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<h1>Video in the Web</h1>

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  <li><a href="">About W3C</a></li>
  <li class="current">Home</li>
  <li><a href="../../01/media-annotations-wg.html">Charter</a></li>
  <li><a href="@@">Participants</a></li>

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<p class="logo"><a href="/"><img src=""
alt="W3C" height="48" width="72" border='0'/></a></p>
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<h2 id="mission">Mission</h2>

  Following the <a href=''>workshop in
  Video on the Web</a>, the goal of the <a href='Activity.html'>Video in the Web</a> activity is to make video a
  "first class citizen" of the Web. Video on the Web (and this
  includes audio, as the two are typically used together) has seen
  explosive growth, improving the richness of the user experience but
  leading to challenges in content discovery, searching, indexing and
  accessibility. Enabling users (from individuals to large
  organizations) to put video <strong>in</strong> the Web requires
  that we build a solid architectural foundation that enables people
  to create, navigate, search, link and distribute video, effectively
  making video part of the Web instead of an extension that doesn't
  take full advantage of the Web architecture.


<p>The targeted audience for this activity are: </p>
  <li>individuals and organizations seeking to put their own video content  
  in the Web and have become part of a linked Web of information in a  
  variety of content types (text, images, audio, video)</li>
  <li>video producers who want to ensure that their users are getting the
    best experience and that their content can be found on the Web.</li>
  <li>end users who would like to watch and interact with online video
  <li>content aggregators dealing heavily with video content (e.g. news
    sites, some educational sites, etc) and who need formats that reliably
    support various requirements that they may be subject to, including
    captioning and video description. </li>


<h2 class='break' id="groups">Groups</h2>

<li><a href='../../AudioVideo/TT/'>Timed Text Working Group</a></li>
<li><a href='Fragments/'>Media Fragments Working Group</a></li>
<li><a href='Annotations/'>Media Annotations Working Group</a></li>

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<address> <a href="../../../People/LeHegaret/">Philippe Le
H&eacute;garet</a>, W3C Activity Lead<br /> <small>$Date: 2008/08/15
13:39:56 $</small> </address>

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