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      A Short History of "Resource" - Design Issues
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      Tim Berners-Lee<br />
      Date: 2009/08/02, last change: $Date: 2009/08/05 20:36:28
      $<br />
      Status: Personal view only. This was sent as an email in a
      discussion on the TAG list. There had been a lot of
      discussion of this of course in the TAG, and in the AWWSW
      task force, and a proposal to start a new task force in this
      <a href="./">Up to Design Issues</a>
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      A Short History of "Resource" in web architecture.
    <p class="asbstract"></p>
      There has been a lot of confusion from a wide varying uses
      use of this term for various different historical reasons,
      leading to uses which are sometimes ambiguous and in places
      inconsistent. This article attempts to shed light on the
      Historically, URIs were used to point to thinks like web
      pages and files and movies, on the web, useful documents, or
      "online resources" in the sense of useful things out there.
      FTP. Gopher and HTTP sites served up various types of online
      resources. People got used to http://example.com/ being a web
      page and http://example.com/#contact being an anchor within
      The Online Information community, into whose domain the web
      stuff was put for standardization at the IETF, referred to
      these things like web pages as resources, and changed the
      original "D" for "Document" in "UDI" to "R". Some felt that
      resource was more appropriate term, maybe because "document"
      wasn't wide enough to include things like movies.
      Now the URI spec actually allowed URIs for completely
      different things, such as telephone end points, and wisely
      the URI spec does not make any arbitrary constraint on what a
      resource should be, especially a resource denoted by a URI in
      a new scheme to be invented.
      Meanwhile, the HTTP spec was polished and elaborated
      basically as a document delivery system, plus other methods
      for updating documents, plus POST. (POST started historically
      as a way of introducing a new web page y posting it to a
      list, just as in NNTP. It then almost immediately got used as
      a catch-all extension method. I will ignore it in this
      There was no real definition of what a resource or document
      was -- maybe because it seemed obvious. The HTTP spec did not
      even specify whether the URI denoted a person or a document
      about them, it just explained that the thing returned
      representation of the resource.
      Roy's REST work then came along to formalize HTTP as REST and
      declared that a resource was a time-varying mapping between
      URI and representation. That was good enough for HTTP. It
      didn't have enough for the AWWW, when it came along, to be
      able to describe how the web worked.
      In fact, the AWWW document, to explain how to use the web
      properly, had to add in a bunch of stuff about the social
      expectations -- things like, yes, the mapping from URI to
      representation is a function of time, but not just any old
      one -- a random function is not typically very useful. There
      are expectations about it can change with time. Persistence,
      consistency, with various common patterns which allow the web
      to be a useful medium. The AWWW decided to use the term
      "Information Resource" for a thing like a web page which
      contains information, and "Resource" for any old thing at
      So HTTP and the REST work of was done very much in this space
      of document delivery, editing and update. There was no
      philosophical need to talk about what he URI denoted (the
      person, the web page about the person) until RDF came along,
      when there was an immediate need.
      When RDF was first developed, it was motivated by the need
      for data about resources very much in the online information
      sense: data about documents, or 'metadata'. In fact it was
      designed to be able to describe anything, but many early
      users of RDF referred to it as metadata technology. RDF used
      the word "resource" rather awkwardly in fact as it turned
      out. In the beginning, many of the things being described
      were documents, and so the online information meaning of
      resource made sense. But in fact in RDF the resource was
      allowed to be anything at all. A class, rdf:Resource even
      used the term as the universal class of all things. A little
      later, the Web Ontology Language decided to use Thing for
      RDF came along in what I think was a neat way. It used
      completely existing web protocol extension devices to
      introduce a new system which was fundamentally different from
      the old HTTP+HTML one. The HTML web was a hypertext model,
      which pages and anchors. The RDF model was a knowledge
      representation one of arbitrary things. It did this by using
      the fact that a new language can define whatever it likes as
      what a local identifier denotes. A graphic language might use
      local identifier to denote lines and points. HTML used local
      identifiers to identify hypertext anchors. RDF used them to
      identify arbitrary concepts, people, whatever.
      The web architecture gave all these languages a common way of
      building a global identifier for the thing denoted by a local
      identifier in a given document. The semantics of the hash
      sign are defined web-wide to mean that "a#b" can be used to
      denote whatever is denoted by "b" in the document denoted by
      Worked a treat. At the beginning of the century, people
      played around and gave all kinds of things URIs like
      "http://example.com/ foo.rdf#color". Some of us did lots of
      work and made all kinds of systems which exchanged and
      integrated data in this way.
      Two snags occurred, as the years passed. One was that a bunch
      of RDF users got the fact that it was good to use HTTP URIs,
      but didn't get the fact that you should put the foo.rdf
      online so that people can look up what #color means in it.
      And as they didn't do that, they didn't actually bother with
      the "#" at all. The second fly in the ointment was that some
      people wanting to use RDF for large systems found that they
      didn't want to use the "#". This was sometimes because the
      number of things defined in the same file was too low (like
      1) or too large (like a million) and it was difficult to
      divide up the information into middle-sized chunks. Or they
      just didn't like the "#" because it looks weird. But for one
      reason or another people demanded the right to be able to use
      http://example.net/people/Pat to denote Pat rather than a web
      page about Pat.
      This potentially led to huge failures in the whole RDF world,
      with systems already built which just used
      "http://example.net/people/ Pat" to identify the document
      whether you like it or not. I among others pushed back
      against using non-hash URIs for arbitrary things his but
      eventually gave in.
      So in response to this, the HTTP protocol was, in fact,
      The spec wasn't changed. The spec editors were not brought on
      board to the new model. The spec was interpreted. The TAG
      negotiated in a way a truce between the existing HTTP spec,
      RDF systems, and people who wanted to use HTTP URIs without
      "#" to identify people. That truce was HTTPRange-14, which
      said that yoiu don't <i>a priori</i> know that a hashless HTTP URI
      denoted a document, but if the server responded with a 200
      then you did, and you had a representation of the document.
      If you did a get on one of these new URIs which identified
      things were not documents (people, RDF properties, classes,
      etc) them the server must not return 200, it can return 303
      pointing to a document which explains more.
      So the HTTP protocol was, effectively, changed. The HTTP
      protocol as extended now allows HTTP to be used not only for
      Documents but for arbitrary Things. It extends the set of
      things which you can ask a web server about from documents to
      anything. It isn't a very bad design, nor very beautiful.
      Other designs would have worked, but that one was the only
      one which didn't have major problems for some community. It
      could be extended, but basically it works. It would be very
      expensive to reverse it in terms of systems which have been
      It is also very expensive to go on debating it as though it
      is an open issue. It is reasonable to try to make the
      documents more consistent.
      Anyway, that is a simplified version of the history of all
      this as I saw it.
      I would like to see what the documents all look like if
      edited to use the words Document and Thing, and eliminate
      Resource. That's my best bet as to two english words which
      mean as close as we can get to what we want. Note however
      that the web is a new system, a design in which new concepts
      are created, so we can't expect english words to exist to
      capture exactly the concepts. So we take those nearby and
      abuse them as little as we can as far as we can tell at the
      time, and then write them in initial caps to recognize that
      that is what we have done
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      <a href="Overview.html">Up to Design Issues</a>
      <a href="../People/Berners-Lee">Tim BL</a>