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  <div id="page">
    <h1>W3C Workshop on Privacy for Advanced Web APIs <span class=
    "baseline">12/13 July 2010, London</span></h1>

  <div id="navigation">
      <li><a href="">About

      <li><a href="report">Report</a></li>
      <li><a href="papers.html">Papers</a></li>
      <li><a href="agenda.html">Agenda</a></li>
      <li class="current">Call for Participation</li>
      <li><a href="venue.html">Venue</a></li>

<div id="main">

<p class="logo"><a href="/"><img alt="W3C" width="85" height="43"
src="../../Mobile/W3C" style="border-left: 0; border-right: 0; border-top: 1px solid black; border-bottom: 1px solid black; padding: 6px; margin: 2px; vertical-align:top" /></a>
<a href=""><img alt="sponsored by PrimeLife" width="62" src="primelife-logo.png" style="border:0; vertical-align: top; margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 3px;"/></a> <br/>

 12/13 July 2010<br/> Hosted by Vodafone</p>

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    <h2 id="call_for_participation">Call For Participation</h2>

    <h3 id="cfp_background">Background</h3>

    <p>As the Web advances toward becoming an application development platform
    that addresses needs previously met by native applications, work proceeds
    on APIs to access information that was previously not available to Web
    developers. The broad availability of possibly sensitive data collected
    through location sensors and other facilities in a Web browser is just one
    example of the broad new privacy challenges that the Web faces today.</p>

   <div class="submit">
     <a class="button" href="report.html">Read the Workshop Report.</a>

    <p>Security considerations and design choices for sensitive APIs
    were the topic of the December 2008 <a href=
    "">W3C Workshop on Security
    for Access to Device APIs for the Web</a> (<a href=
    Following up to that workshop,  the Device API and Policy
    Working Group was chartered.</p>

   <p>Earlier approaches to address privacy issues for the Web,
   especially through policy languages, have not seen broad implementation in
   current-generation Web browsers.</p> 

   <p>This workshop serves to investigate strategies toward better privacy
   protection on the Web that are effective and lead to benefits in the near

    <h3 id="cfp_goalsAndScope">Goals and Scope</h3>

    <p>This workshop serves to review experiences from recent design and
    deployment work on device APIs, and to investigate novel strategies toward
    better privacy protection on the Web that are effective and lead to
    benefits in the near term. The results from this workshop will provide
    direction and give input into ongoing and future technical work at W3C,

      <li>the <a href="">W3C
      Geolocation Working Group</a>'s work on
      version 2 of the geolocation API;</li>

      <li>the <a href="">W3C Device API
      and Policy Working Group</a>'s work on
      assorted device and service APIs and their security and
      privacy considerations;</li>

      <li>the <a href="">W3C Web
      Applications Working Group</a>;</li>

      <li>the <a href="">W3C Technical
      Architecture Group</a>'s recent and future
      work on a Web Application Architecture.</li>

    <p>Topics for position papers may include, but are not limited

	<li>novel approaches and architectures toward privacy on the
      Web that W3C should pursue;</li>
      <li>implementation experience with current generation device

      <li>deployment experience of current generation device APIs
      from a Web Application implementer's and
      provider's perspective;</li>

      <li>implementation and deployment experience with current generation
      device APIs from a public policy and privacy perspective;</li>

      <li>policy considerations for the future development of the
      Web platform in general, and advanced APIs in

      <li>user experience and service design issues and approaches
      related to security and privacy technologies for the

      <li>social or regulatory issues relating to privacy as they
      potentially impact any of the above.</li>

    <p>The workshop is expected to attract a broad set of
    stakeholders, including implementers from the mobile and
    desktop space, policy and privacy experts, and developers and
    operators of Web applications that make use of advanced

    <h3 id="cfp_participationRequirements">Participation

    <p>All participants are required to <a href="">submit a position paper</a>
    by <del>1 June 2010</del><strong>7 June 2010</strong> (extended on June 1st). W3C membership is not required to participate in this

    <p>The total number of participants will be limited. To ensure
    diversity, a limit might be imposed on the maximum number of
    participants per organization.</p>

    <p>Instructions for how to register will be sent to submitters
    of accepted position papers. These instructions will also
    indicate a possible limit on the maximum number of participants
    per organization.</p>

    <p>Workshop sessions and documents will be in English. Position papers,
    presentations, minutes and the workshop report will be public.</p>

    <p>There is no fee to participate.</p>

    <h3 id="eoi">Expression of Interest</h3>

    <p>To help the organizers plan the workshop: If you wish to participate,
    please <b>as soon as possible</b> send a message to <a
    with a short (one paragraph) "expression of interest" stating:</p>

      <li>that a representative from your organization plans to
      submit a position paper</li>

      <li>whether you want to send one or two participants</li>

      <li>whether or not you wish to make a presentation</li>

    <p>Note: Sending that expression of interest does not mean that
    you registered for the workshop. It is still necessary to send
    a <b>position paper</b> (see below), which then must be
    considered for acceptance by the Program Committee.</p>

    <h2 id="paper">Position Papers</h2>

<!--	<div class="submit">
		<a class="button" href="">submit a position paper</a>

	</div> -->

    <p>You paper must meet the following criteria:</p>

      <li>explains your interest in the Workshop</li>

      <li>aligned with the Workshop's stated <a href=
      "#scope">goals</a> as outlined above.</li>

      <li>1 to 5 pages long</li>

      <li>formatted in (valid) HTML/XHTML, PDF, or plain text</li>

    <p>Based on a review of all submitted position papers, the
    Program Committee will select the most relevant and invite the
    submitters of those papers to the Workshop. From among all
    accepted papers, the program committee will choose a small
    number of papers judged most appropriate for fostering
    discussion, and ask the authors of those papers to give short
    presentations about them at the Workshop. After the workshop,
    those presentations will then be published on the <a href=
    "./">workshop home page</a>.</p>

    <h2 id='dates'>Important dates</h2>

    <table border="1" width="60%" align="center">
        <tr valign="top">


        <tr valign="top">
          <td>27 April 2010</td>

          <td>Call for Participation issued</td>

        <tr valign="top">
          <td><del>1</del> <strong>7</strong> June 2010</td>
          <td>Deadline for <a href="#paper">position

        <tr valign="top">
          <td>15 June 2010</td>

          <td>Acceptance notification sent</td>

        <tr valign="top">
          <td>22 June 2010</td>

          <td>Program released</td>

<!--        <tr valign="top">

          <td>Deadline for Registration</td>
        </tr> -->

        <tr valign="top">
          <td>12/13 July 2010</td>


    <h2 class='break' id="Organization">Workshop Organization</h2>

    <p>Workshop sessions and documents will be in English.</p>

		<li>Dan Appelquist, Vodafone</li>
		<li>Thomas Roessler, W3C</li>
    <h3><a id="Prog_chair" name="Prog_chair">Program

	<li>Adrian Bateman, Microsoft</li>
	<li>Robin Berjon, Vodafone</li>
	<li>Lars Erik Bolstad, Opera Software</li>
	<li>Kasey Chappelle, Vodafone</li>
	<li>Tom Coates</li>
	<li>Malcolm Crompton, Information Integrity Solutions Pty Ltd.</li>
	<li>Peter Eckersley, EFF</li>
	<li>Ian Fette, Google</li>
	<li>Marit Hansen, ICPP</li>
	<li>Dominique Hazaël-Massieux, W3C</li>
	<li>Frederick Hirsch, Nokia</li>
	<li>Cullen Jennings, CISCO</li>
	<li>Julie Martin, Mozilla</li>
	<li>John Morris, CDT</li>
	<li>Deirdre Mulligan, UC Berkeley</li>
	<li>David Rogers, OMTP</li>
	<li>Wendy Seltzer, Berkman Center for Internet and Society</li>
	<li>Tu Tsao, Google</li>
	<li>Hannes Tschofenig, 
		Nokia Siemens Networks and Internet Architecture Board</li>
	<li>Mischa Tuffield, Garlik</li>
	<li>Rigo Wenning, W3C</li>


    <p>The Workshop will be hosted in London by Vodafone. More detailed venue
    information will be made available in due course.</p>


    <p>Position <a href="papers">papers</a>, <a href=
    "agenda.html">agenda</a>, accepted presentations, and <a href=
    "report.html">report</a> will also be published online.</p>

    <div id="footer">
        For more information, contact <a href=
        "">Thomas Roessler</a>.<br />
        <small>$Date: 2010/08/14 08:51:41 $</small>
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