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  <h1>Media Fragments Working Group Teleconference</h1>

  <h2>05 Nov 2008</h2>

  <p><a href=

  <p>See also: <a href=
  "http://www.w3.org/2008/11/05-mediafrag-irc">IRC log</a></p>

  <h2><a name="attendees" id="attendees">Attendees</a></h2>

  <div class="intro">

      <dd>Raphael, Erik, Yves, Guillaume, Jack, Davy,


      <dd>Michael, Silvia</dd>






      <a href="#agenda">Topics</a>

        <li><a href="#item01">telecon hour</a></li>

        <li><a href="#item02">minutes acception</a></li>

        <li><a href="#item03">second F2F meeting</a></li>

        <li><a href="#item04">preparation of working draft</a></li>

        <li><a href="#item05">Issues</a></li>

        <li><a href="#item06">AOB</a></li>

    <li><a href="#ActionSummary">Summary of Action Items</a></li>
  <hr />

  <div class="meeting">

    <h3 id="item01">telecon hour</h3>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Yves:</cite> propose to have it 1 hour
    later, but we should ask it to Silvia</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> any problems if it
    starts 1 hour later?</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>mhausenblas</cite>&gt; I'm fine with
    one hour later</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> proposal to start the
    telecon at 10:00 UTC</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>mhausenblas</cite>&gt; +1</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>erik</cite>&gt; +1</p><a name=
    "action01" id="action01"></a>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>scribe</cite>&gt;
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> yves to make a poll for suggestions
    for telecon hour: 10:00UTC or 9:30UTC [recorded in <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-9 -
    Make a poll for suggestions for telecon hour: 10:00UTC or
    9:30UTC [on Yves Lafon - due 2008-11-12].</p>

    <h3 id="item02">minutes acception</h3>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>erik</cite>&gt; +1</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>Gui</cite>&gt; +1</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> any objections for
    minutes (phoneconf and f2f)</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>erik</cite>&gt; +1</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>mhausenblas</cite>&gt; fine with me -
    no objections</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>jackjansen:</cite> I did not scribe all

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> minutes accepted<br />
    ... goes through the action items</p>

    <h3 id="item03">second F2F meeting</h3>

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> encourages to fill the

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>rtroncy</cite>&gt; michael, please
    fill <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>mhausenblas</cite>&gt; ok</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>erik:</cite> please make your
    arrangement asap (preferable before 8/11/2008)</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> no agenda yet,
    suggestions are welcome</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>Gui</cite>&gt; <a href=

    <h3 id="item04">preparation of working draft</h3>

    <p class='phone'>1. Use cases and requirements draft

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> take time to read it and
    provide some comments<br />
    ... any comments yet?<br />
    ... suggest to take 2 nominates to review this document</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>jackjansen:</cite> I will volunteer</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Guillaume:</cite> I will also review
    it</p><a name="action02" id="action02"></a>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>scribe</cite>&gt;
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> jackjansen and Gui to review the use
    cases and requirements draft [recorded in <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Sorry, couldn't
    find user - Jack</p>

    <p class='phone'>2. Types of Fragment addressing

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> idea was to describe 4
    dimensions to address fragments</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>guillaume:</cite> description of
    possibilities of media types and these dimensions</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>yves:</cite> regarding linking to a
    parent resource<br />
    ... I will look more deeply into that next week</p>

    <p class='phone'>3. HTTP implementation (Raphael)</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> more information next
    week<br />
    ... 3th protocol: file implementation</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>Gui</cite>&gt; ://</p>

    <p class='phone'>s/file/file://</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>Yves</cite>&gt; file always get the
    full result, so identifying fragment forces seeking</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>rtroncy</cite>&gt; 4. RTSP
    implementation (davy)</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>rtroncy</cite>&gt; See: <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>rtroncy</cite>&gt; Davy: I describe
    how to address a track and a temporal fragment in rtsp</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>rtroncy</cite>&gt; ... some feedback
    would be nice</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>rtroncy</cite>&gt; ... is there any
    more specialist of rtsp in the room?</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>rtroncy</cite>&gt; Jack: I will read
    it!</p><a name="action03" id="action03"></a>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>rtroncy</cite>&gt;
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> Jack to review the RTSP implementation
    document [recorded in <a href=

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-10
    - Review the RTSP implementation document [on Jack Jansen - due

    <p class='phone'>5. existing technologies survey (erik)</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> merge this to the state
    of the art page</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>erik:</cite> I can only look at it from
    15/11/2008<br />
    ... it will be ready at second F2F</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Guillaume:</cite> how to give feedback
    on drafts?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> write mail to the
    mailinglist<br />
    ... provide the version you have reviewed<br />
    ... give comments section per section</p>

    <h3 id="item05">Issues</h3>

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> caching discussion<br />
    ... time ranges is really hard</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>rtroncy</cite>&gt; Jack: i think time
    is complex and cache should not necessary try to understand
    time ... thus only cache bytes range</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>rtroncy</cite>&gt; Davy: I do not say
    exactly the contrary, but i'm arguing about implementation</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>rtroncy</cite>&gt; Jack: caching time
    ranges requires cache server to do recombination ... so have
    knowledge about the various media container formats</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>yves:</cite> implementation hard or not,
    if we no it can be done, than there is no problem</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Jack:</cite> caching based on byte
    offsets will work on 99% of the cases</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>rtroncy</cite>&gt; Yves: when the
    implementation is done ... it is done! We know it can be done
    ... implementation difficulty should not influence the

    <p class='phone'><cite>jack:</cite> it would work with time
    ranges, but I see no advantages</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Yves:</cite> with time ranges, you can
    directly request the fragment</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>jack:</cite> I fully agree<br />
    ... I think we should leave this issue open</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> more discussion on the

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>erik</cite>&gt; +q</p>

    <h3 id="item06">AOB</h3>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>Yves</cite>&gt; regrets for me next
    week (HTTP meeting)</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>rtroncy</cite>&gt; thanks davy for the

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>rtroncy</cite>&gt; close ACTION-7</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; ACTION-7 Request a
    new time slot on the Zakim bridge closed</p>


  <h2><a name="ActionSummary" id="ActionSummary">Summary of Action
  Items</a></h2><!-- Action Items -->
  <strong>[NEW]</strong> <strong>ACTION:</strong> Jack to review
  the RTSP implementation document [recorded in <a href=
  "http://www.w3.org/2008/11/05-mediafrag-minutes.html#action03">http://www.w3.org/2008/11/05-mediafrag-minutes.html#action03</a>]<br />

  <strong>[NEW]</strong> <strong>ACTION:</strong> jackjansen and
  Gui to review the use cases and requirements draft [recorded in
  <a href=
  "http://www.w3.org/2008/11/05-mediafrag-minutes.html#action02">http://www.w3.org/2008/11/05-mediafrag-minutes.html#action02</a>]<br />

  <strong>[NEW]</strong> <strong>ACTION:</strong> yves to make a
  poll for suggestions for telecon hour: 10:00UTC or 9:30UTC
  [recorded in <a href=
  "http://www.w3.org/2008/11/05-mediafrag-minutes.html#action01">http://www.w3.org/2008/11/05-mediafrag-minutes.html#action01</a>]<br />

  &nbsp;<br />
  [End of minutes]<br />
  <hr />

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's <a href=
    scribe.perl</a> version 1.133 (<a href=
    "http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/">CVS log</a>)<br />
    $Date: 2008/11/05 11:05:52 $