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                        <p class="intro tPadding">W3C hosts hundreds of mailing lists and <a href="Archives">archives</a>, many of them <a href="">public</a>, for the
benefit of the Web community at large. By providing this service,
we hope to foster a highly responsive and interactive community
for creating new ideas and advancing web technologies and

                        <p class="intro tPadding">Anyone with a valid email address can participate on
a <a href="">W3C public mailing list</a> following the steps below.</p>


                        <h2 id="info">General information</h2>

                        <p>Each W3C mailing list has its own policies regarding who may post to
the list. Those subscribed to each list are generally able to post
directly to the list without delay; those who are not may be subject to
manual moderation (at least the first time they post.)</p>

                        <p>First-time posters to our <a href="">lists with public
archives</a> will need to give us permission to publish their message in
our public archives using our <a href="">archive approval system</a>.</p>

                        <p>Each mailing list has a specific purpose; please try to avoid widely
cross-posting to multiple lists if possible.</p>

                        <p>Conference announcements are generally <strong>not</strong> welcome on
W3C lists; if you feel a specific conference is of very high interest to
the subscribers of a given list, you should write a custom message to
that list, containing a very short summary with a pointer to more

                        <p>Posting of <a href="Spam">Unsolicited Bulk E-mail (UBE), or
spam</a> is <strong>
                              <a href="Spam">strictly forbidden</a>

                        <p>Posts to our lists are generally not removed or edited, except in very
rare circumstances. See our <a name="PublicPosts" id="PublicPosts" href="ArchiveEditingPolicy">Archive Editing Policy</a> for more

                        <h2 id="subscribing">Subscribing and Unsubscribing</h2>

                        <p>Once you have chosen a list (say, ""), to subscribe
send a message to with the subject
line "subscribe" (the body can be empty).</p>

                        <p>To reduce spam, we may
require you to confirm your subscription request; learn more
about W3C's <a href="FAQ#aa">archive approval system</a> and 
<a href="spf/">forgery prevention using SPF
(Sender Policy Framework)</a>.</p>

                        <p>To unsubscribe from, 
send a message to with the subject
line "unsubscribe" (the body can be empty).</p>

                        <p>Further information on <a href="">subscription administration</a> is available.</p>

                        <h2 id="policies">Guidelines and policies</h2>

                        <ul class="show_items"><li>
                              <a href="Spam.html">W3C Spam Policy</a>
                              <br />
How we define spam, what we do about it, and why.</li><li>
                              <a href="spf/">W3C email forgery prevention using SPF
(Sender Policy Framework)</a>
                              <br />
Information on our use of SPF to block forged email and prevent
email forgeries in our name.</li><li>
                              <a href="../2002/03/email_attachment_formats.html">W3C
Guidelines for Email Attachment Formats</a>
                              <br />
Guidelines on email attachments that are submitted to W3C
                              <a href="subject-tagging">Policy on Subject tagging</a>
                              <br />
Rationale for not adding tags to the subjects of our lists.</li><li>
                              <a href="ArchiveEditingPolicy">W3C Archive Editing Policy</a>
                              <br />
W3C policy on editing/removing posts in online archives.</li><li>
                              <a href="">Email
address obfuscation</a>
                              <br />
Some notes on the amount of email address obfuscation performed on
messages in W3C's list archives.</li></ul>

                        <h2 id="searching">Searching and Referencing</h2>

                        <p>An <a href="/Search/Mail">archive search tool</a> is available.</p>

                        <p>It is frequently useful to refer to a message (say, from the
body of an email or from a Web page) using a URI to the message
in the archive. In addition, you can use the message's own
"message-id" and map it to the archive URI using the
<a href="">message-id mapping tool</a>.</p>

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                        <h2 class="h4 category">Quick Links</h2>
                        <ul class="theme right-list"><li>
                              <a href="FAQ">W3C Mail FAQ</a>

                        <h2 class="h4 category">List Archives</h2>
                        <ul class="theme right-list"><li>
                              <a href="">Public Lists</a>
                              <a href="">Subscription Administration</a>
                              <a href="">Archive Search</a>
                              <a href="">Archive URI from message-id</a>

                        <h2 class="h4 category">Posting Policies</h2>
                        <ul class="theme right-list"><li>
                              <a href="">Archive Editing</a>
                              <a href="/2002/03/email_attachment_formats.html">Guidelines for Attachments</a>
			     <a href="/2007/06/PWET-statement-of-principles.html">Positive Work Environment Principles</a>
			   <li><a href="">Mail Etiquette (RFC 1855)</a></li>

                        <h2 class="h4 category">Spam Prevention</h2>
                        <ul class="theme right-list"><li>
                              <a href="/Mail/Spam.html">Spam Policy</a>
                              <a href="FAQ#aa">Archive Approval System</a>
                              <a href="spf/">Forgery Prevention</a>


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