="../1995-archive/html-spec.html">HTML all-in-one version</A>
	<A HREF="../1995-archive/html-spec.tex">TeX</A>
    <A HREF="" NAME="z19">19
    Nov 93 WWW-TEI,Cork</A>
    <CITE><A HREF="../../History/1992/ENRAP/Article_9202" NAME="WWW92">World-Wide
    Web: The Information Universe</A></CITE>
    Berners-Lee, T., et al., (1992), Electronic Networking: Research, Applications
    and Policy, Vol 1 No 2, Meckler, Westport CT, Spring 1992
    Tim Berners-Lee originally drafted this as a somewhat informal reference
    on the HTML elements. The document has been edited continuously since then,
    with snapshots published through various means.
    <!-- @@ need to track down original versions -->
	<A NAME="z10" HREF="../HTMLConstraints.html"> Note on constraints</A> of
	original level1
  <A href="../../People/Connolly/">Dan Connolly</A>, HTML 2.0
  editor<A href="../../People/Connolly/"><BR>
  </A>$Revision: 1.52 $ by $Author: connolly $ on $Date: 1999/09/28 22:29:40