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<h2><a href="">World Wide Web
Consortium</a><br />
Workshop on XML Key Management Services</h2>

<h3>19 July 2001<br />
Redwood City, CA - USA</h3>

<p style="text-align: center"><a href="#background">background</a>
&middot; <a href="#goals">goals</a> &middot; <a href="#scope">
scope</a> &middot; <a href="#criteria">criteria</a> &middot; <a
href="#participation">participation</a> &middot; <a
href="#position">position papers</a>&nbsp; &middot; <a
href="#dates">dates</a> &middot; <a href="#program">program</a>
&middot; <a href="#proceedings">proceedings</a> &middot; <a
href="#committee">organizing committee</a> &middot; <a

<hr />
<hr />

<h3><a name="background" id="background">Background</a></h3>

<p>In 1999, W3C began work on security-related specifications for
the Web. Starting with XML Signature Working Group (jointly with
IETF) and now XML Encryption Working Group, we have been building a
series of modular cryptographic facilities to enable the
development of a variety of security services. W3C's work to date,
however, has only laid the beginning foundations for what will
ultimately be required of Web-based security services. The <a
href="">XML Signature</a>
specification, for example, purposefully avoided questions of key
trustworthiness. While the signature specification did define a few
XML structures for common key types (e.g., DSAKeyValue, X509,
etc.), these structures are optional and questions of trust,
including confidence in a key, was out of scope of XML Signature,
as it is for XML Encryption.</p>

<p>However, these questions about trust are critical to secure XML
applications, reliable XML protocols and trusted Web services.
Recently, a number of W3C Members made a submission (<a
Submission</a>) that adds an additional layer of security services
to Web standards.</p>

<p>XKMS address these issues in two parts: X-KISS and X-KRSS.
First, the X-KISS specification defines a protocol for a <i>Trust
service</i> that resolves the key information contained in an XML
Signature or Encryption element. This permits a client to delegate
part or all of the tasks required to process key information. This
delegation is useful in that a light-weight, XML only client can
delegate the processing of other formats (ASN1 encoded
certificates) and their semantics (X509 semantics and path
validation rules) to an external service. Second, the X-KRSS
specification defines a protocol for a Web service that accepts
registration of public key information. Once registered, the public
key may be used in conjunction with other Web services including

<h3><a name="goals" id="goals">Goals</a></h3>

<p>This workshop will consider the requirements for simple key
resolution and trust services for XML security applications, the
degree to which the XKMS specification satisfies those
requirements, and determine if there is sufficient focus and
interest to propose a W3C activity in this area.</p>

<h3><a id="scope" name="scope">Scope of the Workshop</a></h3>

<p>Topics likely to be discussed at this workshop include, but are
not limited to:</p>

<li>XML Security application key management requirements.</li>

<li>Dependencies on <a class="navlink"
href="">XML Protocol</a>, Web services,
<a class="navlink" href="">XML
Query</a>, <a class="navlink" href="">
Semantic Web</a>, and transport protocols (e.g., HTTP).</li>

<li>Security considerations resulting from a specification.</li>

<li>The scope of any resulting Activity.</li>

<h3><a id="criteria" name="criteria">Criteria for success</a></h3>

<p>The workshop will be considered successful if:</p>

<li>It has a broad spectrum of participants from all the
stakeholders involved.</li>

<li>Identifies dependencies and necessary liaisons (OASIS SAML TC,
XML Signature/Encryption, etc.).</li>

<li>Good minutes reflecting a clear understanding of requirements,
substantive issues, and next steps.</li>

<p>Future W3C work in this area will vary depending on the workshop
findings. It is important to identify how W3C can make a unique
contribution, whether through its own development resource and/or
liaison with other organizations.</p>

<hr />

<h3><a id="participation" name="participation">Registration and
Rules for participation</a></h3>

<li>There will be a limit of 45 participants.</li>

<li>The workshop is an open event; however, space is limited and
preference will be given on the basis of (1) quality of position
paper, and (2) members of W3C Working Groups.</li>

<li>There will be no workshop participation fee.</li>

<li>Participants are responsible for their own accommodation and
travel expenses.</li>

<li>The number of participants per organization is initially
limited to two.</li>

<li>To attend the workshop, you must register by filling out the <a
<strong>registration form</strong></a> no later than <em>June 19
2001</em>. <b>Registration is required, even for invited speakers,
experts and W3C staff!</b></li>

<li><b>Position papers are required</b> to participate at this
workshop. Each person wishing to participate <em><strong>
must</strong></em> submit a position paper explaining their
interest in the workshop at the time of registration. See <a
href="#position">the Position Papers section of this

<li>The Chair will let all registrants know by <em>June 27
2001</em> if there are too many persons in attendance and we need
to apply the preference rule stated above. Otherwise, everybody
registered can participate.</li>

<p>To facilitate workshop planning, anyone interested in
participating should send a statement of interest to <a

<li>who from your organization will attend the workshop</li>

<li>when your position paper will be ready (preferably with an

<li>if you would like to actually present</li>

<li>what would you change/remove/add to the agenda</li>


<h3><a id="position" name="position">Position Papers</a></h3>

<p>Position papers are the basis for the discussion at the
workshop. A position paper is usually short, around 1 to 5 pages
(there is a maximum of five pages)&nbsp;and summarizes:</p>

<li>Your experience in the areas covered by the Workshop scope (W3C
technologies testing, etc)</li>

<li>What are the needs of your company/organization in the field of
XMK Key Management Services.</li>

<li>What are your general expectations on the final outputs of the

<li>What are your potential contributions to the discussion,
related ideas, and suggested solutions? A well-defined technical
contribution may accompany the position paper as an appendix.</li>

<p>Position papers will be published on the public Web pages of the
workshop, so position papers and slides of presentations must be
available for public dissemination. Submitting a position paper
comprises a default recognition of these terms for
publication.&nbsp;Allowed formats are <strong><a
href="">valid</a> HTML/XHTML or plain
text</strong>. Papers in any other formats will be returned, with a
request for correct formatting.</p>

<p>The Chair will ask the authors of particularly salient position
papers to <strong>present</strong> their position at the workshop
to foster discussion. Presenters will also make the slides of the
presentation available on the workshop Web site.</p>

<p>Position papers must be submitted via email to the Workshop
Chair (&lt;<a
href="mailto:("></a>&gt; and <a
&lt;</a>&gt;) no later than <strong>19 June

<hr />
<h2><a id="dates" name="dates">Important dates</a></h2>

<!-- <p>Hotel Discount Rate Available until : To be determined</p> -->
<p><b>19 June 2001</b>: Deadline for W3C Member position papers and
registration for the workshop program (1 to 5 pages - send to <a

<p><b>27 June 2001</b>: Position paper acceptance and draft
workshop program available</p>

<p><b>19 July 2001</b>: Workshop on XML Key Management

<hr />
<h2><a id="program" name="program">Workshop program</a></h2>

<p>The workshop program is not yet available.</p>

<p>The complete list of submitted papers should be viewed as
required reading for the workshop.</p>

<h2><a id="proceedings" name="proceedings">Workshop

<p>Minutes of the workshop will be publicly available. The
presentations are available from the program.</p>

<h2><a name="discussion" id="discussion">XML Key Management
Services discussion</a></h2>

<p>There is a public W3C list,&nbsp; &lt;<a
href=""></a>&gt; (see <a
archive</a>), for discussion regarding this workshop.</p>

<hr />
<h2><a id="committee" name="committee">Organizing

<dt>Program Chair</dt>

<dd>Joe Pato, HP</dd>

<dt>Workshop Organization Chair</dt>

<dd>Thane Plambeck, VeriSign</dd>

<dt>Workshop Webmaster</dt>

<dd>Dominique Haza&euml;l-Massieux, <a href=""></a><br />
 MIT/Laboratory for Computer Science<br />
 545 Technology Square<br />
 Cambridge, MA 02139 U.S.A.</dd>

<hr />
<h2><a name="logistics" id="logistics">Workshop logistics</a></h2>

<p><a name="venue" id="venue"></a>Workshop <a
logistics</a> are shared with those of the XML Encryption

<hr />
<h2><a id="resource" name="resource">W3C Resource

<p>Over the period of ten weeks, this work will consume 15% of the
time of one W3C Team member for committee work, organization, and
for managing the workshop Web site.</p>

<hr width="100%" />
<address><a href="">Joseph Reagle</a><br />
 $Date: 2001/06/18 18:12:02 $ by $Author: reagle $</address>