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<h1>A Pragmatic Theory of Reference</h1>

<address class="vcard" id="danc">
<a class="url fn n foaf-name" rel="foaf-homepage" href=""><span class="given-name">Dan</span
> <span class="family-name">Connolly</span></a><br />

<div class="vevent" id="tp2006">
<a class="url summary foaf-homepage" href="">IRW2006</a><br />
<span class="location">Edinburgh, Scotland</span><br />
<abbr class="dtstart" title="2006-05-23">23 May 2006</abbr>

<div class="slide"><h1>Outline</h1>
 <li>Design and Social Dynamics</li>
 <li>Web Architecture in brief</li>
 <li>A formal notation</li>
 <li>A look at httpRange-14</li>

<div class="slide"><h1>Design and Social Dynamics</h1>

<table border="1" class="compare">
<tr><td>&#160;</td><th>Web</th><th>Semantic Web</th></tr>
<tr><th>Traditional Design</th><td>hypertext</td><td>logic/database</td></tr>
<tr><th>+</th><td colspan="2">URIs</td></tr>
<tr><th>-</th><td>link consistency</td><td>?</td></tr>
<tr><th>=</th><td colspan="2">viral growth</td></tr>
<p>Are there parts of traditional logic and databases that, if we set them
aside, will result in viral growth of the Semantic Web?</p>
<div class="slide"><h1>URIs, Resources, and Representations</h1>

<div class="figure" style="float:left">
<img alt="fig1"
src="" />

<table class="compare" border="1">
<tr><td>&#160;</td><th>Web</th><th>Programming Languages</th><th>Mathematical Logic</th></tr>
<tr><th>Referents</th><td>Resources</td><td>memory cells</td><td>objects in the domain</td></tr>

<p>Note: this is an analogy, not an exact correspondence.</p>

<div class="slide"><h1>Ambiguity</h1>
I saw a great &lt;a
>movie starring Sean Connery&lt;/a>

<p>... vs ....</p>

The &lt;a
>IMDB page on "The Name of the Rose"&lt;/a>
is a great source of information.

<li>movie: <cite>The Name of the Rose</cite></li>
<li>page about that movie</li>
<p>Which does <tt></tt> refer to</p>

<div class="slide"><h1>Ambiguity and delegation</h1>
<li>People dismbiguate "I am Dan" and "I call myself Dan" routinely.</li>
<li>In a C program, where <tt>*p</tt> leads to a useful result, <tt>**p</tt> leads to a crash.</li>
<li>Semantic Web is about delegating clear tasks to the machine.</li>
<li>We'll do well to be careful about ambiguity.</li>

<div class="slide"><h1>httpRange-14</h1>
<li>W3C Technical Architecture Group (<a
href="">TAG</a>) is chartered to <q>document
and build consensus around principles of Web architecture</q>.</li>
<li>Issue <a
What is the range of the HTTP dereference function?</a>.</li>
<li>discuss. :)</li>

<div class="slide"><h1>The Dublin Core title property</h1>
<pre class="dcmi">
  &lt;rdfs:label xml:lang="en-US"
  &lt;!-- ... details elided ... -->

<div class="slide"><h1>dc:title rephrased in Turtle</h1>

<p>Or, equivalently, using turtle<a href="">Turtle</a> notation:</p>

<pre class="dcmi">
@prefix rdf: &lt;>.
@prefix dc: &lt;>.

dc:title rdf:type rdf:Property.

<div class="slide"><h1>Borrowing str:notMatches and log:uri</h1>
@prefix log: &lt;> .
@prefix str: &lt;> .

dc:title log:uri "".
"" str:startsWith "http:".
"" str:notMatches "#".

<p>the <tt>log:uri</tt> property is similar to
the <tt>name</tt> quoting function in KIF<a href="urisym#kif">[KIF]</a>.</p>

<div class="slide"><h1>TimBL's starting position</h1>

<p>Berners-Lee argued that <q>HTTP URIs (without <tt>#</tt>)
should be understood as referring to documents, not cars</q>.</p>

<pre class="tbl">
@prefix owl: &lt;>.
@prefix tbl: &lt;http://example/tbl-terms#>.

@forAll ?X, ?URI.
 ?X log:uri ?URI.
 ?URI str:startsWith "http:".
 ?URI str:notMatches "#".
} => { ?X a tbl:Document }.

tbl:Document owl:disjointWith tbl:Car.

<div class="slide"><h1>Pages vs People</h1>
<pre class="baker">
@prefix foaf: &lt;>.

&lt;> a foaf:Person;
  foaf:name "Mark Baker".


<div class="slide"><h1>An HTTP GET</h1>
<p>Suppose we do a <tt>GET</tt> on <tt class="url">http://site.example/path</tt>
and we get back:</p>
200 OK
content-type: text/plain

hello world.

<p>Then we'll say:</p>

@prefix http: &lt;http://example/http-terms#>.
@prefix mime: &lt;http://example/mime-terms#>.

_:reply1 a http:OKResponse;
  http:about &lt;http://site.example/path>;
  mime:body "hello world.";
  mime:content-type "text/plain".

<div class="slide"><h1>w:representation</h1>
@prefix w:  &lt;http://example/webarch-terms#>.

_:m a http:OKResponse;
  http:about ?R;
  mime:body ?BYTES; mime:content-type ?TYPE.
} => {
?R w:representation [
  mime:content-type ?TYPE;  mime:body ?BYTES ].
