test-graph1.n3 1.14 KB
@prefix : <#>.
@prefix g: <http://www.w3.org/2001/02pd/gv#>.
@prefix u: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>.

 <#rcsId> "$Id: test-graph1.n3,v 1.5 2001/08/16 04:19:24 connolly Exp $";
 g:digraph [
 g:id "makeREC";
 g:label "@@TODO...";

 g:subgraph [ 
	g:label "Key/Schema";
	g:hasNode :ACnotice, :trPub, :ACaction, :WGaction;
	g:hasNode :x, :y;
        g:hasEdgeProperty :e1;

#hmm... in .dot syntax, the label defaults to the local id;
# is that reasonable to do in rdf2dot.xsl, or should
# we stay out of peeking into URIs?
# Let's stay out of that for now; after all, we intend
# folks to generate diagrams by rules, not by hand.

:ACnotice g:label "ACnotice"; g:color "green".
:trPub g:label "trPub"; g:color "blue".
:ACaction g:label "ACaction"; g:color "orange".
:WGaction g:label "WGaction"; g:color "brown".
:x g:label "x"; :e1 :y.
:y g:label "y".

#hmm... require an explicit g:hasNode arc to :y, or
# discover it? We require an explicit node;
# we're doing tree traversal, not graph traversal, in
# rdf2dot.xsl.
# But you can use cwm to infer it; see orgDiagram.n3 for example.

  g:label "optional dependency";
  g:style "dotted".