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               <h1 class="title">Instructions for non-Members (Invited Experts)</h1>
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                        <p>An individual becomes an Invited Expert in a group as follows:</p>
                        <ul class="show_items"><li>The Chair and Team Contact hold preliminary discussions with the
    individual.</li><li>The individual provides the <a href="">information
    required of an Invited Expert</a> as follows: 
    <ul><li>If you do not already have a W3C Access Account login and password
        (<a href="">check if there is
        an account associated with your address</a>), complete the <a href="">Public Access Request
        Form</a>.</li><li>After you receive your W3C login name and password, complete the <a href="">W3C Invited Expert
        Application</a> (which refers to the <a href="">Invited
        Expert and Collaborators Agreement</a>). </li></ul>
                           </li><li>The Team Contact reviews the request. If participation in the Group
    requires access to the W3C Member Web site, 
    review of the application by W3C Management is required,
    following the <a href="">internal
    process regarding Invited Experts</a> (<em>Team-only</em>).</li><li>If the application is approved, the Team invites the individual to
      complete the procedure of formally joining the Group.</li></ul>
                        <h2 id="principles">Principles Guiding Invitations and Periodic Review</h2>

                           <a href="">Section of the W3C Process Document</a> explains that W3C sometimes invites
an individual with particular expertise to become a Invited Expert in a
Group. The Team generally follows these principles when considering an
                        <ol class="show_items"><li>Invited expert status is normally granted to either independent
    individuals (i.e., individuals not significantly affiliated with business
    interests), or to academics affiliated with institutions of higher
    learning.</li><li>Invited expert status is not normally granted to individuals employed
    by organizations which have significant business interest in results from
    W3C. This might even include some not-for-profit organizations. Such
    organizations SHOULD join W3C.</li><li>Under almost no circumstances will invited expert status be granted to
    an individual whose support comes from an financially solvent
    organization which has terminated its W3C membership.</li><li>If the case is made that granting invited expert status to an
    individual supported by a "membership candidate" organization would
    enhance the chances that organization would join W3C, then a provisional
    3-month or 6-month invitation might well be issued. For an individual
    supported by a "membership candidate"organization, it is expected that
    6-month invitation will remain the default option and 3-month should only
    be used for exceptional cases or as an extension option to a previously
    agreed 6-month invitation.</li></ol>
                        <p>The status of all Invited Experts is reviewed at least once a year, and
may be reviewed more frequently, to ensure that information supplied on their
application is still current (for instance organizational affiliation,
participation commitment, etc.).</p>
                        <h2 id="memaccess">Member Access to W3C Site</h2>
                        <p>Only after an individual has accepted an invitation from the Team to
participate in a Working Group as an invited expert, and only for groups where Member access is required, is that individual
granted “Member access” to the W3C Web site.</p>
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                           <h2 class="h4 category">Quick Links</h2>
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                                 <a href="/Consortium/Legal/2007/06-invited-expert.html">Collaborators Agreement</a>
                                 <a href="/participate/extcontributions.html">External Contributions</a>
                                 <a href="">Application</a>
                                 <a href="/2004/02/invited_expert">Team Policies (Team-only)</a>
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