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<h1>Media Fragments Working Group Teleconference</h1>

<h2>24 Sep 2008</h2>

<p>See also: <a href="http://www.w3.org/2008/09/24-mediafrag-irc">IRC

<h2><a name="attendees" id="attendees">Attendees</a></h2>

<div class="intro">
    <dd>+0329331aaaa, +95168aabb, +95168aacc, raphael, davy, mhausenblas,
      +030210772aadd, Yves, +61.2.801.2.aaee, nessy, vassilis, erik</dd>

  <li><a href="#agenda">Topics</a> 
      <li><a href="#item01">minutes approval</a></li>
      <li><a href="#item02">Use Cases</a></li>
      <li><a href="#item03">AOB</a></li>
  <li><a href="#ActionSummary">Summary of Action Items</a></li>
<hr />

<div class="meeting">
<p class="phone"> </p>

<p class="irc">&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; The scribe list is at: <a

<p class="irc">&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; We're going down the list ...</p>

<p class="irc">&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; ... Jack should be our next
scribe, Yves on deck if Jack cannot make it</p>

<p class="irc">&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; ... is that ok?</p>

<p class="irc">&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; Chair: Erik</p>

<p class="irc">&lt;<cite>scribe</cite>&gt; Scribe: Yves</p>

<h3 id="item01">minutes approval</h3>

<p class="irc">&lt;<cite>mhausenblas</cite>&gt; +1</p>

<p class="irc">&lt;<cite>nessy</cite>&gt; +1</p>

<p class="phone"><cite>Erik:</cite> comments? somebody objecting?</p>

<p class="irc">&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; +1</p>

<p class="irc">&lt;<cite>davy</cite>&gt; +1</p>

<p class="phone">=&gt; minutes approved</p>

<p class="phone">Please present yourself in the Wiki.</p>

<p class="phone">next f2f: please register in <a

<p class="phone"><cite>Silvia:</cite> I registered</p>

<p class="phone"><cite>Erik:</cite> will we be able to see the results from
the questionnaire?</p>

<p class="phone"><cite>Yves:</cite> yes, there will be a consolidated page
with the relevant information</p>

<p class="phone"><cite>Raphael:</cite> the questionnaire will be closed

<p class="phone">end is 28 september</p>

<p class="phone"><cite>Erik:</cite> next in f2f in ghent. there was a
questionnaire, and the result was to pick 9th and 10th</p>

<p class="irc">&lt;<cite>erik</cite>&gt; +1</p>

<p class="phone"><cite>Raphael:</cite> any objection with those dates?</p>

<p class="irc">&lt;<cite>nessy</cite>&gt; +1</p>

<p class="irc">&lt;<cite>Vassilis</cite>&gt; +1</p>

<p class="irc">&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; +1</p>

<p class="irc">&lt;<cite>davy</cite>&gt; +1</p>

<p class="irc">&lt;<cite>mhausenblas</cite>&gt; +1</p>

<p class="phone">=&gt; resolution Ghent f2f will be 9th and 10th December</p>

<p class="phone">meeting will be announced well in advance (wrt 8 week limit,
per W3C process)</p>

<h3 id="item02">Use Cases</h3>

<p class="phone"><cite>Erik:</cite> there is a new Use Case page in the Wiki,
with uses cases for video, audio and still images</p>

<p class="phone"><a

<p class="phone"><cite>Raphael:</cite> if you need to create new pages in the
wiki for the use cases, please do so (as soon as you link form the main

<p class="phone"><cite>Silvia:</cite> what is the aim to give people
individual use cases? or should we discuss more genericly about UCs ?</p>

<p class="phone"><cite>Raphael:</cite> next step would be to extract
requirements for our WDs</p>

<p class="phone"><cite>Erik:</cite> it will help reconcile the UCs and the
spec, showing we didn't miss any requirement during the process</p>

<p class="phone">Michael, as long as you are responsible of a Use Case, you
will be the advocate of the UC, not that you are the sole contributor on

<p class="phone"><cite>Vassilis:</cite> it would be nice to have a template
for use cases, to help editors starting</p>

<p class="irc">&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; +1</p>

<p class="phone"><cite>Silvia:</cite> there is one missing in the media
delivery field, but the current number seems right</p>

<p class="phone"><cite>Raphael:</cite> UCs are not independants, we will go
through the whole list of UCs, discuss them, group and filter them (in case
of ducplicates, specialization of UCs, etc...)</p>

<p class="phone"><cite>Silvia:</cite> even search and serving with offset
might be linked as well, so almost all UCs are linked to each other.</p>

<p class="phone"><cite>Erik:</cite> specialized UCs of the generic ones will
help discussing technical issues</p>

<p class="irc">&lt;<cite>mhausenblas</cite>&gt; Michael volunteers to take
lead on <a

<p class="irc">&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; thanks Michael</p>

<p class="phone"><a
no volunteer</p>

<p class="phone"><cite>Raphael:</cite> what is the Photobook UC?</p>

<p class="phone">is the goal doing a composite image out of a collection of

<p class="phone"><cite>Silvia:</cite> it's about taking sections of images,
and stitch them, for example</p>

<p class="phone">another one would be a slideshow</p>

<p class="phone">it would be good to have clarification of the intent in the

<p class="phone"><cite>Erik:</cite> thought more about video made out of

<p class="phone"><cite>Silvia:</cite> so linked to the slideshow</p>

<p class="phone"><cite>Raphael:</cite> looks similar to what SMIL can do</p>

<p class="phone">Erik will be responsible for the Photobook UC</p>

<p class="phone"><cite>Silvia:</cite> SMIL can work on the slideshow part,
but we still need to define fragments, right?</p>

<p class="phone"><cite>Raphael:</cite> yes</p>

<p class="phone">Raphael will take careof the Map Application UC</p>

<p class="phone"><cite>Yves:</cite> the Multi Resolution UC is in the same
bucket, spo it make sense to work on both of them</p>

<p class="phone"><cite>Raphael:</cite> agreeed</p>

<p class="phone">Moving Point of Interest.</p>

<p class="phone"><cite>Raphael:</cite> it is something that may be in the
charter but in the second part.</p>

<p class="phone">so it's OK to work on the UC, but it won't be worked on
during the first phase</p>

<p class="phone">Silvia will take the Video/Browser UC</p>

<p class="phone"><cite>Erik:</cite> Next week, we will try to distribute the
remaining UCs</p>

<p class="phone">We will need to look at the state of the art for every

<p class="phone">look at the different existing solutions, different syntax,
put examples in the wiki etc...</p>

<p class="irc">&lt;<cite>mhausenblas</cite>&gt; <a

<p class="phone"><cite>Raphael:</cite> from recent email exchanges, we need
to work on a Glossary</p>

<p class="phone">we need to agree on the terminology we use</p>

<h3 id="item03">AOB</h3>

<p class="phone"><cite>Raphael:</cite> we didn't give formal actions, but
please edit your wiki apges, add your names to the UCs, and register to TPAC
if not done !</p>

<p class="phone">ADJOURNED</p>

<h2><a name="ActionSummary" id="ActionSummary">Summary of Action
<!-- Action Items -->
[End of minutes]<br />

<hr />
  Minutes formatted by David Booth's <a
  version 1.133 (<a href="http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/">CVS
  log</a>)<br />
  $Date: 2008/09/24 13:00:36 $ 

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