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<!--              Frontmatter               -->
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<p><a href="">W3C</a> | <a href="">TAG</a> </p>

<h1>W3C Technical Architecture Group Work Plan</h1>

<p class="date">12 January 2012</p>

<p class="aside">Note: this version integrates decisions made at the <a href="">4-6 January 2012 TAG F2F</a>.</p>

<p>This page is used to track the current work of the <a href="">TAG</a>, and also to note
projects that are completed or abandoned.  Projects completed prior to mid-2011 are not tracked here, and this note is used only for major projects
that represent and ongoing investment by the TAG. Other work of the TAG can
be tracked by reading the <a href="">archives of the mailing list</a>, or from the <a href="">TAG's tracker page</a>.

<!--  ************************************* -->
<!--             Top Priority               -->
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<h2 id="toppriority">Top Priority</h2>

<p>The TAG identifies several of its ongoing projects as being most significant
and having top priority for successful completion. The following table provides
a list. 

<table class="product">
<th class="product">Product</th>
<th class="tagmembers">TAG Members Assigned</th>
<th class="checkpoint">Upcoming Checkpoint(s)</th>
<td><a href="">Fragment Identifiers and Mime Types</a></td>
<td>Peter Linss, Henry Thompson, Yves Lafon</td>
Earlier plans called for a TAG Finding to be prepared in 2011, but that did not happen.
The product page linked at left was prepared by Henry Thompson as input for discussion at the <a href="">4-6 January 2012 TAG F2F</a>. We agreed at the F2F to reinvest in this topic: the next step will be to refine the work plan proposed by Henry.</p></td>

<td><a href="PublishingLinking.html">Publishing and Linking on the Web</a></td>
<td>Jeni Tennison, Dan Appelquist</td>
<td><p>June 2012: TAG W3C Proposed Recommendation</p></td>
<td><a href="defininguris.html">URI Definition Discovery</a></td>
<td>Jonathan Rees, Henry Thompson</td>
    <p>17 January 2012: The TAG will announce to the community a baseline proposal
       for amending the resolution to issue <a href="">httpRange-14</a>, and
       along with that a call for change proposals, inviting the community
       to suggest better alternatives.
      July 2012: PR(s) or similar document covering the following:
    <ol style="margin-left:1em">
      <li> URI definition discovery architecture </li>
      <li> ontology (RDF vocabulary) as needed </li>

      July 2012: TAG Note on semantics of metadata for 
      'information resources'
<td><a href="mimeweb.html">MIME architecture for the Web</a></td>
<td>Larry Masinter</td>

<p>The first round of work on this topic was done in 2011, and resulted in the publication of <a href="">MIME and the Web: draft-masinter-mime-web-info-02</a></p>

<p>At the <a href="">4-6 January 2012 TAG F2F</a> it was agreed that a new plan would be created for a second round of work relating to the registration of media types for languages that evolve. A new product page describing the plan for this work should be available
by February, 2012.</p>


<p >Note that the product titles in the first column provide links to so-called "product pages", which have more detail about the goals, scope, deliverables, and schedule for each product.</p>

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<!--           Other Active Projects        -->
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<h2 id="active">Other Active Projects</h2>

<table class="product">
<th class="product">Product</th>
<th class="tagmembers">TAG Members Assigned</th>
<th class="checkpoint">Upcoming Checkpoint(s)</th>

<td><a href="apiminimization.html">API Minimization</a></td>
<td>Dan Appelquist</td>
<td class="needswork"><p>This work was being driven by Dan Appelquist, whose term on the TAG has ended. Per agreement at the <a href="">4-6 January 2012 TAG F2F</a>, the TAG will
consider restaffing this effort as new members join.</p></td>
<td><a href="htmlxmlunification.html">HTML / XML Unification</a></td>
<td>Tim Berners-Lee, Noah Mendelsohn, Norm Walsh (*)</td>
<p>1 February 2012: Draft report published by the TAG for community review </p>
<td>Update W3C Web Architecture Pages</td>
<td>Various small assignments to Dan Appelquist, Larry Masinter, and Jeni Tennison</td>
<p>Several first draft pages due Oct/Nov 2011</p>

<td><a href="persistence.html">Persistence of Identifiers</a></td>
<td>Jonathan Rees, Henry Thompson</td>
<td><p><a href="persistence-2012-01-04.html">Draft of product plan</a> was discussed <a href="">4-6 January 2012 TAG F2F</a>: this version was proposed by Henry Thompons, but more discussion is needed to agree on the plan.</p></td>

<td><a href="">Web Application Storage</a></td>
<td>Ashok Malhotra</td>
<td class="needswork"><p>TBD</p></td>

<td>Microdata/RDFa (<a href="">E-mail</a>)</td>
<td>Jeni Tennison</td>
<td class="needswork"><p>TBD</p></td>


<p class="footnote">(*) Norm Walsh is a former TAG member who has generously
agreed to lead this effort on behalf of the TAG.</p>

<!--  ************************************* -->
<!--                 Completed              -->
<!--  ************************************* -->

<h2 id="completed">Completed</h2>

<p>The work on the following products has been completed:</p>

<table class="product">
<th class="product">Product</th>
<th class="tagmembers">TAG Members Assigned</th>
<th class="checkpoint">Upcoming Checkpoint(s)</th>
<td><a href="">HTML5 Last Call Review</a></td>
<td><p>Completion of work on this topic was <a href="">announced</a> on 30 December 2011.</p></td>

<td><a href="clientsidestate.html">Web Application State</a></td>
<td>Ashok Malhotra</td>
<p>The finding <a href="">Identifying Application State</a> was <a href="">published</a> on 1 December 2011, ahead of schedule. <span style="color:red">Completion of work on this topic is to be announced by the chair (per agreement at <a href="">4-6 January 2012 TAG F2F</a>)</span></p>


<!--  ************************************* -->
<!--         Under Consideration            -->
<!--  ************************************* -->

<h2 id="considering">Under consideration</h2>

<p>The following product(s) are listed here for consideration as possible future TAG work. The linked product pages may or may not have been reviewed
by the TAG as a whole.</p>

<table class="product">
<th class="product">Product</th>
<th class="tagmembers">TAG Members Assigned</th>
<th class="checkpoint">Upcoming Checkpoint(s)</th>

<!-- Note that was removed from this list during the
5 January 2012 TAG F2F meeting -->

<td colspan="3" style="text-align:center">None at this time</td>


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<!--             No Longer Active           -->
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<h2 id="inactive">No longer active</h2>

<li>Metadata architecture for the Web (Several ongoing efforts are pertinent
to this &#8212; note also that <a href="/2001/tag/group/track/issues/63">ISSUE-63</a> remains open, in part as an umbrella for those efforts. What we've
"abandoned", at least for now, is the effort to do a comprehensive metadata
architecture for the Web.)</li>

<li>HTTP Semantics: The TAG oversaw a subgroup with the informal name AWWSW (Architecture of the World-Wide Semantic Web) that met by phone and using email for several years. Significant progress was made in discussing a formal semantics for HTTP in particular, and on related issues. At its June 2011 F2F, the TAG decided to discontinue formal tracking of this as a TAG effort.</li>

<li>The TAG briefly considered starting a formal effort on At the 
5 January 2012 F2F it was decided not, for the moment, to proceed.
was therefore removed from the <a href="#considering">under consideration</a> list.</li>

During 2011, the TAG attempted to frame a broad initiative under the tentative title "Privacy Friendly Web".  A <a href="PrivacyFriendlyWeb.html">framework for a report</a> was prepared but never elaborated. 
At it's 5 January 2012 F2F meeting, the TAG agreed not (for the moment) to do a major project on privacy. The TAG may or may not work on some particular
technical issues that might help to address privacy concerns for the Web.


<h2>Highlighting used on this page</h2>

  <li class="needswork">Text marked like this indicates something that is incorrect or needs attention (for accessibility: CSS class="needswork")</li>
  <li class="late">Text marked like this indicates an item that is late, or at risk of being late (CSS class="late")</li>
<div class="version">
<h2 class="versionhdr">Available versions of this document:</h2>
<p class="version">Latest: <a href=""></a></p>
<p class="version">This version: <a href=""></a></p>
<p class="version">Previous versions:
<div class="previousversions"> 
<p  class="versionlist">
<a href=""></a>, <br />
<a href=""></a>, <br />
<a href=""></a>, <br />
<a href=""></a>, <br /><a href=""></a>,<br />
<a href=""></a>,<br />
 <a href=""></a>,<br />
<a href=""></a>
