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                        <h2 id="summary">What is Linked Data?</h2>
                        <p>The Semantic Web is a Web of Data &#x2014; of dates and titles
                        and part numbers and chemical properties and any other data one
                        might conceive of. The collection of Semantic Web technologies (RDF, OWL, SKOS, SPARQL, etc.) provides
                        an environment where application can <a href="query">query</a> that data, draw <a href="inference">inferences</a>
                        using <a href="ontology">vocabularies</a>, etc. </p>

						<p>However, to make the Web of Data a reality, it is
                        important to have the huge amount of data on the Web available in a standard format, reachable and
                        manageable by Semantic Web tools. Furthermore, not only does the Semantic Web need access to
                        data, but <em>relationships among data</em> should be made available, too, to create
                        a <em>Web</em> of Data (as opposed to a sheer collection of datasets). This collection of
                        interrelated datasets on the Web can also be referred to as Linked Data.</p>
                        <p>To achieve and create Linked Data, technologies should be available for a common format (RDF),
                        to make either conversion or on-the-fly access to existing databases (relational, XML, HTML, etc). It is also important to be able to setup
                        <a href="query">query</a> endpoints to access that data more conveniently.
                        W3C provides a palette of technologies (RDF, GRDDL, POWDER, RDFa, the upcoming R2RML,
                        RIF, SPARQL) to get access to the data. 
                        <h2 id="uses">What is Linked Data Used For?</h2>
                        <p>Linked Data lies at the heart of what Semantic Web is all about: large scale integration of, and
                        reasoning on, data on the Web. Almost all applications listed in, say
                        <a href="">collection of Semantic Web Case Studies
                        and Use Cases</a> are essentially based on the accessibility of, and integration of Linked Data at various
                        level of complexities. </p>
                        <h2 id="examples">Examples</h2>
                        <p>A typical case of a large Linked Dataset is <a href="">DBPedia</a>,
                        which, essentially, makes the content of Wikipedia available in RDF. The importance of DBPedia is
                        not only that it includes Wikipedia data, but also that it
                        incorporates links to <em>other</em> datasets on the Web, e.g., to
                        <a href="">Geonames</a>. By providing those extra links
                        (in terms of RDF triples) applications may exploit the extra (and possibly more precise)
                        knowledge from other datasets when developing an application; by virtue of integrating facts from
                        several datasets, the application may provide a much better user experience.</p>
                        <h2 id="learnmore">Learn More</h2>
						 Tim Berners-Lee's <a href="">note on Linked Data</a> gives a succinct description of the Linked Data principles. 
						 The Semantic Web community also maintains a <a href="">list of books</a>
                        on a W3C Wiki page. Some of those books
                        are introductory in nature while others are conference proceedings or
                        textbook that address more advanced topics.
                        Details of <a href="">recent and upcoming
                        Semantic Web related talks</a>, given by the <a href="">W3C Staff</a>,
                        the <a href="">staff of the W3C Offices</a>,
                        and members of the W3C Working Groups are available separately; the slides
                        are usually publicly available. The
                        W3C also maintains a <a href="">collection of Semantic
                        Web Case Studies and Use Cases</a> that
                        show how Semantic Web technologies, including Linked Data, are used in
                        practice. </p>
                        <div id="pressreleases"></div>
                        <div id="recentpress"><!-- start generated recent press --><h2>Recent Press</h2>
         <span class="press_date">9 January</span>
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         <a href="">Guadalinfo</a>
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	  &#x201C;<cite>D&#xED;a W3C en Espa&#xF1;a</cite>&#x201D;
         <span class="press_date">8 January</span>
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         <a href="">Accesibilidad en la Web</a>
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	  &#x201C;<cite>D&#xED;a W3C en Espa&#xF1;a</cite>&#x201D;
         <span class="press_date">6 January</span>
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         <a href="">State of Search</a>
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	  &#x201C;<cite>SEO 2012 &#x2013; Will Schema Be A Factor</cite>&#x201D;
         <span class="press_date">4 January</span>
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         <a href="">La Stampa</a>
         <a href=";ID_articolo=1302">
	  &#x201C;<cite>Tim Berners-Lee: "Tutti i nostri dati valgono oro"</cite>&#x201D;
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                        <h2 id="specifications">Current Status of Specifications</h2>
                        <p>Learn more about the current status of specifications related
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            <a href="/standards/techs/rdf">RDF</a>
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            <a href="/standards/techs/rdfa">RDFa</a>
            <a href="/standards/techs/rdfrel">RDF Relationship to Other Formats</a>
            <a href="/standards/techs/grddl">GRDDL</a>
            <a href="/standards/techs/powder">POWDER</a>
            <a href="/standards/techs/sawsdl">Semantic Annotation for WSDL and XML Schema</a>
            <a href="/standards/techs/provenance">Provenance</a>
                        <p>These <a href="/Consortium/activities">W3C Groups</a> are
                           working on the related specifications:
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      <a href="">HTML Working Group</a>
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