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<h1 class="title">Thesaurus Browser Demonstrator</h1>
<p>The <a href=
Thesaurus Activity</a> project is a SWAD-E sub-project aimed at
showing how semantic web technology can be used by the KOS
community for enhancing description of simple thesauri and
classification schemes.</p>
<p>The focus of the demonstration was to show the end result of
applying the developed models, techniques and systems using example
data inside a web service application framework. This would show
how the pieces connected together and while providing access to the
core concepts, provides additional possibilities with standard
semantic web tools.</p>
<p>The key outputs of the project are:</p>
<li>The SKOS schema for encoding thesauri in RDF</li>
<li><a href="">Demonstration
web service</a>, with prototype server and client
<li>Downloadable software for the above -<a href=
"">dreft</a> in
Java and Python</li>
<li>Reports detailing the <a href=
"">current work
in the field</a>, <a href=
"">initial design
for SKOS</a>, <a href=
for creating a SKOS scheme</a>, encoding <a href=
thesauri</a> and <a href=
schemes</a> in SKOS, <a href=
"">using OWL with
SKOS</a> and the <a href=
"">development of
the prototype web service</a></li>
<li>Identification of a demand for tools in the KOS.</li>
<li>Ongoing work in the <a href=
"">W3C Semantic Web Best
Practices and Deployment working group</a> to progress the work
beyond this project into possible standardisation.</li>
<p>All data, software and documents were developed using open
technical standards and open source.</p>
<p>Key goals of the project include:</p>
<li>Fostering a community across existing KOS and Semantic Web
<li>Enhancing the semantic web with existing rich thesauri
<li>Bringing in less formal hierarchical systems such as bookmarks
into the semantic web</li>
<p>These goals were approached by discussing with the community
their issues and discovering use cases based on existing
applications. This led to the development of the SKOS schema, with
lots of influence from earlier work, with an appropriate modeling
approach (concept based) and a gentle guide so that the path to
using it was easy to achieve for those new to the technology.</p>
<p>The API and web services show how such systems can be made
available and used with commodity technology (XML, SOAP and Web
Services) and open source to leverage a high-level application. The
resulting system as it was built with semantic web tools can then
provide additional benefits such as RDF query, as the
standardisation of the area continues.</p>
<p>The activity here continues in the mailing list hosted by the
W3C as part of the SWBPD WG using community support tools such as
Wiki to improve and extend this work beyond the end of the
<h2>Semantic web features demonstrated</h2>
<p>The demonstrator illustrates the use of a simple RDF schema and
some careful modeling to capture the core features of interest to a
community, bringing it to the semantic web. The aggregation
features of RDF allow different SKOS schemas to be manipulated
together, and possible mapped at a later date, or by independent
parties. The developing provenance tracking of semantic web tools
can be used to enhance such mappings or aggregations by following
who made such descriptions.</p>
<p>The modeling of the information in the individual thesauri also
has been an important development such as the process of chosing
the URIs for concepts and how and when to relate and group concepts
with terms. This remains somewhat ongoing research as there are
tradeoffs here; this is continuing in a different track of the
<p>This demonstrator primarily shows the semantic web components:
distributed data + core schema + local schemas + webness.</p>