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  <title>Proposed Errata in Architecture of the World Wide Web</title>
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<p><a href="" title="Go to W3C Home Page"><img height="48"
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<h1>Proposed Errata in &ldquo;Architecture of the World Wide Web&rdquo;</h1>
  <dt>The <a href="">latest version of
  Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One</a>:</dt>
  <dt>Please email error reports to:</dt>
    <dd> (<a

<hr title="Separator from Header" />

<h2><a id="about" name="about">About &ldquo;Architecture of the World Wide
Web, Volume One&rdquo;</a></h2>

<p>&ldquo;Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One&rdquo; was developed by
W3C's <a href="">Technical Architecture
Group (TAG)</a>. The W3C Recommendation describes the properties we
desire of the Web and the design choices that have been made to
achieve them. It is intended to inform discussions about issues of Web

<p>This document lists the proposed errata to in Architecture of the
World Wide Web, Volume One. Each entry has the following

  <li>A title.</li>
  <li>The date it was added to the errata page.</li>
  <li>Whether the entry is considered an important error, a minor
    typographical error, a clarification, or a known problem with the
    document itself.</li>
  <li>The guidelines version and section referred to.</li>
  <li>A description of the problem and correction if applicable.</li>

<p>Until proposed errata are accepted and added to the
<a href="errata.html">errata page</a>, they have no normative force.
They are recorded here for discussion.</p>

<p>Please email error reports to (<a

<h2><a id="entries" name="entries">Entries</a></h2>


<dt><a name="entry-6"></a>
Title; <a href="">raised</a> by Submitter</dt>
<dd>Added: </dd>
<dd>Type: </dd>
<dd>Refers to: </dd>

<hr />

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<p>This document last modified: $Date: 2005/09/13 19:26:39 $ by
$Author: NormanWalsh $.</p>
