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               <h1 class="title">Archive Editing Policy</h1>
               <ul class="w3c_toc"><li class="toc_prefix">On this page → </li><li><a href="#preamble">premable</a><span class="bullet"> • </span></li><li><a href="#conditions">conditions of policy</a><span class="bullet"> • </span></li><li><a href="#sender">role of the sender</a><span class="bullet"> • </span></li><li><a href="#general">general considerations</a><span class="bullet"> • </span></li><li><a href="#method">method of request</a></li></ul>
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                     <p class="intro tPadding">This document outlines the conditions, requirements, and
  considerations for processing modification requests in <a href="">W3C Mailing Lists
  Archives</a>. See below for information about:</p>

                     <h2 id="preamble">Preamble</h2>

                     <p>The effectiveness with which the W3C attains its objectives
  centers on a trust between W3C and its many audiences.
  Participants in W3C activities, and subscribers to its lists,
  where much of the day-to-day discussion of technical,
  operational, and communications issues occurs, rely on the
  mailing lists and archives maintained by the W3C to be
  persistently accessible repositories of e-mail communications
  regarding the various activities and operations of the W3C and
  its contributors. Accordingly, it is paramount that the archives
  are maintained at a consistent level of integrity: they should
  rarely be edited.</p>

                     <p>On the rare occasions that need arises to edit information
  contained in archived messages, careful examination will be given
  to the particular circumstances of the request, in order to
  ensure a fair and balanced disposition.</p>

                     <h2 id="conditions">Conditions of Policy</h2>

                     <p>The need for editing or excising material contained in an
  archived message is addressed <em>only</em> when the sender of
  the archived message requests it. Carefully documented exceptions
  may be considered.</p>

                     <h2 id="sender">Role of the Sender</h2>

                     <p>While W3C has implemented methods to protect e-mail addressess
  in W3C-hosted list archives, it is the sole responsibility of
  each user of the archives to exercise care in the disposition of
  privacy information. A request for an archival edit is not a
  remedy for indiscriminate handling of personal privacy
  information. Neither is the editing of the archives an
  appropriate solution for decreasing one's exposure to Unsolicted
  Bulk E-mail, or Spam, or removing traces of embarassing or
  inconvenient Public postings.</p>

                     <p>Accordingly, senders must carefully consider any disclosure of
  private information or confidential comments made by named
  correspondents in non-Public messages. Public disclosure of
  private information or confidential communications on a W3C forum
  will be rapidly crawled, cached, indexed, and recorded in many
  mirror sites, and result in high scoring in search engine

                     <p>Senders should include detailed justification that will give
  evaluating managers and Systems staff a clear sense of the
  urgency and needs of the requestor.</p>

                     <h3 id="components">Specific request components</h3>

                     <p>A request for an archival edit should include the

                     <ul class="show_items"><li>A complete detailed rationale for the request.</li><li>A precise description of the material to be edited.</li><li>A statement indicating an understanding of this

                     <h2 id="general">General Considerations</h2>

                     <p>Timeliness is paramount for effectively countering any adverse
  circumstances resulting from posted material in W3C archives.
  Mail sent to a list is immediately distributed to all subscribers
  of the list. Therefore, requests should be submitted as soon as
  the need for the action is identified.</p>

                     <p>It is the nature of the archives to house, and make available,
  the records of discussion in each of the individual fora. Any
  request for editing of the archives entails a change in these
  records, and is very carefully scrutinized. The W3C staff will
  seek to be fair, and will consider each case on its individual

                     <p>While the W3C is sensitive to the need for protecting personal
  information from exploitation by spammers, we cannot engage in
  the revision of the archives for the purpose of decreasing one's
  vulnerability to Spam or search engine exposure. Neither can we
  revise archival material for the purpose of updating personal
  contact information within posts: Archives are historical
  documents, not personal records. If a sender posts to a Public
  forum, it should be understood the <a href="">information will be
  publicly available in perpetuity</a>.</p>

                     <h3 id="noedits">Non-edit Conditions</h3>

                     <p>Archive edits will not be made for any of the following:</p>

                     <ul class="show_items"><li>To reduce an individual's exposure to Spam</li><li>To reduce an individual's exposure to search engine
    returns</li><li>To remove or update personal address data</li><li>Any post recorded as sender-approved through the <a href="">archive approval

                     <p>All requests will be examined by W3C managers and Systems
  staff to ensure careful and efficient processing of each request.
  The disposition of each request will be recorded in the team-only
  archive <a href="">archive-editor</a>.</p>

                     <h2 id="method">Method of Request</h2>

                     <p>The sender of the archived message should send a request to
  <a href=""></a>.
  This is a W3C Team-confidential list that is used to process and
  record W3C staff actions, and the resolution of each request.</p>
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