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<div id="Contents">
<h1>Graphics Activity Statement</h1>

<p class="firstelement"><a href="">Graphics</a> continue to play a
critical role in everyday usage of the Web, from decorative graphics through
advertising to diagrams and interactive graphical user interfaces. Graphical
front-ends for live networked data, Web services, and visualizations of the
Semantic Web are current growth areas as is the use of graphics in industrial
control, automation, and embedded applications.</p>

<p>The W3C Graphics Activity has worked in this area for over ten years. <a href="">Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)</a>, the
current effort of the Activity, brings the powerful combination of interactive,
animated two-dimensional vector graphics and Extensible Markup Language (XML).
<a href="">WebCGM 2.0</a> is used mainly in
industrial and defence technical documents. Earlier work was concerned with <a href="">Portable Network Graphics (PNG)</a> and
with <a href="">WebCGM 1.0</a>.</p>

<h2>Highlights Since the Previous Advisory Committee Meeting</h2>

<p>A second edition of SVG 1.1, incorporating all known <a href="">errata</a>, has been
<a href="">published for Last
Call</a> and a <a href="">disposition of
comments</a> is in preparation. An expanded <a href="">test suite</a>, which
includes tests for all areas of the specification affected by the errata items,
has been produced. Testing is underway, and the Working Group expects to
request PR once testing is complete.</p>

<p>Several modules of SVG 2 are being readied for publication. Up-to-date
information on current work items and upcoming meetings may be found on the <a href="">SVG WG wiki</a>.</p>

<p>The <a href="">SVG Interest
Group</a> holds biweekly telephone conferences and is developing tutorial
meterials and an SVG Community site. </p>

<p>The FX taskforce meets regularly to increase coordination between SVG and
CSS Working Groups.</p>

<p>The WebCGM Working Group is now closed.</p>

<h2>Upcoming Activity Highlights</h2>

<p class="firstelement">A Proposed Recommendation of SVG 1.1, plus several SVG
2 modules, including Filters, Integration, Transformations and Vector Effects,
are expected to be published early in 2011. The SVG Working Group continues to
actively work with the CSS Working Group to ensure architectural consistency
and interoperability in their work on CSS Transforms, Transitions and
Animations. Likewise the SVG Working group is working closely with the HTML
Working Group to ensure that SVG may be used inline in HTML5.</p>

<h2>Summary of Activity Structure</h2>
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          (<a title="Participants in the SVG Working Group [Member-only link]" href="">participants</a>)</span></th><td>Erik Dahlström, Cameron McCormack</td><td>Doug Schepers, Chris Lilley</td><td><a href="">Chartered</a> until 31 July 2011</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"><a href="">SVG Interest Group</a><span class="partlink"><br />
          (<a title="Participants in the SVG Interest Group [Member-only link]" href="">participants</a>)</span></th><td>Jeff Schiller, Doug Schepers</td><td>Doug Schepers</td><td><a href="">Chartered</a> until 30 April 2012</td></tr></tbody></table>
<hr />

<p id="about-ac-mtg"><!--This paragraph will be updated automatically-->
    This Activity Statement was prepared for 
    <a href="">TPAC 2011</a> per <a href="/Consortium/Process/activities#Activities">section 5</a>
  of the <a href="/Consortium/Process/">W3C Process Document</a>.
  <a href="/2005/04/activity/processActivityStatements.xsl">Generated</a>
  from <a href="">group data</a>.
  <a href="">Chris Lilley</a>, Graphics Activity Lead 

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