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	<meta name="DC.Date.Created" content="2002-06-24" />
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        Log Validator
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        <li><a href="Screenshots/" title="See The Log Validator in action">Screenshots</a></li>
        <li><a href="Manual" title="Log Validator Manual">Manual</a></li>
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        <li><a href="./#participate">Feedback / Participate</a></li>

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		         <h2>About the W3C Log Validator</h2>
		         <p><strong>The Log Validator combines a Server Log analysis engine with batch validation, link 
			     checking and other quality-oriented processing, for step-by-step improvement and maintenance of
				 Web Site Quality</strong>.</p>

			<h3>More W3C Software</h3>

		<p>W3C develops many more software tools. See the other <a href="../">Quality Tools (validators, etc)</a>,
			or the list of all <a href="/Status">W3C Open Source Software</a>.</p>
			<h3 id="contact">Contact</h3>
			<a href="">Validator(s) mailing-list at W3C</a>.


<h2>Log Validator mini-FAQ</h2>
<dt>What is this?</dt>
	<dd><p>A free, simple and step-by-step tool to improve dramatically the quality of your website. Find
		the most popular invalid documents, broken links, etc., and prioritize the work to get them fixed.</p></dd>
<dt>Who should use this?</dt>
	<dd><p>Anyone writing or maintaining websites, especially large ones.</p></dd>
<dt>Where is the documentation?</dt>
	<dd><p>All the information on how to use this tool is in the <a href="Manual">Manual</a>.</p></dd>
<dt id="download">Where do I get it?</dt>
	<dd><p>See the <a href="Manual-Get">download instructions</a>.</p></dd>
<dt>I'm a developer, can I help? ・ Where can I report bugs?</dt>
	<dd><p>The tool is open source, developers are welcome to help, and bug reports are welcome, too.
		See <a href="#participate">below</a> for details on participation and feedback.</p></dd>

Still unclear what exactly the tool does?</p>
<li> <strong>See</strong> the <a href="Screenshots/">Screenshots and examples of use</a>, </li>
<li><strong>Read</strong> <a href="Testimonials">what others say about it</a>,</li>
<li>or simply read on for more info.</li>

<h2 id="about">The "Philosophy" of the LogValidator</h2>
<h3>Step-by-step quality</h3>
Log Validator is a web server log analysis tool with focus on the quality of Web documents.
Thanks to a modular, extensible design, the Log Validator can help Web authors find the most 
popular content on their web site that matches particular criteria.</p>

The Log Validator was first written with Validation (HTML, etc.) in
mind : it can thus help web content managers find and fix the most 
frequently accessed invalid documents on their Web site, acting as a 
comprehensive, <a href="/QA/2002/09/Step-by-step">step-by-step</a>
validation tool.</p>

<h3 id="whatitdoes">What this tool does (and does not)</h3>

<p>This tool takes a web server's last logs and processes it through <em>validation 
modules</em>. Those <em>validation modules</em> check the most popular documents' 
validity for a certain technology . The default module is HTML validation, but there
are others available (see the <a href="API#modules-list">list of modules</a> for 
supported technologies).</p> <p>The (X)HTML validation module, for example, helps you
find, among the most popular pages on your site, which are invalid, and thus tell you 
which (invalid) pages you should fix first. This is a step-by-step process, you can 
set up this tool to run every week, and painlessly fix only a few documents at the 
time. Eventually, you will have fixed your whole site, or at least the most important 
parts of it. (see also <a href="">
tips</a> for the HTML module)</p>

<h2 id="bgd">A bit of History</h2>

<p>Since 1994 and the <a href="">
first HTML validator service</a>, there has been a way to check the validity of one's 
webpage with regards to web standards (HTML, CSS, ...). Other services, like 
<a href="">HTML Tidy</a> allow you to 
(semi-)automatically fix invalid documents...</p>

<p>This tool is here to make your life as a webmaster, web designer, web developer even 
easier, by telling you which documents you should fix in priority.</p>

<p>It has first been developed by <a href="/People/Gerald/">Gerald Oskoboiny</a> as 
an internal W3C tool (yes, even at W3C we create invalid HTML sometimes) to check the 
HTML validity of the webpages on <a href="">the W3C website</a>, then 
<a href="">released its code</a> 
in september 2001.</p>

<p>In 2002, the <a href="/QA">Quality Assurance</a> team at W3C decided to re-write 
it as a modular, portable, and easy-to-use tool for webmasters. Its development continues, mostly
with the addition of new processing modules making the Log Validator a very useful and versatile 
Web Quality analysis tool.</p>                                                         

<h2 id="participate">How to Participate</h2>
<h3>bug reports</h3>
<p>Anyone is welcome to provide bug reports, bug fixes, improvement and
patches, ideas, etc. Submissions should be sent to the 
<a href="">
<code>www-validator</code> mailing list</a> 
(<a href="">send mail</a>). 
Please note that any mail sent to this list will be <strong>publicly 
archived and available</strong>, do not send information you wouldn't want to see 
distributed, such as private data.

<p><a href="Manual-Get#get-dev">Source code</a> for this tool is available under 
the <a href="">
W3C Software Licence</a>.</p>

<h3>Additional modules</h3>
<p>You are welcome to develop and submit additional modules (learn more about the 
<a href="Manual-Modules">Modules creation documentation</a> and
 <a href="API">API</a> for the modules).</p>

<p>Translation of the documentation is welcome. If you translate these
documents, please contact us so that we can include your translation to
the alternate versions of this manual. (See more about translations of
W3C documents).</p>

<h3 id="thanks">Acknowlegements</h3>
<p>Many thanks to...</p>
	<li>Karl Dubost, for his ideas, his patience when testing early versions, 
	and continuous help on this project.</li>
	<li>Terje Bless, for his coding improvement proposals</li>
	<li>Ville Skytta, for patches, good ideas and suggestions</li>
	<li>Aaron Straup Cope, for his knowledge of all things Perl</li>
	<li>Slaven Rezic, for patches and bug reports</li>
	<li>... </li>

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<address class="author">
    <a href=""><img
        src="" height="31" width="88"
        alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" /></a> Created Date: 2002-07-24 by <a href="">Olivier Thereaux</a><br />
Last modified $Date: 2007/08/31 00:08:12 $ by $Author: ot $</address>
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