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<p><a href=""><img src=""
alt="W3C" height="48" width="72" /></a></p>

<h1><a name="title" id="title"></a>XForms 1.0 Basic Profile</h1>

<h2><a name="w3c-doctype" id="w3c-doctype"></a>W3C Candidate Recommendation
14 October 2003</h2>
  <dt>This version:</dt>
  <dt>Latest version:</dt>
  <dt>Previous version:</dt>
    <dd>Micah Dubinko, Cardiff Software <a
    <dd>T. V. Raman, IBM <a

<p class="copyright"><a
title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr></a><sup>®</sup> (<a
title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</abbr></a>, <a
title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</abbr></a>,
<a href="">Keio</a>), All Rights Reserved. W3C <a
<a href="">document
use</a>, and <a
licensing</a> rules apply.</p>
<hr />

<h2><a name="abstract" id="abstract"></a>Abstract</h2>

<p>The XForms Basic Profile describes a minimal level of XForms processing
tailored to the needs of constrained devices and environments.</p>

<h2><a name="status" id="status"></a>Status of this Document</h2>

<p><em>This section describes the status of this document at the time of its
publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current
W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be
found in the <a href="">W3C technical reports index</a>

<p>This document is a Candidate Recommendation of the World Wide Web
Consortium. (For background on this work, please see the <a
href="">XForms Activity Statement</a>.)
This specification is considered stable by the <a
href="">XForms Working Group</a> and is
available for public review.</p>

<p>The XForms Basic conformance level was part of the XForms 1.0 Candidate
Recommendation. As this profile did not meet the CR exit criteria due to lack
of implementation, it now remains as a Candidate Recommendation standalone
document. XForms 1.0, defining only the XForms Full conformance level,
proceeded to W3C Recommendation.</p>

<p>Publication as a Candidate Recommendation does not imply endorsement by
the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced, or
obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this
document as other than work in progress.</p>

<p>This Candidate Recommendation provides an opportunity to implement this
XForms Basic Profile in constrained environments, and allows the XForms
Working Group to collect test cases and information about implementations.</p>

<p>Please send review comments to <a
href=""></a>. The <a
href="">archive</a> for
the list is accessible online. We expect that sufficient feedback to
determine its future will have been received by 01 March 2004.</p>

<p>The XForms Working Group will advance the specification to Proposed
Recommendation when the following exit criteria have been met:</p>
  <li><p>Sufficient reports of implementation experience have been gathered
    to demonstrate that XForms Basic Processors based on the specification
    are implementable and have compatible behavior.</p>
  <li><p>An implementation report showing that there is at least one fully
    conforming XForms Basic processor.</p>
  <li><p>Formal responses to all comments received by the Working Group.</p>

<p>Any feedback on patterns of implementation and use of this specification
would be very welcome.</p>

<p>Should this profile prove impossible or very difficult to implement, the
necessary changes to make it implementable will be made. If this profile is
possible to implement, the only changes which will be made to this
specification are minor editorial changes and clarifications.</p>

<p>Patent disclosures relevant to this specification may be found on the
XForms Working Group's <a
href="">public patent
disclosure page</a>. As of this publication, the XForms Working Group are not
aware of any royalty-bearing patents they believe to be essential to XForms

<p>The W3C XForms Working Group has released a public <a
href="">test suite</a> for XForms 1.0
Full and Basic along with an <a

<p>This document has been produced by the <a
href="">W3C XForms Working Group</a> as
part of the <a href="">XForms
Activity</a> within the <a href="">W3C
Interaction Domain</a>. The authors of this document are the XForms Working
Group participants.</p>

<p>Publication as a Candidate Recommendation does not imply endorsement by
the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or
obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this
document as other than work in progress.</p>

<div class="toc">
<h2><a name="contents" id="contents"></a>Table of Contents</h2>

<p class="toc">1 <a href="#id2606946">Overview</a><br />
2 <a href="#id2606148">Differences</a><br />
3 <a href="#id2606183">Conformance</a><br />

<h3><a name="mainsection" id="mainsection"></a>Appendices</h3>

<p class="toc">A <a href="#id2607029">Normative References</a><br />
B <a href="#id2606508">Acknowledgements</a> (Non-Normative)<br />
<hr />

<div class="body">

<div class="div1">
<h2><a name="id2606946" id="id2606946"></a>1 Overview</h2>

<p>A variety of devices, with widely varying characteristics and
capabilities, have the potential to support XForms <a
href="#ref-xforms-10">[XForms 1.0]</a>. XForms 1.0 defines a conformance
profile called <b>XForms Full</b>, suitable for more powerful forms
processing, and including processing from several other W3C specifications.
This document defines a more limited conformance profile, called <b>XForms

<p>Note that XForms Basic is a conformance profile for XForms Processors
only. A new conformance level is not defined or needed for XForms Documents
or XForms Generators. There is only one class of XForms document, with more
advanced XForms Processors providing an enhanced experience for end users,
for example by providing additional client-side validations.</p>

<p>This document uses the following conventions for namespace prefixes. In
practice, any prefix can be used.</p>
  <dt class="label">xsd</dt>
  <dt class="label">xsi</dt>

<p>This document uses terms defined in <a href="#ref-rfc-2119">[RFC

<div class="div1">
<h2><a name="id2606148" id="id2606148"></a>2 Differences</h2>

<p>XForms Basic Profile implementations must return "<code>basic</code>" from
the <code>property</code> method <a href="#ref-xforms-10">[XForms 1.0]</a>
called with the "<code>conformance-level</code>" parameter string.</p>

<div class="div1">
<h2><a name="id2606183" id="id2606183"></a>3 Conformance</h2>

<p>XForms Basic conforming processors must meet the conformance requirements
defined for XForms 1.0, with the following differences:</p>
  <li><p>XForms Basic Profile processors may support only XML Events Basic <a
    href="#ref-xml-events">[XML Events]</a>.</p>
  <li><p>XForms Basic Profile processors may implement a subset of an XML
    Schema processor <a href="#ref-xschema-1">[XML Schema part 1]</a>, <a
    href="#ref-xschema-2">[XML Schema part 2]</a>, requiring only what is
    necessary to process the attribute <code>xsi:type</code> on instance data
    for simpleTypes only and the <code>type</code> model item property for
    simpleTypes only.</p>
  <li><p>XForms Basic Profile processors may treat XML Schema datatypes other
    than the following as <code>xsd:string</code>:</p>

      <p>dateTime<br />
      time<br />
      date<br />
      gYearMonth<br />
      gYear<br />
      gMonthDay<br />
      gDay<br />
      gMonth<br />
      string<br />
      boolean<br />
      base64Binary<br />
      decimal<br />
      anyURI<br />
      integer<br />
      nonPositiveInteger<br />
      negativeInteger<br />
      long<br />
      int<br />
      short<br />
      byte<br />
      nonNegativeInteger<br />
      unsignedLong<br />
      unsignedInt<br />
      unsignedShort<br />
      unsignedByte<br />

<div class="back">

<div class="div1">
<h2><a name="id2607029" id="id2607029"></a>A Normative References</h2>
  <dt class="label"><a name="ref-rfc-2119" id="ref-rfc-2119"></a>RFC 2119</dt>
    <dd><a href=""><cite>RFC 2119: Key
      words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels</cite></a>, S.
      Bradner, 1997. Available at</dd>
  <dt class="label"><a name="ref-xforms-10" id="ref-xforms-10"></a>XForms
    <dd><a href=""><cite>XForms 1.0</cite></a>,
      Micah Dubinko, Leigh Klotz, Roland Merrick, T. V. Raman, 2003. W3C
      Recommendation: available at:</dd>
  <dt class="label"><a name="ref-xml-events" id="ref-xml-events"></a>XML
    <dd><a href=""><cite>XML Events - An
      events syntax for XML</cite></a>, Steven Pemberton, T. V. Raman, Shane
      P. McCarron, 2002. W3C Proposed Recommendation available at:</dd>
  <dt class="label"><a name="ref-xschema-1" id="ref-xschema-1"></a>XML Schema
  part 1</dt>
    <dd><a href=""><cite>XML Schema Part 1:
      Structures</cite></a>, Henry S. Thompson, David Beech, Murray Maloney,
      Noah Mendelsohn, 2001. W3C Recommendation available at:</dd>
  <dt class="label"><a name="ref-xschema-2" id="ref-xschema-2"></a>XML Schema
  part 2</dt>
    <dd><a href=""><cite>XML Schema Part 2:
      Datatypes</cite></a>, Paul V. Biron, Ashok Malhotra, 2001. W3C
      Recommendation available at:</dd>

<div class="div1">
<h2><a name="id2606508" id="id2606508"></a>B Acknowledgements

<p>To be completed when this document becomes a W3C Recommendation.</p>