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<h1>W3C Workshop on Web Tracking and User Privacy <span class="baseline">28/29
April 2011, Princeton, NJ, USA</span> </h1>

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<a href=""><img alt="sponsored by PrimeLife" width="62" src="logos/primelife-logo.png" style="border:0; vertical-align: top; margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 3px;"/></a> <br/>
<!-- <b>28/29 April 2011</b><br /> -->
<br />
Hosted by the Center for <br />
Information Technology Policy <br />
at Princeton University<br/>
<a href="">Workshop sponsors:</a><br/><br/>
<a href=""><img alt="sponsored by Adobe" height="70" width="56" src="logos/adobe_logo.png" style="border:0; vertical-align: top; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px;"/></a><br/>
<a href=""><img alt="sponsored by Yahoo!" width="140" height="34" src="logos/yahoo.png" style="border:0; vertical-align: top; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px;" /></a><br/>
<a href=""><img alt="sponsored by Google" width="140" height="47" src="logos/google.png" style="border:0; vertical-align: top; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px;" /></a><br/>
<a href=""><img alt="sponsored by mozilla" width="140" height="35" src="logos/mozilla.png" style="border:0; vertical-align: top; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px;"/></a><br/>
<a href=""><img alt="sponsored by Microsoft" width="165" height="27" src="logos/microsoft.png" style="border:0; vertical-align: top; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px;"/></a><br/>
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<div id="navigation">
  <li><a href="">About W3C</a></li>
  <li><a href="report">Report</a></li>
  <li><a href="papers.html">Papers</a></li>
  <li><a href="agenda.html">Agenda</a></li>
  <li class="current">Call&nbsp;for&nbsp;Participation</li>
  <li><a href="">Venue</a></li>
  <li><br />

<div id="main">
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<h2 id="call_for_participation">Call For Participation</h2>

  <i>A <a href="report.html">Workshop report</a> is available.</i>

<h3 id="cfp_background">Background</h3>

<p>As part of the ongoing larger online privacy debate, the discussion about
online tracking (for example for behavioral advertising) and <a
countermeasures</a> has picked up a lot of momentum. This discussion has been
reflected in policy papers on user privacy on the Web from the United States <a
href="">Federal Trade
Commission</a> and <a
of Commerce</a>. </p>

<p>Several vendors are offering measures that are intended to permit users to
opt out of this tracking, or to prevent tracking by Web sites that are known to
engage in these practices. For example:</p>
    announced</a> the inclusion of anti-tracking technology based on tracking
    protection lists in IE9. This technology was <a
    to W3C (<a href="">see staff
    announced</a> support for a "do not track" header.</li>
    announced</a> a browser extension that permits users to persist opt-out

<p>Similar technology is deployed in a number of plugins for various browsers,
including, for example, <a href="">NoScript</a>, <a
href="">AdBlock plus</a>, <a
and <a

<p>As a result of its 2011 strategic planning exercise, the W3C is reinforcing
efforts in the Web privacy space, beyond its current involvement in the
European <a href="">PrimeLife</a> project. </p>

<h3 id="cfp_goalsAndScope">Goals and Scope</h3>

<p>This workshop serves to establish a common view on possible
Recommendation-track work in the Web privacy and tracking protection space at
W3C, and on the coordination needs for such work.</p>

<p>The workshop is expected to attract a broad set of stakeholders, including
implementers from the mobile and desktop space, large and small content
delivery providers, advertisement networks, search engines, policy and privacy
experts, experts in consumer protection, and other parties with an interest in
Web tracking technologies, including the developers and operators of Services
on the Web that make use of tracking technologies for purposes other than to
behavioral advertising.</p>

<p>Topics for discussion include, but are not limited to:</p>
  <li>Whether a do not track proposal is advisable, and whether there are other
    means that would achieve the same or similar ends;</li>
  <li>the benefits and challenges of various browser-based approaches,
    including tracking protection lists and a do not track user preference;</li>
  <li>additional approaches toward better user privacy in the face of frequent
    online tracking.</li>

<h3 id="cfp_participationRequirements">Participation Requirements</h3>

<p>All participants are required to <a
href="">submit a position paper</a> by
<strong>25 March 2011</strong>. W3C membership is not required to participate
in this workshop.</p>

<p><strong>Note:</strong> Paper submission is closed at this point.</p>

<p>The total number of participants will be limited. To ensure diversity, a
limit might be imposed on the maximum number of participants per

<p>Instructions for how to register will be sent to submitters of accepted
position papers. These instructions will also indicate a possible limit on the
maximum number of participants per organization.</p>

<p>Workshop sessions and documents will be in English. Position papers,
presentations, minutes and the workshop report will be public.</p>

<p>There is no fee to participate.</p>

<h3 id="eoi">Expression of Interest</h3>

<p>To help the organizers plan the workshop: If you wish to participate, please
<b>as soon as possible</b> send a message to <a
with a short (one paragraph) "expression of interest" stating:</p>
  <li>that a representative from your organization plans to submit a position
  <li>whether you want to send one or two participants</li>
  <li>whether or not you wish to make a presentation</li>

<p>Note: Sending that expression of interest does not mean that you registered
for the workshop. It is still necessary to send a <b>position paper</b> (see
below), which then must be considered for acceptance by the Program

<h2 id="paper">Position Papers</h2>

<p>Your paper must meet the following criteria:</p>
  <li>explains your interest in the Workshop</li>
  <li>aligned with the Workshop's stated <a href="#scope">goals</a> as outlined
  <li>1 to 5 pages long</li>
  <li>formatted in HTML/XHTML, PDF, or plain text</li>

<!-- <div class="submit" style="margin-top: 20pt; margin-bottom: 20pt;">
<a class="button" href="">submit a position
paper</a> </div> -->

<p>Based on a review of all submitted position papers, the Program Committee
will select the most relevant and invite the submitters of those papers to the
Workshop. From among all accepted papers, the program committee will choose a
small number of papers judged most appropriate for fostering discussion, and
ask the authors of those papers to give short presentations about them at the
Workshop. After the workshop, those presentations will then be published on the
<a href="./">workshop home page</a>.</p>

<h2 id="dates">Important dates</h2>

<table width="60%" border="1">
    <tr valign="top">
    <tr valign="top">
      <td>3 March 2011</td>
      <td>Call for Participation issued</td>
    <tr valign="top">
      <td>25 March 2011</td>
      <td>Deadline for <a href="#paper">position papers</a></td>
    <tr valign="top">
      <td>15 April 2011</td>
      <td>Program released</td>
    <!--        <tr valign="top">

                      <td>Deadline for Registration</td>
                    </tr> -->
    <tr valign="top">
      <td>28 April 2011</td>

<h2 class="break" id="Organization">Workshop Organization</h2>

<p>Workshop sessions and documents will be in English.</p>

  <li>Lorrie Faith Cranor, Carnegie Mellon University</li>
  <li>Thomas Roessler, W3C</li>

<h3><a id="Prog_chair" name="Prog_chair">Program Committee</a></h3>
  <li>Adrian Bateman, Microsoft</li>
  <li>Kasey Chappelle, Vodafone</li>
  <li>Alissa Cooper, CDT</li>
  <li>Peter Eckersley, EFF</li>
  <li>Alex Fowler, Mozilla</li>
  <li>Deirdre Mulligan, School of Information, UC Berkeley</li>
  <li>Colin O'Malley, Evidon</li>
  <li>Jonathan Mayer, Stanford University</li>
  <li>Jules Polonetsky, Future of Privacy Forum</li>
  <li>Christine Runnegar, Internet Society</li>
  <li>Wendy Seltzer, Berkman Center for Internet and Society</li>
  <li>Rob Shavell, Abine</li>
  <li>David Singer, Apple</li>
  <li>Chris Soghoian, Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research, Indiana
  <li>Ashkan Soltani</li>
  <li>Peter Saint-Andre, Cisco</li>
  <li>Andrew Steingruebl, Paypal</li>
  <li>Hannes Tschofenig, Nokia Siemens Networks</li>
  <li>Mischa Tuffield, Garlik</li>
  <li>Rigo Wenning, W3C</li>
  <li>Alma Whitten, Google</li>
  <li>Shane Wiley, Yahoo!</li>
  <li>Craig Wills, Worcester Polytechnic Institute</li>
  <li>Harlan Yu, CITP, Princeton University</li>


<p>The Workshop will be hosted by Princeton University in Princeton, New
Jersey, USA. See the very <a
href="">detailed venue information on
Center for Information Technology Policy page</a>.</p>


<p>Position <a href="papers">papers</a>, <a href="agenda.html">agenda</a>,
accepted presentations, and <a href="report.html">report</a> will also be
published online.</p>

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  For more information, contact <a href="">Thomas
  Roessler</a>.<br />
  <small>$Date: 2011/09/11 16:53:17 $</small> 
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