gv.n3 3.21 KB
# $Id: gv.n3,v 1.9 2006/01/11 18:45:44 timbl Exp $
# graphviz vocabulary

@prefix : <http://www.w3.org/2001/02pd/gv#>.
@prefix r: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>.
@prefix u: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>.
@prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>.

<> dc:source <http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/>,

 dc:description "dot from GraphViz by Stephen North et. al. at AT&T Research".

  dc:title "Drawing graphs with dot";
  dc:creator "Eleftherios Koutsofios";
  dc:creator "Steven C. North";
  dc:publisher "AT&T Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, NJ";
  dc:date "November 20, 1996".

:Graphic a u:Class; u:label "Graphic";
    u:comment "Something which appears in the visible output".

:Node a u:Class;
  u:isSubClassOf :Graphic;
  u:label "Node";
  u:comment "note that this class isn't named in the .dot syntax".

:color a r:Property;
  u:label "color";
#  [ :defaultFor :Node] "black"; #@@n3 BUG! this anonymous property gets garbled by cwm.py
  u:comment "node shape color";
  u:range :ColorName.

:Graph a u:Class;
  u:label "Graph";
  u:comment "note that this class isn't named in the .dot syntax".

:Edge a u:Class;
  u:isSubClassOf :Graphic;
  u:label "Edge";
  u:comment "note that this class isn't named in the .dot syntax".

:id a :ObsoleteProperty. # IDs are handled by rdf2dot.xsl now

:label a r:Property;
  u:label "label";
  u:range :String.

  # GOTCHA for the RDF primer/guide: don't write
  #   u:domain :Graph, :Node, :Edge.
  # That would mean that every subject of a :label statement
  # is all three of those!

 :URL  a r:Property;
   u:domain :Graphic;
   u:description """Hypertext reference from the graphic object""".

 :fontcolor  a r:Property;
    u:domain :Graphic;
    u:range :String;
    u:description """See the ATT Graphviz manual for values""".

:rankdir  a r:Property;
    u:domain :Graph;
    u:range :String;
    u:description """See the ATT Graphviz manual for values""".

:shape  a r:Property;
    u:domain :Node;
    u:range :String;
    u:description """See the ATT Graphviz manual for values""".

:style a r:Property;
    u:domain :Graphic;
    u:range :String;
    u:description """See the ATT Graphviz manual for values""".

:digraph a r:Property;
  u:label "diagram";
  u:range :Graph;
  u:comment "subject is typically the document itself".

:subgraph a r:Property;
  u:label "subgraph";
  u:domain :Graph;
  u:range :Graph.

:hasNode a r:Property;
  u:label "has node";
  u:domain :Graph;
  u:range :Node;
  u:comment "this isn't named in the dot syntax; it's a lexical feature".

:EdgeProperty u:subClassOf r:Property;
  u:label "Edge Property";
  u:comment "use properties of this type to indicate edges".

:ColorName u:subClassOf :String;
  u:label "Color Name".

:String u:subClassOf u:Literal;
  u:label "String";
  u:comment "@@use XML Schema string datatype name or daml name".

:Numeral u:subClassOf u:Literal;
  u:label "Numeral";
  u:comment "@@use XML Schema string datatype name or daml name".

# :defaultFor a r:Property;
#   u:label "default";
#   u:comment "defaults from Table 1 of the dot User's Manual".