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<h1><a href="" title="W3C Home"><img alt="W3C" height="48"
src="" width="72" border="0" /></a> TAG issue
tracking policy</h1>
<map id="topnav">
  <p><a href="#howto">how to raise an issue</a> · <a href="#manage">issue
  management</a> </p>
<map id="nearbynav">
  <p>Nearby: <a href="group/track/">issues list</a> · <a href=".">public TAG
  home page</a> · <a

<p>The section entitled "Issue Resolution" in the <a href="/2001/07/19-tag">TAG
charter</a> states:</p>

  <p>In addition to the production of Recommendations, the TAG will help
  resolve technical issues having architectural impact. The process for issue
  resolution is likely to evolve over time.</p>

<p>The sections below describe TAG processes for addressing isues.
<strong>Note</strong>: These processes are in development as the TAG is just
getting underway.</p>

<h2><a name="howto">How to raise an issue with the TAG</a></h2>
  <li>Issues should be addressed to the TAG at <a
    href="">www-tag</a>. Please refer to <a
    href="./#mail">information about using www-tag</a>.</li>
  <li>Please review the <a
    archives</a> and the issues list before sending your issue to the TAG; it
    may have already been discussed or resolved.</li>
  <li>Please ask the TAG specific questions about Web architecture, rather than
    requesting general review of documents. The TAG is more likely to answer
    specific questions than to review large documents. The charter states: "The
    TAG is not expected to review every document on the W3C Recommendation
    track, only those that include Architectural Recommendations or that are
    brought to the attention of the TAG." </li>
  <li>In your request, please provide the following information: 
      <li>Are there a set of apparent alternative solutions to this
        architectural issue? The TAG encourages you to propose (alternative)
        solutions as a starting point.</li>
      <li>What are the use cases?</li>

<h2><a name="manage">TAG issue management</a></h2>

<p>The TAG manages issues as follows:</p>
  <li>When an issue is brought to the TAG, the TAG decides whether to accept
    it. Whether accepted or rejected, the issue is assigned an identifier, and
    the issue is "registered" via a message to www-tag from the TAG (ensuring
    that person who raised the issue is also cc'd). Subsequent email concerning
    this issue should use the issue identifier in the Subject line. The
    definitive state of an issue should be determined by the messages about it
    on www-tag.</li>
  <li>When an issue is resolved, the TAG should explain how the resolution will
    be manifest (e.g., a document update, an Architecture Recommendation,
  <li>The TAG will facilitate issue tracking through one or more issues lists
    (such as the current document).</li>
<hr />
  <a href="/People/Jacobs/">Ian Jacobs</a><br />
  Last modified: $Date: 2011/03/09 14:10:53 $