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  <title>TAG work in recent months, August 2008</title>
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  <h1>TAG work in recent months, October 2008</h1>
<p>[This summary is a minor update of our <a href="sum8.html">previous summary</a> 
published in August 2008]</p>

<p>The core technologies of the Web are HTML, HTTP, and URIs,
and the work of the W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG)
continues to focus on the corresponding areas of formats,
protocols, and naming.

<div><h2>Formats: HTML and ARIA, Namespace Documents</h2>

<p>As design of Accessible Rich Internet Applications (<a
href="">WAI-ARIA</a>) matured in
the WAI Protocols and Formats Working Group (<a
href="">PFWG</a>) and work started on
integration with host languages, especially HTML, the TAG noted the
use of an ad-hoc namespace mechanism: an <tt>aria-</tt> prefix on a
collection of attributes. The TAG sent <a
questions and suggestsions</a> on 14 May regarding the costs and
benefits of this ad-hoc mechanism versus using XML Namespaces; after
consideration of the deployment costs and benefits, the <a
of the TAG on 2 June</a> was to accept
that the most pragmatic short-term approach is indeed to use names 
beginning with 
<tt>aria-</tt>.  URI-based distributed extensibility remains a topic
of concern which the TAG discusses under issue 
The TAG devoted half of its <a href="09/f2fkc-agenda.html">3-day September F2F</a> 
to the topic of&nbsp; &quot;<a href="09/f2fkc-agenda#HTMLandTheWeb">HTML and The Web</a>&quot;. 
The TAG plans to meet with the <a href="">HTML WG</a> 
during <a href="">TPAC 2008</a> 
to discuss Modularisation of the HTML5 specification.</p>

<p>The TAG published a finding on <cite><a
Resources with Namespaces</a></cite>, which addresses issue
namespaceDocument-8.  The finding suggests conventions, from ordinary
HTML to dialects using RDDL and GRDDL to RDF, OWL, and XML Schema, for
documenting namespaces and for linking associated resources. This 25
June 2008 revision of the finding incorporates editorial work
following from our <a
discussion in Vancouver</a>.

<p>While still in draft form, <cite><a
>The Self-Describing Web</a></cite> was updated 
<a href="">12 May 2008</a> 
<a href="">
8 September 2008</a> it
discusses features of the Web that support reliable, ad hoc discovery
of information, including formats such as Atom, RDFa, GRDDL, XML, and
RDF. </p>

<p>Work continued on <a
<em>What are good practices for designing extensible XML languages and
for handling versioning?</em> The 20 May 2008 draft of <cite><a
>Extending and Versioning Languages: Compatibility
Strategies</a></cite> incorporates a number of reviews comments.
The TAG reviewed the
<a href="">
12 September 2008</a> during its
<a href="">September F2F</a> and 
decided to include a formalism based on
<a href="">work by 
Jonathan Rees</a>. Finding a concise way to distill the experience from
a large history of examples continues to be a challenge.

<div><h2>Protocols: widget packaging, HTTP scalability, linking</h2>

<p>The TAG has opened a new issue, <a
in response to a <a
for support from the Web Applications Formats (<a
href="">WAF</a>) community to consider
URI based access and reference to items within a web accessible
package.  The TAG expects to help address the requirements of not only
the WAF community in support of their current work on <a
href="">widgets</a> but also related
situations that involve reference within and into packaged
structures on the web.
The TAG plans to meet with the <a href="">WebApps 
WG</a> on this topic during
<a href="">TPAC 2008</a>

<p>In a  <a
June discussion of issue scalabilityOfURIAccess-58</a>, the TAG
encouraged use of XML catalogs as a caching mechanism to mitigate the
load that automated access to DTDs and schemas put on the W3C web site.

<p>Protocol support for linking, e.g. from non-hypertext formats, was
in early drafts of HTTP but did not receive enough implementation
experience to be ratified in <a
href="" >RFC 2616</a>
in June 1999.  An <cite><a
Header Linking</a></cite> draft of 14 March "clarifies the status of
the Link HTTP header and attempts to consolidate link relations in a
single registry."  A <a
May message from the POWDER Working Group chair</a> explains use cases
that seem to be satisfied by an HTTP Link header field.  After a
lengthy <a
Access to Metadata</a> thread, the TAG encouraged the use of Link for
POWDER, among other scenarios in a <a
Jun message</a> following our <a
href="">20 May
discussion of issue httpRedirections-57</a>.

<p>Also following our <a
href="">May meeting in
Bristol</a>, we invited comment on the 2 June draft of <cite>
<a href="">Passwords
in the Clear</a></cite>, especially from the HTML Working Group and the Web 
Security Context Working Group. A further
<a href="">
draft</a> was discussed at our
<a href="">September F2F</a> 
and a TAG approved <i>
<a href="">
Passwords in the Clear</a></i> finding was published on 15 October.</p>

<div><h2>Naming: XRIs</h2>

<p>The TAG is working on comparing HTTP and DNS to other approaches to
persistent naming such as <tt>info:</tt> and <tt>xri:</tt> under issue
<a href="">issue
URNsAndRegistries-50</a>. While the <cite><a
href="" >URNs,
Namespaces and Registries</a></cite> draft has been preempted by other
work since the last update of August 2006, the TAG discovered a 31 May
deadline on a <a
to Approve XRI Resolution v2.0 as an OASIS Standard</a> and summarized
its position: <a
>TAG recommends against XRI</a>. In an attempt to facilitate dialog
after this somewhat awkward step, the TAG and the <a
XRI TC</a> held a <a
href="">3 July
joint meeting</a> and continue the discussion by email in <a
with the goals of improving understanding of our respective positions and to 
publically record points of agreement and if necessary irresolvable 
disagreement. </p>
 <p>Discussion of with the OASIS XRI TC has continued through October 2008 with 
 improving levels of mutual understanding and much less talking past one 
 another. The XRI TC are currently exploring alternate approaches to meeting their 
 requirements using existing URI schemes with the intention of developing an 
 approach aligned with the <a href="">Architecture 
 of the World Wide Web</a>.</p>


<h2><a id="about" name="about">About the Technical Architecture Group</a></h2>
<p>The Technical Architecture Group (TAG) was created in February 2001. Three TAG participants are appointed by the
Director and five TAG participants are elected by the Advisory Committee. The 
<a href="">mission of the TAG</a> is stewardship of the Web architecture. 
Included in this mission is building consensus around principles of Web architecture, resolving issues involving Web
architecture, and helping to coordinate cross-technology architecture developments inside and outside W3C.</p>
<p>Details on TAG activities can be found from the 
<a href="">TAG home page</a>. The TAG
meets weekly and sends summaries of its activity to the AC, Chairs, and public TAG mailing list (<a
	href="">www-tag archive</a>). The TAG welcomes public discussion of open
issues, as well as proposals for new issues, on that same list.</p>
<h2><a id="tag" name="tag">TAG Participants</a></h2>
<p>Following the TAG
<a href="">election results</a> announced in January 2008, the TAG participants are:</p>
 <li class="vcard"><span class="fn">Tim Berners-Lee</span> (<span class="org">W3C</span>) 
 (<span class="role">Chair</span>)</li>
 <li class="vcard">Dan Connolly (W3C) staff contact</li>
 <li class="vcard"><span class="fn">Ashok Malhotra</span> (<span class="org">Oracle</span>)<sup><a href="#term2">2</a></sup> 
 <li class="vcard"><span class="fn">Noah Mendelsohn</span> (<span class="org">IBMM</span>)<sup><a href="#term4">4</a></sup>
 <li class="vcard"><span class="fn">David Orchard</span> (<span class="org">BEA</span>)<sup><a href="#term1">1</a></sup>
 <li class="vcard"><span class="fn">T. V. Raman</span> (<span class="org">Google</span>)<sup><a href="#term1">1</a></sup>
 <li class="vcard"><span class="fn">Jonathan Rees</span> (<span class="org">Science 
 Commons</span>)<sup><a href="#term4">4</a></sup> </li>
 <li class="vcard"><span class="fn">Henry Thompson</span> (<span class="org">U. 
 of Edinburgh</span>)<sup><a href="#term2">2</a></sup> </li>
 <li class="vcard"><span class="fn">Norm Walsh</span> (<span class="org">Sun</span>)<sup><a href="#term1">1</a></sup>
 <li class="vcard"><span class="fn">Stuart Williams</span> (<span class="org">HP)</span><sup><a href="#term3">3</a></sup><span class="org"> 
 co-chair</span><sup> </sup></li>
 <li><sup><a id="term1" name="term1">1</a></sup> elected through 31 Jan 2009</li>
 <li><sup><a id="term2" name="term2">2</a></sup> elected through 31 Jan 2010</li>
 <li><sup><a id="term3" name="term3">3</a></sup> appointed through 31 Jan 2009</li>
 <li><sup><a id="term4" name="term4">4</a></sup> appointed through 31 Jan 2010</li>


<hr />

  Dan Connolly, W3C TAG team contact, August 2008<br>
  Stuart Williams, TAG co-chair, October 2008<br />
  <small>$Revision: 1.3 $ of $Date: 2008/10/17 12:21:47 $</small>
