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                     <p class="intro tPadding">W3C welcomes participation in W3C work through its many mailing lists.
  See below for information about:</p>


                     <h2 id="general">General Information</h2>
                     <p>All mailing list administrative requests <em>must</em> be sent
  to a <code>*-request</code> address (per <a href="">RFC2142</a>),
  <em>never</em> to the list itself. For a mailing list named
  <code></code>, the associated request address
  would be <code></code>.</p>
  <p>The following are <strong>examples</strong> of how to determine the request form of a list:</p>
                     <div class="data">
                        <table><thead><tr><th>list name</th><th class="lastColumn">request address</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>
                                 </td><td class="lastColumn">
                                 </td><td class="lastColumn">
                                 </td><td class="lastColumn">

                        <a name="subscribe" id="subscribe">Subscribing</a>

                        <strong>Subscribe to the list</strong>. If you want to subscribe under a
  different address, use a <code>Reply-To</code> header in the
  message. Also, be sure you have read our <a href="">policy</a> for <a href="">public mailing lists</a>
  and our <a href="">Guidelines
  for Email Attachment Formats</a> before subscribing.<br />
  Example:<br />
                     <pre xml:space="preserve">
        Subject: subscribe

                     <p>Note that you will not get an acknowledgement if you are
  already subscribed.</p>

                     <p>Also note that W3C mailing lists do not currently support
  a digest mode.  RSS feeds are available, however.</p>

                     <h2 id="unsubscribe">Unsubscribing</h2>

                        <strong>Unsubscribe from the list</strong>. This can be done from an address
  different from the one with which you subscribed. 
  For example, to unsubscribe from "" use:<br />
                     <pre xml:space="preserve">
        Subject: unsubscribe
                     <pre xml:space="preserve">
        Subject: unsubscribe

                     <p>Most (un)subscription requests are processed automatically
  without human intervention. Do not send multiple (un)subscription
  or info requests in one mail. Only one will be processed per

                     <h2 id="help">Asking for Help</h2>
                        <em>Get information about the mailing list</em>.</p>

                     <p>The <code>*-request</code> server usually does quite a good
  job in discriminating between (un)subscribe requests and messages
  intended for the maintainer. If you for some reason would like to
  make sure a human reads your message, make it look like a reply
  (i.e. the first word in the "<tt>Subject:</tt>" field should be
  "<tt>Re:</tt>", without the quotes of course); the
  <code>*-request</code> server does <b>not</b> react to

                     <h2 id="addr">Address Changes</h2>

                     <p>In the event of an address change, first send an
  <strong>unsubscribe</strong> for the old address (this can be
  done from the new address), and then a new
  <strong>subscribe</strong> from the new address (the order is

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