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<h1><a href="" title="W3C Home"><img alt="W3C" height="48" src="" width="72" border="0"/></a> Technical Architecture Group (TAG)</h1>

<map id="navbar-top" name="navbar-top" title="Navigation Bar">
  <div>Contents: <a href="#Membership">Members</a>
  · <a href="#mtg">Meetings and Mailing Lists</a>
  · <a href="#deliverables">Current Work</a>
  · <a href="#publications">Publications</a>
  · <a href="#about">Charter, history</a></div>

<map id="nearby">
  <a href="">issue tracker</a>
  · <a href="findings">findings</a>
  · <a href="">www-tag</a>
  · <a href="">public-tag-announce</a> (<a href=";realm=Public">RSS</a>)
  · <a href="">blog</a>

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<!--               Membership Div           -->
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<!--             Group Photo                -->
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<div class="photo" style="padding-left:20px; padding-right:5px">
 <a href="TAGJune2011.jpg">
   <img  style="width:80%" src="TAGJune2011_1600Wide.jpg"  alt="TAG group photograph: 7 June 2011"/>
 <p class="photolabel"><span style="font-weight:bold">The TAG</span><br />Back row: Noah Mendelsohn, Dan Appelquist, Henry Thompson, Larry Masinter, Ashok Malhotra, Jonathan Rees<br />Front row: Jeni Tennison, Tim Berners-Lee, Yves Lafon; Not shown: Peter Linss</p>

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<!--       Itemized Membership List         -->
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<div style="padding-top:0em; padding-right:4em; padding-left:2em;" class="membershipdiv">
<p class="membership" id="Membership">The TAG has 9 members (5 elected, 3 appointed, and 1 chair) plus a staff contact:</p>

	<li class="vcard"><span class="fn">Tim Berners-Lee</span> (<span class="org">W3C</span>) (<span class="role">Chair</span>)</li>
	<li class="vcard"><span class="fn">Robin Berjon</span> (<span class="org">unaffiliated</span>)<sup><a href="#term2">2</a></sup></li>
<!-- the blank sup tag makes the spacing consistent
     with the lines that do have superscripts -->
	<li class="vcard"><span class="fn">Yves Lafon</span> (<span class="org">W3C</span>) (staff contact)<sup> </sup></li>
	<li class="vcard"><span class="fn">Peter Linss</span> (<span class="org">HP</span>)<sup><a href="#term1">1</a></sup></li>
	<li class="vcard"><span class="fn">Ashok Malhotra</span> (<span class="org">Oracle</span>)<sup><a href="#term1">1</a></sup></li>
	<li class="vcard"><span class="fn">Larry Masinter</span> (<span class="org">Adobe</span>)<sup><a href="#term1">1</a></sup></li>
	<li class="vcard"><span class="fn">Noah Mendelsohn</span> (<span class="org">unaffiliated</span>) (<span class="role">Chair</span>)<sup><a href="#term2">2</a></sup></li>
	<li class="vcard"><span class="fn">Jonathan Rees</span> (<span class="org">Creative Commons</span>)<sup><a href="#term2">2</a></sup></li>
	<li class="vcard"><span class="fn">Jeni Tennison</span> (<span class="org">Unaffiliated</span>)<sup><a href="#term1">1</a></sup></li>
	<li class="vcard"><span class="fn">Henry Thompson</span> (<span class="org">U. of Edinburgh</span>)<sup><a href="#term2">2</a></sup></li>

<ul class="notes">
	<li><sup><a id="term1" name="term1">1</a></sup> Two-year term begins 1 Feb 2011 (see <a href="">election results</a>).</li>
	<li><sup><a id="term2" name="term2">2</a></sup> Two-year term begins 1 Feb 2012 (see <a href="">election results</a>).</li>



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<!--         Meetings and Mailing Lists     -->
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<div><h2 id="mtg">Meetings and Mailing Lists</h2>

    <a href="tag-weekly.html">Weekly TAG teleconference</a>  Thursdays, 13:00
    Boston time, for 90 minutes.  
    The agenda is posted at <a href=""></a>, and is announced on the  <a
    href="">www-tag</a> mailing list
    at least 24
    hours in advance.  Draft minutes follow within a day or two, and are announced on the same list.

  <li>Upcoming face-to-face meetings:
      <li id="tag201201" class="vevent"><a href="">TAG meeting 4th-6th January 2012, MIT, Cambridge, MA</a></li>

  <li>Recent face-to-face meetings:
     <li id="tag201109" class="vevent"><a href="">TAG meeting 13th-15th September 2011, Edinburgh, UK</a></li>
    <li id="tag201106" class="vevent"><a href="">TAG meeting 6th-8th June 2011, MIT, Cambridge, MA</a></li>
    <li id="tag201102" class="vevent"><a href="">TAG meeting 8th-10th February 2011, MIT, Cambridge, MA</a></li>

<p class="notes">See also: <a
href="">W3C Events Calendar</a> · <a
href="">Holidays and Festivals</a>·</p>

<ul id="mail-policy">
    www-tag (<a
    is the TAG's public list where it conducts work and engages in
    discussions on its work with the community. Use <a
    href="../..Mail/Request">W3C mailing list mechanics</a> to
    subscribe etc.
  <li id="news">
    public-tag-announce (<a
    >RSS feed</a>) is used for announcements from the TAG of minutes,
    meeting summaries, findings, new issues, resolved issues, and
    drafts of architecture documents. <span
    class="notes"><strong>Note:</strong> Announcements will also go to

    public-webarch-comments (<a href="">archive</a>)
    is used for review comments on the Architecture Document.

<p class="notes">
The <a href="">W3C archive
editing policy</a> is quite conservative; W3C will remove a messge to
these lists only in extreme circumstances.</p>


<div><h2 id="deliverables">Current Work</h2>

<p>The TAG maintains a public <a href="./products">work plan</a> that lists significant ongoing TAG projects. For most, links are provided to "product" pages that
set out goals, success criteria, planned delivery dates, etc.</p>

<p>The TAG tracks long running <a href="">issues</a> and detailed <a href="">actions</a> using the <a href="">W3C Tracker System</a>.</p>

<p>The <a href="group/track/issues/">TAG issue list</a> shows issues
that the TAG plans to address; by <a
issues are addes to this list by majority vote.</p>

<p>Lower priory work includes:</p>

  <li>maintenance on <cite><a href="">Architecture of the World Wide Web,
  Volume One</a></cite> W3C Recommendation 15 Dec 2004<br />
tracking <a href="">public-webarch-comments</a> and <a href="webarch/proposed-errata.html">proposing errata</a>
  <li><a href="em27">educational materials</a></li>


<div><h2 id="publications">Publications</h2>
<li>In 2004, the TAG published <cite><a href="">Architecture of the World Wide Web,
  Volume One</a></cite> W3C Recommendation 15 Dec 2004</li>
<li>The TAG has published a number of <a href="">approved TAG Findings</a>, exploring particular issues of Web Architecture.</li>
<li>There are also a number of other <a href="">draft TAG findings</a>; some of these may eventually
be revised to become approved findings, but others will likely be left as a record of work attempted but not completed.</li>


<div><h2 id="about">About the TAG: Charter, History</h2>

<p>The <a href="" rel="charter">TAG charter</a> was added to <a href="">W3C process</a> July 2001:</p>

<p class="summary">W3C has created the TAG to document and build consensus around principles of Web architecture and
to interpret and clarify these principles when necessary, to resolve issues involving general Web architecture brought
to the TAG, and to help coordinate cross-technology architecture developments inside and outside W3C.</p>

<p>Our <a href="tag-2004">work from 2001 to 2004</a> culminated in:

<li><cite><a href="">Architecture of the World Wide Web,
  Volume One</a></cite> W3C Recommendation 15 Dec 2004


<p>The World Wide Web uses relatively simple technologies with
sufficient scalability, efficiency and utility that they have resulted
in a remarkable information space of interrelated resources, growing
across languages, cultures, and media. In an effort to preserve these
properties of the information space as the technologies evolve, this
architecture document discusses the core design components of the
Web. They are identification of resources, representation of resource
state, and the protocols that support the interaction between agents
and resources in the space. We relate core design components,
constraints, and good practices to the principles and properties they


<p>Since then, significant events include:</p>


     <li id="tag201109a" class="vevent"><a href="">TAG meeting 13th-15th September 2011, Edinburgh, UK</a></li>
    <li id="tag201106a" class="vevent"><a href="">TAG meeting 6th-8th June 2011, MIT, Cambridge, MA</a></li>
<li id="tag201102a" class="vevent"><a href="">TAG meeting 8th-10th February 2011, MIT, Cambridge, MA</a></li>


  <li id="tag201010a" class="vevent"><a href="">TAG meeting 19th-21st October 2010, Google, Mountain View, CA</a></li>
  <li id="tag201006a" class="vevent"><a href="">TAG meeting 7th-9th June 2010, Vodafone, London, UK.</a> </li>
  <li id="tag200908a" class="vevent"><a href="">TAG meeting 24th-26th March 2010, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA.</a></li>



<li ><a class="summary" href="">TAG meeting 
<abbr title="2009-12-08" class="dtstart">Dec 08</abbr> - <abbr title="2009-12-10" class="dtend">10</abbr>
in <span class="location adr"><span class="locality">Cambridge</span>, <span class="region">MA</span></span></a>
<li><a  class="summary" href="">TAG meeting 2nd-6th November 2009, Marriott Hotel, Santa Clara, CA, USA.</a>  at the <a href="">W3C Technical Plenary</a>
<abbr title="2009-11-02" class="dtstart">Nov 02</abbr> - <abbr title="2009-11-06" class="dtend">06</abbr>
in <span class="location adr"><span class="locality">Santa Clara</span>, <span class="region">CA</span></span>

<a class="summary" href="">TAG meeting
<abbr title="2009-09-23" class="dtstart">Sept 23</abbr> - <abbr title="2009-09-25" class="dtend">25</abbr>
in <span class="location adr"><span class="locality">Cambridge</span>, <span class="region">MA</span></span></a>
<a class="summary" href="">TAG meeting
<abbr title="2009-06-23" class="dtstart">June 23</abbr> - <abbr title="2009-03-06" class="dtend">25</abbr>
in <span class="location adr"><span class="locality">Cambridge</span>, <span class="region">MA</span></span></a>
<a class="summary" href="">TAG meeting
<abbr title="2009-03-03" class="dtstart">March 3</abbr> - <abbr title="2009-03-06" class="dtend">5</abbr>
in <span class="location adr"><span class="locality">Redwood Shores</span>, <span class="region">CA</span></span></a>

  <a class="summary" href="2008/12/09-f2f-agenda">TAG meeting
    <abbr class="dtstart" title="2008-12-09">December 9</abbr> to
    <abbr class="dtend" title="2008-12-12">11</abbr>
  in <b class="location">Cambridge, MA</b> </a> 

  <li class="vevent" id="_6521">
    <a class="summary" href="2008/09/f2fkc-agenda">TAG meeting
    <abbr class="dtstart" title="2008-09-23">September 23</abbr> to
    <abbr class="dtend" title="2008-09-25">25</abbr>
    in <b class="location">Kansas City</b></a>

  <li><cite><a href="2008/sum10.html">TAG work in recent months, October 2008</a></cite></li>
  <li><a href="">
    uriBasedPackageAccess-61</a> issue accepted 26 Jun 2008
    <cite><a href="">Associating Resources with Namespaces</a></cite> finding approved (<a href="">25 June 2008 announcement</a>)
    <a href="">TAG
 meeting 19th-21st May 2008, Bristol, UK (hosted by HP Labs)</a>
    <a href="">TAG meeting 
    26th-28th February 2008, Vancouver, BC, Canada (hosted by BEA)</a>
    New Issue: <a href="">
    webApplicationState-60</a> opened 2007-12-13
    <a href="">TAG meeting
     5th-10th November 
    2007, Cambridge, MA</a>, during the <a href="">TPAC</a> . Mon
    <a href="">am</a>,
    <a href="">pm (with 
    HCLSIG)</a>, Tue
    <a href="">am</a>,
    <a href="">pm(with WSC - WSC 
    minutes)</a>, Fri  <a href="">am</a></li>
      <a href="2007/09/17-agenda">TAG meeting 17-19th September, University of Southampton, UK</a>. <a href="2007/09/17-tagmem-minutes">Monday</a>, <a href="2007/09/18-tagmem-minutes">Tuesday</a>, <a href="2007/09/09-tagmem-minutes">Wednesday.</a>
	Misc writings: <a href="">"Review of XHTML
	Modularization"</a> relevant to <a href="group/track/issues/41">XMLVersioning-41 (@@move to issues list)</a>
      New Issue <a href="group/track/issues/58">scalabilityOfURIAccess-58</a> 2007-08-22 
      New Issue <a href="group/track/issues/57">httpRedirections-57</a> 2007-08-22
      <a href="2007/05/29-agenda">TAG meeting 30th May - 1 June, Mountain View, CA, USA</a> hosted by Google. <a href="2007/05/30-minutes">Wednesday</a>, <a href="2007/05/31-tagmem-minutes">Thursday</a>, <a href="2007/06/01-minutes">Friday am.</a>
      <a href="2007/03/06-agenda">TAG meeting 6-7 March, Cambridge, MA, USA</a>. <a href="2007/03/06-minutes">Tuesday</a>,
	<a href="2007/03/07-morning-minutes">Wednedsay am</a> and <a href="2007/03/07-afternoon-minutes">pm</a>
	New issue <a href="issues.html#utf7Encoding-55">utf7Encoding-55</a>
	Approved TAG finding <a href="doc/metaDataInURI-31.html">The use of Metadata in URIs</a>
    <a href="2006/12/11-agenda.html">TAG meeting 11-13 Dec., Cambridge, MA, USA</a>
	Issue <a href="issues.html#metadataInURI-31">metadataInURI-31</a> resolved
      Approved TAG finding <a href="doc/alternatives-discovery.html">On Linking Alternative Representations To Enable
	Discovery And Publishing</a><br/>
	Issue <a href="issues.html#genericResources-53">genericResources-53</a> resolved
    <li>Oct 2006 <a href="">summary</a>
      <a href="2006/10/04-agenda.html">TAG meeting 4-5 Oct.,Vancouver, BC, Canada</a>
      New issue <a href="issues.html#TagSoupIntegration-54">TagSoupIntegration-54</a>
    <li>Jul 2006 <a href="">summary</a>
      <a href="2006/06/12-agenda.html">TAG meeting 12-14 Jun., Amherst, MA, USA</a>
	New issue <a href="issues.html#genericResources-53">genericResources-53</a>, new draft finding: <a href="doc/alternatives-discovery.html">On Linking Alternative Formats To Enable Discovery And Publishing</a>
	New issue <a href="issues.html#passwordsInTheClear-52">passwordsInTheClear-52</a>
	Approved TAG finding <a href="doc/mime-respect-20060412">Authoritative Metadata</a>
    Issue <a href="issues.html#putMediaType-38">putMediaType-38</a> resolved
      Issue <a href="issues.html#nameSpaceState-48">namespaceState-48</a>
    <li>Mar 2006  TAG finding <a href="">The Disposition of Names in an XML Namespace</a> published
	as a W3C Working Draft
    <li><a href="2006/02/27-agenda.html">TAG meeting 27 Feb &amp; 3 Mar 2006, Mandelieu, France</a>
    <li>Feb 2006
    Approved TAG finding: <a href="doc/leastPower.html">The Rule of Least Power</a><br/></li>
Jan 2006
	<a href="">summary</a>
	<cite><a href="doc/namespaceState">The Disposition of Names in an XML Namespace</a></cite> TAG finding approved Jan 2006
      <a href="2005/12/5-6-agenda.html">TAG meeting 5-6 December 2005, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA</a>
	<a href="2005/09/20-agenda.html">TAG meeting 20-22 September 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK</a>
    <li>Jun 2005
	<a href="">summary</a>
	Issue <a href="issues.html#httpRange-14">httpRange-14</a> resolved
    <li><a href="2005/06/14-16-minutes.html">TAG meeting 14-16 June 2005, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA</a>
    <li>Apr 2005 New issue <a href="issues.html#standardizedFieldValues-51">standardizedFieldValues-51</a></li>
    <li>Mar 2005New issue <a href="issues.html#URNsAndRegistries-50">URNsAndRegistries-50</a></li>
    <li><a href="2005/02/28-minutes.html">TAG meeting 28 February 2005 in Boston, MA, USA</a>, during the <a href="">Tech Plenary 2005</a>
    <li>Feb 2005 New issues <a
    href="issues.html#nameSpaceState-48">nameSpaceState-48</a>, <a
    <li>Jan 2005
	New issue <a href="issues.html#endPointRefs-47">endPointRefs-47</a></li>


<div><h2><a id="policies" name="policies">Group policies</a></h2>
  <li><a href="contributor">Contributor policies</a></li>
  <li><a href="disclosures">Patent disclosures</a></li>
  <a href=""> archives</a> (Member-only)</li>
    <a href="issues-about">TAG issue tracking policy</a>

<p class="notes">These materials are largely out of date:</p>
<ul class="notes">
  <li><a href="tatn" id="tag-attn">tips for getting the TAG's attention</a></li>
  <li><a href="issues.html?type=1"> pre-tracker issues list</a> </li>
  <li>See also <a href="">suggested tactics for addressing
new issues</a></li>
  <li><a href="group">TAG internal page</a> (Member only)</li>


<address><a href="">Tim Berners-Lee</a>, <a href="">Noah Mendelsohn</a>, co-chairs<br/>
<small>$Revision: 1.820 $ of $Date: 2012/01/14 15:26:05 $ by $Author: nmendels $</small>

<p class="copyright"><a href="">Copyright</a> © 2001-2009 <a href=""><acronym title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym></a><sup>®</sup> (<a href=""><acronym title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</acronym></a>, <a href=""><acronym title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</acronym></a>,
<a href="">Keio</a>), All Rights Reserved. W3C <a href="">liability</a>, <a href="">trademark</a>, <a rel="Copyright" href="">document use</a> and <a rel="Copyright" href="">software licensing</a> rules apply. Your interactions with
this site are in accordance with our <a href="">public</a>
and <a href="">Member</a> privacy statements.</p>