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 <title>Scribe Duty Checklist for Semantic Web Deployment Working Group</title>

Using the IRC channel to document teleconferences

<a href=""></a>

Tom Baker

About these guidelines

In W3C teleconferences, the IRC channel is used not only
to record communication among the attendees, but also to
control two robots (see Further Reading below):

-- &lt;RRSAgent&gt;, a helpful bot for recording an IRC session;

-- &lt;Zakim&gt;, an IRC bot that interacts with W3C's Zakim audio 
   teleconference bridge.

1. Before the teleconference, the W3C Team Contact prepares Zakim and RRSAgent

1.1. RalphS invokes Zakim and RRSAgent
     &lt;RalphS&gt;   /invite Zakim #swd
     &lt;RalphS&gt;   /invite rrsagent #swd
     &lt;RalphS&gt;   rrsagent, bookmark
     &lt;RRSAgent&gt; logging to <a href=""></a>
     &lt;Ralph&gt;    zakim, this will be swd
     &lt;Zakim&gt;    ok, Ralph; I see SW_SWD()11:00AM scheduled to start in 5 minutes

1.2. RalphS provides basic information for the record
     &lt;RalphS&gt;   Meeting:   SWD WG
                Chair:     Tom
                Agenda:    <a href=""></a>
                Previous:  2006-10-17 <a href=""></a>
                Regrets:   Diego, Fabien
                Regrets+   Alistair, Guus
                rrsagent, please make record public

2. Everyone else joins

2.1. Attendees join an IRC channel in one of the following ways:
     -- <a href="irc://">irc://</a>         - by clicking on this in their browser
     -- <a href=""></a> (port 6665), #swd  - by using an IRC client
     -- <a href=""></a> - by using W3C's Web-based IRC (member-only)

2.2. Everyone dials in to the Zakim Teleconference Bridge
     -- +1-617-761-6200 
     -- conference code 79394# ('SWDWG')

2.3. Caller IDs are associated with IRC nicks
     &lt;Zakim&gt;    +??P39
     &lt;RalphS&gt;   zakim, ??p39 is Antoine
     &lt;Zakim&gt;    +Antoine; got it

     &lt;Zakim&gt;    + +1.650.450.aabb
     &lt;RalphS&gt;   zakim, aabb is Daniel
     &lt;Zakim&gt;    +Daniel; got it

     &lt;RalphS&gt;   zakim, nick TomB is Tom
     &lt;Zakim&gt;    ok, RalphS, I now associate TomB with Tom

     &lt;benadida&gt; zakim, I am Ben_Adida

     &lt;RalphS&gt;   zakim, Ben_Adida is with RalphS
     &lt;Zakim&gt;    +Ben_Adida; got it

2.4. Zakim reports who is on the call
     &lt;TomB&gt;     zakim, who is here?
     &lt;Zakim&gt;    sees on the phone: TomB, Antoine, SeanB, +44.120.682.aaaa, Elisa_Kendall
                sees on irc: benadida, Elisa, SeanB, Antoine, RRSAgent, TomB, Zakim, RalphS

3. The meeting starts

3.1. Scribe is designated
     &lt;RalphS&gt;   Scribe:     Daniel
                Scribenick: Dlrubin

3.2. First agenda topic is started
     &lt;RalphS&gt;   Topic:      Admin

3.3. Scribe records a presentation, indicating continuation with "..."
     &lt;Dlrubin&gt;  Elisa: see XMDR and look at latest UML and OWL versions
     &lt;Dlrubin&gt;  ... though a bit out of sync with the document text
     &lt;Dlrubin&gt;  ... they've recently sent me XMI stuff

3.4. Attendees chime in with links ("-&gt;")
     &lt;TomB&gt;     -&gt; <a href=""></a>
     &lt;RalphS&gt;   -&gt; <a href=""></a> eXtended MetaData Registry Project

3.5. Someone raises hand, is called on, speaks, and is scribed
     &lt;SeanB&gt;    q+ to ask about migration from "scruffy" to "neat"
     &lt;Zakim&gt;    sees SeanB on the speaker queue
     &lt;TomB&gt;     ack SeanB
     &lt;Zakim&gt;    SeanB, you wanted to ask about migration from "scruffy" to "neat"
     &lt;Dlrubin&gt;  SeanB: Is there a gray area between scruffy and neat?

3.6. Whenever the scribe presents, someone else steps in to scribe
     &lt;RalphS&gt;   Scribenick: Antoine
     &lt;Antoine&gt;  Daniel: As we already have SKOS documents...

3.7. Next agenda topic is started
     &lt;RalphS&gt;   Topic: RDF in XHTML

4. Actions and decisions are recorded

4.1. Scribe records an action ("ACTION:")
     &lt;Dlrubin&gt;  ACTION: Elisa to post announcement to SWD list
     &lt;RRSAgent&gt; records action 2

4.2. Scribe (or RalphS) pastes an action from the agenda into IRC 
     (and thus into the minutes), indicating its status on next line

     &lt;RalphS&gt;   ACTION: Alistair give pointers to deployed SKOS systems. 
                [recorded in <a href=""></a>]
     * RRSAgent records action 4
     &lt;RalphS&gt;   --continues
     &lt;RalphS&gt;   --dropped
     &lt;RalphS&gt;   --done

4.3. Scribe records a decision ("RESOLVED:")
     &lt;RalphS&gt; RESOLVED: Next telecon will be 14 November, 1600 UTC

5. Issues arising 

5.1. Someone speaks off-the-record, using "/me" to hide from minutes
     &lt;TomB&gt;     /me dialing in...

5.2. Someone mutes their phone
     &lt;TomB&gt;     /me zakim, please mute me
     &lt;Zakim&gt;    Tom_Baker should now be muted

5.3. Scribe makes a mistake or omission - others correct
     &lt;Antoine&gt;  ???: charter for HTML WG has gone for review
     &lt;RalphS&gt;   s/???/Ralph/
     &lt;RalphS&gt;   s/has gone/has not yet gone/

6. Meeting is closed

6.1. Meeting is adjourned and people hang up phones
     &lt;RalphS&gt;   [adjourned]
     &lt;Zakim&gt;    -Antoine
     &lt;Zakim&gt;    -Elisa

6.2. Scribe (or RalphS) requests a list of attendees "for the record"
     &lt;RalphS&gt;   zakim, list attendees
     &lt;Zakim&gt;    As of this point the attendees have been TomB, Antoine, 
                SeanB, Elisa_Kendall, Ralph, Ben_Adida, Bernard, Daniel

6.3. RRSAgent is asked to draft the minutes
     &lt;Dlrubin&gt;  rrsagent, please draft minutes
     &lt;RRSAgent&gt; I have made the request to generate <a href=""></a> Dlrubin

6.4. RalphS closes Zakim and RRSAgent
     &lt;RalphS&gt;   zakim, bye
     &lt;--| Zakim has left #swd
     &lt;RalphS&gt;   rrsagent, bye

7. Scribe edits and posts minutes

7.1. Scribe downloads and edits the HTML file
     -- Saves <a href=""></a> locally.
     -- Edits HTML to clarify who is talking when.
     -- Deletes irrelevant IRC commands or chatter.  

7.2. Scribe sends edited minutes to Ralph Swick &lt;;
     for posting because WG participants do not normally have access
     to the <a href=""></a> tree.

7.3. Scribe downloads a plain-text copy of the finished minutes
     "<a href=""></a>,text".

7.4. Scribe posts edited minutes to

     A good example,
     <a href=""></a>

          | Subject: "Meeting record: 2006-10-24 SWD telecon"
          | The [1]record of yestersday's SemWeb Deployment WG
          | telecon is ready for review. A text copy follows below.
        1 | [1] <a href=""></a>
        2 | Topics
          |    1. [5]Admin
          |    2. [6]SKOS Requirements
          |    3. [7]RDF in XHTML
          |    4. [8]Recipes for Publishing RDF Vocabularies
        3 | Summary of Resolutions
          |    RESOLVED Next telecon will be 14 November, 1600 UTC
        4 | Summary of Action Items
          |    [NEW] ACTION: Daniel to link his use case to SKOS draft [recorded in
          |    [19]<a href=""></a>]
          |    [PENDING] ACTION: Alistair give pointers to deployed SKOS systems.
          |    [recorded in
          |    [20]<a href=""></a>]
          | The full text of the minutes follows.
          | -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        5 | [full text of minutes]


        1. Link to full meeting record.
        2. Topics - pasted from draft minutes generated by RRSAgent.
        3. Summary of Resolutions - plucked by hand from draft minutes ("nice to have")
        4. Summary of Action Items - pasted from end of draft minutes generated by RRSAgent.
        5. Full text of the revised minutes as per
           <a href=""></a>,text

Further reading

-- <a href=""></a> (one page)
   Who is using Zakim now; a link to the Zakim calendar.

-- <a href=""></a> (one page)
   How to join a conference, mute your audio, raise your hand, etc.

-- <a href=""></a> (one page)
   How to log into IRC before calling, hide Zakim commands from 
   the agenda, manage the speaker queue.

-- <a href=""></a> (one page)
   When to mute your phone, when to use IRC instead of talking.

-- <a href=""></a> (twenty pages)
   Full documentation for Zakim.

-- <a href=""></a> (six pages)
   Full documentation for RRSAgent.

-- <a href=""></a>
   How to generate meeting minutes from an IRC Log.

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<p>Change log:</p>
$Log: Scribing.html,v $
Revision 1.8  2007/09/07 10:18:05  swick
Add wrapper to make this a valid XHTML document.


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Tom Baker
$Date: 2007/09/07 10:18:05 $