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<h1 class="title">Model-Based User Interfaces (MBUI) Working Group</h1>

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<p class="intro tPadding">
The mission of the Model-Based UI Working Group, part of the 
Ubiquitous Web Activity, is to develop standards as a basis for 
interoperability across authoring tools for context aware user 
interfaces for Web-based interactive applications.</p>

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<p>Application developers face increasing difficulties due to wide 
variations in device capabilities, in the details of the standards 
they support, the need to support assistive technologies for 
accessibility, the demand for richer user interfaces, the suites 
of programming languages and libraries, and the need to contain 
costs and meet challenging schedules during the development and 
maintenance of applications.</p>
<p>Model-based design of user interfaces focuses on separating out
different levels of design concerns, allowing designers to focus on
what they do best without becoming bogged down due to the complexity
of particular delivery contexts. This is especially important given
the demands to provide services on an ever increasing range of
devices, including support for assistive technology for users with
<p>The MBUI Working Group's initial focus is on task models, and 
UI components and integrity constraints at a level of abstraction 
independent of the choice of device. Future work is anticipated on 
taking this to the next level &mdash; the concrete UI which involves 
design choices specific to broad classes of devices. Models at 
this level can be compiled down for specific delivery channels, 
guided by author supplied preferences (UI skins). Further out, we 
hope to address standards for interoperable exchange of rules for 
dynamic adaptation to the context.</p>
<p>Model-Based UI standards are particularly relevant to creating 
the user interfaces (service front-ends) for cloud provisioned 
services, especially custom enterprise services. If your business 
is a large manufacturing company, or you develop software service 
solutions for enterprises, we would very much like to hear from 

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<h2 id="news">News</h2>                      

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<h3 class="h4 tPadding0 bPadding0 summary">
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Model-Based User Interfaces Working Group Launched

<p class="date">
<time datetime="2011-10-21T13:22:02-05:00" class="dtstart published">21 October 2011</time>

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The Model-Based User Interfaces Working Group launched today!  Please be sure to <a href="">join</a>!

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<header><h2 id="questions">Questions?</h2></header> 

<p>For further information, please email the
<b><a href="">Team Contact for the MBUI Working Group</a></b>, or the Working Group Chair:</p>

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<li><a href="">Dave Raggett</a> (<a href=""></a>) &#045; Team Contact</li>
<li>Gerrit Meixner
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