rec54.n3 5.01 KB
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <>.
 dc:title "Model of the W3C Process";
 dc:description """This is (the start of) an event-based model of the W3C process;
  e.g. RECdd is the class of Recommendation Director's Decisions;
	i.e. messages to w3c-ac-members announcing a new
	W3C Recommendation.""";
 rdfs:comment "$Id: rec54.n3,v 1.13 2004/10/07 14:26:50 dom Exp $";

@prefix : <>.
@prefix doc: <>.

:REC rdfs:subClassOf :TRPub.
:PR rdfs:subClassOf :TRPub.
:PRReview  rdfs:subClassOf :ACaction.

:RECdd rdfs:subClassOf :ACnotice.

:PER rdfs:subClassOf :TRPub;
        rdfs:label "W3C Proposed Edited Recommendation".

:RSCND rdfs:subClassOf :TRPub;
        rdfs:label "W3C Rescinded Recommendation".

:REC is :effect of :RECdd.
:REC :cites :PR.
:RECdd :cites :REC.

:RECdd :cites :PRReview.
:RECdd :cites :CFR.

:PRReview :cites :PR, :CFR.
:PRReview :cites :OrgJoins. #quarterly/weekly review?

:OrgJoins rdfs:subClassOf :ACaction.
:PR rdfs:subClassOf :TRPub.
:CFR rdfs:subClassOf :ACnotice.

:CFR :cites :PR.
:PR is :effect of :CFR.

:PR :cites :CR. #@@ optional
:PR :cites :LastCall.

:PRreq rdfs:subClassOf :WGAction; rdfs:label "PR req.".
:ImpEvidence rdfs:subClassOf :WGAction; rdfs:label "Impl. Evidence".
:LastCall rdfs:subClassOf :WD; rdfs:label "Last Call WD".
:LCann rdfs:subClassOf :WGAction; rdfs:label "Last Call Ann.".
:CFR :cites :PRreq.
:PRreq :cites :ImpEvidence, :LastCall.
:LastCall :cites :WD.
:LastCall is :effect of :LCann.
:LCann :cites :Charter.

:CFI rdfs:subClassOf :ACnotice; rdfs:label "CFI".
:CR rdfs:subClassOf :TRPub; rdfs:label "Candidate Recommendation".
:CFI :cites :CR.
:CR is :effect of :CFI.
:CR :cites :LastCall.
:CFI :cites :CRreq.
:CRreq rdfs:subClassOf :WGAction; rdfs:label "CR req.".
:CRreq :cites :LastCall.

:WDreq rdfs:subClassOf :WGAction; rdfs:label "WD req.".

:participation rdfs:label "participation".
:WDreq is :effect of :participation.
:participation is :effect of :nomination. #@@ different relation?

:WD rdfs:subClassOf :TRPub; rdfs:label "W3C Working Draft". 
:WD :cites :ActivityStatement.
:WD is :effect of :WDreq. #@@sorta

:Charter rdfs:label "charter".
:Charter is :effect of :CFP.

:nomination rdfs:subClassOf :ACaction; rdfs:label "nomination".
:nomination :cites :Charter.
:nomination :cites :OrgJoins.

:ActivityCreation rdfs:subClassOf :ACnotice; rdfs:label "Activity Creation".
:ActivityStatement rdfs:label "Activity Statement"; a rdfs:Class.
:CFP rdfs:subClassOf :ACnotice; rdfs:label "CFP".
:CFP :cites :ActivityCreation, :ActivityStatement.
:CFP :cites :Charter.
:ActivityCreation :cites :APreview.
:ActivityStatement is :effect of :ActivityCreation.

:APreview rdfs:subClassOf :ACaction; rdfs:label "A.P. review".
:ActivityProposal rdfs:subClassOf :ACnotice; rdfs:label "Activity Proposal".
:APreview :cites :ActivityProposal.
:APreview :cites :OrgJoins.

:REC       rdfs:label "W3C Recommendation".
:RECdd     rdfs:label "Rec. dd".
:PR        rdfs:label "W3C Proposed Reccommendation".
:PRReview  rdfs:label "PR review".
:CFR       rdfs:label "Call for Review".
:OrgJoins  rdfs:label "Org. Joins".

:editor rdfs:label "editor";
  rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:contributor.

#@@ contact:affiliation,

:formerShortname rdfs:label "former short name";
  rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:identifier.

:implementationFeedbackDue rdfs:label "implementation feedback due";
  rdfs:domain :CR.

:lastCallFeedBackDue rdfs:label "last call feedbackdue";
  rdfs:domain :LastCall. #@@ LastCallWD

:prReviewsDue rdfs:label "proposed recommendation feedback due";
  rdfs:domain :PR.

:previousEdition rdfs:label "previous edition";
  rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:relation.

:supersedes rdfs:label "supersedes"; 
	rdfs:comment "this Work supersedes what was one in that Work";
	rdfs:range doc:Work;
	rdfs:domain doc:Work;
  rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:relation.

:Superseded rdfs:label "supersed Work";
	rdfs:subClassOf doc:Work;
	rdfs:comment "Another work has superseded this one, which should not be considered as current any more.".

:TRPub rdfs:label "a W3C Technical Report";
	rdfs:subClassOf doc:Work;
	 rdfs:seeAlso <>.

:LastCall rdfs:subClassOf :WD;
	rdfs:label "WD in Last Call".

:FirstEdition rdfs:subClassOf :REC;
	rdfs:label "first Edition of a Recommendation".

:Retired rdfs:subClassOf :WD;
	rdfs:label "WD not longer in development".

:fromSubmission rdfs:label "published per Member Submission request";
  rdfs:domain :NOTE.

:NOTE rdfs:label "W3C Note";
  rdfs:subClassOf :TRPub.

# Not sure what's the real intent of these properties...x
:cites rdfs:label "cites";
  rdfs:domain doc:Work.

:effect rdfs:label "has an effect on".

:patentRules rdfs:label "governed by patent rules";
	rdfs:domain :TRPub.