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  <h1>Media Fragments Working Group Teleconference</h1>

  <h2>25 Nov 2009</h2>

  <p>See also: <a href=
  "http://www.w3.org/2009/11/25-mediafrag-irc">IRC log</a></p>

  <h2><a name="attendees" id="attendees">Attendees</a></h2>

  <div class="intro">

      <dd>+0329331aaaa, +1.403.516.aabb, jackjansen, conrad,
      mhausenblas, +61.2.801.2.aacc, silvia, erik, Jack,







      <a href="#agenda">Topics</a>

        <li><a href="#item01">1 admin</a></li>

        <li><a href="#item02">2 - short name issue</a></li>

        <li><a href="#item03">3.2 HTTP</a></li>

        <li><a href="#item04">3.3 - track and id handling</a></li>

        <li><a href="#item05">3.4 discovery of track and named

    <li><a href="#ActionSummary">Summary of Action Items</a></li>
  <hr />

  <div class="meeting">
    <p class='phone'>&nbsp;</p>

    <p class='phone'>&nbsp;</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Date: 25 November

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>scribe</cite>&gt; scribe:

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>scribe</cite>&gt; ScribeNick:

    <p class='phone'><a href=

    <h3 id="item01">1 admin</h3>

    <p class='phone'><cite>erik:</cite> accept minutes <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>mhausenblas</cite>&gt; +1</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>erik</cite>&gt; +1</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>all:</cite> yes</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>erik:</cite> accept minutes <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>erik</cite>&gt; +1</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>all:</cite> yes</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>erik:</cite> Michael, will you be able
    to go to Seoul?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Michael:</cite> no, other obligation</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>erik:</cite> will get back to the f2f
    issue next week<br />
    ... on action-92, postponed until spec is out<br />
    ... philippe said publication would be ok today or tomorrow. We

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>erik</cite>&gt; <a href=

    <p class='phone'><cite>erik:</cite> what do you all think of
    current state of the spec?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>michael:</cite> comment on section 5
    needs addressing</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>jack:</cite> wants to think about
    forward compatibility.<br />
    ... forward compatibility is tricky: should have a way whereby
    newer implementations can retroactively<br />
    ... tell older implementations to fail or ignore new

    <p class='phone'><cite>erik:</cite> michael, did Yves suggest
    we need an implementation?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>michael:</cite> right<br />
    ... let's address in the next draft</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>jack:</cite> +1</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>erik</cite>&gt; +1</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>conrad:</cite> yes, publish now</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>erik:</cite> how many implementations do
    we have? Ours<br />
    ... yves has one</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>jack:</cite> mine is rusty. Will brush
    up in coming few weeks.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>erik:</cite> silvia? conrad?

    <p class='phone'><cite>conrad:</cite> have uri handling, not
    full syntax yet. In the next few months.<br />
    ... will work with silvia and ogg community</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>erik:</cite> we have server-side
    implementation.<br />
    ... is up for testing, will post url.</p><a name="action01" id=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>scribe</cite>&gt;
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> erik to get URL for MF server, and
    post to group [recorded in <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-120
    - Get URL for MF server, and post to group [on Erik Mannens -
    due 2009-12-02].</p>

    <h3 id="item02">2 - short name issue</h3>

    <p class='phone'><cite>erik:</cite> should we omit -spec?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>michael:</cite> yes</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>silvia</cite>&gt; I have client side
    implementation with HTML5</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>jackjansen:</cite> so we use short name
    for spec, and add suffices for aux documents</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>all:</cite> yes.</p>

    <p class='phone'>ACTION on Raphael to fix document names</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Sorry, couldn't
    find user - on</p>

    <p class='phone'>ACTION Raphaël to fix document names</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-121
    - Fix document names [on Raphaël Troncy - due 2009-12-02].</p>

    <p class='phone'>TOPIC 3.1 media fragment syntax</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>erik:</cite> lets keep for next week</p>

    <h3 id="item03">3.2 HTTP</h3>

    <p class='phone'><cite>erik:</cite> again, let's table</p>

    <h3 id="item04">3.3 - track and id handling</h3>

    <p class='phone'><cite>erik:</cite> COnrads proposal, <a href=

    <p class='phone'><cite>silvia:</cite> need to wait on section 5
    to be done.<br />
    ... may jump in myself.<br />
    ... Raphaël was working on section 3, don't think on 5
    yet<br />
    ... I will coordinate with him if I also start to edit.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>erik:</cite> I will ping Raphaël.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>silvia:</cite> we are missing all our
    publishing windows.<br />
    ... and section 5 really needs work before publishing, to
    reflect changes to 3.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>michael:</cite> should we really wait
    until 5 is complete?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>silvia:</cite> yes, it contradicts 3 at
    the moment, I will look over it.<br />
    ... three sections in section 3 have no counterpart in section
    5<br />
    ... must be fixed.<br />
    ... cannot publish now, action-112 needs to be fixed.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>michael:</cite> silvia, can you take
    this offline with Raphaël?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>erik:</cite> I will call Raphaël today,
    tell that Silvia does not want to publish until action-112
    and<br />
    ... section 5 issues are resolved.<br />
    ... I will send an email tonight on what the status is.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>silvia:</cite> if it is needed I can put
    in time this weekend.</p>

    <h3 id="item05">3.4 discovery of track and named fragments</h3>

    <p class='phone'><cite>silvia:</cite> I wrote about this in my

    <p class='phone'><a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>erik</cite>&gt; rssagent, draft

    <p class='phone'><cite>jack:</cite> not sure if the blog post
    doesn't need to be split into two: mechanism (roe, mpeg-21)
    versus<br />
    ... application (semantics)<br />
    ... thinks only mechanism is relevant to MF<br />
    ... will try to write something up.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>erik:</cite> will get back to it next
    week.<br />
    ... Let's adjourn.</p>

    <p class='phone'>ok.</p>

    <p class='phone'>see you next week!</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>mhausenblas</cite>&gt; hm, seems Zakim
    didn't pick up the attendees</p>

  <h2><a name="ActionSummary" id="ActionSummary">Summary of Action
  Items</a></h2><!-- Action Items -->
  <strong>[NEW]</strong> <strong>ACTION:</strong> erik to get URL
  for MF server, and post to group [recorded in <a href=
  "http://www.w3.org/2009/11/25-mediafrag-minutes.html#action01">http://www.w3.org/2009/11/25-mediafrag-minutes.html#action01</a>]<br />

  &nbsp;<br />
  [End of minutes]<br />
  <hr />

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's <a href=
    scribe.perl</a> version 1.135 (<a href=
    "http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/">CVS log</a>)<br />
    $Date: 2009/12/02 10:59:40 $
